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J Comp Pathol ; 206: 32-35, 2023 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37748301


We report a case of high-grade undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma in a free-living white-eared opossum (Didelphis albiventris) in Central Brazil. Grossly, it appeared as a soft yellow mass, approximately 8 cm in diameter, with an irregular, adherent and ulcerated surface, which extended from the proximal epiphysis of the femur to the proximal third of the tibia and fibula. The mass invaded the medullary cavity and had a necrotic centre. Multiple nodular metastases (0.5-1.5 cm) were present in the liver, lungs and spleen. Histologically, the neoplasm was characterized by pleomorphic cells with indistinct boundaries, many multinucleated cells, necrosis and tissue invasion. There was intense cytoplasmic immunolabelling of neoplastic cells for vimentin and moderate cytoplasmic and nuclear labelling for human muscle actin, human smooth muscle actin and lysozyme. Immunolabelling for Iba1, CD18, CD1A, cytokeratin AE1/AE3, glial fibrillary acidic protein and desmin was negative. To our knowledge, this is the first report of an undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma in this species.

Didelphis , Sarcoma , Animales , Humanos , Actinas , Sarcoma/veterinaria , Brasil
Trop Anim Health Prod ; 53(1): 153, 2021 Feb 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33547980


The aim of this study was to compare testicle morpho-functional characteristics in bulls undergoing a single or two immunizations against GnRH. Nelore (Bos taurus indicus) bulls were randomly allocated into three experimental groups: G1 (n=12), a single 400 µg dose of anti-GnRH vaccine on day 0; G2 (n=11), a first 400 µg dose of anti-GnRH vaccine on day 0 followed by a second (boost) dose 30 days later; and control group (CG, n=12), 1 mL saline 0.9% at day 0. Every 30 days, from day 0 until slaughter at day 90, the bulls were weighed and underwent testicular biometry, semen collection and analysis, and blood sample collection for testosterone measurement. Immediately after slaughter, the testicles were removed and transport at 15°C to the laboratory for histopathological analysis. There was a decrease in testicular height (P=0.0476), width (P=0.0021), and in scrotal circumference (P=0.0001), after either a single (G1) or two (G2) immunizations against GnRH. Both G1 and G2 had lower testosterone concentrations than CG from day 60 on (P<0.01), but in G2, it was also lower than in G1 at day 90 (P=0.0006). All sperm parameters were affected by active immunization against GnRH (P<0.05), and in G2, averages were lesser (P<0.05) than in G1 from day 60 on. No signs of seminiferous tubule degeneration were found in any sample from the CG, contrasting with 75.0% and 100.0% of the samples from G1 and G2, respectively. In summary, immunocastration affected testicle morpho-functional characteristics in bulls in a time- and dose-dependent way.

Testículo , Vacunas , Animales , Bovinos , Hormona Liberadora de Gonadotropina , Masculino , Escroto , Espermatozoides , Testosterona
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(12): 955-962, Dec. 2020. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1155039


The present study aimed to evaluate and diagnose pathologies of the reproductive system of slaughtered sheep in slaughterhouses in the state of Bahia since there are few data on the subject as well as it is important to note the diagnosis of these diseases to apply appropriate control and prophylaxis measures. The research was carried out in slaughterhouses in the state of Bahia according to the "Serviço de Inspeção Federal" and "Serviço de Inspeção Estadual" for sheep slaughter. From July 2018 to February 2019, visits and monitoring of 1,072 slaughtered sheep were carried out. The animals came from 22 municipalities in the state of Bahia, aged from six to 18 months. During slaughter, the sheep reproductive systems were sectioned for evisceration and lesion collection. Additionally, epidemiological surveys related to origin, age, and race were obtained. For bacteriological examination, collections were performed with sterile scalpel slides and swabs in Stuart medium sterile tubes and refrigerated in a thermal box. For histopathological analysis, fragments were fixed in 10% formaldehyde and routinely processed for histology, stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE). A study of the sheep's main pathological changes in slaughterhouses in the state of Bahia was carried out, in which 1.072 genital systems were evaluated, and 211 alterations were identified. The most affected reproductive organs were the ovaries (65.3%), followed by the uterus (29.4%) and uterine tubes (5.3%). In the ovaries, the most frequent lesion was a follicular cyst (34.1%); in the fallopian tubes, the cysts represented 3.3% of the lesions, and in the womb, endometritis was observed in 9% of the animals. Other pathologies identified in the ovaries were: luteinized cyst (2.3%); cystic granulosa cell tumor (0.5%); benign lesion (0.5%); agenesis unilateral (0.5%), in addition to other changes of little clinical significance, such as corpus luteum cysts (11.8%) and paraovarian cysts (15.6%). In the fallopian tubes, hydrosalpinx was observed (1%), as well as adenoma (0.5%), agenesis (0.5%), and cysts (3.3%). Uterine lesions included hydrometra (2.3%); Cystic Endometrial Hyperplasia (CEH), abscess, and pyometra (1.4% each); adenomyosis, womb sera petechiae, and total segmental aplasia (1% each); two pregnant uterus, in early pregnancy, presented pyometra (0.9%), however, no change was observed in the fetuses; and uterine polyp (0.5%). Ectopic pregnancy with fetal maceration (0.5%) was observed; vaginitis occurred in 0.5% of the animals, and endometrial melanosis in 8.5%. The high incidence of follicular cysts and endometritis are characterized as diseases that reduce the reproductive efficiency in herds, causing infertility and economic losses in production.(AU)

