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Phys Rev Lett ; 132(24): 243001, 2024 Jun 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38949364


We present a merged-beams study of reactions between HD^{+} ions, stored in the Cryogenic Storage Ring (CSR), and laser-produced ground-term C atoms. The molecular ions are stored for up to 20 s in the extreme vacuum of the CSR, where they have time to relax radiatively until they reach their vibrational ground state (within 0.5 s of storage) and rotational states with J≤3 (after 5 s). We combine our experimental studies with quasiclassical trajectory calculations based on two reactive potential energy surfaces. In contrast to previous studies with internally excited H_{2}^{+} and D_{2}^{+} ions, our results reveal a pronounced isotope effect, favoring the production of CH^{+} over CD^{+} across all collision energies, and a significant increase in the absolute rate coefficient of the reaction. Our experimental results agree well with our theoretical calculations for vibrationally relaxed HD^{+} ions in their lowest rotational states.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 22(46): 27364-27384, 2020 Dec 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33231243


We report absolute integral cross section (ICS) measurements using a dual-source merged-fast-beams apparatus to study the titular reactions over the relative translational energy range of Er ∼ 0.01-10 eV. We used photodetachment of C- to produce a pure beam of atomic C in the ground electronic 3P term, with statistically populated fine-structure levels. The H2+ and D2+ were formed in an electron impact ionization source, with well known vibrational and rotational distributions. The experimental work is complemented by a theoretical study of the CH2+ electronic system in the reactant and product channels, which helps to clarify the possible reaction mechanisms underlying the ICS measurements. Our measurements provide evidence that the reactions are barrierless and exoergic. They also indicate the apparent absence of an intermolecular isotope effect, to within the total experimental uncertainties. Capture models, taking into account either the charge-induced dipole interaction potential or the combined charge-quadrupole and charge-induced dipole interaction potentials, produce reaction cross sections that lie a factor of ∼4 above the experimental results. Based on our theoretical study, we hypothesize that the reaction is most likely to proceed adiabatically through the 14A' and 14A'' states of CH2+via the reaction C(3P) + H2+(2Σ+g) → CH+(3Π) + H(2S). We also hypothesize that at low collision energies only H2+(v ≤ 2) and D2+(v ≤ 3) contribute to the titular reactions, due to the onset of dissociative charge transfer for higher vibrational v levels. Incorporating these assumptions into the capture models brings them into better agreement with the experimental results. Still, for energies ⪅0.1 eV where capture models are most relevant, the modified charge-induced dipole model yields reaction cross sections with an incorrect energy dependence and lying ∼10% below the experimental results. The capture cross section obtained from the combined charge-quadrupole and charge-induced dipole model better matches the measured energy dependence but lies ∼30-50% above the experimental results. These findings provide important guidance for future quasiclassical trajectory and quantum mechanical treatments of this reaction.

J Phys Chem A ; 123(36): 7683-7692, 2019 Sep 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31418560


The dynamics of the Si(3P) + OH(X2Π) → SiO(X1Σ+,v',j') + H(2S) reaction is investigated by means of the quasi-classical trajectory method on the electronic ground state X2A' potential energy surface in the 10-2-1 eV collision energy range. Although the reaction involves the formation of a long-lived intermediate complex, a high probability for back-dissociation to the reactants is found because of inefficient intravibrational redistribution of energy among the complex modes. At low collision energies, the reactive events are governed by a dynamics with mixed direct/indirect features. As the collision energy increases, the intermediate complex lifetime increases and final state distributions are found to be in reasonable agreement with statistical predictions obtained using the mean potential phase space theory, thus highlighting the indirect character of the process. These rich and puzzling dynamical features are in line with what has been previously observed for the S(3P) + OH(X2Π) reaction.

