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Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-974982


Abstract@#Saposhnikovia divaricata, a perennial herb belonging to the family Umbelliferae, is widely distributed in many provinces of Mongolia. The dried root of Saposhnikovia divaricata has been used for the treatment of arthritis and as a painkiller in Mongolian folk medicine. Moreover, its dried root (Radix Saposhnikoviae) is used as a Chinese herbal medicine for the therapy of immune system, nervous system, and respiratory diseases. According to phytochemical and pharmacological studies, the main ingredients of Saposhnikovia divaricata are chromones, coumarins, acid esters, and polyacetylenes. These compounds indicate anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic, antiproliferative, and immunoregulatory activities. Cimifugin is an active ketone ingredient from Saposhnikovia divaricate, Rhizoma cimicifugae. Cimifugin has been reported to have bacteriostatic and antiviral effects. Studies have reported that cimifugin inhibits allergic inflammation by reducing the levels of cytokines. The aim of this review is to provide extensive information on the traditional use, ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry, pharmacology mechanism of action, and health products from Saposhnikovia divaricata .

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-974983


Introduction@#During many decides, compounds derived from natural raw materials have demonstrated their effectiveness as therapeutic agents in different areas, such as metabolic disorder, immune system diseases and its regulations. Natural based products, like herbal medicines and minerals are implicated in the regulation of immune function. They control the immune system in a pleiotropic manner and participate in various processes of the adaptive/innate immunity. Therefore, natural raw material has great potential for targeted immune modulators, in the treatment of certain types of immunologic and inflammatory diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis, plaque psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis and immune deficiency. The purpose of this survey was to study influence of “Shilajit +Golden Rosa” combined shot preparation named by Vitos on immune system in the experimental and preclinical circumstances.@*Goal@#The purpose of this survey was to study influence of “Shilajit +Golden Rosa” Vitos shot preparation on immune system in the experimental and preclinical circumstances.@*Material and Methods@#The immune deficiency was to created by Azathioprine through 5 days in the Balb/c mice after that control group, preparation of “Shilajit +Golden Rosa” Vitos shot were administrated appropriate doses by oral during 10 days. Then we collected blood and quantified amount of CD4+, CD8+, IgG and CD64 (Mouse Elisa Kit Assay: Catalog.No:WAM-568, Elisa Reader, 450 <b>нм</b>, Melsin Medical Co.LTD, www. on the 5<sup>th</sup>, 10<sup>th</sup> days.@*Results@#All statistical analyses were conducted with SPSS version 20.0 software (IBM, Armonk, NY). Oneway ANOVA was used to assess statistical significance between “Shilajit +Golden Rosa” Vitos shot group and days of observation. Mean values of CD4+, CD8+, CD4/CD8 ratio, IgG, CD64 levels determined in the control and sample group. CD4+, CD8+, CD4/CD8 ratio, IgG and CD64 levels were significantly increased in the “Shilajit +Golden Rosa” Vitos shot group compared with control group by 20.8-67.8 per cent (p<0.05, p<0.01).@*Conclusion@#It’s concluded that, “Shilajit +Golden Rosa” Vitos shot preparation shows immune-stimulator activity not only in the level of cellular (T cells:CD4+, CD8+) but also humoral immunity (B cells: IgG, CD64) in the previously using Azathioprine (75mg/kg) to provoke pathological model of immunosuppression

