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Phytopathology ; 90(9): 1018-25, 2000 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18944528


ABSTRACT The susceptible parent FR1141, the resistant parent 061, the F1 cross, and 301 families selfed once from backcrosses to the susceptible parent were evaluated for gray leaf spot (GLS) severity for two years in Urbana, IL, and one year in Andrews, NC. Linkage between ear height and GLS severity was suspected. Therefore, plant height characteristics were noted for two years in Urbana, IL. Eighty-six polymorphic probes were used to construct a random fragment length polymorphism linkage map, and the presence, locations, effects, and interactions of quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with GLS, plant and ear height were determined. Five QTL were significantly associated with GLS resistance across all environments and rating periods. These five regions are associated with additive effects on phenotype and account for between 51.0 and 58.7% of the phenotypic variation associated with GLS severity. Additionally, six QTL were identified with maturity-dependent associations to GLS severity. Heritability of GLS resistance was estimated to be approximately 0.73. Four QTL were identified with associations to ear height relative to total plant height. One of the four was associated with higher ear height and GLS resistance.

Theor Appl Genet ; 87(8): 1016-20, 1994 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24190537


The objectives of this study were two fold: (1) to determine whether divergent selection for kernel protein concentration, which produced the Illinois high protein (IHP), Illinois low protein (ILP), reverse low protein (RLP), and reverse high protein (RHP) maize (Zea mays L.) strains, had generated coupling-phase linkages among genes controlling protein concentration or other traits and (2) to measure the effectiveness of random mating in reducing linkage disequilibrium in segregating generations from crosses between the strains. To achieve these objectives, design III progenies from the F2 and F6 (produced by random mating the F2) from the crosses of IHP × ILP, IHP × RHP, ILP × RLP, and RHP × RLP were evaluated. Estimates of additive variance for percent protein in the crosses of IHP × ILP and ILP × RLP were significantly less in the F6 than in the F2 indicating the presence of coupling-phase linkages in the parents and their breakup by random mating. In addition, a significant reduction in dominance variance for grain yield from the F2 to the F6 in IHP × ILP suggested the presence of repulsion-phase linkages. No other evidence of coupling or repulsion-phase linkages was found for any of the traits measured. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of long-term divergent selection in the development of coupling-phase linkages and of random mating to dissipate linkage disequilibrium.

Theor Appl Genet ; 87(1-2): 217-24, 1993 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24190215


A study was initiated to determine the number, chromosomal location, and magnitude of effect of QTL (quantitative trait loci or locus depending on context) controlling protein and starch concentration in the maize (Zea mays L.) kernel. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was performed on 100 F3 families derived from a cross of two strains, Illinois High Protein (IHP), X Illinois Low Protein (ILP), which had been divergently selected for protein concentration for 76 generations as part of the Illinois Long Term Selection Experiment. These families were analyzed for kernel protein and starch in replicated field trials during 1990 and 1991. A series of 90 genomic and cDNA clones distributed throughout the maize genome were chosen for their ability to detect RFLP between IHP and ILP. These clones were hybridized with DNA extracted from the 100 F3 families, revealing 100 polymorphic loci. Single factor analysis of variance revealed significant QTL associations of many loci with both protein and starch concentration (P < 0.05 level). Twenty-two loci distributed on 10 chromosome arms were significantly associated with protein concentration, 19 loci on 9 chromosome arms were significantly associated with starch concentration. Sixteen of these loci were significant for both protein and starch concentration. Clusters of 3 or more significant loci were detected on chromosome arms 3L, 5S, and 7L for protein concentration, suggesting the presence of QTL with large effects at these locations. A QTL with large additive effects on protein and starch concentration was detected on chromosome arm 3L. RFLP alleles at this QTL were found to be linked with RFLP alleles at the Shrunken-2 (Sh2) locus, a structural gene encoding the major subunit of the starch synthetic enzyme ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase. A multiple linear regression model consisting of 6 significant RFLP loci on different chromosomes explained over 64 % of the total variation for kernel protein concentration. Similar results were detected for starch concentration. Thus, several chromosomal regions with large effects may be responsible for a significant portion of the changes in kernel protein and starch concentration in the Illinois Long Term Selection Experiment.

Theor Appl Genet ; 85(1): 101-4, 1992 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24197234


The objective of this paper is to present genetic theory demonstrating the conditions under which it should be possible to identify molecular marker-quantitative trait locus (QTL) associations in crosses of random-mating populations to inbreds. Using as an example the cross of a corn (Zea mays L.) population to an inbred, the expected disequilibrium for testcross and per se performance of F2, F3, BC1 (to the inbred) and recombinant inbred generations was derived for cases where a marker allele is linked to an unfavorable QTL allele in the inbred and where the marker allele is linked to a favorable QTL allele in the inbred. Disequilibrium in segregating generations was shown to be a function of disequilibrium in the parent population, the frequency of marker and QTL alleles in the parent population, and the recombination distance between the marker and the QTL. To maximize the opportunity to identify a favorable QTL the following procedures are suggested: (1) Select marker loci with alleles in the parent population which are not present in the inbred. (2) Select populations known to have favorable QTL alleles not present in the inbred. (3) Use as many marker loci as possible to enhance the probability of tight linkage between the marker and the QTL.