J Phys Chem A ; 121(8): 1675-1685, 2017 Mar 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28171718


The dynamics of the Si(3P) + OH(X2Π) → SiO(X1Σ+) + H(2S) reaction is investigated by means of the time-dependent wave packet (TDWP) approach using an ab initio potential energy surface recently developed by Dayou et al. ( J. Chem. Phys. 2013 , 139 , 204305 ) for the ground X2A' electronic state. Total reaction probabilities have been calculated for the first 15 rotational states j = 0-14 of OH(v=0,j) at a total angular momentum J = 0 up to a collision energy of 1 eV. Integral cross sections and state-selected rate constants for the temperature range 10-500 K were obtained within the J-shifting approximation. The reaction probabilities display highly oscillatory structures indicating the contribution of long-lived quasibound states supported by the deep SiOH/HSiO wells. The cross sections behave with collision energies as expected for a barrierless reaction and are slightly sensitive to the initial rotational excitation of OH. The thermal rate constants show a marked temperature dependence below 200 K with a maximum value around 15 K. The TDWP results globally agree with the results of earlier quasi-classical trajectory (QCT) calculations carried out by Rivero-Santamaria et al. ( Chem. Phys. Lett. 2014 , 610-611 , 335 - 340 ) with the same potential energy surface. In particular, the thermal rate constants display a similar temperature dependence, with TDWP values smaller than the QCT ones over the whole temperature range.

J Chem Phys ; 139(20): 204305, 2013 Nov 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24289352


We report the first global potential energy surface (PES) for the X(2)A' ground electronic state of the Si((3)P) + OH(X(2)Π) → SiO(X(1)Σg(+)) + H((2)S) reaction. The PES is based on a large number of ab initio energies obtained from multireference configuration interaction calculations plus Davidson correction (MRCI+Q) using basis sets of quadruple zeta quality. Corrections were applied to the ab initio energies in the reactant channel allowing a proper description of long-range interactions between Si((3)P) and OH(X(2)Π). An analytical representation of the global PES has been developed by means of the reproducing kernel Hilbert space method. The reaction is found barrierless. Two minima, corresponding to the SiOH and HSiO isomers, and six saddle points, among which the isomerization transition state, have been characterized on the PES. The vibrational spectra of the SiOH/HSiO radicals have been computed from second-order perturbation theory and quantum dynamics methods. The structural, energetic, and spectroscopic properties of the two isomers are in good agreement with experimental data and previous high quality calculations.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 13(18): 8127-30, 2011 May 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21369606


The integral cross section of the S((1)D(2)) + H(2)(j = 0) → SH + H reaction has been measured for the first time at collision energies from 0.820 down to 0.078 kJ mol(-1) in a high-resolution crossed beam experiment. The excitation function obtained exhibits a non-monotonic variation with collision energy and compares well with the results of high-level quantum calculations. In particular, the structures observed in the lower energy part, where only a few partial waves contribute, can be described in terms of the sequential opening of individual channels, consistent with the theoretical calculations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 105(20): 203201, 2010 Nov 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21231230


We report combined studies on the prototypical S(1D2) + H2 insertion reaction. Kinetics and crossed-beam experiments are performed in experimental conditions approaching the cold energy regime, yielding absolute rate coefficients down to 5.8 K and relative integral cross sections to collision energies as low as 0.68 meV. They are supported by quantum calculations on a potential energy surface treating long-range interactions accurately. All results are consistent and the excitation function behavior is explained in terms of the cumulative contribution of various partial waves.

J Phys Chem A ; 113(52): 14961-8, 2009 Dec 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20028176


Eighteen spin-orbit states are generated from the open-shell open-shell Si((3)P) + OH(X(2)Pi) interacting system. We present here the behavior of the associated long-range intermolecular potentials, following a multipolar expansion of the Coulombic interaction treated up to second order of the perturbation theory, giving rise to a series of terms varying in R(-n). In the present work, we have considered the electrostatic dipole-quadrupole (n = 4) and quadrupole-quadrupole (n = 5) interactions, as well as the dipole-induced dipole-induced dispersion (n = 6) and dipole-dipole-induced induction (n = 6) contributions. The diatomic OH is kept fixed at its ground state-averaged distance, (r)(v=0) = 1.865 bohr, so that the long-range potentials are two-dimensional potential energy surfaces (PESs) that depend on the intermolecular distance R and on the bending angle gamma = angleSiGH, where G represents the mass center of OH. From the calculated properties of the monomers, such as the dipole and quadrupole moments and static and dynamic polarizabilities, we have determined and tabulated the long-range coefficients of the multipolar expansion of the potentials for each matrix elements. The isolated monomer spin-orbit splittings have been included in the final matrix, whose diagonalization gives rise to 18 adiabatic potentials. Then, the adiabatic states have been compared to potential energies given by supermolecular ab initio calculations resulting in a general good overall agreement.