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-974984


Abstract@#Burn injury causes considerable incidence of disability, increase of hospitalization and rehabilitation. It is a crucial factor of morbidity and mortality, throughout the world, especially in the developing countries. Burn wound healing is a complex process including inflammation, granulation, and regeneration of the skin tissue. There are many animal and mineral derived agents applied for burn wounds treatment. For example, minerals and animal yellow marrow are applied as standard topical therapy in healing of burn wounds in the history. Specially, Mongolian camel’s (<i>Camelus Bactrianus</i>) yellow marrow and cinders have been used the healing effect standard topical antimicrobial for burn wounds for several centuries. The present study aimed to determine the healing effect of “CIBO” ointment with animal and mineral raw materials on third -degree burn wound in rats.@*Introduction@#In our study, we selected an ointment containing a combination of yellow marrow and cinder. In ancient times, Mongolians used camel yellow marrow to relieve joint pain, spread people who had been bedridden for a long time due to the disease, and to prevent caries, and to use it on open wounds. In traditional medicine, cinder has been used as a mineral raw material and has been used to treat frostbite and burns.@*Material and methods@#In the Vivar Department of the Pharmacology Sector of the Drug research institute, 18 Wistar white rats weighing 182-220 g fed in one environment for (12 hours a day/12 hour a night) were randomly selected and divided into the following groups. These are: negative control, Group 1 “Yellow marrow + Uvs black cinder”, Group 2 “Yellow marrow + Uvs brown red cinder”, Group 3 “Yellow marrow + Chinese red cinder”, Group 4 “Yellow marrow + Chinese white cinder”, Standard “Mebo” wound ointment. The wound area was prepared by scraping the hair 5 cm from the back of the test animal’s skull. The prepared area was sterilized with 70% ethanol and 10% iodine solution, resulting in a third-degree burn wound of 2.4 cm2. Wound experiential’s ointments were applied once daily for a total of 28 days, and wound healing was evaluated at 0, 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after pathogenesis, with 16.1-pixel accuracy. Photo confirmed using a SONY brand camera.@*Result@#“CIBO” ointment contains four deferent cinders which are from collected from deferent area and that have been shown to good affect burn wounds, and is more compatible with yellow marrow than Group 4 (Yellow marrow+Chinese white cinder).</br> Wound healing variables of control group compared with group 4 (Yellow marrow + Chinese white cinder) increased by 11.1% on the 3th day, 4% on the 7th day, 44.8% on the 14th day, and 54.5% on the 21st day. On the 28th day, healing and regeneration were accelerated by 50%. @*Conclusion@#The group 4 (Yellow marrow + Chinese white cinder) has been shown to have a pharmacological action of rapid healing and regeneration of burn wounds caused by experimental rats. It has also been shown to have pharmacological action to regenerate skin tissue and suppress inflammation caused by burns. Inclusion of Chinese white cinder in “CIBO” ointment promotes regeneration and healing of “CIBO” ointment.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-974986


Introduction@#In Mongolia, there is opportunity to replace importing products by using raw materials based on the animal and minerals. Those products can be used for medical purposes.</br> In traditional medicine, yellow marrow has been widely used to treat burns and mechanical wounds, as well as frozen and open wounds. The purpose of this study was to determine the pharmacological action of “CIBO” ointment. We created a model of mechanical wound to evaluate the healing of wounds and its index after applying the ointment contains the above mentioned raw materials. @*Material and methods@#Four different groups of “CIBO” ointment was prepared in the technology sector of the Drug Research Institute. Mebo wound ointment was used for comparison as control. The study was con- ducted in the Pharmacology Sector of the Drug Research Institute on white rats of the WISTAR breed under one feeding regime and one condition (12h / 12h). Mechanical wound injury and exposure to open wounds in experimental rats and its size were measured on the 3<sup>rd</sup>, 7<sup>th</sup>, 14<sup>th</sup>, 21<sup>st</sup>, and 28<sup>th</sup> days of treatment. Wound healing, morphology, structure, size, and its index was quan- tified based on the defects. The ointment were applied once a day during the treatment period of 28 days to cover the wound.@*Result@#Mechanical wound showed that study treatment group healed 0-6.2% on the 3<sup>rd</sup> day, 21.4-35.7% on the 7<sup>th</sup> day, 50-60% on the 14<sup>th</sup> day, and 33.3-50% on the 21<sup>st</sup> day separately compared with the untreated group. On the 28<sup>th</sup> day, all the groups were decreased by 66.6%. The wound index was between from 0.002 to 0.0005 in the all experimental groups. Among experimented groups, the group consists of yellow marrow and Chinese white cinder was showed better performance than other groups.@*Conclusion@#The study group 4 (Yellow marrow + Chinese white cinder) has been showed to have a pharmacological action of rapid healing and regeneration of burn wounds caused by experimental rats. It has also been shown to have pharmacological action to regenerate skin tissue and suppress caused by mechanicals. Inclusion of Chinese white cinder in “CIBO” ointment promotes regener ation and healing of “CIBO” ointment.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-974997