O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar e diagnosticar alterações do sistema reprodutor de ovelhas abatidas em abatedouros frigoríficos no estado da Bahia. A pesquisa foi realizada em abatedouros frigoríficos do estado da Bahia com Serviços de Inspeção Federal e Estadual no abate de ovinos. No período de julho de 2018 a fevereiro de 2019 foram realizadas visitas e acompanhamento do abate de 1.072 ovelhas. Os animais eram provenientes de 22 municípios do estado da Bahia, com idade entre 6 a 18 meses. Durante o abate, na evisceração foram seccionados os sistemas reprodutores das ovelhas para avaliação e coleta das lesões. Adicionalmente foram obtidos inquéritos epidemiológicos relacionados à procedência, idade e raça. Para o exame bacteriológico, as coletas foram realizadas com lâminas de bisturi estéreis e swabs em tubos estéreis com meio Stuart e refrigeradas em caixa térmica. Para análise histopatológica, os fragmentos foram fixados em formol a 10% e processados de forma rotineira para histologia e corados pela hematoxilina e eosina (HE). Entre 1.072 sistemas genitais avaliados, identificou-se 211 alterações. Os órgãos do sistema reprodutor mais acometidos foram os ovários (65,3%), útero (29,4%) e tubas uterinas (5,3%). Nos ovários, a lesão mais frequente foi o cisto folicular (34,1%); no útero a endometrite (9%) e nas tubas uterinas, os cistos representaram (3,3%). Outras lesões identificadas nos ovários foram: cisto luteinizado (2,3%); tumor de células da granulosa (0,5%); adenoma (0,5%); agenesia unilateral (0,5%), além de outras alterações de pouco significado clínico, como cistos paraovarianos (15,6%) e corpo lúteo cístico (11,8%). Nas tubas uterinas observou-se, além dos cistos tubo-ovarianos (3,3%), hidrossalpinge (1%), adenoma (0,5%) e agenesia (0,5%). As lesões uterinas foram endometrite (9%), hidrometra (2,3%); hiperplasia endometrial cística, abscesso e piometra (1,4% cada); adenomiose, petéquias na serosa do útero e aplasia segmentar (1% cada); dois úteros gravídicos, em início de gestação, apresentaram piometra (0,9%), porém os fetos não apresentaram alterações; e pólipo uterino (0,5%). Observou-se uma gestação ectópica com maceração fetal (0,5%); a vaginite ocorreu em 0,5%, e melanose endometrial em 8,5%. Destaca-se a elevada incidência de cistos foliculares e endometrite que são doenças que reduzem a eficiência reprodutiva dos rebanhos, provocando infertilidade e perdas econômicas na produção.(AU)

Animales , Ovinos/anatomía & histología , Endometritis/patología , Genitales Femeninos/fisiopatología , Genitales Femeninos/lesiones , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Mataderos
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(10): 814-817, Oct. 2020. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1143414


Two young opossums were necropsied and diagnosed with rickets. This study aims to describe the clinical-pathological aspects of rickets in Didelphis albiventris. Macroscopically, the opossums presented kyphosis and scoliosis, lateral deviation of the limbs in varus, locomotion difficulty, and enlargement with softening of costochondral junctions (rickety rosary). Samples of bones and joints were processed for hematoxylin and eosin staining and Masson's trichrome. Microscopically, we observed thickening of the epiphyseal plate, characterized by irregular and multifocal proliferation of serialized and hypertrophic cartilage zones, which formed circular groups of large, dysplastic chondrocytes towards the spongy zone, often surrounded by non-mineralized osteoid tissue. In the cortical bone, there were pale eosinophilic zones around the Havers channels consistent with non-mineralized osteoid. The staining of Masson's trichrome evidenced the accumulation of osteoid tissue in cortical and trabecular bones. It is possible that a mixed cause of absorption deficiency of vitamin D3 associated with an unbalanced Ca:P diet based on lactose-free milk and fruits may have triggered the disease.(AU)

