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J Am Chem Soc ; 143(34): 13824-13834, 2021 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34420309


The ligand-nanocrystal boundaries of colloidal quantum dots (QDs) mediate the primary energy and electron transfer processes that underpin photochemical and photocatalytic transformations at their surfaces. We use mid-infrared transient absorption spectroscopy to reveal the influence that ligand structure and bonding to nanocrystal surfaces have on the changes of the excited state surface chemistry of this boundary in PbS QDs and the corresponding impact on charge transfer processes between nanocrystals. We demonstrate that oleate ligands undergo marked changes in their bonding to surfaces in the excitonic excited states of the nanocrystals, indicating that oleate passivated PbS surfaces undergo significant structural changes following photoexcitation. These changes can impact the surface mobility of the ligands and the ability of redox shuttles to approach the nanocrystal surfaces to undergo charge transfer in photocatalytic reactions. In contrast, markedly different transient vibrational features are observed in iodide/mercaptoproprionic acid passivated PbS QD films that result from charge transfer between neighboring nanocrystals and localization of holes at the nanocrystal surfaces near MPA ligands. This ability to distinguish the influence that excitonic excited states vs charge transfer processes have on the surface chemistry of the ligand-nanocrystal boundary lays the groundwork for exploration of how this boundary can be understood and controlled for the design of nanocrystalline materials tailored for specific applications in solar energy harvesting and photocatalytic reactions.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 11(6): 2291-2297, 2020 Mar 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32131595


The ligand shell around colloidal quantum dots mediates the electron and energy transfer processes that underpin their use in optoelectronic and photocatalytic applications. Here, we show that the surface chemistry of carboxylate anchoring groups of oleate ligands passivating PbS quantum dots undergoes significant changes when the quantum dots are excited to their excitonic states. We directly probe the changes of surface chemistry using time-resolved mid-infrared spectroscopy that records the evolution of the vibrational frequencies of carboxylate groups following excitation of the electronic states. The data reveal a reduction of the Pb-O coordination of carboxylate anchoring groups to lead atoms at the quantum dot surfaces. The dynamic surface chemistry of the ligands may increase their surface mobility in the excited state and enhance the ability of molecular species to penetrate the ligand shell to undergo energy and charge transfer processes that depend sensitively on distance.

J Chem Phys ; 151(15): 154701, 2019 Oct 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31640354


We use native vibrational modes of the model singlet fission chromophore 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)pentacene (TIPS-Pn) to examine the origins of singlet fission in solution between molecules that are not tethered by a covalent linkage. We use the C-H stretch modes of TIPS side groups of TIPS-Pn to demonstrate that singlet fission does not occur by diffusive encounter of independent molecules in solution. Instead, TIPS-Pn molecules aggregate in solution through their TIPS side groups. This aggregation breaks the symmetry of the TIPS-Pn molecules and enables the formation of triplets to be probed through the formally symmetry forbidden symmetric alkyne stretch mode of the TIPS side groups. The alkyne stretch modes of TIPS-Pn are sensitive to the electronic excited states present during the singlet fission reaction and provide unique signatures of the formation of triplets following the initial separation of triplet pair intermediates. These findings highlight the opportunity to leverage structural information from vibrational modes to better understand intermolecular interactions that lead to singlet fission.

Chem Sci ; 9(29): 6240-6259, 2018 Aug 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30090312


Singlet fission is a process that splits collective excitations, or excitons, into two with unity efficiency. This exciton splitting process, unique to molecular photophysics, has the potential to considerably improve the efficiency of optoelectronic devices through more efficient light harvesting. While the first step of singlet fission has been characterized in great detail, subsequent steps critical to achieving overall highly-efficient singlet-to-triplet conversion are only just beginning to become well understood. One of the most elementary suggestions, which has yet to be tested, is that an appropriately balanced coupling is necessary to ensure overall highly efficient singlet fission; that is, the coupling needs to be strong enough so that the first step is fast and efficient, yet weak enough to ensure the independent behavior of the resultant triplets. In this work, we show how high overall singlet-to-triplet conversion efficiencies can be achieved in singlet fission by ensuring that the triplets comprising the triplet pair behave as independently as possible. We show that side chain sterics govern local packing in amorphous pentacene derivative nanoparticles, and that this in turn controls both the rate at which triplet pairs form and the rate at which they decay. We show how compact side chains and stronger couplings promote a triplet pair that effectively couples to the ground state, whereas bulkier side chains promote a triplet pair that appears more like two independent and long-lived triplet excitations. Our results show that the triplet pair is not emissive, that its decay is best viewed as internal conversion rather than triplet-triplet annihilation, and perhaps most critically that, in contrast to a number of recent suggestions, the triplets comprising the initially formed triplet pair cannot be considered independently. This work represents a significant step toward better understanding intermediates in singlet fission, and how molecular packing and couplings govern overall triplet yields.

