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Healthcare (Basel) ; 11(11)2023 May 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37297733


The COVID-19 sequelae have been shown to affect respiratory and cardiological functions as well as neuro-psychological functions, and, in some cases, metabolic/nutritional aspects. The Italian National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work (Istituto Nazionale Assicurazione Infortuni sul Lavoro, INAIL) recorded that, until December 2022, 315,055 workers were affected by COVID-19; therefore, there is a need to identify an effective approach to treat such patients. Robotic and technological devices could be integrated into the rehabilitation programme of people with long COVID conditions. A review of the literature showed that telerehabilitation may improve functional capacity, dyspnoea, performance, and quality of life in these patients, but no studies were found evaluating the effects of robot-mediated therapy or virtual reality systems. Considering the above, Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi and INAIL propose a multi-axial rehabilitation for workers with COVID-19 sequelae. To accomplish this goal, the two institutions merged the epidemiological information gathered by INAIL, the expertise in robotic and technological rehabilitation of Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi, and the literature review. Our proposal aims to facilitate a multi-axial rehabilitation approach customized to meet the unique needs of each individual, with a particular emphasis on utilizing advanced technologies to address the current and future challenges of patient care.

Diagnostics (Basel) ; 12(6)2022 May 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35741110


During the COVID-19 emergency, institutional social distancing conditions were established, preventing family and caregivers' access to rehabilitation departments. Our study goal was to assess inpatients' and caregivers' anxiety, depression, and Quality of Life (QoL) during the Italian lockdown due to the pandemic. We investigated anxiety, depression, and QoL in 53 patients and 51 caregivers, using the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), and the Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF36). These questionnaires were given to patients after one (T0) and two months (T1) since the hospitalization. The BAI showed that anxiety was moderate for 7.5% of patients and 23.5% of caregivers, and severe for 35.8% of patients and 17.6% of caregivers. The BDI found moderate depression in 11.3% of patients and 15.7% of caregivers, and severe depression in 34.0% of patients and 9.8% of caregivers. Depression was higher in patients than caregivers, while no differences were detected in anxiety. Compared to normative data, patients' QoL declined in all eight SF36 dimensions, while caregivers' QoL declined only in social, emotional, and mental components. Unexpectedly, patients still hospitalized at T1 showed significant improvements in both anxiety and three QoL subscores. These findings emphasize the importance of psychological support for patients and their families.