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Environ Microbiome ; 15(1): 7, 2020 Mar 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33902713


BACKGROUND: Anaerobic digestion (AD) of protein-rich grass silage was performed in experimental two-stage two-phase biogas reactor systems at low vs. increased organic loading rates (OLRs) under mesophilic (37 °C) and thermophilic (55 °C) temperatures. To follow the adaptive response of the biomass-attached cellulolytic/hydrolytic biofilms at increasing ammonium/ammonia contents, genome-centered metagenomics and transcriptional profiling based on metagenome assembled genomes (MAGs) were conducted. RESULTS: In total, 78 bacterial and archaeal MAGs representing the most abundant members of the communities, and featuring defined quality criteria were selected and characterized in detail. Determination of MAG abundances under the tested conditions by mapping of the obtained metagenome sequence reads to the MAGs revealed that MAG abundance profiles were mainly shaped by the temperature but also by the OLR. However, the OLR effect was more pronounced for the mesophilic systems as compared to the thermophilic ones. In contrast, metatranscriptome mapping to MAGs subsequently normalized to MAG abundances showed that under thermophilic conditions, MAGs respond to increased OLRs by shifting their transcriptional activities mainly without adjusting their proliferation rates. This is a clear difference compared to the behavior of the microbiome under mesophilic conditions. Here, the response to increased OLRs involved adjusting of proliferation rates and corresponding transcriptional activities. The analysis led to the identification of MAGs positively responding to increased OLRs. The most outstanding MAGs in this regard, obviously well adapted to higher OLRs and/or associated conditions, were assigned to the order Clostridiales (Acetivibrio sp.) for the mesophilic biofilm and the orders Bacteroidales (Prevotella sp. and an unknown species), Lachnospirales (Herbinix sp. and Kineothrix sp.) and Clostridiales (Clostridium sp.) for the thermophilic biofilm. Genome-based metabolic reconstruction and transcriptional profiling revealed that positively responding MAGs mainly are involved in hydrolysis of grass silage, acidogenesis and / or acetogenesis. CONCLUSIONS: An integrated -omics approach enabled the identification of new AD biofilm keystone species featuring outstanding performance under stress conditions such as increased OLRs. Genome-based knowledge on the metabolic potential and transcriptional activity of responsive microbiome members will contribute to the development of improved microbiological AD management strategies for biomethanation of renewable biomass.

Bioengineering (Basel) ; 3(1)2016 Jan 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28952569


Five institutional partners participated in an interlaboratory comparison of nucleic acid extraction, RNA preservation and quantitative Real-Time PCR (qPCR) based assays for biogas biocenoses derived from different grass silage digesting laboratory and pilot scale fermenters. A kit format DNA extraction system based on physical and chemical lysis with excellent extraction efficiency yielded highly reproducible results among the partners and clearly outperformed a traditional CTAB/chloroform/isoamylalcohol based method. Analytical purpose, sample texture, consistency and upstream pretreatment steps determine the modifications that should be applied to achieve maximum efficiency in the trade-off between extract purity and nucleic acid recovery rate. RNA extraction was much more variable, and the destination of the extract determines the method to be used. RNA stabilization with quaternary ammonium salts was an as satisfactory approach as flash freezing in liquid N2. Due to co-eluted impurities, spectrophotometry proved to be of limited value for nucleic acid qualification and quantification in extracts obtained with the kit, and picoGreen® based quantification was more trustworthy. Absorbance at 230 nm can be extremely high in the presence of certain chaotropic guanidine salts, but guanidinium isothiocyanate does not affect (q)PCR. Absolute quantification by qPCR requires application of a reliable internal standard for which correct PCR efficiency and Y-intercept values are important and must be reported.