J Chem Phys ; 129(23): 234302, 2008 Dec 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19102527


We present multipolar potentials at large intermolecular distances for the 18 doubly degenerate spin-orbit states arising from the interaction between the two open-shell systems, C((3)P) and OH(X (2)Pi). With OH fixed at its ground vibrational state-averaged distance r(0), the long-range potentials are two-dimensional potential energy surfaces (PESs) that depend on the intermolecular distance R and the angle gamma = CGH, where G represents the mass center of OH. The 18x18 diabatic potential matrix elements are built up from the perturbation theory up to second order and from a two-center expansion of the Coulombic interaction potential, resulting in a multipolar expansion of the potential expressed as a series of terms varying in R(-n). The expressions for the long-range coefficients of the expansion are explicitly given in terms of monomer properties such as permanent multipole moments, and static and dynamic polarizabilities. Accurate values for the monomer properties are used to properly determine the long-range interaction coefficients. The diagonalization of the full 18x18 potential matrix generates adiabatic long-range PESs in good agreement with their ab initio counterparts.

J Chem Phys ; 128(17): 174307, 2008 May 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18465922


The dynamics of the singlet channel of the Si+O(2)-->SiO+O reaction is investigated by means of quasiclassical trajectory (QCT) calculations and two statistical based methods, the statistical quantum method (SQM) and a semiclassical version of phase space theory (PST). The dynamics calculations have been performed on the ground (1)A(') potential energy surface of Dayou and Spielfiedel [J. Chem. Phys. 119, 4237 (2003)] for a wide range of collision energies (E(c)=5-400 meV) and initial O(2) rotational states (j=1-13). The overall dynamics is found to be highly sensitive to the selected initial conditions of the reaction, the increase in either the collisional energy or the O(2) rotational excitation giving rise to a continuous transition from a direct abstraction mechanism to an indirect insertion mechanism. The product state properties associated with a given collision energy of 135 meV and low rotational excitation of O(2) are found to be consistent with the inverted SiO vibrational state distribution observed in a recent experiment. The SQM and PST statistical approaches, especially designed to deal with complex-forming reactions, provide an accurate description of the QCT total integral cross sections and opacity functions for all cases studied. The ability of such statistical treatments in providing reliable product state properties for a reaction dominated by a competition between abstraction and insertion pathways is carefully examined, and it is shown that a valuable information can be extracted over a wide range of selected initial conditions.

J Chem Phys ; 126(19): 194309, 2007 May 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17523806


The dynamics of collisional deactivation of O(2)(X (3)Sigma(g) (-),v=20-32) by O(2)(X (3)Sigma(g) (-),v(')=0) is investigated in detail by means of quantum-mechanical calculations. The theoretical approach involves ab initio potential energy surfaces correlating to the X (3)Sigma(g) (-), a (1)Delta(g), and b (1)Sigma(g) (+) states of O(2) and their corresponding spin-orbit couplings [F. Dayou, M. I. Hernandez, J. Campos-Martinez, and R. Hernandez-Lamoneda, J. Chem. Phys. 123, 074311 (2005)]. Accurate Rydberg-Klein-Rees potentials are included in order to improve the description of the vibrational structure of the fragments. The calculated Boltzmann-averaged depletion probabilities display a dependence with v in good agreement with experimental measurements. The onset of the vibrational-to-electronic (V-E) depletion mechanism is noticeable for v>/=26, and it is due to energy transfer to both a (1)Delta(g) and b (1)Sigma(g) (+) states of the diatom. For O(2)(X (3)Sigma(g) (-),v=28), a further and sharp increase in the removal probabilities is caused by a near degeneracy with the O(2)(b (1)Sigma(g) (+),v=19) vibrational state. Analysis of the temperature dependence of the Boltzmann-averaged probabilities indicates a transition from the vibrational-to-translational to the V-E energy transfer regime, which can be traced back to the behavior of the inelastic probabilities as functions of kinetic energy. Furthermore, branching ratios for outcomes through the three different electronic states show a strong propensity towards populating a unique vibrational level within each electronic state. These results provide supported evidence that spin-orbit couplings account for a large portion of the "dark channel" reported in total depletion measurements. New insight for further experimental and theoretical investigations is also given.

