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Phys Rev Lett ; 112(2): 026401, 2014 Jan 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24484030


Using exact numerical techniques, we investigate the nature of excitonic (electron-hole) bound states and the development of exciton coherence in the one-dimensional half-filled extended Falicov-Kimball model. The ground-state phase diagram of the model exhibits, besides band-insulator and staggered orbital ordered phases, an excitonic insulator (EI) with power-law correlations. The criticality of the EI state shows up in the von Neumann entropy. The anomalous spectral function and condensation amplitude provide the binding energy and coherence length of the electron-hole pairs which, on their part, point towards a Coulomb interaction driven crossover from BCS-like electron-hole pairing fluctuations to tightly bound excitons. We show that while a mass imbalance between electrons and holes does not affect the location of the BCS-BEC crossover regime, it favors staggered orbital ordering to the disadvantage of the EI. Within the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) regime, the quasiparticle dispersion develops a flat valence-band top, in accord with the experimental finding for Ta2NiSe5.

Phys Rev Lett ; 106(1): 015303, 2011 Jan 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21231751


We investigate the phase diagram of bosons interacting via Feshbach-resonant pairing interactions in a one-dimensional lattice. Using large scale density matrix renormalization group and field theory techniques we explore the atomic and molecular correlations in this low-dimensional setting. We provide compelling evidence for an Ising deconfinement transition occurring between distinct superfluids and extract the Ising order parameter and correlation length of this unusual superfluid transition. This is supported by results for the entanglement entropy which reveal both the location of the transition and critical Ising degrees of freedom on the phase boundary.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 22(43): 435601, 2010 Nov 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21403331


Holes in a Mott insulator are represented by spinless fermions in the fermion-boson model introduced by Edwards. Although the physically interesting regime is for low to moderate fermion density, the model has interesting properties over the whole density range. It has previously been studied at half-filling in the one-dimensional (1D) case by numerical methods, in particular using exact diagonalization and the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG). In the present study the one-particle Green's function is calculated analytically by means of a decoupling scheme for the equations of motion, valid for arbitrary density in 1D, 2D and 3D with fairly large boson energy and zero boson relaxation parameter. The Green's function is used to compute some ground state properties, and the one-fermion spectral function, for fermion densities n = 0.1, 0.5 and 0.9 in the 1D case. The results are generally in good agreement with numerical results obtained using the DMRG and dynamical DMRG, and new light is shed on the nature of the ground state at different fillings. The Green's function approximation is sufficiently successful in 1D to justify future application to the 2D and 3D cases.

Phys Rev Lett ; 102(10): 106404, 2009 Mar 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19392136


We solve a very general two-channel fermion-boson model describing charge transport within some background medium by means of a refined pseudosite density-matrix renormalization group technique. Performing a careful finite-size scaling analysis, we determine the ground-state phase diagram and convincingly prove that the model exhibits a metal-insulator quantum phase transition for the half-filled band case. In order to characterize the metallic and insulating regimes we calculate, besides the local particle densities and fermion-boson correlation functions, the kinetic energy, the charge-structure factor, the Luttinger liquid charge exponent, and the single-particle excitation gap for a one-dimensional infinite system.