Dois gambás jovens foram necropsiados e diagnosticados com raquitismo. O objetivo do trabalho é descrever os aspectos clínico-patológicos de raquitismo em Didelphis albiventris. Macroscopicamente os gambás apresentaram cifose e escoliose, desvio lateral dos membros em varus, dificuldade de locomoção e alargamento com amolecimento das junções costocondrais (rosário raquítico). Amostras dos ossos e articulações foram processadas para coloração de hematoxilina e eosina e Tricrômico de Masson. Microscopicamente havia espessamento da placa epifisária, caracterizada pela proliferação irregular e multifocal das zonas de cartilagem seriada e hipertrófica, que formavam grupos circulares de condrócitos grandes, displásicos em direção a zona esponjosa frequentemente cercados por tecido osteoide não mineralizado. No osso cortical haviam zonas eosinofílicas pálidas ao redor dos canais de Havers consistentes com osteoide não mineralizado. A coloração de Tricrômico de Masson evidenciou o acúmulo de tecido osteoide no nosso cortical e trabecular. Acredita-se que uma causa mista de déficit de absorção de vitamina D3 associada a uma dieta desbalanceada em Ca:P a base de leite sem lactose e frutas tenha desencadeado a doença.(AU)

Animales , Fósforo , Raquitismo/veterinaria , Deficiencia de Vitamina D/veterinaria , Calcio , Didelphis
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(11): 2155-2158, Nov. 2018. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-976398


A renal nephroblastoma is described in a free-living black-tufted marmoset (Callithrix penicillata) in Central Brazil. The monkey was found dead and subjected to necropsy. Gross anatomic changes consisted of a ruptured left kidney, which was almost completely effaced by a white to yellow, partially encapsulated friable mass. The left ureter was distended due to obstruction by a red, spherical, 2mm in diameter friable mass. The urinary bladder was also distended. Histologically the renal and ureteral masses consisted of a triphasic embryonal neoplasm composed of embryonic epithelium forming glomeruli and tubules, polygonal blastemal cells, and a mesenchymal stroma. The embryonic epithelium exhibited rare nuclear immunoreactivity for WT-1, whereas blastemal cells exhibited robust cytoplasmic and rare nuclear immunoreactivity for WT-1; blastemal cells were also immunoreactive for vimentin. No immunoreactivity was detected for pan-cytokeratin (AE1/AE3), actin, and desmin. Morphological and immunohistochemical features of the present neoplasm are consistent with those described for renal nephroblastoma.(AU)

Descreve-se um caso de nefroblastoma maligno em um sagui de vida livre no Brasil Central. O macaco foi encontrado morto e encaminhado para necropsia. Na macroscopia, o rim esquerdo apresentava-se rompido e o parênquima estava substituído por um tecido neoplásico friável, parcialmente encapsulado e de superfície natural branca e de corte amarela. O ureter esquerdo apresentava-se distendido devido à obstrução por uma massa friável, vermelha, esférica, de 2mm de diâmetro. Histologicamente, as massas renal e ureteral consistiam de uma neoplasia embrionária composta por três populaçõies de células neoplásicas, composta por epitélio embrionário formando glomérulos e túbulos, células blastemais poligonais e um estroma mesenquimal. O epitélio embrionário exibiu imunorreactividade nuclear rara para WT-1, enquanto que as células blastemais exibiram imunorreactividade nuclear citoplasmática e rara para WT-1; As células blastemais também foram imunorreativas à vimentina. Nenhuma imunorreatividade foi detectada para pan-citoqueratina (AE1/AE3), actina e desmina. As características morfológicas e imuno-histoquímicas da presente neoplasia são consistentes com as descritas para o nefroblastoma renal.(AU)

Animales , Femenino , Callithrix , Tumor de Wilms/patología , Tumor de Wilms/veterinaria , Enfermedades de los Monos
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 38(11): 2088-2091, Nov. 2018. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-976391