J Phys Chem A ; 109(50): 11587-95, 2005 Dec 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16354051


Accurate intermolecular potentials for the lowest three multiplet states of O2-O2 dimer have been produced on the basis of ab initio calculations. The quintet potential was taken from previous highly correlated CCSD(T) calculations. In this work, we perform MRCI calculations, with large basis sets including bond functions, of the singlet and triplet states, which are of multireference character. As expected the size inconsistency and lack of higher order excitations limit the accuracy of the MRCI potentials specifically in describing the long range interactions. We show that the Heisenberg Hamiltonian provides an accurate representation of the exchange interactions in this system and this enables us to combine the accurate CCSD(T) potentials with the MRCI spin-exchange parameter to obtain accurate singlet and triplet potentials. The reliability of these potentials is tested by computing integral cross sections and comparing them with the detailed experimental study of the Perugia group, with excellent results. More interestingly, comparison with the experimentally derived potential shows important discrepancies for some angular orientations including that corresponding with the global minima, indicating the need for further work, both theoretical and experimental, to clarify their origin.

J Chem Phys ; 123(7): 074311, 2005 Aug 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16229574


The importance of vibrational-to-electronic (V-E) energy transfer mediated by spin-orbit coupling in the collisional removal of O2(X 3Sigmag-,upsilon>or=26) by O2 has been reported in a recent communication [F. Dayou, J. Campos-Martinez, M. I. Hernandez, and R. Hernandez-Lamoneda, J. Chem. Phys. 120, 10355 (2004)]. The present work provides details on the electronic properties of the dimer (O2)2 relevant to the self-relaxation of O2(X 3Sigmag-,upsilon>>0) where V-E energy transfer involving the O2(a 1Deltag) and O2(b 1Sigmag+) states is incorporated. Two-dimensional electronic structure calculations based on highly correlated ab initio methods have been carried out for the potential-energy and spin-orbit coupling surfaces associated with the ground singlet and two low-lying excited triplet states of the dimer dissociating into O2(X 3Sigmag-)+O2(X 3Sigmag-), O2(a 1Deltag)+O2(X 3Sigmag-), and O2(b 1Sigmag+)+O2(X 3Sigmag-). The resulting interaction potentials for the two excited triplet states display very similar features along the intermolecular separation, whereas differences arise with the ground singlet state for which the spin-exchange interaction produces a shorter equilibrium distance and higher binding energy. The vibrational dependence is qualitatively similar for the three studied interaction potentials. The spin-orbit coupling between the ground and second excited states is already nonzero in the O2+O2 dissociation limit and keeps its asymptotic value up to relatively short intermolecular separations, where the coupling increases for intramolecular distances close to the equilibrium of the isolated diatom. On the other hand, state mixing between the two excited triplet states leads to a noticeable collision-induced spin-orbit coupling between the ground and first excited states. The results are discussed in terms of specific features of the dimer electronic structure (including a simple four-electron model) and compared with existing theoretical and experimental data. This work gives theoretical insight into the origin of electronic energy-transfer mechanisms in O2+O2 collisions.

J Chem Phys ; 120(22): 10355-8, 2004 Jun 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15268061


A reduced dimensionality model is used to study the relaxation of highly vibrationally excited O(2)(X (3)Sigma(g) (-),v>/=20) in collisions with O(2)(X (3)Sigma(g) (-),v=0). Spin-orbit coupled potential energy surfaces are employed to incorporate the vibrational-to-electronic energy transfer mechanism involving the O(2)(a (1)Delta(g)) and O(2)(b (1)Sigma(g) (+)) excited states. The transition probabilities obtained show a sharp increase for v>/=26 providing the first direct evidence of the important role played by the electronic energy transfer processes in the depletion of O(2)(X (3)Sigma(g) (-),v>/=26).