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Materials (Basel) ; 15(23)2022 Nov 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36499848


Silicon plates were installed above the inner and outer divertor of the JET with the ITER-like wall (ILW) after the second and third ILW campaigns to monitor dust generation and deposition with the aim to determine the morphology and content of individual particles and co-deposits, including deuterium content. Particular interest was in metal-based particles: Be, W, steel, Cu. Ex-situ examination after two ILW campaigns was performed by a set of microscopy and ion beam methods including micro-beam nuclear reaction analysis and particle-induced X-ray emission. Different categories of Be-rich particles were found: co-deposits peeled-off from plasma-facing components (PFC), complex multi-element spherical objects, and solid metal splashes and regular spherical droplets. The fuel content on the two latter categories was at the level of 1 × 1016 at/cm-2 indicating that Be melting and splashing occurred in the very last phase of the second experimental campaign. The splashes adhere firmly to the substrate thus not posing risk of Be dust mobilisation. No tungsten droplets were detected. The only W-containing particles were fragments of tungsten coatings from the divertor tiles.

Anal Chem ; 90(9): 5744-5752, 2018 05 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29620878


Generation of metal dust in the JET tokamak with the ITER-like wall (ILW) is a topic of vital interest to next-step fusion devices because of safety issues with plasma operation. Simultaneous Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) and Particle-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) with a focused four MeV 3He microbeam was used to determine the composition of dust particles related to the JET operation with the ILW. The focus was on "Be-rich particles" collected from the deposition zone on the inner divertor tile. The particles found are composed of a mix of codeposited species up to 120 µm in size with a thickness of 30-40 µm. The main constituents are D from the fusion fuel, Be and W from the main plasma-facing components, and Ni and Cr from the Inconel grills of the antennas for auxiliary plasma heating. Elemental concentrations were estimated by iterative NRA-PIXE analysis. Two types of dust particles were found: (i) larger Be-rich particles with Be concentrations above 90 at% with a deuterium presence of up to 3.4 at% and containing Ni (1-3 at%), Cr (0.4-0.8 at%), W (0.2-0.9 at%), Fe (0.3-0.6 at%), and Cu and Ti in lower concentrations and (ii) small particles rich in Al and/or Si that were in some cases accompanied by other elements, such as Fe, Cu, or Ti or W and Mo.

Sensors (Basel) ; 10(5): 4926-49, 2010.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22399915


Metal artworks are subjected to corrosion and oxidation processes due to reactive agents present in the air, water and in the ground that these objects have been in contact with for hundreds of years. This is the case for archaeological metals that are recovered from excavation sites, as well as artefacts exposed to polluted air. Stabilization of the conservation state of these objects needs precise diagnostics of the accrued surface layers and identification of original, historical materials before further protective treatments, including safe laser cleaning of unwanted layers. This paper presents analyses of the chemical composition and stratigraphy of corrosion products with the use of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and Raman spectroscopy. The discussion of the results is supported by material studies (SEM-EDS, XRF, ion-analyses). The tests were performed on several samples taken from original objects, including copper roofing from Wilanów Palace in Warsaw and Karol Poznanski Palace in LódY, bronze decorative figures from the Wilanów Palace gardens, and four archaeological examples of old jewellery (different copper alloys). Work has been performed as a part of the MATLAS project in the frames of EEA and Norway Grants ( and the results enable the comparison of the methodology and to elaborate the joint diagnostic procedures of the three project partner independent laboratories.