Abstract@#CHUN-7 a Mongolian traditional recipe consisting of 7 medicinal plants is described in the scripture named “༆༆ །།གཡུ་ཐོག་པའི་མཛད་པའི་རིམས སྲུང་ཁྱུ་ལྔ་རྒྱམ་ཏོན་གསལ་བ །།”. The ingredients including Caowu (Radix <i>Aconiti kusnezoffii</i>, CW) and <i>Glehniae Radix</i> (GR) have the effects of suppressing pneumonia, viral pneumonia, relieving pain, stimulating the immune system and reducing fever. The present study was aimed to determine acute and chronic toxicity properties of traditional drug. @*Materials and methods@#CHUN 7 traditional drug were prepared in the traditional medicine sector of the Drug research Institute of Monos group. All WISTAR rats were kept in the same feed, under 12 hours lighting and 12 hours darkness housing. The study of acute and chronic toxicity of CHUN-7 traditional drug was studied by using IP and oral administration were performed on ten WISTAR rats and continued for a total of 28 days with 102.9 mg / kg dose (calculated from human dose: 16.7 mg/kg) in accordance with the WHO General Guidelines for the Evaluation and Study of Traditional Medicine.@*Results@#The result showed no structural changes in the internal organs according to tissue morphology when we administrated CHUN-7 traditional drug.@*Conclusion@#This study showed CHUN-7 traditional drug has no toxic effects to internal organs including liver, kidney, stomach, lungs and heart. Therefore, CHUN-7 traditional drug has potential to use orally without any toxicology.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-974949


Abstract@#Numerous researches conducted in Russia, Bulgaria, Japan, and China on <i>B.pubescens, B. pendula, B.rezniczenkoana (Litv) </i> Schischk, <i>B.humilis</i> Schrank, <i>B.mandshurica</i> Rgl Nakai found that birch barks and leaves contain antioxidants and they have anti-cancer, anti-fungi, antibac- terial and anti-inflammatory properties, protect liver and promote bile secretion. Flat leaved birch (<i>B.platyphylla</i> Sukacz) cortex contains betulin and lupeol of triterpenoids and it’s leaves contain flavonoid and polyphenol compounds. The amounts of compounds found in the cortex are smaller than leaves. Specifically, the amount of flavonoid in leaves is more contained than the that of cortex and leaf buds. In any pharmacology study of new medicines, determination and evaluation of toxicity is the first priority. According to scientific evidences that birch leaves are considered to have less toxins. Not many studies have been conducted on determining toxicity of birch leaves in Mongolia. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to study the species of birches, hippolytii birch (<i>B.hippolytii. </i> Sukacz) and flat leaved birch (<i>B.platyphylla. </i> Sukacz), that were noted to have medical properties in traditional medications and identify their acute toxicity using dry extract and determine mortality dosage (LD<sub>50</sub>) on animals.@*Research materials and methods@#Evaluation of the acute toxicity of birch leaves was conducted in Pharmacology laboratory of Monos group’s Drug Research Institute between June 19, 2020 and August 10. In this research, 150-204 g of WISTAR breed non-linear 44 white rats were used and 20 g of <i>B.Hippolytii’</i>s dry extract and 20 g of B. <i>Platyphylla</i> ‘s dry extract were injected.</br> The experiments to determine the toxicity of dry extracts of <i>B. hippolytii</i> and <i>B. platyphylla</i> (LD<sub>50</sub>) were conducted according to Litchfield and Wilcoxon’s method and subcutaneous injects were per formed in the pelvic area of the rats. @*Results of determining acute toxicity level@#The experiments to determine the acute toxicity level of the birch’s dry extracts followed Litchfield and Wilcoxon’s method with 2-stage. LD<sub>50</sub> level was determined from the first stage of the research using G.N.Pirshen’s method and the toxicity level was identified using K.K.Sidorov’s toxicity categorization.</br> From the acute toxicity research, no-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL), animal daily dosage and human daily dosage (experimental) were determined. LD<sub>50</sub> 2950 mg/kg was determined as a result of acute toxicity research of B.hippolytii and B.platyphilla leaves’ dry extract.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-974960


Introduction@#Shilajit and Rhodiola Rosa L are widely used in Mongolian Traditional medicine for the management of diseases and for fracture healing. The aim of this study was to evaluate the pharmacology effects of the “Vitos” Shilajit Shot preparation on fracture healing and callus stages in rats by X-ray.@*Material and methods@#We used non-liner Wistar rats for <i>in vivo</i> experiments, there are sixteen rats were randomly grouped as a positive control, negative control, “Vitos” Shilajit shot experimental and standard groups. The positive group was as healthy animals and other groups were created femoral fracture by Bonnaren’s device. Then negative control group was oral administered distilled water, whereas 4.1ml/kg of “Vitos’ Shilajit shot administrated via oral gavage to experimental group through 56 days. X-rays were performed to assess fracture healing effects within 14, 28, 42, 56 days and callus stages.@*Results@#Significantly higher callus volume and callus staging were observed in the “Vitos” Shilajit shot group compared with the negative control and standard groups. Also “Vitos” Shilajit shot group was becoming as bridging between both end of fractures and get hard callus formulation ready observation of X-Ray radiograph on 4 weeks post fracture. The fracture healing process was slightly reached to callus remodulation such as final stage of bone formulation on 56<sup>th</sup> day.@*Conclusion@#The results of this study reveal that, “Vitos’ shot preparation, which contains an extract of <i>Rhodiola Rosa L</i> and thick extract of Shijilat has a treatment effect and enhancing and supporting callus of bone fracture healing.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-974971


