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Opt Express ; 16(24): 19865-71, 2008 Nov 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19030073


We investigate the thermal characteristics of a polymer-clad fiber laser under natural convection when it is strongly pumped up to the damage point of the fiber. For this, we utilize a temperature sensing technique based on a fiber Bragg grating sensor array. We have measured the longitudinal temperature distribution of a 2.4-m length ytterbium-sensitized erbium-doped fiber laser that was end-pumped at approximately 975 nm. The measured temperature distribution decreases exponentially, approximately, decaying away from the pump-launch end. We attribute this to the heat dissipation of absorbed pump power. The maximum temperature difference between the fiber ends was approximately 190 K at the maximum pump power of 60.8 W. From this, we estimate that the core temperature reached approximately 236 degrees C.

Opt Express ; 16(4): 2381-6, 2008 Feb 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18542316


We report a high power tunable femtosecond soliton-based source using a simple combination of fiber-amplified pulses at 1064 nm and hollow-core photonic bandgap fiber. Compression of 5.5 ps input pulses, strongly chirped by self phase modulation in the amplifier, results in stable 520 fs-soliton formation with 77% conversion efficiency after only 8m propagation in the hollow-core fiber. The Raman self-frequency shift of the solitons was used to provide 33 nm wavelength tuneability. The transform-limited output pulses were frequency doubled using a nonlinear crystal with high conversion efficiency of 60% to demonstrate a femtosecond green laser tunable from 534 nm to 548 nm with 180 nJ pulse energy.

Opt Express ; 15(7): 3729-36, 2007 Apr 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19532619


We report the generation of white light from a picosecond pump by efficient four-wave mixing processes. A 530 nm green source based on a frequency-doubled Yb-doped fiber laser generates strong red and blue sidebands in the secondary cores of a holey fiber with large air-filling factor. Phase matching is attributed to birefringence within the submicrometer-sized secondary cores induced by non-symmetric deformation during the fiber drawing.

Opt Lett ; 31(19): 2833-5, 2006 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16969393


We demonstrate a Q-switched, cladding-pumped, Nd:Al-doped silica depressed clad hollow optical fiber (DCHOF) laser, which generated up to 133 microJ of pulse energy at a repetition rate of 5 kHz and 0.9 W of average output power at a high repetition rate (>20 kHz) in a diffraction-limited beam (M(2)=1.08) at 927 nm. The laser was tunable from 919 to 935 nm. This result shows the potential of the DCHOF structure for the suppression of unwanted long-wavelength radiation in large-area cores suitable for high-power Q-switched laser operation.

Opt Lett ; 31(15): 2290-2, 2006 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16832462


We demonstrate a high-power single-mode cladding-pumped Raman fiber laser. The Raman fiber laser consists of a 1.2 km long germanium-doped double-clad fiber in a linear cavity, which is spliced to a single-mode fiber. The laser is end pumped by a multimode erbium-ytterbium-doped fiber, which is coupled to the inner cladding of the Raman fiber. The embedded core was designed to be single mode at the Raman Stokes wavelength, and up to 10 W of power was obtained at 1660 nm from the single-mode fiber end. The laser has a slope efficiency of 67% and a threshold of 6.5 W.

Opt Express ; 14(12): 5103-13, 2006 Jun 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19516674


We demonstrate the suppression of stimulated Raman scattering in a high power, single-mode Yb-doped fiber amplifier using a W-type core structure. Raman-scattered light is not guided by the core. The amplifier consists of a master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) system, seeded with 103 ps pulses at 32 MHz repetition rate in the final amplification stage. An average output power of 53 W, which corresponds to 13 kW of peak power, was achieved in the 23 m long W-type double-clad fiber without any significant loss of power due to transfer from the signal wavelength at 1060 nm to the Raman Stokes wavelength at 1114 nm and amplified spontaneous emission from Yb-ions at longer wavelengths (~1070 nm). The power conversion efficiency at 1060 nm was 80% with respect to the absorbed pump power.

Opt Lett ; 30(9): 955-7, 2005 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15906968


We demonstrate a cladding-pumped single-mode plane-polarized ytterbium-doped fiber laser generating 633 W of continuous-wave output power at 1.1 microm with 67% slope efficiency and a polarization extinction ratio better than 16 dB. The laser is end pumped through both fiber ends and shows no evidence of roll-over, even at the highest output power, which is limited only by the available pump power.

Opt Lett ; 30(5): 459-61, 2005 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15789702


We present a single-frequency, single-mode, plane-polarized ytterbium-doped all-fiber master oscillator power amplifier source at 1060 nm generating 264 W of continuous-wave output power. The final-stage amplifier operated with a high gain of 19 dB and a high conversion efficiency of 68%. There was no evidence of rollover from stimulated Brillouin scattering even at the highest output power, and the maximum output was limited only by the available pump power.