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Nature ; 626(7999): 512-516, 2024 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38356070


At room temperature, mechanical motion driven by the quantum backaction of light has been observed only in pioneering experiments in which an optical restoring force controls the oscillator stiffness1,2. For solid-state mechanical resonators in which oscillations are controlled by the material rigidity, the observation of these effects has been hindered by low mechanical quality factors, optical cavity frequency fluctuations3, thermal intermodulation noise4,5 and photothermal instabilities. Here we overcome these challenges with a phononic-engineered membrane-in-the-middle system. By using phononic-crystal-patterned cavity mirrors, we reduce the cavity frequency noise by more than 700-fold. In this ultralow noise cavity, we insert a membrane resonator with high thermal conductance and a quality factor (Q) of 180 million, engineered using recently developed soft-clamping techniques6,7. These advances enable the operation of the system within a factor of 2.5 of the Heisenberg limit for displacement sensing8, leading to the squeezing of the probe laser by 1.09(1) dB below the vacuum fluctuations. Moreover, the long thermal decoherence time of the membrane oscillator (30 vibrational periods) enables us to prepare conditional displaced thermal states of motion with an occupation of 0.97(2) phonons using a multimode Kalman filter. Our work extends the quantum control of solid-state macroscopic oscillators to room temperature.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 2236, 2021 Apr 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33863901


Low-loss photonic integrated circuits and microresonators have enabled a wide range of applications, such as narrow-linewidth lasers and chip-scale frequency combs. To translate these into a widespread technology, attaining ultralow optical losses with established foundry manufacturing is critical. Recent advances in integrated Si3N4 photonics have shown that ultralow-loss, dispersion-engineered microresonators with quality factors Q > 10 × 106 can be attained at die-level throughput. Yet, current fabrication techniques do not have sufficiently high yield and performance for existing and emerging applications, such as integrated travelling-wave parametric amplifiers that require meter-long photonic circuits. Here we demonstrate a fabrication technology that meets all requirements on wafer-level yield, performance and length scale. Photonic microresonators with a mean Q factor exceeding 30 × 106, corresponding to 1.0 dB m-1 optical loss, are obtained over full 4-inch wafers, as determined from a statistical analysis of tens of thousands of optical resonances, and confirmed via cavity ringdown with 19 ns photon storage time. The process operates over large areas with high yield, enabling 1-meter-long spiral waveguides with 2.4 dB m-1 loss in dies of only 5 × 5 mm2 size. Using a response measurement self-calibrated via the Kerr nonlinearity, we reveal that the intrinsic absorption-limited Q factor of our Si3N4 microresonators can exceed 2 × 108. This absorption loss is sufficiently low such that the Kerr nonlinearity dominates the microresonator's response even in the audio frequency band. Transferring this Si3N4 technology to commercial foundries can significantly improve the performance and capabilities of integrated photonics.

Nano Lett ; 19(4): 2329-2333, 2019 04 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30811943


Stressed nanomechanical resonators are known to have exceptionally high quality factors ( Q) due to the dilution of intrinsic dissipation by stress. Typically, the amount of dissipation dilution and thus the resonator Q is limited by the high mode curvature region near the clamps. Here we study the effect of clamp geometry on the Q of nanobeams made of high-stress Si3N4. We find that tapering the beam near the clamps, thus locally increasing the stress, leads to an increased Q of MHz-frequency low order modes due to enhanced dissipation dilution. Contrary to recent studies of tethered-membrane resonators, we find that widening the clamps leads to a decreased Q despite increased stress in the beam bulk. The tapered-clamping approach has practical advantages compared to the recently developed "soft-clamping" technique, as it enhances the Q of the fundamental mode and can be implemented without increasing the device size.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(14): 140401, 2017 Apr 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28430469


Bell correlations, indicating nonlocality in composite quantum systems, were until recently only seen in small systems. Here, we demonstrate Bell correlations in squeezed states of 5×10^{5} ^{87}Rb atoms. The correlations are inferred using collective measurements as witnesses and are statistically significant to 124 standard deviations. The states are both generated and characterized using optical-cavity aided measurements.

Nature ; 529(7587): 505-8, 2016 Jan 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26751056


Quantum metrology uses quantum entanglement--correlations in the properties of microscopic systems--to improve the statistical precision of physical measurements. When measuring a signal, such as the phase shift of a light beam or an atomic state, a prominent limitation to achievable precision arises from the noise associated with the counting of uncorrelated probe particles. This noise, commonly referred to as shot noise or projection noise, gives rise to the standard quantum limit (SQL) to phase resolution. However, it can be mitigated down to the fundamental Heisenberg limit by entangling the probe particles. Despite considerable experimental progress in a variety of physical systems, a question that persists is whether these methods can achieve performance levels that compare favourably with optimized conventional (non-entangled) systems. Here we demonstrate an approach that achieves unprecedented levels of metrological improvement using half a million (87)Rb atoms in their 'clock' states. The ensemble is 20.1 ± 0.3 decibels (100-fold) spin-squeezed via an optical-cavity-based measurement. We directly resolve small microwave-induced rotations 18.5 ± 0.3 decibels (70-fold) beyond the SQL. The single-shot phase resolution of 147 microradians achieved by the apparatus is better than that achieved by the best engineered cold atom sensors despite lower atom numbers. We infer entanglement of more than 680 ± 35 particles in the atomic ensemble. Applications include atomic clocks, inertial sensors, and fundamental physics experiments such as tests of general relativity or searches for electron electric dipole moment. To this end, we demonstrate an atomic clock measurement with a quantum enhancement of 10.5 ± 0.3 decibels (11-fold), limited by the phase noise of our microwave source.