Introduction@#Nowadays people are restricting their use of chemical drugs as much as possible, creating a growing need for a systematic study of the use of herbal, animal and mineral medicines at a new level through traditional and innovative methods. Based on the study of traditional national technologies, it is important to study and apply in practice the drugs and pharmaceutical ingredients that contain the most modern scientific achievements including cardiovascular drugs, obtained from ancient rare scriptures.@*Research materials and methods@#Data collected from the Clinical Department of Stress-Related Mental Disorders of the National Center for Mental Health was the primary source for this study. Secondary sources included statistics on the hospital’s website, internal reports of the organization, research related to health services, and legal documents. @*Research method@#Serum cortisol levels were determined with a STATFAX-2100 ELISA (450 nm) according to the manufacturer’s specific methodology (, Human Cortisol, ELISA KIT- CAT. NO:EKHU-0704).</br> The amount of cortisol in human serum was calculated as a linear quantitative assay by diluting 7.5 ug/L-90 ug/L in a standard working solution. @*Conclusion@#“Srog ‘dzin-5” has a clinical effect of reducing serum cortisol by an average of 27.3%. The statistic (p<0.01) is likely to increase this percentage depending on the time taken. Clinical observations have shown that “Srog ‘dzin-5” has pharmacological action against stress, depression and mental illness.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-974977


Introduction@#The research is based on the study of the action of traditional drugs that have important anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, as well as their low cost and low side effects in medical practice.@*Material and methods@#We conducted the research based on the material base of Otoch Manramba University’s pharmaceutical chemistry laboratory. We took Banzi 12 medicinal powder as research object, made in Manba Datsan pharmaceutical plant. The content of alkaloids, flavonoids, coumarins and total phenolic compounds in Banzi 12 medicinal powder drugs was determined by spectrophotometry, extractive substances by titrimetric method, weighted content of extractable substances, heavy metal content by atomic absorption spectrophotometry and bacteriological analysis according to the methodology specified in MNF. The effect on acute inflammation (U.E. Strelnikov) was determined according to the method of formalin causing an edema.@*Conclusion@#</br> 1. The highest concentrations of flavonoids70% alcohol content is11.5%±0.001, preservatives 14.5%±0.72, and polyphenolic compounds 1.68%±0.005were used to determine the content of biologically active substances in Banzi 12medicinal powderdrug. </br> 2. Banzi12medicinal powderdrug produced by Manba Datsan traditional medicine factory used in the study meets the requirements of MNS 5586: 2006 for traditional medicine. </br> 3. Formalin has been shown to have anti-inflammatory action for acute inflammation.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-974762


Background@#<i>Iris Tenuifolia</i> and <i>Iris Lactea</i> known for its various medicinal properties are also a natural antichloristic and a kidney protective as agent.@*Goal@#To evaluate the nephrite activity of aqueous extract of <i>Iris Tenuifolia</i> and <i>Iris Lactea</i> in a rodent model of kanamycin induced nephrotoxicity. @*Materials and Methods@#In the experimental design, thirty-six Wistar rats were randomly isolated into four groups of one control and three experimental. Nephrotoxicity in rats induced by intramuscular injection of Kanamycin {250 mg/kg) daily for 5 days<sup>5</sup>. The doses of 25 mg/kg, 50 mg/kg, 75 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg of aqueous extract of <i>Iris Lactea</i> and dose of 25 mg/kg <i>Iris Tenuifolia Pall</i> were administrated by oral gavages for 14 consecutive days in rats. At 14 days for the rest of them, serum samples were collected for renal function biochemical tests (Creatinine, Creatinine Clearance, Urea UV and GFR-Glomerulus Filtration Rate). @*Results@#All statistical analyses were conducted with SPSS version 20.0 software (IBM, Armork. NY). One-way ANOVA was used to assess statistical significance between experimental groups and control group. Mean values of creatinine, creatinine clearance, urea UV and GFR levels determined in the control and experimental groups. Kanamycin treatment caused nephrotoxicity as evidenced by marked elevation in serum creatinine, creatinine clearance, GFR and urea UV, <i>Iris Tenuifolia</i> 25 mg/kg blood serum creatinine (62.49±1.24 (38%), 56.38±1.41 (4.5% μmol/L), serum creatinine clearance (4.79±0.16 (45%), (5.80±0.36 (6%) ml/minute), serum GFR (191.6±6.58 (45%). (232±14.65 (5.9%) ml/minute), serum urea UV (8.64±0.63 (9.6%), (8.40±0.07 (20.23%), Iris Lactea 75 mg/kg blood serum creatinine 68.92±4.08(31%), 58.87±1.95 (0.4% μmol/L), serum creatinine clearance (5.27±0.67(60%), (5.67±0.28(3.6%) ml/minute), serum GFR (210.9±26.78 (60%), (226.8±11.28 (3.5%) ml/minute), serum urea UV (7.73±0.58 (19.14%), (7.48±0.35 (28.96%) respectively when compared to the control treated groups. Oral administration of <i>Iris Lactea</i> 75 mg/kg extract decreased the rise in these parameters in a dose dependent manner. @*Conclusion@#Our studies suggest that aqueous extract of <i>Iris Lactea</i> 75 mg/kg and <i>Iris tenuifolia</i> 25 mg/kg results are shown good effect for anti-inflammatory of renal.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-974764