Theor Appl Genet ; 84(5-6): 704-8, 1992 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24201361


If molecular markers are to be routinely used in maize (Zea mays L.) breeding for selection of quantitative trait loci (QTL), then consistent marker-trait associations across breeding populations are needed, as are efficient methods for weighting information from different markers. Given 15 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers associated with grain yield in testcrosses of 220 [BS11(FR)C7 x FRMol7] F2 individuals to FRB73, separate weighting schemes were attempted in order to maximize the frequency of favorable marker genotypes associated with increased grain yield in selected F2 individuals and F2:S4 Unes. The following principles were apparent: (1) Differential weighting among markers, in addition to weighting individual marker genotypes on the basis of associated mean effects, should be emphasized when using markers to select in breeding populations. This is due to limited population sizes that can readily be handled. (2) Relatively few markers may need to be used to screen segregating populations (e.g., F2) of limited size for loci affecting complex traits, such as combining ability for grain yield, assuming prior knowledge of marker-QTL associations. Markers given greatest weight (largest estimates of associated effects) will determine most selections. (3) When marker-based selection is among individuals at higher levels of inbreeding (e.g., S4) within selected families, more markers need to be used in screening because those associated with relatively small effects have an increased chance of affecting selection.These results suggest a qualitative approach for utilizing RFLP markers to aid in selection of complex traits in commercial hybrid maize breeding programs. Commercial research programs produce thousands of crosses each year aimed at inbred line development. Discovery of molecular markers with consistent QTL associations across breeding populations and close QTL linkages would allow for rapid screening of new F2 populations at a few key markers. Early elimination of individuals with undesirable genotypes would reduce the extent of hybrid performance testing necessary during later stages of inbreeding.

Theor Appl Genet ; 83(6-7): 903-11, 1992 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24202770


Molecular markers can be used to detect alleles in donor genetic material for improvement of existing cultivars or hybrids. DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were used as markers to search for favorable alleles at quantitative trait loci in the maize (Zea mays L.) population BS11(FR)C7 which were not in the hybrid 'FRB73 x FRMo17.' Thirty-four RFLP markers were used to determine RFLP 'fingerprints' for 220 [BS11(FR)C7 x FRMo17] F2 individuals; multiple morphs (bands) were observed at most markers. Statistical associations between RFLPs and trait expression in F2 x FRB73 progeny were found for grain yield, stalk and root lodging, plant and ear height, maturity, and seven grain yield component traits. Associations were found using linear contrasts among RFLP marker classes to estimate trait effects. Estimated effects for grain yield ranged from 213 to 538 kg ha(-1), 3.0-7.5% of the experimental mean, respectively. RFLP markers with greatest probability of association with grain yield were NPI234 (short arm of chromosome 1) and UMC16 (long arm of chromosome 3). Digenic epistasis appeared to be important in grain yield expression, as indicated by a 12% increase in the proportion of genotypic variation accounted for when significant di-marker interactions were added to a linear model, including all markers individually associated with grain yield. The majority of interactions associated with grain yield involved markers NPI234 and UMC21 (long arm of chromosome 6). Many RFLP markers were associated with multiple traits. At some markers, the same bands were associated with favorable effects for stalk lodging, grain yield, and yield components. RFLP bands unique to BS11(FR)C7 showed associations favorable over those from FRMo17 for at least one marker in all but one trait. The results of this study will be useful in future RFLP marker-assisted selection programs aimed at developing lines for improved performance in combination with FRB73.

Biometrics ; 31(1): 169-87, 1975 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-1164531


A generation matrix theory of full-sib mating is developed in which 13 mating "classes" are distinguished according to identity of genes in individuals mated and identity of genotypes as belonging to homozygous, parental, or offspring sets. The 13 times 13 matrix reveals some properties of the full-sib mating system not shown by previous work. The eigenvalues and a set of eigenvectors for the generation matrix, and the general solution for the frequencies of mating classes among descendants of an original mating of genotypes ab times cd, are given. The genotypic array of descendants in an arbitrary generation is also given. A new formula is derived for the coefficient of inbreeding in generation n + m in terms of coefficients of inbreeding in earlier generations. An algorithm is presented for calculating the probability of a given situation of identity of alleles carried by two individuals given only the indices of their own respective generations and the generation of their most recent common ancestor. The application of such probabilities to obtaining covariances between relatives in a full-sib mating system, under the assumptions of independence and non-interaction among loci, is illustrated. All results are shown to agree with previous work in special cases. All possible full sib, generation n - 1 parent-generation n + m offspring, and generation n uncle-generation n + m nephew covariances for 1 less than n + m less than or equal to 8 are obtained using the given algorithm.

Genética Médica , Genotipo , Alelos , Diploidia , Homocigoto , Humanos , Endogamia , Estadística como Asunto
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 62(3): 785-92, 1969 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-5257004


Since the F(1) hybrid (B14 x Oh43) had been shown to have a higher (heterotic) level of nitrate reductase activity than either inbred parent (B14 or Oh43), studies were undertaken to determine the mode of inheritance. Standard methods for determining Mendelian inheritance were used to study segregation for level of nitrate reductase activity of individual plants. The genetic material used was the inbreds B14 and Oh43, F(1), F(1) backcrossed to both parents, F(2), F(3), and F(4) generations of the cross B14 x Oh43. The plant material was grown in the field and in growth chambers. It was shown that the maize inbreds B14 and Oh43 differ at two loci that control the level of nitrate reductase activity. Each inbred is homozygous for a dominant or partially dominant allele at one locus and homozygous recessive at a second locus. The locus at which B14 carries a dominant allele carries the recessive allele in Oh43. Oh43 has both a higher in vivo rate of synthesis of nitrate reductase and higher in vivo and in vitro loss of enzyme activity (decay) than B14. Thus, the rates of both enzyme synthesis and decay are factors governing the level of nitrate reductase activity in corn. The data suggest that the heterotic level of nitrate reductase activity in the F(1) hybrid is the result of inheritance of qualities that gives it "intermediate" rates of enzyme synthesis and decay.

Oxidorreductasas/metabolismo , Plantas/enzimología , Cruzamientos Genéticos , Genotipo , Hibridación Genética , Endogamia , Nitratos