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J Fluid Mech ; 821: 117-152, 2017 Jun 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29109590


We study the motion of a buoyant or a nearly neutrally buoyant nano-sized spheroid in a fluid filled tube without or with an imposed pressure gradient (weak Poiseuille flow). The fluctuating hydrodynamics approach and the deterministic method are both employed. We ensure that the fluctuation-dissipation relation and the principle of thermal equipartition of energy are both satisfied. The major focus is on the effect of the confining boundary. Results for the velocity and the angular velocity autocorrelations (VACF and AVACF), the diffusivities and the drag and the lift forces as functions of the shape, the aspect ratio, the inclination angle and the proximity to the wall are presented. For the parameters considered, the boundary modifies the VACF and AVACF such that three distinct regimes are discernible - an initial exponential decay followed by an algebraic decay culminating in a second exponential decay. The first is due to the thermal noise, the algebraic regime is due both to the thermal noise and the hydrodynamic correlations, while the second exponential decay shows the effect of momentum reflection from the confining wall. Our predictions display excellent comparison with published results for the algebraic regime (the only regime for which earlier results exist). We also discuss the role of the off-diagonal elements of the mobility and the diffusivity tensors that enable the quantifications of the degree of lift and margination of the nanocarrier. Our study covers a range of parameters that are of wide applicability in nanotechnology, microrheology and in targeted drug delivery.

J Mater Chem B ; 2(46): 8085-8097, 2014 Dec 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25485112


Polymer-based nanogel formulations offer features attractive for drug delivery, including ease of synthesis, controllable swelling and viscoelasticity as well as drug loading and release characteristics, passive and active targeting, and the ability to formulate nanogel carriers that can respond to biological stimuli. These unique features and low toxicity make the nanogels a favorable option for vascular drug targeting. In this review, we address key chemical and biological aspects of nanogel drug carrier design. In particular, we highlight published studies of nanogel design, descriptions of nanogel functional characteristics and their behavior in biological models. These studies form a compendium of information that supports the scientific and clinical rationale for development of this carrier for targeted therapeutic interventions.

J Heat Transfer ; 135(1)2013 Jan 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23814315


A hybrid scheme based on Markovian fluctuating hydrodynamics of the fluid and a non-Markovian Langevin dynamics with the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise perturbing the translational and rotational equations of motion of a nanoparticle is employed to study the thermal motion of a nearly neutrally buoyant nanoparticle in an incompressible Newtonian fluid medium. A direct numerical simulation adopting an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian based finite element method is employed in simulating the thermal motion of the particle suspended in the fluid contained in a cylindrical vessel. The instantaneous flow around the particle and the particle motion are fully resolved. The numerical results show that (a) the calculated temperature of the nearly neutrally buoyant Brownian particle in a quiescent fluid satisfies the equipartition theorem; (b) the translational and rotational decay of the velocity autocorrelation functions result in algebraic tails, over long time; (c) the translational and rotational mean square displacements of the particle obeys Stokes-Einstein and Stokes-Einstein-Debye relations, respectively; and (d) the parallel and perpendicular diffusivities of the particle closer to the wall are consistent with the analytical results, where available. The study has important implications for designing nanocarriers for targeted drug delivery.

J Comput Phys ; 244: 252-263, 2013 Jul 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23853388


We present a fluctuating hydrodynamics approach and a hybrid approach combining fluctuating hydrodynamics with generalized Langevin dynamics to resolve the motion of a nanocarrier when subject to both hydrodynamic interactions and adhesive interactions. Specifically, using these approaches, we compute equilibrium probability distributions at constant temperature as well as velocity autocorrelation functions of the nanocarrier subject to thermal motion in a quiescent Newtonian fluid medium, when tethered by a harmonic spring force mimicking a tether due to a single receptor-ligand bond. We demonstrate that the thermal equipartition of translation, rotation, and spring degrees of freedom are preserved by our formalism while simultaneously resolving the nature of the hydrodynamic correlations. Additionally, we evaluate the potential of mean force (or free energy density) along a specified reaction coordinate to faciltate extensive conformational sampling of the nanocarrier motion. We show that our results are in excellent agreement with analytical results and Monte Carlo simulations, thereby validating our methodologies. The frameworks we have presented provide a comprehensive platform for temporal multiscale modeling of hydrodynamic and microscopic interactions mediating nanocarrier motion and adhesion in vascular targeted drug delivery.