Purpose@#In generally, T cell activation evaluates by CD4 +, CD8 +, B cell immunoglobulin's (IgG, IgM, IgA) in Azathioprine caused secondary immunodeficiency in serum. May it does not make clearly interpret for regulation of cell-mediated and humoral immune response using interaction T and B cells. In this review, we discuss the multifaceted roles of cytokines as enhancers and expression of B and T cell. @*Cell-mediated Immunity and Humoral Immunity@#Based on the type of immunodeficiency, the types of defects can vary. While some bacterial infections may be a key feature of B cell and T cell defects are feature of combined T and B cell immunodeficiency. Also other defects can be cause of phagocytes cell and complement deficiency. The present study provides evidence special cytokines which are involved to expression of T and B cells that CD40, IgG, IgM, FcyRII (CD32) need to be define with B cell deficiency, CD40, CD45RO define combined T and B cell deficiency and FcyRI (CD64), CD45RO define for phagocytes cell deficiency and CD4+, FcyRI (CD32), FcyRI (CD64) define for complement deficiency. In this review, we have done pharmacological study of immunosuppressant injection which is with Mongolian <i>Astragalus Mongolicus</i> Bge and determined CD28, CD40, CD64, and CD45 cytokines in the blood serum of mice. It will be clarifying the immune system interaction between cell-mediated immunity and humoral immune for T cells and B cell interactions.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-973274


Background@#Herbal medicines continue to be widely used as natural promoters of good health, as immune-modulators in recent years. This situation is directly related to the rapid growth of natural based products, the decrease of chemical synthesized products and as well as the increase of natural substance consumption. @*Objective@#The purpose of this survey was to study influence of Immunos herbal medicines on immune system in the experimental and preclinical circumstances.@*Materials and Methods@#The immune deficiency was to created by Azathioprine through 5 days in the white mice after that control group, preparation of Immunal, Salimon and Immunos 1, 2 were administrated appropriate doses by oral during 10 days. Then we collected blood and quantified number of white blood cells (K/µL), quantity of splenocyte (×106 cell/ml), amount of CD4+, CD8+ and IgM, IgA, Ig G (mg/ml) (Elisa Kit Assay: Catalog. No: WAM-568 (Elisa Reader, 450 nm)-WKEA MED SUPPLIES CORP) on the 5th, 10th days.@*Results@#All statistical analyses were conducted with SPSS version 20.0 software (IBM, Armonk, NY). One-way ANOVA was used to assess statistical significance between Immunos groups and days of observation. Mean values of white blood cells in blood, quantity of splenocyte, CD4+, CD8+ and IgM, IgG levels determined in the control and experimental groups. White blood cells level were significantly increased in the Immunos group compared with the control group by 55.6 percent (11.5±0.9 K/µL vs 5.1±0.51 K/µL, p<0.001) and number of splenocyte increased Immunos group compared with the control group by 60.6 % (352.2±23.5 ×106 cell/ml vs 138.6±23.5 ×106 cell/ml, p<0.01). Therefore, CD4+, CD8+ and IgM, IgG levels were significantly increased in the Immunos group compared with the control group by 0.71 to 8.8% (IgG: 11.47±0.42 vs 10.45±0.43 μg/ml, IgM: 11.33±0.81 vs 10.48±0.31 μg/ml, CD4+: 10.44±0635 vs 10.04±0.372 U/ml, CD8+: 9.75±1.02 vs 9.68±0.45 U/ml p<0.02).@*Conclusion@#It’s concluded that, Immunos preparation shows immune-stimulator effect in cellular immunity and humoral immunity in the case of immunosuppressant by Azathioprine.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-974728


