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Struct Dyn ; 7(6): 064901, 2020 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33415183


Developing femtosecond resolution methods for directly observing structural dynamics is critical to understanding complex photochemical reaction mechanisms in solution. We have used two recent developments, ultrafast mega-electron-volt electron sources and vacuum compatible sub-micron thick liquid sheet jets, to enable liquid-phase ultrafast electron diffraction (LUED). We have demonstrated the viability of LUED by investigating the photodissociation of tri-iodide initiated with a 400 nm laser pulse. This has enabled the average speed of the bond expansion to be measured during the first 750 fs of dissociation and the geminate recombination to be directly captured on the picosecond time scale.

Photochem Photobiol Sci ; 18(2): 319-327, 2019 Feb 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30628601


Using femtosecond resolution X-ray solution scattering at a free electron laser we were able to directly observe metal-metal bond cleavage upon photolysis at 400 nm of Ru3(CO)12, a prototype for the photochemistry of transition metal carbonyls. This leads to the known single intermediate Ru3(CO)11(µ-CO)*, with a bridging ligand (µCO) and where the asterisk indicates an open Ru3-ring. This loses a CO ligand on a picosecond time scale yielding a newly observed triple bridge intermediate, Ru3(CO)8(µ-CO)3*. This loses another CO ligand to form the previously observed Ru3(CO)10, which returns to Ru3(CO)12via the known single-bridge Ru3(CO)10(µ-CO). These results indicate that contrary to long standing hypotheses, metal-metal bond breakage is the only chemical reaction immediately following the photolysis of Ru3(CO)12 at 400 nm. Combined with previous picosecond resolution X-ray scattering data and time resolved infrared spectroscopy these results yield a new mechanism for the photolysis of Ru3(CO)12.

Nat Commun ; 8(1): 29, 2017 06 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28642477


Many photoinduced processes including photosynthesis and human vision happen in organic molecules and involve coupled femtosecond dynamics of nuclei and electrons. Organic molecules with heteroatoms often possess an important excited-state relaxation channel from an optically allowed ππ* to a dark nπ* state. The ππ*/nπ* internal conversion is difficult to investigate, as most spectroscopic methods are not exclusively sensitive to changes in the excited-state electronic structure. Here, we report achieving the required sensitivity by exploiting the element and site specificity of near-edge soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy. As a hole forms in the n orbital during ππ*/nπ* internal conversion, the absorption spectrum at the heteroatom K-edge exhibits an additional resonance. We demonstrate the concept using the nucleobase thymine at the oxygen K-edge, and unambiguously show that ππ*/nπ* internal conversion takes place within (60 ± 30) fs. High-level-coupled cluster calculations confirm the method's impressive electronic structure sensitivity for excited-state investigations.Many photo-induced processes such as photosynthesis occur in organic molecules, but their femtosecond excited-state dynamics are difficult to track. Here, the authors exploit the element and site selectivity of soft X-ray absorption to sensitively follow the ultrafast ππ*/nπ* electronic relaxation of hetero-organic molecules.

Struct Dyn ; 3(4): 043204, 2016 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26958587


We utilized femtosecond time-resolved resonant inelastic X-ray scattering and ab initio theory to study the transient electronic structure and the photoinduced molecular dynamics of a model metal carbonyl photocatalyst Fe(CO)5 in ethanol solution. We propose mechanistic explanation for the parallel ultrafast intra-molecular spin crossover and ligation of the Fe(CO)4 which are observed following a charge transfer photoexcitation of Fe(CO)5 as reported in our previous study [Wernet et al., Nature 520, 78 (2015)]. We find that branching of the reaction pathway likely happens in the (1)A1 state of Fe(CO)4. A sub-picosecond time constant of the spin crossover from (1)B2 to (3)B2 is rationalized by the proposed (1)B2 → (1)A1 → (3)B2 mechanism. Ultrafast ligation of the (1)B2 Fe(CO)4 state is significantly faster than the spin-forbidden and diffusion limited ligation process occurring from the (3)B2 Fe(CO)4 ground state that has been observed in the previous studies. We propose that the ultrafast ligation occurs via (1)B2 → (1)A1 → (1)A' Fe(CO)4EtOH pathway and the time scale of the (1)A1 Fe(CO)4 state ligation is governed by the solute-solvent collision frequency. Our study emphasizes the importance of understanding the interaction of molecular excited states with the surrounding environment to explain the relaxation pathways of photoexcited metal carbonyls in solution.

