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Plants (Basel) ; 11(2)2022 Jan 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35050067


The abandoned Kettara pyrrhotite mine (Marrakech region, Morocco) is a real source of acid mine drainage (AMD) and heavy metal pollution from previous mining operations-which has spread, particularly because of wind erosion. A store-and-release cover system made of phosphate wastes was built on the site for preventing AMD. To ensure the integrity of this cover and its durability, it is desirable to revegetate it (phytostabilization) with plants adapted to the edaphoclimatic conditions of the region. In this paper, a study was carried out on the spontaneous vegetation around the phosphate cover in order to consider the selection of plants to promote the stabilization of the Kettara mine tailings pond. Nine species of native plants with their rhizospheric soils growing in agricultural soils and tailings from the Kettara mine were collected, and metals (As, Cd, Co, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Cr) were analyzed. The soil analysis showed that the tailings contained high concentrations of Cu (177.64 mg/kg) and Pb (116.80 mg/kg) and that the agricultural soil contained high concentrations of As (25.07 mg/kg) and Cu (251.96 mg/kg) exceeding the toxicity level (Cu > 100 mg/kg, Pb > 100 mg/kg, As > 20 mg/kg). The plant analysis showed low trace metal accumulation in Scolymus hispanicus, Festuca ovina, Cleome brachycarpa, Carlina involucrata and Peganum harmala. These species had a bioconcentration factor (BCF) greater than 1 and a translocation factor (TF) less than 1, demonstrating a high tolerance to trace metals. Therefore, they are good candidates for use in the phytoremediation of the Kettara mine tailings. These species could also potentially be used for the phytostabilization of the phosphate waste cover of the Kettara mine, thus completing the rehabilitation process of this area.

Front Microbiol ; 12: 666936, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34305834


Soil microbiota are vital for successful revegetation, as they play a critical role in nutrient cycles, soil functions, and plant growth and health. A rehabilitation scenario of the abandoned Kettara mine (Morocco) includes covering acidic tailings with alkaline phosphate mine wastes to limit water infiltration and hence acid mine drainage. Revegetation of phosphate wastes is the final step to this rehabilitation plan. However, revegetation is hard on this type of waste in semi-arid areas and only a few plants managed to grow naturally after 5 years on the store-and-release cover. As we know that belowground biodiversity is a key component for aboveground functioning, we sought to know if any structural problem in phosphate waste communities could explain the almost absence of plants. To test this hypothesis, bacterial and archaeal communities present in these wastes were assessed by 16S rRNA metabarcoding. Exploration of taxonomic composition revealed a quite diversified community assigned to 19 Bacterial and two Archaeal phyla, similar to other studies, that do not appear to raise any particular issues of structural problems. The dominant sequences belonged to Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, and Gemmatimonadetes and to the genera Massilia, Sphingomonas, and Adhaeribacter. LEfSe analysis identified 19 key genera, and metagenomic functional prediction revealed a broader phylogenetic range of taxa than expected, with all identified genera possessing at least one plant growth-promoting trait. Around 47% of the sequences were also related to genera possessing strains that facilitate plant development under biotic and environmental stress conditions, such as drought and heat.