Introduction@#Constipation is highly prevalent, often chronic gastrointestinal disorder that affects adults. The treatment with classic drugs did not cut, in one hand with the inadequate relief of bloating and other symptoms, and with the luck of efficacy in relieving constipation. Therefore, the search for novel safe laxative drugs seems, inevitable. Rheum undulatum L. was traditionally used in constipation, thus we have attempted to evaluate the laxative effect of Rheum undulatum L.@*Purpose@#The laxative effect of Rheum undulatum L. was evaluated against loperamide induced constipated rats.@*Methodology@#Fifteen male normal rats were used in this study. Fifteen male constipated wistar albino rats weighing 180-250 g were also used for the study and randomized into three groups (n=5) in each of the experiments. Constipated control group rats oral administrated distilled water. Constipated rats (treatment groups) were treated with 4.1 mg/kg dose body weight /day of the preparation for one day and also Laxing a standard drug was used for the reference group. The fecal weight, the fecal humidity laxative activity were monitored in experimental rats.@*Results@#Constipation was successfully induced in the rats by loperamide as seen in the elevated fecal properties compared to the control rats. The Rheum undulatum L. compounds preparation administered orally produced significant laxative activity and reduced loperamide induced constipation in dose dependent manner as seen in the increase of fecal output. The same doses of the Rheum undulatum L. compounds preparation produced a significant increase (P<0.05) fecal weight, the faeces humidity. The effect of the compounds preparation compares favourably well with Laxing, a standard laxative drug. @*Conclusion@#The results of this study justify the use of Rheum undulatum L. compounds preparation as a laxative in traditional medicine. The produced significantly increase in fecal output of rats and the stimulation of gastrointestinal motility.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-975892


Purpose: The document outlines the preferred methods for collecting blood from laboratory animals and blood collection volume and frequency limits. Blood collection for experimental purposes must comply with researchers of the Drug research institute (DRI) approved protocol, including approved collection techniques, volumes, and frequencies. The Department of Pharmacology researchers train investigators in various collection techniques. The researcher may collect blood for veterinary care purposes using accepted clinical techniques ensuring volumes collected do not adversely affect animal health.Blood Collection Limits: The DRI limits one time survival blood collection to 7.5% of an animal’s blood volume in most circumstances. Serial blood sampling limit vary by species, strain and frequency of blood collection. The DRI may require monitoring for anemia (using assays such as hematocrit and/or serum protein levels) when repeated collection of larger volumes are required. Blood collected for diagnostics or other veterinary procedures must be considered when evaluating total volume available for experimental use. In all cases blood collection volumes should be limited to the minimum volume that will allow for successful experimentation or diagnostics.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-631255


Purpose: The document outlines the preferred methods for collecting blood from laboratory animals and blood collection volume and frequency limits. Blood collection for experimental purposes must comply with researchers of the Drug research institute (DRI) approved protocol, including approved collection techniques, volumes, and frequencies. The Department of Pharmacology researchers train investigators in various collection techniques. The researcher may collect blood for veterinary care purposes using accepted clinical techniques ensuring volumes collected do not adversely affect animal health. Blood Collection Limits: The DRI limits one time survival blood collection to 7.5% of an animal’s blood volume in most circumstances. Serial blood sampling limit vary by species, strain and frequency of blood collection. The DRI may require monitoring for anemia (using assays such as hematocrit and/or serum protein levels) when repeated collection of larger volumes are required. Blood collected for diagnostics or other veterinary procedures must be considered when evaluating total volume available for experimental use. In all cases blood collection volumes should be limited to the minimum volume that will allow for successful experimentation or diagnostics.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-975593


