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J Ayurveda Integr Med ; 13(1): 100343, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32837100


BACKGROUND: COVID-19 is the disease caused by SARS-CoV2, it was identified in Wuhan, China, in 2019. It then extended across the globe and was termed as a pandemic in 2020. Though research work on its vaccine and drugs are carried out across the globe, it is even necessary to look over it through alternative sciences. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to look over the disease through Ayurvedic perspective, analyse possible pathologies, select appropriate drugs and to study in-silico screening on these selected drugs. MATERIALS & METHODS: Available symptoms of COVID-19 were thoroughly studied and reviewed through Ayurveda classics, internet, preprints, etc. to understand the nature of the disease with the Ayurvedic perspective. The molecular Docking and Grid were generated through Pyrx Software with Autodock. The Lipinski Rule of Five data generated from Swiss ADME software and Target prediction of selected phytoconstituents were done by Swiss target prediction. RESULTS: In Ayurveda, COVID-19 can be considered as Janapadaudhwans, Va t a -Kaphaj a Sannipatik a Jwara, Aup a sargika Vyadhi, and Dhatupaka Awastha. In the molecular docking study, the binding energy and inhibition of 6 Gingesulphonic acid from Zingiber officinalis (Sunthi) is greater than hydroxychloroquine and quinine. Most of the selected phytoconstituents follow the Lipinski rule of five. Target prediction of selected phytoconstituents was done on target of SARS-CoV-2, humoral immunity, and antiviral activity. Every selected phytoconstituents works on minimum one of the targets. CONCLUSION: Thus, from the above results obtained from reviewing Ayurveda classics and after the virtual screening of selected drugs we can conclude that Nagara di Kashaya (Sunthi, Puskarmoola, Kantakari, Guduchi) may have appreciable results in combating SARS-CoV-2. Thus, Nagara di Kashayam, a classical formulation can be a trial candidate for conducting further clinical trial.

Ayu ; 42(4): 156-163, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37347080


Background: The four essential factors of conception are Ritu (optimum period for conception), Kshetra (place of conception), Ambu (nutrition), and Beeja (healthy sperm and ovum). Kshetra denotes body as general and to be very specific, especially about the female reproductive system, it is Garbhashaya or the uterine cavity and function is Garbhadhana or conception. The endometrial factor is an important subset in infertility due to poor implantation. Aims: To evaluate the efficacy of Saubhagyanandana Ghrita Yonipichu (vaginal tampoon) and Jeevaniya Churna orally in the management of thin endometrium thickness and to evaluate its efficacy in the associate complains of menstrual abnormalities, i.e., irregularity of menstrual cycle, quantity, duration and pain. Materials and methods: It was a single-arm open labeled pilot clinical trial, a total of 15 female patients having endometrial thickness <7 mm on transvaginal sonography findings were included in the study. Each patient (n = 15) was given Saubhagyanandana Ghrita Yonipichu (10 mL for 6 days after cessation of menses, for 1 cycle) along with Jeevaniya Churna orally 10 g along with milk twice before meals for 30 days. Assessment of the study was done on Appelbaum's uterine scoring system for the reproduction (USSR) scoring pattern. Results: Results were analyzed by the paired' t-test for the objective parameters and Wilcoxon signed rank-sum test for the subjective parameters. A statistically highly significant difference (P < 0.001) was seen in endometrium thickness, layering, myometrial echogenicity, uterine Doppler flow, endometrial blood flow in zone 3, and total USSR score. Statistical significant difference (P < 0.05) was found in the menstrual abnormalities and a highly statistically significant difference (P < 0.001) was found in ovulation. One of the patients conceived after the treatment. Conclusion: Saubhagyanandana Ghrita Yonipichu (vaginal tampoon) and Jeevaniya Churna orally are effective in improving the thin endometrium.