Mol Phys ; 110(11-12): 1057-1067, 2012.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22865935


A novel hybrid scheme based on Markovian fluctuating hydrodynamics of the fluid and a non-Markovian Langevin dynamics with the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise perturbing the translational and rotational equations of motion of the nanoparticle is employed to study the thermal motion of a nanoparticle in an incompressible Newtonian fluid medium. A direct numerical simulation adopting an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) based finite element method (FEM) is employed in simulating the thermal motion of a particle suspended in the fluid confined in a cylindrical vessel. The results for thermal equilibrium between the particle and the fluid are validated by comparing the numerically predicted temperature of the nanoparticle with that obtained from the equipartition theorem. The nature of the hydrodynamic interactions is verified by comparing the velocity autocorrelation function (VACF) and mean squared displacement (MSD) with well-known analytical results. For nanoparticle motion in an incompressible fluid, the fluctuating hydrodynamics approach resolves the hydrodynamics correctly but does not impose the correct equipartition of energy based on the nanoparticle mass because of the added mass of the displaced fluid. In contrast, the Langevin approach with an appropriate memory is able to show the correct equipartition of energy, but not the correct short- and long-time hydrodynamic correlations. Using our hybrid approach presented here, we show for the first time, that we can simultaneously satisfy the equipartition theorem and the (short- and long-time) hydrodynamic correlations. In effect, this results in a thermostat that also simultaneously preserves the true hydrodynamic correlations. The significance of this result is that our new algorithm provides a robust computational approach to explore nanoparticle motion in arbitrary geometries and flow fields, while simultaneously enabling us to study carrier adhesion mediated by biological reactions (receptor-ligand interactions) at the vessel wall at a specified finite temperature.

J Nanotechnol Eng Med ; 3(3): 310101-310108, 2012 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23917171


A hybrid approach combining fluctuating hydrodynamics with generalized Langevin dynamics is employed to study the motion of a neutrally buoyant nanocarrier in an incompressible Newtonian stationary fluid medium. Both hydrodynamic interactions and adhesive interactions are included, as are different receptor-ligand bond constants relevant to medical applications. A direct numerical simulation adopting an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian based finite element method is employed for the simulation. The flow around the particle and its motion are fully resolved. The temperatures of the particle associated with the various degrees of freedom satisfy the equipartition theorem. The potential of mean force (or free energy density) along a specified reaction coordinate for the harmonic (spring) interactions between the antibody and antigen is evaluated for two different bond constants. The numerical evaluations show excellent comparison with analytical results. This temporal multiscale modeling of hydrodynamic and microscopic interactions mediating nanocarrier motion and adhesion has important implications for designing nanocarriers for vascular targeted drug delivery.

Int J Micronano Scale Transp ; 3(1-2): 13-20, 2012 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23950764


The Brownian motion of a nanoparticle in an incompressible Newtonian fluid (quiescent or fully developed Poiseuille flow) has been investigated with an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian based finite element method. Results for the motion in a compressible fluid medium are estimated. Thermal fluctuations from the fluid are implemented using a fluctuating hydrodynamics approach. The instantaneous flow around the particle and the particle motion are fully resolved. Carriers of two different sizes with three different densities have been investigated (nearly neutrally buoyant). The numerical results show that (a) the calculated temperature of the nearly neutrally buoyant Brownian particle in a quiescent fluid satisfies the equipartition theorem; (b) the translational and rotational decay of the velocity autocorrelation functions result in algebraic tails, over long time; (c) the translational and rotational mean square displacements of the particle obeys Stokes-Einstein and Stokes-Einstein-Debye relations, respectively. Larger the particle, longer the time taken to attain this limit; and (d) the parallel and perpendicular diffusivities of the particle closer to the wall are consistent with the analytical results, where available.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25621317


A direct numerical simulation adopting an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian based finite element method is employed to simulate the motion of a nanocarrier in a quiescent fluid contained in a cylindrical tube. The nanocarrier is treated as a solid sphere. Thermal fluctuations are implemented using two different approaches: (1) fluctuating hydrodynamics; (2) generalized Langevin dynamics (Mittag-Leffler noise). At thermal equilibrium, the numerical predictions for temperature of the nanoparticle, velocity distribution of the particle, decay of the velocity autocorrelation function, diffusivity of the particle and particle-wall interactions are evaluated and compared with analytical results, where available. For a neutrally buoyant nanoparticle of 200 nm radius, the comparisons between the results obtained from the fluctuating hydrodynamics and the generalized Langevin dynamics approaches are provided. Results for particle diffusivity predicted by the fluctuating hydrodynamics approach compare very well with analytical predictions. Ease of computation of the thermostat is obtained with the Langevin approach although the dynamics gets altered.

