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J Adv Model Earth Syst ; 13(2): e2020MS002256, 2021 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36970188


We investigate how mesoscale circulations associated with convective aggregation can modulate the sensitivity of the hydrologic cycle to warming. We quantify changes in the full distribution of rain across radiative-convective equilibrium states in a cloud-resolving model. For a given Sea Surface Temperature (SST), the shift in mean rainfall between disorganized and organized states is associated with a shift in atmospheric radiative cooling, and is roughly analogous to the effect of a 4K SST increase. With rising temperatures, the increase in mean rain rate is insensitive to the presence of organization, while extremes can intensify faster in the aggregated state, leading to a faster amplification in the sporadic nature of rain. When convection aggregates, heavy rain is enhanced by 20%-30% and nonlinear behaviors are observed as a function of SST and strength of aggregation feedbacks. First, radiative- and surface-flux aggregation feedbacks have multiplicative effects on extremes, illustrating a non-trivial sensitivity to the degree of organization. Second, alternating Clausius-Clapeyron and super-Clausius-Clapeyron regimes in extreme rainfall are found as a function of SST, corresponding to varying thermodynamic and dynamic contributions, and a large sensitivity to precipitation efficiency variations in some SST ranges. The potential for mesoscale circulations in amplifying the hydrologic cycle is established. However, these nonlinear distortions question the quantitative relevance of idealized self-aggregation. This calls for a deeper investigation of relationships which capture the coupling between global energetics, aggregation feedbacks and local convection, and for systematic tests of their sensitivity to domain configurations, surface boundary conditions, microphysics, and turbulence schemes.

J Adv Model Earth Syst ; 13(11): e2021MS002607, 2021 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35860722


This work explores the effect of convective self-aggregation on extreme rainfall intensities through an analysis at several stages of the cloud lifecycle. In addition to increases in 3-hourly extremes consistent with previous studies, we find that instantaneous rainrates increase significantly (+30%). We mainly focus on instantaneous extremes and, using a recent framework, relate their increase to increased precipitation efficiency: the local increase in relative humidity drives larger accretion efficiency and lower re-evaporation. An in-depth analysis based on an adapted scaling for precipitation extremes reveals that the dynamic contribution decreases (-25%) while the thermodynamic is slightly enhanced (+5%) with convective self-aggregation, leading to lower condensation rates. When the atmosphere is more organized into a moist convecting region and a dry convection-free region, deep convective updrafts are surrounded by a warmer environment which reduces convective instability and thus the dynamic contribution. The moister boundary-layer explains the positive thermodynamic contribution. The microphysic contribution is increased by +50% with aggregation. The latter is partly due to reduced evaporation of rain falling through a moister near-cloud environment, but also to the associated larger accretion efficiency. Thus, a potential change in convective organization regimes in a warming climate could lead to an evolution of tropical precipitation extremes significantly different than that expected from thermodynamical considerations. The relevance of self-aggregation to the real tropics is still debated. Improved fundamental understanding of self-aggregation, its sensitivity to warming and connection to precipitation extremes, is hence crucial to achieve accurate rainfall projections in a warming climate.