Ayu ; 41(3): 166-172, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35370374


Background: Ovarian cyst is an emerging problem among the women of reproductive age group. Most of the ovarian cyst (80%-85%) are benign, and two-thirds of these occur in women between 20 and 44 years of age. They may be identified in asymptomatic women during routine pelvic examination or may produce symptoms. Management of the ovarian cyst through surgery is available to meet urgent need of the patient, but to establish a satisfactory conservatory medical treatment is the need of the hour. According to Ayurveda, ovarian cysts can be managed on the line of Kaphaja Granthi (nodular/glandular swellings by Kapha Dosha) and Vidradhi (abscess). Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of Virechana (therapeutic purgation), Triphaladi Kashaya (decoction) with processed Guggulu (Commiphora mukul Engl.) in the management of ovarian cyst. Materials and methods: 16 patients were included in this clinical study and among them, 15 patients completed the treatment and one patient was dropped out from the trial. Patients were given Virechana followed by Triphaladi Kashaya (50 ml) with processed Guggulu (1 g) orally twice a day before meal for 60 days. The patients were followed up till 1 month. The assessment was carried out on subjective parameters such as lower abdominal pain, backache, and dysmenorrhea as well as objective parameters such as ovarian cyst size and volume by four-dimensional gray scale and color doppler sonography. Cancer antigen 125 was also assessed before and after treatment. Results were statistically analyzed using Wilcoxon signed-rank test and Student's t-test by sigma statistical tool (version 3.5, Systat Software Inc., United States). Results: Significant results were observed in subjective parameters such as lower abdominal pain (93.11%), backache (81.81) and dysmenorrhea (90.90%) as well as objective parameters such as reduction in size of the cyst (60%) and complete resolution of the cyst (26.66%). Conclusion: Triphaladi Kashaya with processed Guggulu is more effective in hemorrhagic cyst and simple cyst rather than other cyst, due to Shothahara properties which may have effectively curtailed the progress of ovarian cyst.

Ayu ; 40(1): 27-33, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31831966


BACKGROUND: Fertility is affected by many different cultural, environmental and socioeconomic factors, especially in developing countries where poverty and infections are common place. Infertility is the inability of a sexually active, noncontracepting couple to achieve spontaneous pregnancy in 1 year. Shodhana (biopurificatory) procedures are indicated before the administration of Vajikarana (aphrodisiac) drugs, especially Virechana Karma (therapeutic purgation) is indicated in the cases of vitiation of Shukra (seminal parameters). Go-Ghrita (cow ghee) is a rejuvenator and aphrodisiac. Maximum preparations for the diseases of Shukra and reproductive system are prepared in Go-Ghrita and reported to be useful in the management of infertility. AIM: The present clinical study aimed to evaluate the clinical efficacy of Go-Ghrita administered after performing Virechana Karma in the management of Ksheena Shukra (oligozoospermia). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eligible male participants from the age group of 21 to 40 years, with sperm count of <15 million/ml, received cow ghee for 8 weeks in the dose of 10 g, after undergoing Virechana Karma with Haritakyadi Yoga. Percentage changes in the semen parameters and associated symptoms of Ksheena Shukra in comparison to baseline were the primary outcomes measured. RESULTS: Go-Ghrita administered after Virechana provided 80.92% increase in total sperm count, 41.78% increase in sperm motility, 12.58% increase in normal form of sperm, 41.69% decrease in abnormal forms, and increase in semen volume by 45.22%. CONCLUSION: Overall assessment of the therapy showed that administration of cow ghee after performing Virechana provided statistically highly significant improvement on seminal parameters.

Ayu ; 40(4): 216-222, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33935438


BACK GROUND: Infertility is a global problem that has impact on quality of life, especially through the negative psycho-social consequences. One-third of infertile population attending infertility clinics are reported with anovulation. According to Acharya Sushruta, among four essential factors required for conception, Beeja (ovum) is the core stone of the female reproductive process and conception can not be achieved in its absence, despite of other factors. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To evaluate and compare the efficacy of Brihatyadi Yapana Basti (therapeutic enema) and Shivalingi (Bryonia laciniosa Linn) seed powder in the management of female infertility w.s.r to the anovulatory factor. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Total 30 female patients suffering from infertility due to anovulation confirmed by trans vaginal sonography were enrolled in the present study and randomly divided in two groups i.e., in group A (n = 15), Brihatyadi Yapana Basti (400 ml) was administered for 15 days after menstruation for 2 consecutive cycles. In group B (n = 15) Shivalingi seed powder was administered in dose of 3 gms twice in a day with cow milk on empty stomach for 2 months with 2 months followup. The efficacy of the therapy was assessed on the basis of follicular study by trans-vaginal sonography (TVS) on the 12th , 14th, 16th and 18th days of menstrual cycle and/or on the basis of conception achieved. The obtained data was analyzed for statistical significance using Student's t-test. RESULT: In the Brihatyadi Yapana Basti group, ovulation was found in 80% of the patients and conception rate was 26.66% and in the Shivalingi seed powder oral group, ovulation was found in 64.28% patients and conception was not reported. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that Brihatyadi Yapana Basti is more effective in follicular growth, ovulation and also achieving conception than that of Shivalingi seed powder orally.

