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Rev. colomb. neumol ; 35(2): 28-34, 05/12/2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1551148


El blastoma pulmonar es una neoplasia poco común y agresiva que se origina en el pulmón; está compuesto por tejido mesenquimal y epitelial inmaduro que imita la configuración pulmonar en etapas embrionarias. Tiene una baja incidencia y una alta tasa de mortalidad, con aproximadamente un 60 %. Este blastoma tiende a desarrollarse con mayor frecuencia entre la cuarta y quinta década de vida, siendo más prevalente en mujeres y generalmente asociado al tabaquismo. Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 23 años sin factores de riesgo conocidos, a quien se le diagnosticó incidentalmente un blastoma pulmonar primario. La paciente experimentaba dolor en la región costal izquierda, tos productiva, disnea y hemoptisis desde hace 30 días. Los hallazgos en las imágenes de rayos X y tomografías de tórax llevaron a la realización de una biopsia del pulmón izquierdo, que reveló fragmentos de tejido con una notable presencia de necrosis tumoral. Cinco días después, la paciente consultó nuevamente debido a un empeoramiento de los síntomas, incluyendo dolor torácico de tipo pleurítico. Se decidió realizar una lobectomía inferior izquierda, durante la cual se encontró un tumor sólido adherido a la pleura visceral, con masas tumorales en la pleura parietal. El estudio histopatológico final confirmó el diagnóstico de un tumor maligno de alto grado compatible con blastoma pulmonar. En conclusión, el blastoma pulmonar es una neoplasia rara que puede presentarse en diferentes etapas de la vida, aunque tiene mayor incidencia entre los 40 y 50 años. Es importante que los patólogos consideren esta enfermedad en sus diagnósticos diferenciales debido a los desafíos que implica su diagnóstico. Detectar el blastoma pulmonar en etapas tempranas es crucial para el tratamiento adecuado, aunque actualmente no se conocen marcadores predictivos confiables y el pronóstico de esta enfermedad es generalmente desfavorable.

Pulmonary blastoma is a rare and aggressive neoplasm that originates in the lung. It is composed of immature mesenchymal and epithelial tissue that mimics the embryonic configuration of the lung. It has a low incidence and a high mortality rate, of approximately 60%. Pulmonary blastoma tends to occur more frequently between the fourth and fifth decades of life, being more prevalent in women and generally associated with smoking. The case of a 23-year-old woman with no known risk factors is presented, who incidentally was diagnosed with a primary pulmonary blastoma. The patient experienced pain in the left costal region, productive cough, dyspnea, and hemoptysis for 30 days. Findings on X-ray and chest tomography led to a biopsy of the left lung, which revealed tissue fragments with significant tumor necrosis. Five days later, the patient consulted again due to worsened symptoms, including pleuritic chest pain. It was decided to perform a left lower lobectomy, during which a solid tumor attached to the visceral pleura with tumor masses in the parietal pleura was found. The final histopathological study confirmed the diagnosis of a high-grade malignant tumor compatible with pulmonary blastoma. In conclusion, pulmonary blastoma is a rare neoplasm that can occur at different stages of life, although it has a higher incidence between the ages of 40 and 50. Pathologists need to consider this disease in their differential diagnoses due to the challenges involved in its diagnosis. Detecting pulmonary blastoma at early stages is crucial for appropriate treatment, although currently there are no reliable predictive markers, and the prognosis of this disease is generally unfavorable.

J Vasc Bras ; 22: e20220022, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37143505


Background: Diagnosis of pulmonary embolism (PE) constitutes a challenge for practitioners. Current practice involves use of pre-test probability prediction rules. Several strategies to optimize this process have been explored. Objectives: To explore whether application of the pulmonary embolism rule-out criteria (PERC rule) and age-adjusted D-dimer (DD) would have reduced the number of computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA) examinations performed in patients with suspected PE. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study of adult patients taken for CTPA under suspicion of PE in 2018 and 2020. The PERC rule and age-adjusted DD were applied. The number of cases without indications for imaging studies was estimated and the operational characteristics for diagnosis of PE were calculated. Results: 302 patients were included. PE was diagnosed in 29.8%. Only 27.2% of 'not probable' cases according to the Wells criteria had D-dimer assays. Age adjustment would have reduced tomography use by 11.1%, with an AUC of 0.5. The PERC rule would have reduced use by 7%, with an AUC of 0.72. Conclusions: Application of age-adjusted D-dimer and the PERC rule to patients taken for CTPA because of suspected PE seems to reduce the number of indications for the procedure.

