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Behav Processes ; 181: 104263, 2020 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33049376


The habitat and resource use of females critically affects their pattern of distribution and consequently their monoposibility by males and the mating system of a species. Shifts in habitat use are therefore likely to be associated with changes in mating system and sexual selection acting on males' phenotypes, consequently affecting patterns of sexual dimorphism. Although sexual dimorphism is often correlated with shifts in habitat use at the macroevolutionary scale, the underlying microevolutionary processes involved are typically unclear. Here, we used the New Guinean stick insect genus Eurycantha to investigate how changes in habitat use and mating system were associated with a change in sexual dimorphism seen specifically in the thorny devil stick insects (Eurycantha calcarata and Eurycantha horrida). Male thorny devils display sexually dimorphic and enlarged hindlegs endowed with a sharp spine. Sexual size dimorphism is also very reduced in these species relative to other phasmids. Using field observations, morphological measurements and radiotelemetry, we investigated changes in mating system associated with the reduction of sexual dimorphism and tested predictions from the hypothesis that sexual selection drove the evolution of this unusual male morphology. We found that thorny devils switched from solitary roosting in the canopy during the day to communal roosting inside cavities of a few host trees, shifting the distribution of females from scattered to clumped. Male thorny devils used their large hindlegs to fight with rivals for positions on the tree close to cavities containing females, and larger males were associated with cavities containing relatively more females. In contrast, the sister species, Eurycantha insularis, displays relatively small and unarmoured males (ancestral state). Adult female E. insularis were always scattered in the canopy, and this species displayed a scramble competition mating system typical of other phasmids, where mobility, rather than fighting ability, is probably critical to males' reproductive success. Overall, our study illustrates how a drastic change in sexual dimorphism can be associated with a switch from solitary to communal roosting and from a scramble competition to a defense-based polygyny mating system.

Caracteres Sexuales , Conducta Sexual Animal , Animales , Ecosistema , Femenino , Insectos , Masculino , Reproducción
Front Plant Sci ; 7: 1521, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27833616


The recent discovery of Bogia coconut syndrome in Papua New Guinea (PNG) is the first report of a lethal yellowing disease (LYD) in Oceania. Numerous outbreaks of LYDs of coconut have been recorded in the Caribbean and Africa since the late Nineteenth century and have caused the death of millions of palms across several continents during the Twentieth century. Despite the severity of economic losses, it was only in the 1970s that the causes of LYDs were identified as phytoplasmas, a group of insect-transmitted bacteria associated with diseases in many other economically important crop species. Since the development of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology, knowledge of LYDs epidemiology, ecology and vectors has grown rapidly. There is no economically viable treatment for LYDs and vector-based management is hampered by the fact that vectors have been positively identified in very few cases despite many attempted transmission trials. Some varieties and hybrids of coconut palm are known to be less susceptible to LYD but none are completely resistant. Optimal and current management of LYD is through strict quarantine, prompt detection and destruction of symptomatic palms, and replanting with less susceptible varieties or crop species. Advances in technology such as loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) for detection and tracking of phytoplasma DNA in plants and insects, remote sensing for identifying symptomatic palms, and the advent of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-based tools for gene editing and plant breeding are likely to allow rapid progress in taxonomy as well as understanding and managing LYD phytoplasma pathosystems.