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Space Sci Rev ; 219(5): 41, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37469439


The two-year prime mission of the NASA Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) is complete. The baseline operational and scientific objectives have been met and exceeded, as detailed in this report. In October of 2019, ICON was launched into an orbit that provides its instruments the capability to deliver near-continuous measurements of the densest plasma in Earth's space environment. Through collection of a key set of in-situ and remote sensing measurements that are, by virtue of a detailed mission design, uniquely synergistic, ICON enables completely new investigations of the mechanisms that control the behavior of the ionosphere-thermosphere system under both geomagnetically quiet and active conditions. In a two-year period that included a deep solar minimum, ICON has elucidated a number of remarkable effects in the ionosphere attributable to energetic inputs from the lower and middle atmosphere, and shown how these are transmitted from the edge of space to the peak of plasma density above. The observatory operated in a period of low activity for 2 years and then for a year with increasing solar activity, observing the changing balance of the impacts of lower and upper atmospheric drivers on the ionosphere.

Space Sci Rev ; 219(3): 24, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37007703


We present in-flight performance measurements of the Ionospheric Connection Explorer EUV spectrometer, ICON EUV, a wide field ( 17 ∘ × 12 ∘ ) extreme ultraviolet (EUV) imaging spectrograph designed to observe the lower ionosphere at tangent altitudes between 100 and 500 km. The primary targets of the spectrometer, which has a spectral range of 54-88 nm, are the Oii emission lines at 61.6 nmand 83.4 nm. In flight calibration and performance measurement has shown that the instrument has met all of the science performance requirements. We discuss the observed and expected changes in the instrument performance due to microchannel plate charge depletion, and how these changes were tracked over the first two years of flight. This paper shows raw data products from this instrument. A parallel paper (Stephan et al. in Space Sci. Rev. 218:63, 2022) in this volume discusses the use of these raw products to determine O+ density profiles versus altitude.

J Geophys Res Planets ; 127(8): e2022JE007290, 2022 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36249322


Variability in the Martian upper atmosphere is strongly linked to the lower atmosphere and much of it can be attributed to vertical wave propagation. Atmospheric tides in particular are a well-known phenomenon in the Martian atmosphere that play a key role in the transport of energy as they propagate to higher altitudes. Previous theoretical predictions and observations suggest that tides producing wavenumber-2 and wavenumber-3 patterns are strongest in a fixed local time at high altitudes, however, the energy they carry and the region of deposition are not well characterized. Given the availability of atmospheric observations from several spacecraft at the same time, in this paper, the nature and behavior of tides are studied concurrently at several altitudes. Here, six intervals are identified focused at fixed low latitudes utilizing simultaneous observations of the middle and upper atmosphere from in situ and remote sensing instruments on different spacecraft. In the middle atmosphere, strong wavenumber-2 signatures are identified in the intervals north of the equator whereas, in the south, wavenumber-3 signatures are strongest. Wave signatures observed in the upper atmosphere seem to be dominated by a mix of wavenumbers-2 and -3. Seasonal variation is observed in the northern intervals, with very little interannual variability in all intervals considered. Estimates of energy based on dominant wavenumber amplitude suggest that most of the energy dissipates below ∼90 km. Furthermore, model sampled output captures the dominant wavenumbers observed in the middle atmosphere as well as the energy dissipation characteristics.

J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 127(8): e2022JA030592, 2022 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36247324


Since the earliest space-based observations of Earth's atmosphere, ultraviolet (UV) airglow has proven a useful resource for remote sensing of the ionosphere and thermosphere. The NASA Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) spacecraft, whose mission is to explore the connections between ionosphere and thermosphere utilizes UV airglow in the typical way: an extreme-UV (EUV) spectrometer uses dayglow between 54 and 88 nm to measure the density of O+, and a far-UV spectrograph uses the O 135.6 nm doublet and N2 Lyman-Birge-Hopfield band dayglow to measure the column ratio of O to N2 in the upper thermosphere. Two EUV emission features, O+ 61.6 and 83.4 nm, are used for the O+ retrieval; however, many other features are captured along the EUV instrument's spectral dimension. In this study, we examine the other dayglow features observed by ICON EUV and demonstrate that it measures a nitrogen feature around 87.8 nm which can be used to observe the neutral thermosphere.

