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Sci Total Environ ; 888: 164300, 2023 Aug 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37211111


Small waterbodies such as ponds are widely represented in cities, contributing to the blue-green infrastructure, improving human well-being. Ornamental ponds are particularly abundant in the densest urbanized areas, especially in parks, in private grounds such as gardens and also imbedded in the green infrastructure. However, their multifunctionality remains infrequent, as generally aesthetic enjoyment is the main ecosystem service targeted. The promotion of native biodiversity is rarely a priority, as are other ecosystem services (e.g. flood mitigation or water purification). It is nevertheless questionable if such mono-functional ponds could also be able to provide other services. Indeed, an innovative approach would be to increase the multifunctionality of ornamental ponds, especially for biodiversity. This was investigated in 41 ornamental ponds designed for providing aesthetic enjoyment in the city of Geneva (Switzerland). The biodiversity was assessed, as well as selected ecosystem services (water retention, phytopurification, cooling effect, carbon sequestration). A survey among the population was also conducted. This survey underlined a recognized contribution of ornamental ponds to well-being. However, the assessment of the ecosystem services evidenced a lack of multifunctionality for most of these ponds. They presented a low biodiversity, compared to more natural ponds and to unimpaired ponds. Furthermore, they performed poorly for most other ecosystem services investigated. There were nevertheless exceptions, with selected ponds displaying a multifunctionality, even for ecosystem services for which they were not designed. It was also shown that ornamental ponds could easily be optimized for biodiversity by simple low-cost management measures. Additional ecosystem services could also be promoted. The performance of small ornamental ponds is best when ponds are considered collectively, as pondscapes, with their cumulative benefits. New ornamental pond implementation is therefore encouraged, as their multifunctionality turns them into Nature-based Solutions able to contribute to solving several societal challenges and to improve human well-being.

Ecosistema , Estanques , Humanos , Ciudades , Biodiversidad , Jardines