Ayu ; 37(2): 98-104, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29200747


BACKGROUND: Pregnant women are more prone to vulvovaginitis which is a great challenge for obstetricians today. In Ayurveda, Upapluta Yonivyapad described by Acharya Charaka, Sharangadhara, and both Vagbhata can be compared to vulvovaginitis during pregnancy. AIMS: The present study aimed to evaluate efficacy of Dhatakyadi Varti in the management of Upapluta Yonivyapad (vulvovaginitis during pregnancy). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 80 female patients in the age group of 19-40 years were registered and divided into two groups. In Group A (n = 46), Dhatakyadi Varti was inserted intravaginally, and in Group B (n = 34), Clingen vaginal suppository was inserted intravaginally once at bed time for 14 days. The effect of therapy was assessed on the basis of relief in subjective and objective criteria, i.e., vaginal smear test. RESULTS: In subjective parameters, such as Yoni Srava, Yoni Kandu, Yoni Vedana, Yoni Daha and Yoni Daurgandhya, better result was observed in trial Group A receiving Dhatakyadi Varti. Highly significant relief (P < 0.001) was observed in fungal infection, and significant relief (P = 0.005) was observed in Gram - negative bacterial infection and pus cells in Group A. In Group A, 34.88% patients had complete remission, marked improvement was found in 34.88% cases, and only 2.32% patients remained unchanged, while in Group B, 33.33% patients reported complete remission, marked improvement was found in 10% cases, and 20% patients remained unchanged. CONCLUSION: It was concluded from the clinical trial that Dhatakyadi Varti is highly effective in reducing subjective and objective variables of Upapluta Yonivyapad and can be introduced as a safe herbal therapy of vaginal discharge during pregnancy.

Ayu ; 36(1): 29-33, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26730135


INTRODUCTION: Tubal blockage is one of the most common causative factors for female barrenness. It accounts for about 25-35% of female infertility. It is very difficult to manage, as the treatment choices for it are only tubal re-constructive surgery and in vitro fertilization (IVF). On the other hand, there is not established any reliable Ayurvedic treatment for the tubal blockage. It is the need of the time to establish an efficient and cost-effective therapy for this problem. AIM: To evaluate the efficacy of Yavakshara Taila Uttarabasti in fallopian tubal blockage. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients of childbearing age with active marital life of 1 year or more, having complaint of failure to conceive with at least one fallopian tube blockage were selected. Total 19 patients were registered with 42.11% unilateral and 57.89% bilateral tubal blockage. Yavakshara Taila (5 ml) Intrauterine Uttarabasti was given for 6 days (with interval of 3 days in between), after completion of menstrual cycle for two consecutive cycles. RESULTS: The tubal patency was found in 68.75% of patients and conception was achieved in 6.25% of patients. CONCLUSION: Yavakshara Taila Uttarabasti an effective procedure for treating tubal blockage with no apparent evidence of complication.

Ayu ; 36(4): 397-403, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27833367


INTRODUCTION: India is one of the countries with high prevalence of anemia during pregnancy. Anemia in pregnancy is multifactorial. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common conditions in a pregnant woman. As per ayurvedic classics, this condition occurs due to improper Rasa Dhatu in mother and continuously increasing fetal demands and is considered as Rasa Pradoshajavikara. A large number of Lauha preparations have been used widely for centuries to cure Anemia. AIM: To evaluate efficacy of Punarnava Mandura and Dhatri Lauha on Garbhini Pandu. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total 24 pregnant women with symptoms of Garbhini Pandu were randomly divided into two groups (A and B). In Group A (n = 15) Punarnava Mandura, two tablets (each of 500 mg) thrice a day with one cup (100 ml) of buttermilk and in Group B (n = 9) Dhatri Lauha, two tablets (each of 500 mg) thrice a day with luke warm water were administered for 90 days. The assessment was done with subjective parameters such as pallor, general weakness, dyspnea, etc., and objective parameters such as hematological parameters. Results were statistically analyzed using Student's t-test. RESULTS: The results revealed that overall clinical improvement was better in Group A when compared to Group B. Hemoglobin was increased in patients of Group A, which was statistically significant. No adverse drug reaction was observed during the treatment period. CONCLUSION: Punarnava Mandura is more effective on Garbhini Pandu in comparison to Dhatri Lauha.