Geophys Res Lett ; 48(15)2021 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34690382


We report for the first time the day-to-day variation of the longitudinal structure in height of the F2 layer (hmF2) in the equatorial ionosphere using multi-satellite observations of electron density profiles by the Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate-2 (COSMIC-2). These observations reveal a ~3-day modulation of the hmF2 wavenumber-4 structure viewed in a fixed local time frame during January 30-February 14, 2021. Simultaneously, ~3-day planetary wave activity is discerned from zonal wind observations at ~100 km by the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) Michelson Interferometer for Global High-Resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI). This signature is not observed at ~180-250 km altitudes, suggesting the dissipation of this wave below the F-region. We propose that the 3-day variation identified in h mF2 is likely caused by the planetary wave-tide interaction through the E-region dynamo.

J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 126(9)2021 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34650899


In near-Earth space, variations in thermospheric composition have important implications for thermosphere-ionosphere coupling. The ratio of O to N2 is often measured using far-UV airglow observations. Taking such airglow observations from space, looking below the Earth's limb allows for the total column of O and N2 in the ionosphere to be determined. While these observations have enabled many previous studies, determining the impact of non-migrating tides on thermospheric composition has proved difficult, owing to a small contamination of the signal by recombination of ionospheric O+. New ICON observations of far UV are presented here, and their general characteristics are shown. Using these, along with other observations and a global circulation model we show that during the morning hours and at latitudes away from the peak of the equatorial ionospheric anomaly, the impact of non-migrating tides on thermospheric composition can be observed. During March - April 2020, the column O/N2 ratio was seen to vary by 3 - 4 % of the zonal mean. By comparing the amplitude of the variation observed with that in the model, both the utility of these observations and a pathway to enable future studies is shown.

J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 126(3)2021 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33868889


We compare coincident thermospheric neutral wind observations made by the Michelson Interferometer for Global High-Resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI) on the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) spacecraft, and four ground-based specular meteor radars (SMRs). Using the green-line MIGHTI channel, we analyze 1158 coincidences between Dec 2019 and May 2020 in the altitude range from 94 to 104 km where the observations overlap. We find that the two datasets are strongly correlated (r = 0.82) with a small mean difference (4.5 m/s). Although this agreement is good, an analysis of known error sources (e.g., shot noise, calibration errors, and analysis assumptions) can only account for about a quarter of the disagreement variance. The unexplained variance is 27.8% of the total signal variance and could be caused by unknown errors. However, based on an analysis of the spatial and caused by temporal variability of the wind on scales ≲70 min. The observed magnitudes agree well during temporal averaging of the two measurement modalities, we suggest that some of the disagreement is likely the night, but during the day, MIGHTI observes 16%-25% faster winds than the SMRs. This remains unresolved but is similar in certain ways to previous SMR-satellite comparisons.

Nat Geosci ; 14: 893-898, 2021 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35003329


Earth's equatorial ionosphere exhibits substantial and unpredictable day-to-day variations in density and morphology. This presents challenges in preparing for adverse impacts on geopositioning systems and radio communications even 24 hours in advance. The variability is now theoretically understood as a manifestation of thermospheric weather, where winds in the upper atmosphere respond strongly to a spectrum of atmospheric waves that propagate into space from the lower and middle atmosphere. First-principles simulations predict related, large changes in the ionosphere, primarily through modification of wind-driven electromotive forces: the wind-driven dynamo. Here we show the first direct evidence of the action of a wind dynamo in space, using the coordinated, space-based observations of winds and plasma motion made by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Ionospheric Connection Explorer. A clear relationship is found between vertical plasma velocities measured at the magnetic equator near 600 km and the thermospheric winds much farther below. Significant correlations are found between the plasma and wind velocities during several successive precession cycles of the Ionospheric Connection Explorer's orbit. Prediction of thermospheric winds in the 100-150 km altitude range emerges as the key to improved prediction of Earth's plasma environment.