ACS Nano ; 12(6): 6263-6272, 2018 Jun 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29792675


Observations of the hot-phonon bottleneck, which is predicted to slow the rate of hot carrier cooling in quantum confined nanocrystals, have been limited to date for reasons that are not fully understood. We used time-resolved infrared spectroscopy to directly measure higher energy intraband transitions in PbS colloidal quantum dots. Direct measurements of these intraband transitions permitted detailed analysis of the electronic overlap of the quantum confined states that may influence their relaxation processes. In smaller PbS nanocrystals, where the hot-phonon bottleneck is expected to be most pronounced, we found that relaxation of parity selection rules combined with stronger electron-phonon coupling led to greater spectral overlap of transitions among the quantum confined states. This created pathways for fast energy transfer and relaxation that may bypass the predicted hot-phonon bottleneck. In contrast, larger, but still quantum confined nanocrystals did not exhibit such relaxation of the parity selection rules and possessed narrower intraband states. These observations were consistent with slower relaxation dynamics that have been measured in larger quantum confined systems. These findings indicated that, at small radii, electron-phonon interactions overcome the advantageous increase in energetic separation of the electronic states for PbS quantum dots. Selection of appropriately sized quantum dots, which minimize spectral broadening due to electron-phonon interactions while maximizing electronic state separation, is necessary to observe the hot-phonon bottleneck. Such optimization may provide a framework for achieving efficient hot carrier collection and multiple exciton generation.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 19(36): 24829-24839, 2017 Sep 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28868536


Ultrafast vibrational spectroscopy in the mid-infrared was used to directly probe the delocalization of excitons in two different perylenediimide (PDI) derivatives that are predicted to preclude the formation of excimers, which can act as trap sites for excited state energy in organic semiconductors. We identified vibrational modes within the conjugated C-C stretch modes of PDI molecules whose frequencies reported the interactions of molecules within delocalized excitonic states. The vibrational linewidths of these modes, which we call intermolecular coordinate coupled (ICC) modes, provided a direct probe of the extent of exciton delocalization among the PDI molecules, which was confirmed using X-ray diffraction and electro-absorption spectroscopy. We show that a slip-stacked geometry among the PDI molecules in their crystals promotes delocalized charge-transfer (CT) excitons, while localized Frenkel excitons tend to form in crystals with helical, columnar stacking geometries. Because all molecules possess vibrational modes, the use of ultrafast mid-infrared spectroscopy to measure ICC vibrational modes offers a new approach to examine exciton delocalization in a variety of small molecule electron acceptors for optoelectronic and organic photovoltaic applications.

J Am Chem Soc ; 138(49): 16069-16080, 2016 12 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27960344


The multiplication of excitons in organic semiconductors via singlet fission offers the potential for photovoltaic cells that exceed the Shockley-Quiesser limit for single-junction devices. To fully utilize the potential of singlet fission sensitizers in devices, it is necessary to understand and control the diffusion of the resultant triplet excitons. In this work, a new processing method is reported to systematically tune the intermolecular order and crystalline structure in films of a model singlet fission chromophore, 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl) pentacene (TIPS-Pn), without the need for chemical modifications. A combination of transient absorption spectroscopy and quantitative materials characterization enabled a detailed examination of the distance- and time-dependence of triplet exciton diffusion following singlet fission in these nanocrystalline TIPS-Pn films. Triplet-triplet annihilation rate constants were found to be representative of the weighted average of crystalline and amorphous phases in TIPS-Pn films comprising a mixture of phases. Adopting a diffusion model used to describe triplet-triplet annihilation, the triplet diffusion lengths for nanocrystalline and amorphous films of TIPS-Pn were estimated to be ∼75 and ∼14 nm, respectively. Importantly, the presence of even a small fraction (<10%) of the amorphous phase in the TIPS-Pn films greatly decreased the ultimate triplet diffusion length, suggesting that pure crystalline materials may be essential to efficiently harvest multiplied triplets even when singlet fission occurs on ultrafast time scales.