Nature ; 520(7545): 78-81, 2015 Apr 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25832405


Transition-metal complexes have long attracted interest for fundamental chemical reactivity studies and possible use in solar energy conversion. Electronic excitation, ligand loss from the metal centre, or a combination of both, creates changes in charge and spin density at the metal site that need to be controlled to optimize complexes for photocatalytic hydrogen production and selective carbon-hydrogen bond activation. An understanding at the molecular level of how transition-metal complexes catalyse reactions, and in particular of the role of the short-lived and reactive intermediate states involved, will be critical for such optimization. However, suitable methods for detailed characterization of electronic excited states have been lacking. Here we show, with the use of X-ray laser-based femtosecond-resolution spectroscopy and advanced quantum chemical theory to probe the reaction dynamics of the benchmark transition-metal complex Fe(CO)5 in solution, that the photo-induced removal of CO generates the 16-electron Fe(CO)4 species, a homogeneous catalyst with an electron deficiency at the Fe centre, in a hitherto unreported excited singlet state that either converts to the triplet ground state or combines with a CO or solvent molecule to regenerate a penta-coordinated Fe species on a sub-picosecond timescale. This finding, which resolves the debate about the relative importance of different spin channels in the photochemistry of Fe(CO)5 (refs 4, 16 - 20), was made possible by the ability of femtosecond X-ray spectroscopy to probe frontier-orbital interactions with atom specificity. We expect the method to be broadly applicable in the chemical sciences, and to complement approaches that probe structural dynamics in ultrafast processes.

Nat Commun ; 5: 4235, 2014 Jun 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24953740


Molecules can efficiently and selectively convert light energy into other degrees of freedom. Disentangling the underlying ultrafast motion of electrons and nuclei of the photoexcited molecule presents a challenge to current spectroscopic approaches. Here we explore the photoexcited dynamics of molecules by an interaction with an ultrafast X-ray pulse creating a highly localized core hole that decays via Auger emission. We discover that the Auger spectrum as a function of photoexcitation--X-ray-probe delay contains valuable information about the nuclear and electronic degrees of freedom from an element-specific point of view. For the nucleobase thymine, the oxygen Auger spectrum shifts towards high kinetic energies, resulting from a particular C-O bond stretch in the ππ* photoexcited state. A subsequent shift of the Auger spectrum towards lower kinetic energies displays the electronic relaxation of the initial photoexcited state within 200 fs. Ab-initio simulations reinforce our interpretation and indicate an electronic decay to the nπ* state.

Science ; 328(5981): 1003-5, 2010 May 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20489019


The mechanism for hydrogen bond (H-bond) switching in solution has remained subject to debate despite extensive experimental and theoretical studies. We have applied polarization-selective multidimensional vibrational spectroscopy to investigate the H-bond exchange mechanism in aqueous NaClO4 solution. The results show that a water molecule shifts its donated H-bonds between water and perchlorate acceptors by means of large, prompt angular rotation. Using a jump-exchange kinetic model, we extracted an average jump angle of 49 +/- 4 degrees, in qualitative agreement with the jump angle observed in molecular dynamics simulations of the same aqueous NaClO4 solution.

Phys Rev Lett ; 100(13): 135502, 2008 Apr 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18517965


Femtosecond time-resolved small and wide angle x-ray diffuse scattering techniques are applied to investigate the ultrafast nucleation processes that occur during the ablation process in semiconducting materials. Following intense optical excitation, a transient liquid state of high compressibility characterized by large-amplitude density fluctuations is observed and the buildup of these fluctuations is measured in real time. Small-angle scattering measurements reveal snapshots of the spontaneous nucleation of nanoscale voids within a metastable liquid and support theoretical predictions of the ablation process.

Science ; 316(5830): 1444-8, 2007 Jun 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17556577


Measuring atomic-resolution images of materials with x-ray photons during chemical reactions or physical transformations resides at the technological forefront of x-ray science. New x-ray-based experimental capabilities have been closely linked with advances in x-ray sources, a trend that will continue with the impending arrival of x-ray-free electron lasers driven by electron accelerators. We discuss recent advances in ultrafast x-ray science and coherent imaging made possible by linear-accelerator-based light sources. These studies highlight the promise of ultrafast x-ray lasers, as well as the technical challenges and potential range of applications that will accompany these transformative x-ray light sources.

Phys Rev Lett ; 98(12): 125501, 2007 Mar 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17501133


The ultrafast decay of the x-ray diffraction intensity following laser excitation of an InSb crystal has been utilized to observe carrier dependent changes in the potential energy surface. For the first time, an abrupt carrier dependent onset for potential energy surface softening and the appearance of accelerated atomic disordering for a very high average carrier density have been observed. Inertial dynamics dominate the early stages of crystal disordering for a wide range of carrier densities between the onset of crystal softening and the appearance of accelerated atomic disordering.

Science ; 315(5812): 633-6, 2007 Feb 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17272718


Intense femtosecond laser excitation can produce transient states of matter that would otherwise be inaccessible to laboratory investigation. At high excitation densities, the interatomic forces that bind solids and determine many of their properties can be substantially altered. Here, we present the detailed mapping of the carrier density-dependent interatomic potential of bismuth approaching a solid-solid phase transition. Our experiments combine stroboscopic techniques that use a high-brightness linear electron accelerator-based x-ray source with pulse-by-pulse timing reconstruction for femtosecond resolution, allowing quantitative characterization of the interatomic potential energy surface of the highly excited solid.