An outbreak of skin burn and ocular damage by calcium oxide in swines is reported. The outbreak occurred in a rural property located in the municipality of Iuiu, Western Bahia, during the transport of 60 pigs from a recreation farm to a fattening farm. The observed macroscopic lesions were erythematous areas; formation of papules, vesicles, and in some cases, there was the formation of firm, parched, high brown plaques and in other cases detachment and loss of skin. His eyes were dull. Histological analysis of the skin revealed areas of necrosis of focally extensive clotting of the epidermis, and dermis, delimited in the paniculus, by cellular debris and rare neutrophils. Corneal necrosis with perforated ulcer formation, superficial epithelial necrosis, edema, and neutrophil infiltration of the cornea adjacent to the ulcer were revealed in the eye.(AU)

Descreve-se um surto de queimadura de pele e lesão ocular por óxido de cálcio (cal virgem) em suínos. O surto ocorreu em uma propriedade rural localizada no município de Iuiu, região Oeste da Bahia, durante o transporte de 60 suínos de uma granja de recria para uma granja de engorda. Macroscopicamente foi evidenciado que na pele dos suínos havia áreas eritematosas, formação de pápulas, vesículas, e em alguns casos havia a formação de placas elevadas marrom firmes, ressequidas e em outros casos desprendimento e perda da pele. Os olhos estavam opacos. Na microscopia da pele observaram-se áreas de necrose de coagulação focalmente extensa da epiderme, e derme, delimitadas no panículo, por restos celulares e raros neutrófilos. No olho observou-se necrose da córnea com formação de úlcera perfurada, necrose do epitélio superficial, edema e infiltração de neutrófilos na córnea adjacente a úlcera.(AU)

Animales , Porcinos/lesiones , Quemaduras Químicas/veterinaria , Quemaduras Oculares/inducido químicamente , Quemaduras Oculares/veterinaria , Óxido de Calcio
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 33(7): 860-866, jul. 2013. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-683228


Cases of vesicular and exanthematic disease by Vaccinia virus (VACV) have been reported in dairy herds of several Brazilian regions, occasionally also affecting humans. The present article describes eight outbreaks of vesicular disease caused by VACV in dairy herds of six counties of Goiás state, Midwestern Brazil (2010-2012), involving a total of 122 cows, 12 calves and 11 people. Dairy cows (3 to 9 years old) were affected in all cases and calves (2 to 9 months old) were affected in five outbreaks, presenting oral lesions. The morbidity ranged between 8 and 100% in cows, and 1.5 to 31% in calves. In the cows, the clinical signs started with vesicles (2-7mm), painful and coalescent papules (3-8 mm), which resulted in ulcers (5-25mm) and scabs in teats, and, occasionally, in the muzzle. The clinical course lasted from 16 to 26 days. The histopathology of bovine skin samples revealed superficial perivascular inflammatory infiltrate of lymphocytes, plasma cells, neutrophils, macrophages and multifocal areas of acanthosis, spongiosis, hipergranulosis and parakeratotic or orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis with adjacent focally extensive ulcers. Eosinophilic inclusion bodies were noted in the cytoplasm of the keratinocytes. PCR to vgf gene of Orthopoxvirus was positive in samples collected from all outbreaks, and in some cases, genomic VACV sequences were identified by nucleotide sequencing of the PCR amplicons. Infectious virus was isolated in cell culture from scabs from one outbreak. Antibodies to Orthopoxvirus were detected in at least 3 or 4 animals in most outbreaks, by ELISA (outbreaks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7) or virus-neutralization (outbreak 6). Neutralizing titers ranging from 8 to 64 in outbreak 6. In all outbreaks, VACV infection was suspected based on the clinical and pathological findings and it was confirmed by laboratory tests. Upon the etiological confirmation, other agents associated with vesicular disease were discarded. In all outbreaks, at least one milker who handled the affected cows developed malaise, headache, fever, painful vesico-pustular lesions mainly in the hands, but also in the neck and nose. These results confirm the circulation of VACV in the region and call attention for a correct diagnosis and the adoption of prophylactic and control measures.