Ayu ; 35(4): 467-70, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26195915


BACKGROUND: Darvyadi Yoni Varti is an Ayurvedic formulation indicated for the management of Garbhasaya Grivamukhagata Vrana (cervical erosion). Though a number of drugs are available in modern medicine, interest towards Ayurveda is gaining. Drugs with Vranasodhana, Ropana and Prasadana properties like Sphatika, Darvi, Haridra, and Lodhra are useful in this situation and are selected to prepare Yoni Varti. AIM: To standardize and evaluate preliminary pharmacognostical as well as physicochemical profiles of Darvyadi Yoni Varti. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Raw material was analyzed in the Pharmacognostical Laboratory for genuinity before converting into Varti. Finished product was analyzed by following pharmacopoeial standards. RESULTS: The pH value of Darvyadi Yoni Varti was 5.0, water soluble extract was 23.3%w/w, alcohol soluble extract was 8.7%w/w, ash value was 5.16%w/w, loss on drying was 71.73%w/w. High performance thin layer chromatography was carried out; in which maximum 10 spots at 254 nm and 3 spots at 366 nm were distinguished. CONCLUSION: Pharmacognostical study of raw drug revealed the quality and genuineness of all the constituents of Darvyadi Yoni Varti.

Ayu ; 34(1): 81-5, 2013 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24049410


Description of Vandhyatva is available in most of the Ayurvedic classics, including Nidana (diagnosis), Samprapti (etiopathogenesis), Lakshana (symptomatology), Bheda (types) and Chikitsa (treatment). In current study, efforts have been made to study the effect of Nasya and Matra Basti on anovulation (Beeja Dushti). Ovulation is under the control of Vata. Narayana Taila is attributed for its effect in Vandhyatva. 24 patients of female infertility having anovulatory factor, being diagnosed by Trans-Vaginal Sonography (TVS) for 2 consecutive cycles were divided in two groups. Patients in Group A (n = 12) administered the drug through Nasya and in Group B (n = 12) through Matra Basti. Ovulation occurred 36.36% of patients in group A and 66.16% of patients group B. Matra Basti showed better results than Nasya group on anovulation.

Ayu ; 34(3): 276-80, 2013 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24501523


The desire to have a healthy progeny is innate and very intense in every livingbeing. The hectic life and tremendous stress in daily life has made the conception and continuation of pregnancy till term very difficult. Anemia is one of the common disease conditions, which affects a pregnant woman. In Ayurvedic classics anemia in pregnancy is taken under the Rasa Pradoshajavikara. It is clear that Garbhavasthajanyapandu occurs due to the fetal demands and improper functioning of the Rasadhatu leading to malnourishment of the body. A total of 26 patients were registered from out-patient department of Streeroga and Prasutitantra, out of which four patients discontinued. The remaining 22 patients were randomly divided into two groups; Group A (n-12) Pandughnivati two tablets of 500 mg tds and Group B (n-10) Dhatrilauhavati one tablet of 500 mg tds. Dhatrilauhavati was selected for the present study due to its Pandughna, Prinana, Raktaprasadana properties. In the present study, Pandughnivati a compound formulation developed by AYUSH department was administered for patients of group A. The results revealed that the over all clinical improvement was better in patients of Group B when compared to Group A. Hence it was concluded that Dhatrilauhavati was effective in treating anemia during pregnancy.

Ayu ; 33(2): 243-6, 2012 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23559797


Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) is a complex disorder affecting 5-15% women in their reproductive age and related to ovarian dysfunction, characterized by menstrual irregularities, hyperandrogonism, obesity, and infertility. In Ayurveda, these symptoms are found under various conditions, caused by vitiated Vata and Kapha. Pathadi Kwatha and Shatapushpa Taila Matra Basti were studied in the current attempt to evaluate their comparative efficacy in cases of PCOD. Total 34 patients of PCOD were registered among which, 32 had completed the treatment of 2 months. They were randomly divided in to three groups. In group A Pathadi Kwatha (10 g, bid) and Shatapushpa Taila Matra Basti (60 ml for 7 days after cessation of menses for 2 consecutive cycles) were administered. In group B only Basti, whereas in group C capsules of roosted wheat flour were administered. Better results were obtained in group A especially in menstrual irregularities, achieving follicular growth and in weight reduction.