J Chem Phys ; 135(11): 114104, 2011 Sep 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21950847


A direct numerical simulation (DNS) procedure is employed to study the thermal motion of a nanoparticle in an incompressible Newtonian stationary fluid medium with the generalized Langevin approach. We consider both the Markovian (white noise) and non-Markovian (Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise and Mittag-Leffler noise) processes. Initial locations of the particle are at various distances from the bounding wall to delineate wall effects. At thermal equilibrium, the numerical results are validated by comparing the calculated translational and rotational temperatures of the particle with those obtained from the equipartition theorem. The nature of the hydrodynamic interactions is verified by comparing the velocity autocorrelation functions and mean square displacements with analytical results. Numerical predictions of wall interactions with the particle in terms of mean square displacements are compared with analytical results. In the non-Markovian Langevin approach, an appropriate choice of colored noise is required to satisfy the power-law decay in the velocity autocorrelation function at long times. The results obtained by using non-Markovian Mittag-Leffler noise simultaneously satisfy the equipartition theorem and the long-time behavior of the hydrodynamic correlations for a range of memory correlation times. The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process does not provide the appropriate hydrodynamic correlations. Comparing our DNS results to the solution of an one-dimensional generalized Langevin equation, it is observed that where the thermostat adheres to the equipartition theorem, the characteristic memory time in the noise is consistent with the inherent time scale of the memory kernel. The performance of the thermostat with respect to equilibrium and dynamic properties for various noise schemes is discussed.

Análisis de Elementos Finitos , Nanopartículas , Cadenas de Markov , Modelos Teóricos
Phys Fluids (1994) ; 23(7): 73602-7360215, 2011 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21918592


We consider the Brownian motion of a nanoparticle in an incompressible Newtonian fluid medium (quiescent or fully developed Poiseuille flow) with the fluctuating hydrodynamics approach. The formalism considers situations where both the Brownian motion and the hydrodynamic interactions are important. The flow results have been modified to account for compressibility effects. Different nanoparticle sizes and nearly neutrally buoyant particle densities are also considered. Tracked particles are initially located at various distances from the bounding wall to delineate wall effects. The results for thermal equilibrium are validated by comparing the predictions for the temperatures of the particle with those obtained from the equipartition theorem. The nature of the hydrodynamic interactions is verified by comparing the velocity autocorrelation functions and mean square displacements with analytical and experimental results where available. The equipartition theorem for a Brownian particle in Poiseuille flow is verified for a range of low Reynolds numbers. Numerical predictions of wall interactions with the particle in terms of particle diffusivities are consistent with results, where available.

Ann Biomed Eng ; 38(12): 3649-63, 2010 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20625830


Gas bubble motion in a blood vessel causes temporal and spatial gradients of shear stress at the cell surface lining the vessel wall as the bubble approaches the cell, moves over it and passes it by. Rapid reversals occur in the sign of the shear stress imparted to the cell surface during this motion. These may result in injury to the cell. The presence of a soluble surfactant in the bulk medium reduces the level of the shear stress gradients imparted to the cell surface as compared to an equivalent surfactant-free system and is an important therapeutic aid. This is particularly true for a very small vessel. In this study, we analyze various physical and chemical properties of any given soluble surfactant to ascertain the relative significance of the property of the surfactant on the reduction in the level of the shear stress gradients imparted to the cell surface in such a vessel. While adsorption, desorption, and maximum possible monolayer interface surfactant concentration significantly impact the shear stress levels, physical properties such as the bulk or surface diffusivity do not appear to have large effects. At a given diameter, surfactants with k(a)/(k(d)d>O(10)⁻5 and Γ(∞)/C(0)d>9.5 x 10⁻4 are noted to be preferable from the point of view of an increased gap size between the bubble and vessel wall, and a corresponding reduction in the shear stress level imparted to an endothelial cell. The shear stress characteristics of nearly occluding bubbles, in contrast with smaller sized bubbles under identical conditions, are most affected by the introduction of a surfactant in regard to shear stress levels. These observations could form a basis for choosing surfactants in treating gas embolism related illnesses.