Casos de doença vesicular e exantemática associados ao Vaccinia virus (VACV) têm sido descritos em rebanhos leiteiros em diversas regiões do Brasil, ocasionalmente afetando também os ordenhadores. Este artigo descreve oito surtos de doença vesicular associados ao VACV ocorridos em rebanhos leiteiros de seis municípios do estado de Goiás (2010-2012), com o envolvimento de 122 vacas em lactação, de 12 bezerros e de 11 pessoas. Vacas em lactação (3-9 anos de idade) foram afetadas em todos os casos. Em cinco rebanhos, bezerros de 2-9 meses apresentaram lesões orais. A morbidade nos rebanhos variou entre oito e 100% (vacas) e entre 1,5 e 31% (bezerros). As lesões iniciavam como vesículas (2-7mm) ou pápulas doloridas e coalescentes (3-8mm), que progrediam para úlceras (5-25mm) e crostas, localizadas principalmente nas tetas e, eventualmente, no focinho das vacas. O curso clínico variou entre 16 e 26 dias. Histopatologia de amostras de pele coletadas de bovinos revelou dermatite perivascular superficial com infiltrado de linfócitos, neutrófilos, plasmócitos e macrófagos, além de áreas multifocais de acantose, espongiose, hipergranulose e hiperceratose ortoceratótica ou paraceratótica com úlceras focalmente extensas. No citoplasma dos ceratinócitos adjacentes às úlceras, observaram-se numerosos corpúsculos de inclusão eosinofílicos. Em todos os surtos, amostras de lesões cutâneas dos bovinos foram positivas para o gene vgf dos Orthopoxvirus por PCR, e em alguns casos, a identificação do VACV foi confirmada por sequenciamento de nucleotídeos dos amplicons. O vírus foi detectado por isolamento em cultivo celular em um dos surtos e, pelo menos 2 a 3 vacas por rebanho, apresentaram sorologia positiva para Orthopoxvirus pelos testes de ELISA (surtos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 e 7) e soroneutralização (surto 6). No surto 6, os títulos de anticorpos neutralizantes variaram de 8 a 64. O diagnóstico da infecção pelo VACV, inicialmente suspeito com base nos achados clínicos e patológicos, foi confirmado em todos os surtos por exames laboratoriais. Em todos os surtos, pelo menos um ordenhador que teve contato com os bovinos afetados apresentou mal-estar geral, febre alta, dor de cabeça e lesões vesiculo-pustulosas doloridas, principalmente nas mãos, mas também no pescoço e nariz. Esses resultados confirmam a circulação do VACV no rebanho bovino da região centro-oeste, alertando para necessidade de diagnóstico correto e adoção de medidas profiláticas e de controle.

Animales , Femenino , Bovinos , Bovinos/anomalías , Bovinos/virología , Vesícula/veterinaria , Vesícula/virología , Ensayo de Inmunoadsorción Enzimática , Ensayo de Inmunoadsorción Enzimática/veterinaria , Orthopoxvirus , Virus Vaccinia/inmunología
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 32(2): 121-125, Feb. 2012. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-624095


Três surtos de infecção por Piscinoodinium pillulare e Henneguya spp. em Piaractus mesopotamicus criados intensivamente no Sudoeste de Goiás são descritos. Dois surtos ocorreram no inverno e um no verão. As taxas de morbidade (58,57%-90%) e mortalidade (100%) foram determinadas. Episódios de estresse ocorreram previamente em todos os casos. Sinais clínicos incluíam mudanças comportamentais e movimentos erráticos com perda de equilíbrio. Os principais achados macroscópicos foram tumefação das brânquias com exsudato mucoso esbranquiçado. Microscopicamente, as brânquias apresentaram inflamação linfoplasmocítica e necrosante, multifocal, leve a moderada, com hipertrofia e fusão de lamelas secundárias. Adicionalmente, numerosos trofontes intralesionais de P. pillulare e cistos de Henneguya spp. foram notados. Para o conhecimento dos autores, essa parece ser a primeira descrição de infecção por P. pillulare e Henneguya spp. em peixes criados no Sudoeste de Goiás.

Three outbreaks of infection by Piscinoodinium pillulare and Henneguya spp. in Piarac tus mesopotamicus intensively raised in Southwestern Goiás, Brazil, are described. Two outbreaks occurred in the winter and another one in summer. Morbidity (58.57%-90%) and mortality (100%) rates were determined. Stress episodes occurred previously in all cases. Clinical signs included behavior changes and erratic movements with loss of equilibrium. Main gross findings were swelling of the gills with white mucus exudate. Microscopically, gills had mild to moderate multifocal necrotizing and lympho-plasmocytic inflammation with hypertrophy and fusion of secondary lamellae. In addition, numerous intralesional trophonts of P. pillulare and cysts of Henneguya spp. were noted. According to our knowledge, this seems to be the first description of Piscinoodinium pillulare e Henneguya spp. infection in fishes reared in Southwestern Goiás, Brazil.

Animales , Explotaciones Pesqueras , Infecciones Protozoarias en Animales/diagnóstico , Brotes de Enfermedades/veterinaria , Frío/efectos adversos , Agua Dulce/parasitología , Branquias/parasitología