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J Neurochem ; 2023 Nov 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37984072


Treatment with bexarotene, a selective retinoid X receptor (RXR) agonist, significantly improves behavioral dysfunctions in various neurodegenerative animal models. Additionally, it activates neurodevelopmental and plasticity pathways in the brains of adult mice. Our objective was to investigate the impact of RXR activation by bexarotene on adult neural stem cells (aNSC) and their cell lineages. To achieve this, we treated NSCs isolated from the subventricular zone (SVZ) of adult rat brains from the proliferative stage to the differentiated status. The results showed that bexarotene-treated aNSC exhibited increased BrdU incorporation, SOX2+ dividing cell pairs, and cell migration from neurospheres, revealing that the treatment promotes self-renewing proliferation and cell motility in SVZ-aNCS. Furthermore, bexarotene induced a cell fate shift characterized by a significant increase in GFAP+/S100B+ differentiated astrocytes, which uncovers the participation of activated-RXR in astrogenesis. In the neuronal lineage, the fate shift was counteracted by bexarotene-induced enhancement of NeuN+ nuclei together with neurite network outgrowth, indicating that the RXR agonist stimulates SVZ-aNCS neuronal differentiation at later stages. These findings establish new connections between RXR activation, astro- and neurogenesis in the adult brain, and contribute to the development of therapeutic strategies targeting nuclear receptors for neural repair.