Embolia Aérea/tratamiento farmacológico , Embolia Aérea/fisiopatología , Modelos Biológicos , Tensoactivos/farmacología , Fenómenos Biomecánicos , Ingeniería Biomédica , Vasos Sanguíneos/efectos de los fármacos , Vasos Sanguíneos/fisiopatología , Difusión , Hemorreología , Humanos , Técnicas In Vitro , Solubilidad , Tensión Superficial
J Fluid Mech ; 642: 509-539, 2010 Jan 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20305744


We present detailed results for the motion of a finite sized gas bubble in a blood vessel. The bubble (dispersed phase) size is taken to be such as to nearly occlude the vessel. The bulk medium is treated as a shear thinning Casson fluid and contains a soluble surfactant that adsorbs and desorbs from the interface. Three different vessel sizes, corresponding to a small artery, a large arteriole, and a small arteriole, in normal humans, are considered. The hematocrit (volume fraction of RBCs) has been taken to be 0.45. For arteriolar flow, where relevant, the Fahraeus-Lindqvist effect is taken into account. Bubble motion cause temporal and spatial gradients of shear stress at the cell surface lining the vessel wall as the bubble approaches the cell, moves over it and passes it by. Rapid reversals occur in the sign of the shear stress imparted to the cell surface during this motion. Shear stress gradients together with sign reversals are associated with a recirculation vortex at the rear of the moving bubble. The presence of the surfactant reduces the level of the shear stress gradients imparted to the cell surface as compared to an equivalent surfactant-free system. Our numerical results for bubble shapes and wall shear stresses may help explain phenomena observed in experimental studies related to gas embolism, a significant problem in cardiac surgery and decompression sickness.

J Biomech Eng ; 131(7): 074516, 2009 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19640152


Mechanisms governing endothelial cell (EC) injury during arterial gas embolism have been investigated. Such mechanisms involve multiple scales. We have numerically investigated the macroscale flow dynamics due to the motion of a nearly occluding finite-sized air bubble in blood vessels of various sizes. Non-Newtonian behavior due to both the shear-thinning rheology of the blood and the Fahraeus-Lindqvist effect has been considered. The occluding bubble dynamics lends itself for an axisymmetric treatment. The numerical solutions have revealed several hydrodynamic features in the vicinity of the bubble. Large temporal and spatial shear stress gradients occur on the EC surface. The stress variations manifest in the form of a traveling wave. The gradients are accompanied by rapid sign changes. These features are ascribable to the development of a region of recirculation (vortex ring) in the proximity of the bubble. The shear stress gradients together with sign reversals may partially act as potential causes in the disruption of endothelial cell membrane integrity and functionality.

Arterias/fisiopatología , Embolia Aérea/fisiopatología , Células Endoteliales , Gases/metabolismo , Modelos Cardiovasculares , Animales , Simulación por Computador , Humanos , Movimiento (Física) , Resistencia al Corte
J Appl Physiol (1985) ; 90(2): 593-600, 2001 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11160058


Cerebral gas embolism is a serious consequence of diving. It is associated with decompression sickness and is assumed to cause severe neurological dysfunction. A mathematical model previously developed to calculate embolism absorption time based on in vivo bubble geometry is used in which various conditions of hyperbaric therapy are considered. Effects of varying external pressure and inert gas concentrations in the breathing mixtures, according to US Navy and Royal Navy diving treatment tables, are predicted. Recompression alone is calculated to reduce absorption times of a 50-nl bubble by up to 98% over the untreated case. Lowering the inhaled inert gas concentration from 67.5% to 50% reduces absorption time by 37% at a given pressure. Bubbles formed after diving and decompression with He are calculated to absorb up to 73% faster than bubbles created after diving and decompression with air, regardless of the recompression gas breathed. This model is a useful alternative to impractical clinical trials in assessing which initial step in hyperbaric therapy is most effective in eliminating cerebral gas embolisms should they occur.

