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Phys Rev E ; 106(5-1): 054125, 2022 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36559486


We present a microscopic derivation of the laws of continuum mechanics of nonideal ordered solids including dissipation, defect diffusion, and heat transport. The starting point is the classical many-body Hamiltonian. The approach relies on the Zwanzig-Mori projection operator formalism to connect microscopic fluctuations to thermodynamic derivatives and transport coefficients. Conservation laws and spontaneous symmetry breaking, implemented via Bogoliubov's inequality, determine the selection of the slow variables. Density fluctuations in reciprocal space encode the displacement field and the defect concentration. Isothermal and adiabatic elastic constants are obtained from equilibrium correlations, while transport coefficients are given as Green-Kubo formulas, providing the basis for their measurement in atomistic simulations or colloidal experiments. The approach to the linearized continuum mechanics and results are compared to others from the literature.

J Chem Phys ; 156(6): 064501, 2022 Feb 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35168358


In complex crystals close to melting or at finite temperatures, different types of defects are ubiquitous and their role becomes relevant in the mechanical response of these solids. Conventional elasticity theory fails to provide a microscopic basis to include and account for the motion of point defects in an otherwise ordered crystalline structure. We study the elastic properties of a point-defect rich crystal within a first principles theoretical framework derived from the microscopic equations of motion. This framework allows us to make specific predictions pertaining to the mechanical properties that we can validate through deformation experiments performed in molecular dynamics simulations.

J Chem Phys ; 149(18): 184503, 2018 Nov 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30441923


We show that a flat two dimensional network of connected vertices, when stretched, may deform plastically by producing "pleats", system spanning linear structures with width comparable to the lattice spacing, where the network overlaps on itself. To understand the pleating process, we introduce an external field that couples to local non-affine displacements, i.e., those displacements of neighbouring vertices that cannot be represented as a local affine strain. We obtain both zero and finite temperature phase diagrams in the strain-field plane. Pleats occur here as a result of an equilibrium first-order transition from the homogeneous network to a heterogeneous phase where stress is localised within pleats and eliminated elsewhere. We show that in the thermodynamic limit, the un-pleated state is always metastable at vanishing field for infinitesimal strain. Plastic deformation of the initially homogeneous network is akin to the decay of a metastable phase via a dynamical transition. We make predictions concerning local stress distributions and thermal effects associated with pleats which may be observable in suitable experimental systems.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 115(19): E4322-E4329, 2018 05 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29674452


Customarily, crystalline solids are defined to be rigid since they resist changes of shape determined by their boundaries. However, rigid solids cannot exist in the thermodynamic limit where boundaries become irrelevant. Particles in the solid may rearrange to adjust to shape changes eliminating stress without destroying crystalline order. Rigidity is therefore valid only in the metastable state that emerges because these particle rearrangements in response to a deformation, or strain, are associated with slow collective processes. Here, we show that a thermodynamic collective variable may be used to quantify particle rearrangements that occur as a solid is deformed at zero strain rate. Advanced Monte Carlo simulation techniques are then used to obtain the equilibrium free energy as a function of this variable. Our results lead to a unique view on rigidity: While at zero strain a rigid crystal coexists with one that responds to infinitesimal strain by rearranging particles and expelling stress, at finite strain the rigid crystal is metastable, associated with a free energy barrier that decreases with increasing strain. The rigid phase becomes thermodynamically stable when an external field, which penalizes particle rearrangements, is switched on. This produces a line of first-order phase transitions in the field-strain plane that intersects the origin. Failure of a solid once strained beyond its elastic limit is associated with kinetic decay processes of the metastable rigid crystal deformed with a finite strain rate. These processes can be understood in quantitative detail using our computed phase diagram as reference.

Soft Matter ; 14(1): 104-111, 2017 Dec 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29210439


We show that dynamic, feed-back controlled optical traps, whose positions depend on the instantaneous local configuration of particles in a pre-determined way, can stabilise colloidal particles in finite lattices of any given symmetry. Unlike in a static template, the crystal so formed is invariant under uniform translations and retains all possible zero energy modes. We demonstrate this in silico by stabilising the unstable two-dimensional square lattice in a model soft solid with isotropic interactions.

