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An Sist Sanit Navar ; 45(2)2022 Jul 01.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35786644


Dyadic self-care in chronic heart failure (CHF) is key to ensure treatment continuity, reduce complications and readmissions, and minimise caregiver burden, but it requires specific strategies. The aim of the study was to identify dyadic self-management interventions in CHF in hospital settings by means of a systematic literature review conducted in the Pubmed, CINAHL and PsycInfo databases. Methodological quality was assessed according to CASPe and Joanna Briggs Institute tools. The main components of the interventions were identified: delivery format; dimensions and strategies used (cognitive-attitudinal, affective-emotional and behavioural); providers and recipients; measurement instruments used; and effectiveness. Most of the studies demonstrated improved outcomes, especially in depression and/or anxiety symptoms, adherence to treatment, diet and weight control. Innovative interventions that include components of the three dimensions identified and the use of valid, reliable and specific scales to measure outcomes are recommended.

Insuficiencia Cardíaca , Autocuidado , Enfermedad Crónica , Insuficiencia Cardíaca/terapia , Hospitales , Humanos , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Autocuidado/métodos
An. sist. sanit. Navar ; 45(2): [e1001], Jun 29, 2022. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-208799


El autocuidado diádico en la insuficiencia cardiaca cró-nica (ICC) es clave para garantizar la continuidad del tra-tamiento, disminuir las complicaciones y los reingresos, yminimizar la sobrecarga del cuidador, pero demanda estra-tegias específicas. El objetivo fue identificar las intervencio-nes de autocuidado diádico en la ICC en el contexto hospi-talario mediante una revisión sistemática de la literatura enPubMed, CINAHL y PsycInfo; la calidad metodológica se valo-ró según las herramientas de CASPe y del Joanna Briggs Ins-titute. Se identificaron los principales componentes de lasintervenciones: formato de administración; dimensiones yestrategias utilizadas (cognitivo-actitudinal, afectiva-emo-cional y conductual); proveedores y receptores; instrumen-tos de medida utilizados; y efectividad. La mayoría de estu-dios mejoraron los resultados, especialmente síntomas dedepresión y/o ansiedad, adherencia al tratamiento, dieta ycontrol del peso. Se recomiendan intervenciones innova-doras que incluyan componentes de las tres dimensionesidentificadas y el uso de escalas válidas, fiables y específicaspara medir los resultados.(AU)

Dyadic self-care in chronic heart failure (CHF) is key toensure treatment continuity, reduce complications and re-admissions, and minimise caregiver burden, but it requiresspecific strategies. The aim of the study was to identify dy-adic self-management interventions in CHF in hospital set-tings by means of a systematic literature review conductedin the Pubmed, CINAHL and PsycInfo databases. Methodo-logical quality was assessed according to CASPe and JoannaBriggs Institute tools. The main components of the inter-ventions were identified: delivery format; dimensions andstrategies used (cognitive-attitudinal, affective-emotionaland behavioural); providers and recipients; measurementinstruments used; and effectiveness. Most of the studiesdemonstrated improved outcomes, especially in depressionand/or anxiety symptoms, adherence to treatment, diet andweight control. Innovative interventions that include com-ponents of the three dimensions identified and the use ofvalid, reliable and specific scales to measure outcomes arerecommended(AU)

Humanos , Hospitales , Autocuidado , Insuficiencia Cardíaca/complicaciones , Insuficiencia Cardíaca/diagnóstico , Insuficiencia Cardíaca/tratamiento farmacológico , España , Sistemas de Salud