Prog Earth Planet Sci ; 7(1): 18, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32626648


Retrieval of the properties of the middle and upper atmosphere can be performed using several different interferometric and photometric methods. The emission-shape and Doppler shift of both atomic and molecular emissions can be observed from the ground and space to provide temperature and bulk velocity. These instantaneous measurements can be combined over successive times/locations along an orbit track, or successive universal/local times from a ground station to quantify the motion and temperature of the atmosphere needed to identify atmospheric tides. In this report, we explore how different combinations of space-based wind and temperature measurements affect the retrieval of atmospheric tides, a ubiquitous property of planetary atmospheres. We explore several scenarios informed by the use of a tidally forced atmospheric circulation model, an empirically based emissions reference, and a low-earth orbit satellite observation geometry based on the ICON mission design. This capability provides a necessary tool for design of an optimal mission concept for retrieval of atmospheric tides from ICON remote-sensing observations. Here it is used to investigate scenarios of limited data availability and the effects of rapid changes in the total wave spectrum on the retrieval of the correct tidal spectrum. An approach such as that described here could be used in the design of future missions, such as the NASA DYNAMIC mission (National Research Council, Solar and space physics: a science for a technological society, 2013).

Space Sci Rev ; 214(1)2018 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30166692


The Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI) is a satellite experiment scheduled to launch on NASA's Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) in 2017. MIGHTI is designed to measure horizontal neutral winds and neutral temperatures in the terrestrial thermosphere. Temperatures will be inferred by imaging the molecular oxygen Atmospheric band (A band) on the limb in the lower thermosphere. MIGHTI will measure the spectral shape of the A band using discrete wavelength channels to infer the ambient temperature from the rotational envelope of the band. Here we present simulated temperature retrievals based on the as-built characteristics of the instrument and the expected emission rate profile of the A band for typical daytime and nighttime conditions. We find that for a spherically symmetric atmosphere, the measurement precision is 1 K between 90-105 km during the daytime whereas during the nighttime it increases from 1 K at 90 km to 3 K at 105 km. We also find that the accuracy is 2 K to 11 K for the same altitudes. The expected MIGHTI temperature precision is within the measurement requirements for the ICON mission.

Space Sci Rev ; 214(42)2018 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30026635


The NASA Ionospheric Connection Explorer Far-Ultraviolet spectrometer, ICON FUV, will measure altitude profiles of the daytime far-ultraviolet (FUV) OI 135.6 nm and N2 Lyman-Birge-Hopfield (LBH) band emissions that are used to determine thermospheric density profiles and state parameters related to thermospheric composition; specifically the thermospheric column O/N2 ratio (symbolized as ΣO/N2). This paper describes the algorithm concept that has been adapted and updated from one previously applied with success to limb data from the Global Ultraviolet Imager (GUVI) on the NASA Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) mission. We also describe the requirements that are imposed on the ICON FUV to measure ΣO/N2 over any 500-km sample in daytime with a precision of better than 8.7%. We present results from orbit-simulation testing that demonstrates that the ICON FUV and our thermospheric composition retrieval algorithm can meet these requirements and provide the measurements necessary to address ICON science objectives.

Space Sci Rev ; 2142018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33795893


The Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) Far Ultraviolet (FUV) imager, ICON FUV, will measure altitude profiles of OI 135.6 nm emissions to infer nighttime ionospheric parameters. Accurate estimation of the ionospheric state requires the development of a comprehensive radiative transfer model from first principles to quantify the effects of physical processes on the production and transport of the 135.6 nm photons in the ionosphere including the mutual neutralization contribution as well as the effect of resonant scattering by atomic oxygen and pure absorption by oxygen molecules. This forward model is then used in conjunction with a constrained optimization algorithm to invert the anticipated ICON FUV line-of-sight integrated measurements. In this paper, we describe the connection between ICON FUV measurements and the nighttime ionosphere, along with the approach to inverting the measured emission profiles to derive the associated O+ profiles from 150-450 km in the nighttime ionosphere that directly reflect the electron density in the F-region of the ionosphere.

Space Sci Rev ; 212(1-2): 697-713, 2017 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30093735


The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Thermosphere Ionosphere Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIEGCM) will provide a physics-based context for the interpretation of ICON measurements. To optimize the realism of the model simulations, ICON wind and temperature measurements near the ~97 km lower boundary of the TIEGCM will be used to specify the upward-propagating tidal spectrum at this altitude. This will be done by fitting a set of basis functions called Hough Mode Extensions (HMEs) to 27-day mean tidal winds and temperatures between 90 and 105 km altitude and between 12°S and 42°N latitude on a day-by-day basis. The current paper assesses the veracity of the HME fitting methodology given the restricted latitude sampling and the UT-longitude sampling afforded by the MIGHTI instrument viewing from the ICON satellite, which will be in a circular 27° inclination orbit. These issues are investigated using the output from a reanalysis-driven global circulation model, which contains realistic variability of the important tidal components, as a mock data set. ICON sampling of the model reveals that the 27-day mean diurnal and semidiurnal tidal components replicate well the 27-day mean tidal components obtained from full synoptic sampling of the model, but the terdiurnal tidal components are not faithfully reproduced. It is also demonstrated that reconstructed tidal components based on HME fitting to the model tides between 12°S and 42°N latitude provide good approximations to the major tidal components expected to be encountered during the ICON mission. This is because the constraints provided by fitting both winds and temperatures over the 90-105 km height range are adequate to offset the restricted sampling in latitude. The boundary conditions provided by the methodology described herein will greatly enhance the ability of the TIEGCM to provide a physical framework for interpreting atmosphere-ionosphere coupling in ICON observations due to atmospheric tides.

