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Cureus ; 14(8): e28399, 2022 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36171850


Objective Hypertriglyceridemia (HTG) in pregnancy causes an increased risk for maternal and fetal complications. But, reports on the impact of HTG in pregnancy on maternal and fetal outcomes are scarce in developing countries. We aim to determine the maternal and neonatal complications of HTG in pregnancy. Materials and methods This prospective observational study was conducted on 150 pregnant women with HTG in the department of obstetrics and gynecology, KIMS, Bhubaneswar, from December 2019 to November 2020. Measurement of triglycerides during the first trimester, second trimester, and delivery was done. Maternal complications and neonatal outcomes in HTG mothers and mothers with normal triglyceride levels were compared. Results Out of 150 HTG cases, hypothyroidism, preeclampsia, acute pancreatitis, and sickle cell crisis occurred in 41 (27.3%), 22 (14.7%), six (4%), and three (2%) cases, respectively. The triglyceridemia (TG) levels raised from 133.7±48.2 mg/dl in the first trimester to 232.8±151.0 mg/dl in the third trimester. There is a significant increase in TG levels at the time of delivery compared to the first and second trimesters (p< .001). Out of 140 neonates, 30 (21.4%) were preterm, eight (5.7%) had intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), and four (6.06%) were macrosomic. Intrauterine death, preterm, and macrosomia are significantly associated with maternal HTG compared to normal mothers (p < .032). All mortalities were due to acute pancreatitis (6; 4%) among mothers and four intrauterine fetal death. Conclusion There is a steady increase in TG levels in the successive trimesters of pregnancy. Gestational severe hypertriglyceridemia causes life-threatening complications. HTG-induced acute pancreatitis needs to be managed aggressively to prevent maternal death. Neonates of HTG mothers suffer from complications like prematurity, IUGR, and macrosomia.

Cureus ; 13(11): e19730, 2021 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34934592


Background Medical abortion up to seven weeks of pregnancy by using a combination of mifepristone and misoprostol with careful follow-up is approved by WHO guidelines. But due to the counter sale of medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) pills, in our country, pregnant women have easy access to use them landing upon serious complications. The present study aims to assess the outcome of self-medicated MTP pills in pregnant women. Method This prospective observational study includes pregnant women who presented to our hospital for medical assistance due to complications after using the counter of MTP pills without medical consultation. Findings of ultra-sonographic and physical examination were noted along with analysis of subsequent management. Results The major complaint at presentation was excessive bleeding (78%). Out of 100 patients, 66% of cases were diagnosed as incomplete abortion, 6% as missed abortion, and 6% as unaffected pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy was detected in 12% of cases. Sixty patients of incomplete abortion were managed with suction and evacuation and six were supplemented with misoprostol. All patients with ectopic pregnancies were managed surgically. Conclusion The majority of the pregnant women who took MTP pills presented with serious complications in the form of bleeding, incomplete/missed abortion, and ectopic pregnancy. Restriction of the over-the-counter dispensation of abortion pills needs to be strictly implemented and knowledge of women regarding the unfavourable outcome of MTP pill intake without proper consultation needs to be improved.

Cureus ; 13(11): e19876, 2021 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34963870


Background Amniotic fluid is a protective fluid in the amniotic sac of a gravid uterus that serves many crucial functions by becoming part of an indicator of a functioning fetoplacental unit during the intrauterine life of a fetus. The most commonly used method for measuring amniotic fluid is the amniotic fluid index (AFI). In this study, we aimed to investigate the perinatal and maternal outcomes in borderline AFI versus normal AFI. Methodology This observational prospective study included 200 pregnant women who were admitted to Pradyumna Bal Memorial Hospital, Bhubaneswar from September 2019 to February 2021. Women with singleton pregnancy in their third trimester were enrolled in this study after applying inclusion and exclusion criteria. Of the included women, 100 were cases with borderline AFI, and 100 were control with normal AFI. Fetal and maternal outcomes were compared between the two groups. Data analysis was done using SPSS version 23 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). Results Maternal outcomes such as preterm delivery, meconium-stained liquor, and lower segment cesarean section in women with borderline AFI were significantly higher (p ≤ 0.001). The borderline AFI group had a higher rate of perinatal complications such as Apgar score of <7 (p = 0.001), respiratory distress syndrome (p = 0.001), neonatal intensive care unit admission (p <0.001), intrauterine growth restriction (p < 0.001), and low birth weight (p < 0.001). Conclusions The borderline AFI group was associated with adverse perinatal and maternal outcomes which were significantly higher in this group compared to the control group. Therefore, patients with borderline AFI should be monitored carefully during the antepartum and intrapartum period.

Clin Pract ; 11(4): 841-849, 2021 Nov 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34842626


Introduction: Placental calcification, identified before the 36th week of gestational age, is known as premature placental calcification (PPC). PPC could be a clue for the poor fetal outcome. However, its association with adverse perinatal outcomes is yet to be confirmed. Objective: The primary objective was to determine and compare the perinatal outcomes in pregnancies with and without documented premature placental calcification. Methodology: The present study was a prospective cohort study performed from October 2017 to September 2019. We consecutively enrolled 494 antenatal women who presented to our antenatal OPD after taking consent to participate in our study. Transabdominal sonographies were conducted between 28-36 weeks of gestation to document placental maturity. We compared maternal and fetal outcomes between those who were identified with grade III placental calcification (n = 140) and those without grade III placental calcification (n = 354). Results: The incidence of preeclampsia, at least one abnormal Doppler index, obstetrics cholestasis, placental abruption, and FGR (fetal growth restriction) pregnancies were significantly higher in the group premature placental calcification. We also found a significantly increased incidence of Low APGAR (Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, and Respiration) scores, NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) Admission, Abnormal CTG (cardiotocography), meconium-stained liquor, and low birth weight babies in those with grade III placental calcification. Conclusion: Clinicians should be aware of documenting placental grading while performing ultrasonography during 28 to 36 weeks. Ultrasonographically, the absence of PPC can define a subcategory of low-risk pregnant populations which probably need no referral to specialized centers and can be managed in these settings.