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Hemodial Int ; 5(1): 19-27, 2001 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28452449


Daily hemodialysis (DHD) is a promising option; however, logistic obstacles and clinical perplexities limit its dissemination. Understanding the mechanisms of, and the time until, the onset of improved well-being may help to quantify clinical advantages and to define the minimum length of a "trial" of daily dialysis. By following 30 patients treated in 4 centers, this study aimed to determine how long a period of time is needed until a patient experiences subjective improvement. From November 1998 to November 2000, 30 patients tried at least 2 weeks of short daily dialysis in four Northern Italian centers of Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta. The DHD (2 - 3 hours; blood flow 270 - 350 mL/min; individual HCO3 , Na, K) was performed at home or in a center. Motivations to try DHD, fears and concerns regarding DHD, and changes in perceived well-being were assessed by semi-structured interview. The main clinical indications for a trial of DHD were poor tolerance of conventional treatment, cardiovascular disease, and hypertension or hypotension; only 6 patients had no comorbidity at start. The patients' main reasons for choosing DHD were related to job problems and the search for a better treatment. Most of the patients continued DHD because of improved well-being; logistic reasons accounted for the drop-outs (5 patients). The main fears were related to logistic aspects, vascular access problems, and excessive involvement of the partner on home dialysis. Improved well-being was reported by 28 of 30 patients; 2 patients reported no difference. Subjective improvement was perceived within 2 weeks in 22 of 30 patients, and within 1 month in 28 of 30 patients. An offer of a 2 - 4 week trial of DHD may help patients and caregivers to determine whether subjective and objective benefits outweigh logistic problems and whether a permanent transfer to DHD is worthwhile.