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Hist Cienc Saude Manguinhos ; 27(2): 583-606, 2020 Jun.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32667601


The so-called Castelo Mourisco provides an accurate model of the elevated function of architecture. It is all the more interesting because it is the headquarters of an internationally-renowned institute of biomedical sciences, and its meticulous design reveals the humanist ideals of Oswaldo Cruz, its founder. Only through a faultless alliance between founder and designer can architectural creations like this one arise; it transcends the limits of construction to symbolize the fusion of science, history and art. Analysis of the various stylistic resources used in the building justifies their selection and continued relevance, since for a century it has not only occupied the heart of the Manguinhos campus, but also continued to express the modern spirit of the institution it harbors.

Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 27(2): 583-606, abr.-jun. 2020. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134057


Resumen El llamado Castelo Mourisco constituye un modelo exacto de la función elevada que corresponde a la arquitectura. Más interesante todavía cuando se trata de la sede de un instituto de ciencias biomédicas de prestigio mundial, cuyo cuidado diseño evidencia el compromiso humanista de Oswaldo Cruz, su impulsor. Solo gracias a la impecable alianza entre promotor y proyectista pueden lograrse realizaciones arquitectónicas como ésta, donde se traspasan los límites constructivos hasta simbolizar la fusión de ciencia, historia y arte. El análisis de los variados recursos estilísticos utilizados en el edificio justifica su elección y vigencia, pues desde hace un siglo no solo ocupa el corazón del campus de Manguinhos, sino que también actualiza el espíritu de la institución que alberga.

Abstract The so-called Castelo Mourisco provides an accurate model of the elevated function of architecture. It is all the more interesting because it is the headquarters of an internationally-renowned institute of biomedical sciences, and its meticulous design reveals the humanist ideals of Oswaldo Cruz, its founder. Only through a faultless alliance between founder and designer can architectural creations like this one arise; it transcends the limits of construction to symbolize the fusion of science, history and art. Analysis of the various stylistic resources used in the building justifies their selection and continued relevance, since for a century it has not only occupied the heart of the Manguinhos campus, but also continued to express the modern spirit of the institution it harbors.

Dibujo , Edificios , Arquitectura y Construcción de Instituciones de Salud , Diseño Interior y Mobiliario , Brasil , Academias e Institutos