Phys Rev Lett ; 95(12): 125701, 2005 Sep 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16197085


The melting dynamics of laser excited InSb have been studied with femtosecond x-ray diffraction. These measurements observe the delayed onset of diffusive atomic motion, signaling the appearance of liquidlike dynamics. They also demonstrate that the root-mean-squared displacement in the [111] direction increases faster than in the [110] direction after the first 500 fs. This structural anisotropy indicates that the initially generated fluid differs significantly from the equilibrium liquid.

Phys Rev Lett ; 94(11): 114801, 2005 Mar 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15903864


Linear-accelerator-based sources will revolutionize ultrafast x-ray science due to their unprecedented brightness and short pulse duration. However, time-resolved studies at the resolution of the x-ray pulse duration are hampered by the inability to precisely synchronize an external laser to the accelerator. At the Sub-Picosecond Pulse Source at the Stanford Linear-Accelerator Center we solved this problem by measuring the arrival time of each high energy electron bunch with electro-optic sampling. This measurement indirectly determined the arrival time of each x-ray pulse relative to an external pump laser pulse with a time resolution of better than 60 fs rms.

Science ; 308(5720): 392-5, 2005 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15831753


The motion of atoms on interatomic potential energy surfaces is fundamental to the dynamics of liquids and solids. An accelerator-based source of femtosecond x-ray pulses allowed us to follow directly atomic displacements on an optically modified energy landscape, leading eventually to the transition from crystalline solid to disordered liquid. We show that, to first order in time, the dynamics are inertial, and we place constraints on the shape and curvature of the transition-state potential energy surface. Our measurements point toward analogies between this nonequilibrium phase transition and the short-time dynamics intrinsic to equilibrium liquids.

Phys Rev Lett ; 91(23): 237402, 2003 Dec 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14683215


Hydrogen bond dynamics are explicated with exceptional detail using multidimensional infrared vibrational echo correlation spectroscopy with full phase information. Probing the hydroxyl stretch of methanol-OD oligomers in CCl4, the dynamics of the evolving hydrogen bonded network are measured with ultrashort (<50 fs) pulses. The data along with detailed model calculations demonstrate that vibrational relaxation leads to selective hydrogen bond breaking on the red side of the spectrum (strongest hydrogen bonds) and the production of singly hydrogen bonded photoproducts.

Enlace de Hidrógeno , Espectrofotometría Infrarroja/métodos , Deuterio , Metanol/química , Agua/química
Science ; 297(5584): 1163-6, 2002 Aug 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12183625


Ultrafast two-photon photoemission has been used to study electron solvation at two-dimensional metal/polar-adsorbate interfaces. The molecular motion that causes the excess electron solvation is manifested as a dynamic shift in the electronic energy. Although the initially excited electron is delocalized in the plane of the interface, interactions with the adsorbate can lead to its localization. A method for determining the spatial extent of the localized electron in the plane of the interface has been developed. This spatial extent was measured to be on the order of a single adsorbate molecule.

J Interferon Res ; 10(5): 505-14, 1990 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-2125631


Previous investigation described a unique differential phenotype for the murine T-cell tumor AKR SL3 with regard to augmentation of class I major histocompatibility complex antigen expression by interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma). Dk expression was increased by IFN-gamma as expected, but Kk expression remained at constitutive levels, despite treatment with a range of doses and times of exposure to IFN-gamma. Analysis of somatic cell hybrids obtained by fusion of AKR SL3 with an H-2Kb and Db IFN-gamma augmentable partner tumor argued against the involvement of locus-specific, trans-acting factors as the basis for the nonaugmentable nature of the Kk gene in AKR SL3. Here, we provide evidence against the remaining possibility of an allele-specific, negative-acting factor in AKR SL3. Hybrids were constructed between drug-marked sublines of AKR SL3 and the R1.G1 T-cell tumor which carries IFN-gamma augmentable Kk and Dk genes. The uniform ability of IFN-gamma to cause substantial increases in the expression of Kk in hybrid populations and a large number of hybrid clones from three separate fusions indicated that a trans-acting, negative factor was not present in AKR SL3. Rather, these data coupled with Northern analysis were consistent with cis alterations operating at the level of transcription as the basis for Kk nonaugmentation. These results are discussed with regard to the further study of AKR SL3 to better understand IFN-gamma regulation of class I MHC expression.

Antígenos H-2/biosíntesis , Interferón gamma/farmacología , Proteínas Represoras/farmacología , Alelos , Animales , Anticuerpos Monoclonales , Northern Blotting , Fusión Celular , Citometría de Flujo , Técnica del Anticuerpo Fluorescente , Antígenos H-2/genética , Células Híbridas , Ratones , ARN Mensajero/biosíntesis , Proteínas Recombinantes , Células Tumorales Cultivadas , Regulación hacia Arriba/efectos de los fármacos