Ayu ; 33(4): 511-6, 2012 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23723668


Menopause is a gradual and natural transitional phase of adjustment between the active and inactive ovarian function and occupies several years of a women's life and involves biological and psychological changes adjustments. The present clinical trial was designed as per Ayurveda clinical trials protocol to evaluate the efficacy of Ashokarishta, Ashwagandha Churna and Praval Pishti in the management of menopausal syndrome. It was directed by Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences as randomized open clinical trial. Total 52 patients were registered in the study, out of which 51 patients completed the study. Specialized rating scales like Kupperman Index Score as well as Menopause Rating Scale (MRS) and Menopause Specific Quality of Life (MENQOL) questionnaires were adopted for diagnostic as well as assessment criteria. The effects were examined based on MRS and MENQOL. Results were analyzed statistically using Wilcoxon matched paired test and 't' test. Highly significant (P < 0.01) reduction was found in the symptoms of MRS as well as MENQOL. Finally, it can be stated that combined treatment of above drugs gives better result in both somatic as well as psychological complaints in women with mild to moderate symptoms of menopausal syndrome.

Ayu ; 32(1): 120-5, 2011 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22131770


In the present study, toxic effects of powder of seeds of Butea monosperma (Linn.) Kuntze were evaluated for a period of 3 months in albino rats. Control group received distilled water. The powder suspension was orally given to the treated group at a dose of 800 mg/kg/day for 90 days. Parameters like body weight, weight of important organs, biochemical, hematological parameters, bone marrow cytology and histopathology of vital organs were studied. Test drug administration did not affect the body weight, organ weight and bone marrow cytology to a significant extent. Among the 18 hematological parameters studied, significant changes were observed in three parameters, namely, significant decrease in hemoglobin content, red blood cell count and hematocrit. Of 16 biochemical parameters studied, significant changes were observed in 5 parameters, namely, decrease in total protein, albumin, bilirubin and significant increase in very low density lipoprotein and triglyceride. The histopathology of 18 organs revealed changes such as fatty changes, glomerular congestion and tubular hemorrhage in the kidneys, decrease in the cellularity of the spleen, epithelial disruption in jejunum, decrease in spermatogenesis in the testis, epithelial proliferation in ventral prostate and decrease in epithelial proliferation in the uterus. Thus, toxicity profile obtained from the present study shows that B. monosperma seeds are likely to produce toxic effect when administered in a powder form.

Ayu ; 31(3): 305-10, 2010 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22131731


Kashtartava is a broad term which covers all the problems and ailments that a woman may suffer from during or around menstruation. It includes both primary and secondary types of dysmenorrhea. For this study, however, we considered only primary dysmenorrhea under the term Kashtartava to cover a larger population and to make a pin-pointed assessment criteria. Thus, 40 patients in the age-group of 15-25 years suffering from primary dysmenorrhea were registered for the study. Of these patients, 35 completed the course of treatment. The selected patients were randomly allotted into two groups. Group A received Dashamoola Taila Matra Basti and group B received Tila Taila Matra Basti. These treatments were selected for the Vatashamaka, Yonishula Prashaman, and Shothahara properties of the drugs. The dose was 60 ml per day and the duration of treatment was for 7 days each cycle for two consecutive cycles. Results were assessed according to a specially prepared grading system for pain, Alpartava, Yatochitkaladarshana, Praseka, Chhardi, Vibandha, Shrama, Atisara, Vankshana, Kati, Janu Shula, Shiroshula, Swedadhikya, and Tamodarshana. Significant improvement was seen in symptoms in both groups, and on comparing the results in the two groups we found that the results were almost equivalent. There was complete remission of symptoms in 38.89% in group A and in 35.39% in group B, while there was marked improvement in 50% in group A and 47.65% in group B. However, there was a marked difference between the two groups with regard to recurrence of symptoms during the follow-up period of 2 months, with recurrence being significantly more in group B. The study suggests that Matra Basti can be a reliable treatment for relieving the symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea. We recommend that more research be done to confirm the findings of this study.