Embolia Aérea/terapia , Oxigenoterapia Hiperbárica , Embolia Intracraneal/terapia , Modelos Teóricos , Absorción , Aire , Humanos , Gases Nobles/química , Oxígeno/química , Presión , Factores de Tiempo
Crit Care Med ; 28(7): 2533-9, 2000 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10921590


OBJECTIVE: To determine whether chest wall vibration with tracheal gas insufflation during bronchoconstriction maintains gas exchange at lower airway and intrathoracic pressures than those that occur during positive pressure ventilation. DESIGN: Prospective study. SETTING: Experimental laboratory. SUBJECTS: Six anesthetized, paralyzed mongrel dogs (mean weight, 24.7+/-3.8 kg). INTERVENTIONS: Dogs were ventilated by two methods: mechanical ventilation (7 breaths/min, 25 mL/kg tidal volume); and tracheal oxygen insufflation at 0.15 L x kg(-1) x min(-1) delivered with external chest wall vibration (29 Hz, 2 mm amplitude) of the dependent hemithorax. Bronchoconstriction was induced by methacholine infusion adjusted to double and quadruple the baseline airway resistance. Proximal mean airway pressure was kept equal for both modes of ventilation. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Airway pressure and flow, esophageal pressure, hemodynamic variables (cardiac output, systemic and pulmonary arterial pressures, pulmonary artery occlusion pressure) and gas exchange variables (PaO2, PaCO2, pH, shunt fraction, VO2) were measured. Peak airway pressure was lower (p < .05) with insufflation and vibration than with mechanical ventilation by 83.6% at baseline resistance, by 76.9% at twice baseline resistance, and by 76.8% at four times baseline resistance. Peak esophageal pressure was lower (p < .05) during insufflation with vibration by 68.5% at baseline resistance, by 87.5% at twice baseline resistance, and by 107% at four times baseline resistance. During insufflation with vibration, mild hypercapnia (PaCO2 58+/-3 torr (7.7+/-0.4 kPa) and pH 7.28+/-0.02) developed with moderate bronchoconstriction; more profound respiratory acidosis (PaCO2 137+/-41 torr (18.2+/-5.5 kPa) and pH 6.87+/-0.11) developed with severe bronchoconstriction. CONCLUSIONS: Tracheal gas insufflation with chest vibration supports gas exchange with permissive hypercapnia only during moderate, not severe, bronchoconstriction. Gas exchange was achieved at lower airway and intrathoracic pressures than those that developed during mechanical ventilation. The alveolar hypoventilation that occurred during insufflation with vibration indicates impaired CO2 elimination and suggests increased resistance to CO2 transport. This ventilation technique may confer therapeutic advantages over mechanical ventilation in the treatment of asthma.

Broncoconstricción/fisiología , Insuflación/métodos , Intercambio Gaseoso Pulmonar , Respiración Artificial , Vibración , Animales , Asma/inducido químicamente , Perros , Electrocardiografía , Hemodinámica , Intubación Intratraqueal , Masculino , Cloruro de Metacolina/efectos adversos
Anesth Analg ; 91(3): 539-45, 2000 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10960372


UNLABELLED: Our goal was to determine and predict the effects of temperature, shear rate, hematocrit, and different volume expanders on blood viscosity in conditions mimicking deep hypothermia for cardiac operations. Blood was obtained from six healthy adults. Dilutions were prepared to hematocrits of 35%, 30%, 22.5%, and 15% using plasma, 0.9% NaCl, 5% human albumin, and 6% hydroxyethyl starch. Viscosity was measured over a range of shear rates (4.5-450 s(-1)) and temperature (0 degrees -37 degrees C). A parametric expression for predicting blood viscosity based on the study variables was developed, and its agreement with measured values tested. Viscosity was higher at low shear rates and low temperatures, especially at temperatures less than 15 degrees C (P: < 0.016 for all conditions in comparison with 37 degrees C). Decreasing hematocrit, especially to less than 22.5%, decreased viscosity. Hemodilution with albumin or 0.9% NaCl decreased blood viscosity more than hemodilution with plasma or 6% hydroxyethyl starch (P: < 0.01 for all cases). The derived mathematical model for viscosity as a function of temperature, hematocrit, shear rate, and diluent predicted viscosity values that correlated well with the measured values in experimental samples (r(2) > 0.92, P: < 0.001). IMPLICATIONS: A theoretical model for blood viscosity predicted independent effects of temperature, shear rate, and hemodilution on viscosity over a wide range of physiologic conditions, including thermal extremes of deep hypothermia in an experimental setting. Moderate hemodilution to a hematocrit of 22% decreased blood viscosity by 30%-50% at a blood temperature of 15 degrees C, suggesting the potential to improve microcirculatory perfusion during deep hypothermia.