Soft Matter ; 13(27): 4689-4697, 2017 Jul 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28613334


We present a framework to segregate the roles of elastic and non-elastic deformations in the examination of real-space experiments of solid-solid Martensitic transitions. The Martensitic transformation of a body-centred-tetragonal (BCT) to a body-centred-orthorhombic (BCO) crystal structure has been studied in a model system of micron-scale ionic microgel colloids (P. S. Mohanty, P. Bagheri, S. Nöjd, A. Yethiraj and P. Schurtenberger, Phys. Rev. X, 2015, 5, 011030). Non-affine fluctuations, i.e., displacement fluctuations that do not arise from purely elastic (affine) deformations, are detected in particle configurations acquired from the experiment. Tracking these fluctuations serves as a highly sensitive tool in signaling the onset of the Martensitic transition and precisely locating particle rearrangements occurring at length scales of a few particle diameters. Particle rearrangements associated with non-affine displacement modes become increasingly favorable during the transformation process. The nature of the displacement fluctuation modes that govern the transformation are shown to be different from those predominant in an equilibrium crystal. We show that BCO crystallites formed through shear may, remarkably, co-exist with those resulting from local rearrangements within the same sample.

J Chem Phys ; 146(12): 124501, 2017 Mar 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28388151


We describe a phase transition that gives rise to structurally non-trivial states in a two-dimensional ordered network of particles connected by harmonic bonds. Monte Carlo simulations reveal that the network supports, apart from the homogeneous phase, a number of heterogeneous "pleated" phases, which can be stabilised by an external field. This field is conjugate to a global collective variable quantifying "non-affineness," i.e., the deviation of local particle displacements from local affine deformation. In the pleated phase, stress is localised in ordered rows of pleats and eliminated from the rest of the lattice. The kinetics of the phase transition is unobservably slow in molecular dynamics simulation near coexistence, due to very large free energy barriers. When the external field is increased further to lower these barriers, the network exhibits rich dynamic behaviour: it transforms into a metastable phase with the stress now localised in a disordered arrangement of pleats. The pattern of pleats shows ageing dynamics and slow relaxation to equilibrium. Our predictions may be checked by experiments on tethered colloidal solids in dynamic laser traps.

Sci Rep ; 5: 10644, 2015 Jun 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26039380


A crystalline solid exhibits thermally induced localised non-affine droplets in the absence of external stress. Here we show that upon an imposed shear, the size of these droplets grow until they percolate at a critical strain, well below the value at which the solid begins to yield. This critical point does not manifest in most thermodynamic or mechanical properties, but is hidden and reveals itself in the onset of inhomogeneities in elastic moduli, marked changes in the appearance and local properties of non-affine droplets and a sudden enhancement in defect pair concentration. Slow relaxation of stress and an-elasticity appear as observable dynamical consequences of this hidden criticality. Our results may be directly verified in colloidal crystals with video microscopy techniques but are expected to have more general validity.

Soft Matter ; 11(22): 4517-26, 2015 Jun 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25953064


Coarse-graining atomic displacements in a solid produces both local affine strains and "non-affine" fluctuations. Here we study the equilibrium dynamics of these coarse grained quantities to obtain space-time dependent correlation functions. We show how a subset of these thermally excited, non-affine fluctuations act as precursors for the nucleation of lattice defects and suggest how defect probabilities may be altered by an experimentally realisable "external" field conjugate to the global non-affinity parameter. Our results are amenable to verification in experiments on colloidal crystals using commonly available holographic laser tweezer and video microscopy techniques, and may lead to simple ways of controlling the defect density of a colloidal solid.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23679467


A systematic coarse graining of microscopic atomic displacements generates a local elastic deformation tensor D as well as a positive definite scalar χ measuring nonaffinity, i.e., the extent to which the displacements are not representable as affine deformations of a reference crystal. We perform an exact calculation of the statistics of χ and D and their spatial correlations for solids at low temperatures, within a harmonic approximation and in one and two dimensions. We obtain the joint distribution P(χ,D) and the two-point spatial correlation functions for χ and D. We show that nonaffine and affine deformations are coupled even in a harmonic solid, with a strength that depends on the size of the coarse-graining volume Ω and dimensionality. As a corollary to our work, we identify the field h(χ) conjugate to χ and show that this field may be tuned to produce a transition to a state where the ensemble average <χ> and the correlation length of χ diverge. Our work should be useful as a template for understanding nonaffine displacements in realistic systems with or without disorder and as a means for developing computational tools for studying the effects of nonaffine displacements in melting, plastic flow, and the glass transition.

Fenómenos Mecánicos , Modelos Teóricos , Modelos Lineales