IntroductionA hangover is the experience of various unpleasant physiological and psychological effects followingconsumption of alcohol beverages, which can last for more than 24 hours. Common symptoms ofhangover are headache, gastrointestinal complaints, sweating, hyper-excitability, dry mouth, anorexia,diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue and vertigo. Alcohol or ethanol gets metabolized to an intermediate product,acetaldehyde, by the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), and then acetaldehyde is converted toacetate by a second enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH). Acetaldehyde causes toxic effects,such as high pulse, rate, sweating and vomiting. In most people, ALDH metabolizes acetaldehydequickly and effi ciently, so that this intermediate metabolite does not accumulate in high concentrations.Many treatments are described to prevent hangover, shorten its duration, and reduce the severity of itssymptoms, including innumerable folk remedies and recommendations.GoalThis study was conducted to investigate whether anti-hangover preparation has a protective effectagainst acute alcohol induced hangover in Wistar rats.Materials and MethodsMale and female Wistar line rats, weighing 180-210g were used for hangover model or ethanolmetabolism experiment. Rats were administered orally ethanol as 38% aqueous solution with feedingneedle, 1 ml/200g body weight. The anti-hangover preparation was administered 1 hour before ethanolconsumption. Blood was collected from the tail vein for the measurement of serum acetate andacetaldehyde at just before and 8, 16, 24 hour after ethanol administration.Statistical analysis: All value expressed as mean S.E obtained from n number of experiments.ResultFrom this study results summarize that the anti-hangover preparations decreased blood serum acetateand acetaldehyde levels as compared to control. Anti-hangover preparations enhanced acetaldehydeand acetate metabolism.Conclusion: These fi ndings indicate that anti-hangover preparations may exert benefi cial role inthe treatment of alcohol hangover without any toxicity. Therefore, the content of acetaldehyde wasdecreasing and increasing through repeating 8 hours within 24 hours.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-975604


AbstractIntroduction: In recent years, researchers have paid attention to the biological active products fromraw materials of animal origin. Lyophilized bovine bile and bovine liver hydrolyze and varieties ofplants have been used for increase secretion of bile in traditional systems of medicine of variouscountries. We investigated that beneficial effects of new product particularly its treatment liverdamage, improve regeneration process of damaged liver cell, effects on bile secretion, bile bilirubin,and bile cholesterol and plasma cholesterol levels. Moreover, we investigate physical, chemicalcapacity and drafted a MNS document.Goal: To complete pharmacological, technological and standardization study of Sillichol biologicalactive product.Material and MethodsSeveral biochemical methods were used for determination of chemical compounds in liverhydrolysate and lyophilized bile. The product was formed in combined powder form by dried stirringmethod and it was capsuled by NJP-1200 capsule machine. Litchfield-Wilcoxon’s method was usedto study the acute toxicity effect. The median lethal dose (LD50) value was calculated using themethod of Pearson and toxicity level of was determined according to classification of Sidorov K.K(1973). Human equivalent dose (effective dose) was calculated with according to FDA guidancefor drug-dose conversion. Acute hepatitis – Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) induced liver damage inrats (Skakun et al, 1984); Bile secretion effect was determined by method of Rozuet Jousse, 1980.All value expressed as mean S.E obtained from n number of experiments. The Student’s t-testfor unpaired observation between control and experimental samples was carried out for statisticalevaluation of a difference; p values of 0.05 or less were considered as statistically significant.ResultsTotal nitrogen, amino nitrogen, fat, ash and solution index were measured in liver hydrolysate.The results were accepted standard requirements of MNS 6484:2014. Bovine bile was dried byLabconco freezone L12 freeze drier in Drug Research Institute. The product named Sillichol wasformed combined powder form and capsuled №0 capsule. From the result of preclinical study, ourinvestigational new product is included in practically non-toxic class according to toxicity classificationby Sidorov (1750 mg/kg). Sillichol biological active product was increase bile level which is producedin liver cells and decreased bile cholesterol levels by 2.3-8.0% in the test group compared with thecontrol and reference groups.Conclusion: The biological active product was improving regeneration process of liver cells,normalize cell structure, effect to the anti-inflammatory in damaged liver cells.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-631071