Space Sci Rev ; 212: 715-730, 2017 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33758432


A Time-Delay Integration (TDI) image processing system has been developed to capture ICON's Far Ultraviolet (FUV) Spectrographic Imager data. The TDI system is designed to provide variable-range motion-compensated imaging of Earth's nightside ionospheric limb and sub-limb scenes viewed from Low Earth Orbit in the 135.6 nm emission of oxygen with an integration time of 12 seconds. As a pre-requisite of the motion compensation the TDI system is also designed to provide corrections for optical distortions generated by the FUV Imager's optical assembly. On the dayside the TDI system is used to process 135.6 nm and 157.0 nm wavelength altitude profiles simultaneously. We present the TDI system's design methodology and implementation as an FPGA module with an emphasis on minimization of on-board data throughput and telemetry. We also present the methods and results of testing the TDI system in simulation and with Engineering Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) to validate its performance.

Space Sci Rev ; 212(1-2): 585-600, 2017 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30034033


We present an algorithm to retrieve thermospheric wind profiles from measurements by the Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI) instrument on NASA's Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) mission. MIGHTI measures interferometric limb images of the green and red atomic oxygen emissions at 557.7 nm and 630.0 nm, spanning 90-300 km. The Doppler shift of these emissions represents a remote measurement of the wind at the tangent point of the line of sight. Here we describe the algorithm which uses these images to retrieve altitude profiles of the line-of-sight wind. By combining the measurements from two MIGHTI sensors with perpendicular lines of sight, both components of the vector horizontal wind are retrieved. A comprehensive truth model simulation that is based on TIME-GCM winds and various airglow models is used to determine the accuracy and precision of the MIGHTI data product. Accuracy is limited primarily by spherical asymmetry of the atmosphere over the spatial scale of the limb observation, a fundamental limitation of space-based wind measurements. For 80% of the retrieved wind samples, the accuracy is found to be better than 5.8 m/s (green) and 3.5 m/s (red). As expected, significant errors are found near the day/night boundary and occasionally near the equatorial ionization anomaly, due to significant variations of wind and emission rate along the line of sight. The precision calculation includes pointing uncertainty and shot, read, and dark noise. For average solar minimum conditions, the expected precision meets requirements, ranging from 1.2 to 4.7 m/s.

Space Sci Rev ; 212(1-2): 645-654, 2017 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30034035


The NASA Ionospheric Connection Explorer Extreme Ultraviolet spectrograph, ICON EUV, will measure altitude profiles of the daytime extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) OII emission near 83.4 and 61.7 nm that are used to determine density profiles and state parameters of the ionosphere. This paper describes the algorithm concept and approach to inverting these measured OII emission profiles to derive the associated O+ density profile from 150-450 km as a proxy for the electron content in the F-region of the ionosphere. The algorithm incorporates a bias evaluation and feedback step, developed at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory using data from the Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager (SSULI) and the Remote Atmospheric and Ionospheric Detection System (RAIDS) missions, that is able to effectively mitigate the effects of systematic instrument calibration errors and inaccuracies in the original photon source within the forward model. Results are presented from end-to-end simulations that convolved simulated airglow profiles with the expected instrument measurement response to produce profiles that were inverted with the algorithm to return data products for comparison to truth. Simulations of measurements over a representative ICON orbit show the algorithm is able to reproduce hmF2 values to better than 5 km accuracy, and NmF2 to better than 12% accuracy over a 12-second integration, and demonstrate that the ICON EUV instrument and daytime ionosphere algorithm can meet the ICON science objectives which require 20 km vertical resolution in hmF2 and 18% precision in NmF2.