Contexto: O diagnóstico de embolia pulmonar (EP) representa um desafio para o profissional. A prática atual envolve o uso de modelos de previsão de probabilidade pré-teste e, para otimizar esse processo, várias estratégias têm sido exploradas. Objetivos: Investigar se a aplicação dos critérios de exclusão de EP (pulmonary embolism rule-out criteria, PERC) e do D-dímero (DD) ajustado para idade diminui o número de angiografias computadorizadas (ATCs) pulmonares realizadas em pacientes com suspeita de EP. Métodos: Estudo transversal retrospectivo com pacientes adultos submetidos a ATC pulmonar com suspeita de EP em 2018 e 2020. Foram aplicados os critérios PERC e o DD ajustado para idade. Foi estimado o número de casos não indicados para exames de imagem, e foram calculadas as características operacionais para o diagnóstico de EP. Resultados: Foram incluídos 302 pacientes, dos quais 29,8% apresentaram diagnóstico de EP. Apenas 27,2% dos casos não prováveis ​​de acordo com os critérios de Wells apresentaram DD; o ajuste implicou em uma diminuição de ACTs de 11,1%, com área sob a curva de 0,5. Os critérios PERC diminuiriam em 7%, com área sob a curva de 0,72. Conclusões: A aplicação do DD ajustado para idade e dos critérios PERC em pacientes submetidos a ATC pulmonar por suspeita de EP parece diminuir a indicação para tais exames.

J. vasc. bras ; 22: e20220022, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430733


Abstract Background Diagnosis of pulmonary embolism (PE) constitutes a challenge for practitioners. Current practice involves use of pre-test probability prediction rules. Several strategies to optimize this process have been explored. Objectives To explore whether application of the pulmonary embolism rule-out criteria (PERC rule) and age-adjusted D-dimer (DD) would have reduced the number of computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA) examinations performed in patients with suspected PE. Methods A retrospective cross-sectional study of adult patients taken for CTPA under suspicion of PE in 2018 and 2020. The PERC rule and age-adjusted DD were applied. The number of cases without indications for imaging studies was estimated and the operational characteristics for diagnosis of PE were calculated. Results 302 patients were included. PE was diagnosed in 29.8%. Only 27.2% of 'not probable' cases according to the Wells criteria had D-dimer assays. Age adjustment would have reduced tomography use by 11.1%, with an AUC of 0.5. The PERC rule would have reduced use by 7%, with an AUC of 0.72. Conclusions Application of age-adjusted D-dimer and the PERC rule to patients taken for CTPA because of suspected PE seems to reduce the number of indications for the procedure.

Resumo Contexto O diagnóstico de embolia pulmonar (EP) representa um desafio para o profissional. A prática atual envolve o uso de modelos de previsão de probabilidade pré-teste e, para otimizar esse processo, várias estratégias têm sido exploradas. Objetivos Investigar se a aplicação dos critérios de exclusão de EP (pulmonary embolism rule-out criteria, PERC) e do D-dímero (DD) ajustado para idade diminui o número de angiografias computadorizadas (ATCs) pulmonares realizadas em pacientes com suspeita de EP. Métodos Estudo transversal retrospectivo com pacientes adultos submetidos a ATC pulmonar com suspeita de EP em 2018 e 2020. Foram aplicados os critérios PERC e o DD ajustado para idade. Foi estimado o número de casos não indicados para exames de imagem, e foram calculadas as características operacionais para o diagnóstico de EP. Resultados Foram incluídos 302 pacientes, dos quais 29,8% apresentaram diagnóstico de EP. Apenas 27,2% dos casos não prováveis ​​de acordo com os critérios de Wells apresentaram DD; o ajuste implicou em uma diminuição de ACTs de 11,1%, com área sob a curva de 0,5. Os critérios PERC diminuiriam em 7%, com área sob a curva de 0,72. Conclusões A aplicação do DD ajustado para idade e dos critérios PERC em pacientes submetidos a ATC pulmonar por suspeita de EP parece diminuir a indicação para tais exames.

Radiol Case Rep ; 16(4): 850-854, 2021 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33552338


The term amyloidosis describes a group of diseases caused by the fibrillar deposit of poorly folded proteins in tissues with a secondary alteration of their function. Diffuse parenchymal lung disease associated with amyloidosis is rare and is most often diagnosed in autopsy. A 45-year-old male patient presented an acute episode of cough with mucoid expectoration. He had also dyspnea, dry cough, chest pain, and constitutional symptoms of 6 months of evolution. Initially the case was treated as acute pneumonia. After taking radiological images of the thorax, a diagnostic suspicion of lymphangitic spread of neoplasia was assumed. Histopathological findings of an open pulmonary biopsy demonstrated interstitial thickening with perivascular eosinophilic invasion. Congo Red staining and immunohistochemistry studies were done and turned out to be positive for amyloid. The perilymphatic micronodular pattern as a radiological manifestation of parenchymal pulmonary amyloidosis has been very rarely described in the literature, therefore it must be considered as a differential diagnosis in patients with this pattern in CT scan and should be an incentive for its histopathological study once a neoplasm is ruled out.