BACKGROUND: A recent day is one of a rare drug plant, which use in traditional medicine a long time ago. Therefore based on nature resource of traditional medicine, on the base of evaluating pharmacological and biological action to develop a new drug of plant origin is important not only for treatment, but also has a economic significance. This plant has profound medicinal use and is a proved antipyretic, analgesic anti inflammatory and anti-cancer. No detail report was found in literature to evaluate renal damage experimentally in rats. The present study was hence designed to determine protective effect (Saposhnikovia divaricate (Turcz) Schischk) kanamycin-induced nephrotoxicy in rats. In addition, we attempted to test and compare the possible action of Saposhnikovia divaricate (Turcz) Schischk) kanamycin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Experimental animals A dry extract of SDS is root was prepared by the lyophilization method and used in the study. Threemonth old Wistar albino rats of either sex weighing 150-250 g were used for the study. The animals were placed at random and allocated to treatment groups in polypropylene cages with paddy husk as bedding. Animals were housed at a temperature of 24 ± 2⁰C and relative humidity of 30-70%. A 12/12 h light and dark cycle was followed. All animals were fed on standard balanced diet and provided with water ad libitum. All the experimental procedures and protocols used in the study were reviewed and approved by the Bio-Medical Ethical Committee of Mongolian National University of Mongolia. Biochemical estimation At the end of experimental period, rats were anaesthetized with ether. The pathological model of kidney we use lipid peroxidation in the process of kidney inflammation kidney tissue, blood serum, erythrocyte MDA of membrane amount on 3, 7, 14 day by using spectrophotometer apparatus of “Shimadzu” firm of Japan and measured absorption at 535 nm. Statistical Analysis: Statistical analysis of data was performed by SPSS 16.0 program and analyzed statistically using criteria of Student t test. RESULTS: When we studied effect of extract of SDS preparation to condition of lipid peroxidation activation in the process of kidney inflammation by the indices of MDA which contains in blood plasma and erythrocyte membrane, MDA amount in renal tissue, amount of MDA decreased and it showed effect of decreasing lipid peroxidation MDA of plasma. CONCLUSION: The extract of Saposhnikoviadivaricata (Turcz) Schischk) has action of protecting kidney and decreasing lipid per oxidation.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-975681


IntroductionNumber of kidney acute and chronic disease is increasing rapidly in the world and becoming the majorcause of death even population employment capacity is invalid. Statistical report of Mongolian Ministryof Health last 5 years statistic kidney disease is in the 3rd of non-contagious disease Synthetic andchemical medicines used for this sort of disease would have side effects in some cases. Plants, animalsand minerals biologically active substances, side effects need to produce new drugs, has attracted theattention of researches.GoalIdentifying pharmacology act of new granule medicine preparation.Material and Methods: The effects of the medicinal substances were investigated on “WISTAR” linesof white rat. Pathological model of nephritis was formed by injected the rats with kanamycin sulfate(Mondodoev.A.J, Lameza.S.B, Bartonov.E.A, 1988). The experimental animals were given any of thenew granular herbal medicine and compared to the rats given Nefromon. After treatment the creatinine,urea acid and MDA in the serum were determined. MDA is identified by an amount of concentration andmethod (Stalinaya. I.D. 1977).ResultCreatinine amount of disease model group of kidney illness created by kanamycin sulfate is comparedwith healthy group animals and 1.64 times, carbamide amount is 4.25 times, rest of the azote’s 2.73are increased and comparing the experiment group creatinine amount is 1.65 creatinine amount is 1.65decreased comparing with disease model group.ConclusionWhen compound ingredients preparation creates experiment animal kanamycin sulfate oxidantdominates, intensify the kidney cell active, decrease the carbamide and creatinine and decrease thekidney cell necrosis.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-975751


BackgroundPreliminary clinical studies indicate that liver extract may be helpful in treating hepatic dysfunction. In addition, liver extract seems to work synergistically with interferon in treating hepatitis C and other viral infections. Laboratory studies indicate that liver extract may have some effects that could be useful in treating certain forms of cancer, such as ability to direct migration of metastasizing cells and inhibition of DNA, RNA and protein formation. More research is needed in these areas to determine liver hydrolysate’s properties.Materials and MethodsSeveral biochemical methods were used for determination of chemical compounds in liver extracts: Total protein and nitrogen content was determined by Kjeldahl method; mineral contents – atomic absorption spectrophotometer; Heme iron content – spectrophotometer; Water soluble vitamins - HPLC method. The pharmacological activities of bovine liver were tested by several pharmacological methods: Acute toxicity – LD50 /Prozorovskii 1978/; Acute hepatitis – Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) induced liver damage in rats /Skakun et al, 1984/; Biochemical parameters in blood serum – Automatic biochemical analyzer.ResultThe values obtained in determination of the biochemical analysis show that 100 g consumption of studied liver hydrolysate can provide 4.3, 2.1 and 0.3 mg vitamin B1, B3 and B9 respectively. Therefore, present data reveal that liver hydrolysate is a good source of most of the analyzed minerals. The liver hydrolysate contains 56.4% total protein and 4.33% amino nutrient.Conclusions:1. From the results of pharmacological study that involves CCl4 induced acute toxic hepatitis, liver hydrolysate has hepatoprotective effect by protecting the liver cells from injury, improving the regeneration process and by correcting metabolic functions of the liver.2. When tested, hydrolysate’s pharmacological parameters can be analyzed reliably with several liver damage experimental designs, further improvements or the use of new designs such as anemia is needed in further pharmacological study.