Viscosidad Sanguínea/fisiología , Sustitutos del Plasma/farmacología , Adulto , Algoritmos , Viscosidad Sanguínea/efectos de los fármacos , Femenino , Hematócrito , Humanos , Derivados de Hidroxietil Almidón/farmacología , Hipotermia Inducida , Técnicas In Vitro , Masculino , Modelos Biológicos , Temperatura
Crit Care Clin ; 16(3): 463-72, vii, 2000 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10941585


Tracheal insufflation of oxygen has at least three major uses for chronic oxygen supplementation through a percutaneous catheter, it is an adjunctive measure to enhance gas exchange during mechanical ventilation, and it provides an emergency therapy for oxygen delivery with upper airway obstruction. In this article the mechanisms of gas exchange and techniques of oxygen delivery are described for each of these major uses.

Obstrucción de las Vías Aéreas/terapia , Insuflación/métodos , Intubación Intratraqueal/métodos , Terapia por Inhalación de Oxígeno/métodos , Obstrucción de las Vías Aéreas/metabolismo , Enfermedad Crónica , Terapia Combinada , Humanos , Insuflación/instrumentación , Intubación Intratraqueal/instrumentación , Cuidados a Largo Plazo/métodos , Terapia por Inhalación de Oxígeno/instrumentación , Intercambio Gaseoso Pulmonar , Respiración Artificial/instrumentación , Respiración Artificial/métodos , Resucitación/instrumentación , Resucitación/métodos
N Engl J Med ; 342(26): 2000-1; author reply 2001-2, 2000 Jun 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10877659
J Appl Physiol (1985) ; 87(4): 1287-95, 1999 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10517754


Multifocal cerebrovascular gas embolism occurs frequently during cardiopulmonary bypass and is thought to cause postoperative neurological dysfunction in large numbers of patients. We developed a mathematical model to predict the absorption time of intravascular gas embolism, accounting for the bubble geometry observed in vivo. We modeled bubbles as cylinders with hemispherical end caps and solved the resulting governing gas transport equations numerically. We validated the model using data obtained from video-microscopy measurements of bubbles in the intact cremaster microcirculation of anesthetized male Wistar rats. The theoretical model with the use of in vivo geometry closely predicted actual absorption times for experimental intravascular gas embolisms and was more accurate than a model based on spherical shape. We computed absorption times for cerebrovascular gas embolism assuming a range of bubble geometries, initial volumes, and parameters relevant to brain blood flow. Results of the simulations demonstrated absorption time maxima and minima based on initial geometry, with several configurations taking as much as 50% longer to be absorbed than would a comparable spherical bubble.

Embolia Aérea/metabolismo , Modelos Cardiovasculares , Absorción , Animales , Simulación por Computador , Predicción , Masculino , Microcirculación , Músculo Esquelético/irrigación sanguínea , Ratas , Ratas Wistar , Factores de Tiempo
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9663334


Intravenous administration of perfluorocarbon (PFC) compounds can lead to pulmonary hyperinflation and respiratory distress in some mammals. This study was designed to quantify the effects of two PFC emulsions on the dynamic behavior of lung surfactant and to demonstrate that PFC is retained in the liquid lining the lung. New Zealand White rabbits received isotonic saline (3 ml/kg), Fluosol (15 ml/kg) or Oxygent (90% perfluorooctyl-bromide emulsion, 3 ml/kg). After seven days we euthanized the animals and lavaged the lungs. Surface tension-surface area relationships (sigma-A loops) were measured with the lavage fluid placed in a Wilhelmy plate-oscillating bellows apparatus. Loop hysteresis area after Fluosol administration was 334 +/- 92 dyne-cm, significantly greater than after saline (203 +/- 36 dyne-cm) but not Oxygent (274 +/- 66 dyne-cm). Loop hysteresis slope was higher with Oxygent (0.8 +/- 0.4 dyne/cm3) than after saline (0.6 +/- 0.3 dyne/cm3) or Fluosol (0.5 +/- 0.1 dyne/cm3). 282 MHz 19F NMR spectral analysis demonstrates that both PFCs tested appear only in the extracellular fraction of the lavage fluid. These results show that pulmonary elimination of intravascular PFC leads to PFC presence in the liquid lining the airways where it alters surfactant dynamic mechanical behavior.

Fluorocarburos/farmacología , Pulmón/efectos de los fármacos , Surfactantes Pulmonares/efectos de los fármacos , Animales , Emulsiones , Hidrocarburos Bromados , Pulmón/metabolismo , Espectroscopía de Resonancia Magnética , Masculino , Conejos , Tensión Superficial