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Anim Nutr ; 16: 84-95, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38333574


Understanding how different livestock species and breeds respond to consumption of brackish water could improve usage of this resource. Therefore, Angora, Boer, and Spanish goat doelings and Dorper, Katahdin, and St. Croix ewe lambs (6 animals per animal type [AT]; initial age = 296 ± 2.1 days) consuming water with varying concentrations of minerals of a natural brackish water source (BR) and sodium chloride (NaCl; SL) were used to determine effects on water and feed intake, nutrient digestion, heat energy, methane emission, ruminal fluid conditions, and blood constituent concentrations. There were 6 simultaneous 6 (water treatments [WT]) × 6 (AT) Latin squares with 3-wk periods. The WT were fresh (FR), BR alone (100-BR), a similar total dissolved solids (TDS) concentration as 100-BR via NaCl addition to FR (100-SL), BR with concentrations of all minerals increased by approximately 50% (150-BR), a similar TDS level as 150-BR by NaCl addition to FR (150-SL), and a similar 150 TDS level achieved by addition of a 1:1 mixture of BR minerals and NaCl to 100-BR (150-BR/SL). Concentrations (mg/kg) in BR were 4928 TDS, 85.9 bicarbonate, 224.9 calcium, 1175 chloride, 60.5 magnesium, 4.59 potassium, 1387 sodium, 1962 sulfate, and 8.3 boron, and TDS in other WT were 209, 5684, 7508, 8309, and 7319 mg/kg for FR, 100-SL, 150-BR, 150-SL, and 150-BR/SL, respectively. There were very few significant effects of WT or AT × WT interactions, although AT had numerous effects. Water intake was affected by AT (P = 0.02) and WT (P = 0.04), with greater water intake for 150-SL than for FR, 100-BR, 100-SL, and 150-BR. Dry matter intake among AT was lowest (P < 0.05) for Angora. Digestion of organic matter and neutral detergent fiber and heat energy differed among AT (P < 0.05), but nitrogen digestion and ruminal methane emission were similar among AT. Blood aldosterone concentration was higher (P < 0.05) for FR than for other WT. In conclusion, all AT seemed resilient to these WT regardless of mineral source and concentrations, with TDS less than 8300 mg/kg, which did not influence nutrient utilization, ruminal fermentation, energy balance, or blood constituent levels.

Animals (Basel) ; 13(5)2023 Feb 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36899671


Female hair sheep, 27 Dorper (DOR), 41 Katahdin (KAT), and 39 St. Croix (STC), were used to determine influences of the nutritional plane before breeding and in early gestation on feed intake, body weight, body condition score, body mass indexes, blood constituent concentrations, and reproductive performance. There were 35 multiparous and 72 primiparous sheep, with initial ages of 5.6 ± 0.25 years and 1.5 ± 0.01 years, respectively (average overall initial age of 2.8 ± 0.20 years). Wheat straw (4% crude protein; dry matter [DM] basis) was consumed ad libitum and supplemented with approximately 0.15% initial body weight (BW) of soybean meal (LS) or a 1:3 mixture of soybean meal and rolled corn at 1% BW (HS; DM). The supplementation period was 162 days, with the breeding of animals in two sets sequentially, with the pre-breeding period 84 and 97 days, and that after breeding began at 78 and 65 days, respectively. Wheat straw DM intake (1.75, 1.30, 1.57, 1.15, 1.80, and 1.38% BW; SEM = 0.112) was lower (p < 0.05), but average daily gain (-46, 42, -44, 70, -47, and 51 g for DOR-LS, DOR-HS, KAT-LS, KAT-HS, STC-LS, and STC-HS, respectively; SEM = 7.3) was greater (p < 0.05) for HS than LS treatment during the supplementation period. Additionally, changes in body condition score during the supplementation period (-0.61, 0.36, -0.53, 0.27, -0.39, and -0.18; SEM = 0.058), and changes in body mass index based on height at the withers and body length from the point of the shoulder to the pin bone (BW/[height × length], g/cm2) from 7 days before supplementation (day -7) to day 162 were -1.99, 0.07, -2.19, -0.55, -2.39, and 0.17 for DOR-LS, DOR-HS, KAT-LS, KAT-HS, STC-LS, and STC-HS, respectively; (SEM = 0.297) were affected by supplement treatment. All blood constituent concentrations and characteristics addressed varied with the day of sampling (-7, 14, 49, 73, and 162) as well as the interaction between the supplement treatment and the day (p < 0.05), with few effects of interactions involving breed. Birth rate (66.7, 93.5, 84.6, 95.5, 82.8, and 100.0; SEM = 9.83) and individual lamb birth weight (4.50, 4.61, 4.28, 3.98, 3.73, and 3.88 kg; SEM = 0.201) were not affected by supplement treatment (p = 0.063 and 0.787, respectively), although litter size (0.92, 1.21, 1.17, 1.86, 1.12, and 1.82; SEM = 0.221) and total litter birth weight (5.84, 5.74, 5.92, 7.52, 5.04, and 6.78 kg for DOR-LS, DOR-HS, KAT-LS, KAT-HS, STC-LS, and STC-HS, respectively; SEM = 0.529) were greater (p < 0.05) for HS than for LS. In conclusion, although there was some compensation in wheat straw intake for the different levels of supplementation, soybean meal given alone rather than with cereal grain adversely affected BW, BCS, BMI, and reproductive performance, the latter primarily through litter size but also via a trend for an effect on the birth rate. Hence, the supplementation of low-protein and high-fiber forage such as wheat straw should include a consideration of the inclusion of a feedstuff(s) high in energy in addition to nitrogen.