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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38908791


INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a prevalent condition among electable to bariatric surgery obese patients, often remaining underdiagnosed, thereby increasing surgical risk. The main purpose was to determine prevalence of OSA among candidates for bariatric surgery and to assess the rate of underdiagnosis of this condition. Additionally, the study aimed to evaluate the specific performance of three sleep questionnaires and scales (Excessive Daytime Sleepiness Scale (EDSS), Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), and STOP-Bang) in these patients. METHODS: A longitudinal, prospective, single-cohort study, with consecutive sampling including patients aged 18-65 years with obesity grade II (body mass index (BMI) ≥ 35 kg/m2) and hypertension, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome or OSA or obesity grade III or IV (BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2) elective for bariatric surgery. Patients were evaluated at the Otorhinolaryngology department with an anamnesis regarding OSA including the administration of three sleep questionnaires (EDSS, ESS, and STOP-Bang), followed by cardiorespiratory polygraphy (CRP) for sleep evaluation. RESULTS: 124 patients were included in this study. While 74.2% of the sample exhibited OSA on CRP, only 28.2% had a prior diagnosis. The STOP-Bang questionnaire demonstrated the highest sensitivity (93.3%) for detecting moderate to severe OSA, although with low specificity (33.8%). EDSS and ESS did not show a significant association with the presence of OSA. CONCLUSIONS: OSA screening is crucial in candidates for bariatric surgery due to its high prevalence and low diagnosis rate. The STOP-Bang questionnaire may serve as a useful tool for identifying patients at risk of moderate to severe OSA and optimizing sleep assessments. However, further research is necessary to validate its utility in this specific population.

Acta otorrinolaringol. cir. cuello (En línea) ; 51(4): 285-290, 2024/02/07. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1531204


Introducción: el cierre de las perforaciones timpánicas se realiza con diferentes materiales, entre ellos el cartílago y el pericondrio. En este estudio se compararon los resultados anatómicos y funcionales obtenidos con ambos materiales, y se evaluaron posibles factores asociados con los buenos resultados. Material y métodos: estudio retrospectivo en pacientes intervenidos de timpanoplastia sin mastoidectomía entre el 1 de enero de 2001 y el 31 de diciembre de 2018. Resultados: se incluyeron 544 timpanoplastias. En la mayoría se utilizó cartílago (78,5 %) y en el resto pericondrio. El cartílago se utilizó con mayor frecuencia en los menores de 18 años (p=0,001), perforaciones totales y subtotales (p=0,000) y timpanoplastias secundarias y terciarias (p=0,008). No hubo diferencias en el tiempo de seguimiento (15,68 ± 22,18 meses frente al 12,86 ± 14,9 meses, p=0,169). La tasa de éxito anatómico fue mayor en el grupo de cartílago, sin diferencias en los resultados auditivos (82 % con cartílago y 78,3 % con pericondrio). El éxito anatómico se relacionó con la técnica utilizada para la reconstrucción con cartílago, mientras que los resultados auditivos se asociaron significativamente con el estado de la mucosa del oído medio y la cadena de huesecillos en el momento de la cirugía y el éxito anatómico posquirúrgico. Conclusiones: con el cartílago se consiguieron mejores resultados anatómicos que con el pericondrio, sin diferencias a nivel funcional. Sin embargo, los resultados funcionales empeoraron si había patología a nivel del oído medio y en ausencia de restauración anatómica.

Introduction: Different materials are used to close tympanic perforations. This stu-dy aimed to compare anatomical results obtained with cartilage and perichondrium and evaluate factors associated with successful results. Material and method: Re-trospective study of patients who underwent tympanoplasty without mastoidectomy between January 1, 2001, and December 31, 2018. Demographic data, ear pathology, surgical intervention, and anatomical and functional results were collected. Results:544 tympanoplasty were included. Cartilage was the most used (78.5%). Cartilage was used more frequently in children under 18 years (p = 0.001), to reconstruct total and subtotal perforations (p = 0.000) and in secondary and tertiary tympanoplasty (p = 0.008). Follow-up time did not differ between the two groups (15.68 ± 22.18 months vs. 12.86 ± 14.9 months, p = 0.169). The anatomical success rate was higher in the cartilage group, with no significant differences in hearing outcomes (82% with cartilage and 78.3% with perichondrium). Anatomical success was related to the technique used for cartilage reconstruction (monoblock or palisade). Hearing re-sults were significantly associated with the state of middle ear mucosa at the time of surgery, the state and mobility of the ossicle chain, and post-surgical anatomical suc-cess. Conclusions: Cartilage achieved better anatomical results than perichondrium. Both materials were comparable on a functional level. However, the functional re-sults worsen if there is pathology of the middle ear (mucosa or chain of ossicles) and anatomical restoration is not achieved.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 88(supl.5): 156-161, Nov.-Dec. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420890


Abstract Objectives: Hypertrophic palatine tonsils play a role in the blockage of the upper airway, one of the known causes of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Therefore, it is possible that there is an association between tonsil size and the success of pharyngeal surgery during OSA treatment. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between tonsil grade and volume, as well as to establish whether a relationship exists between tonsil size and the success rate of pharyngeal surgery (tonsillectomy and pharyngoplasty with barbed sutures). Methods: This retrospective study includes forty-four adult patients who underwent tonsillectomy and pharyngeal surgery with barbed sutures for the treatment of simple snoring and OSA between January 2016 and September 2019. Patients who had been previously tonsillectomized or those for whom tonsil volume measurement was lacking were excluded. All patients underwent a pre-operative physical exploration at the clinic exam room and a sleep study. Prior to surgery a Drug Induced Sleep Endoscopy (DISE) was performed. Tonsil volume was measured intraoperatively using the water displacement method. The same sleep study was repeated six months following surgery. Results: A significant correlation was found between tonsil grade and volume and between such measurements and the blockage observed at the level of the oropharynx during the DISE. Moreover, an association was observed between tonsil volume, but not tonsil grade, and the success of tonsillectomy and pharyngoplasty with barbed sutures. A tonsil volume greater than 6.5 cm3 was linked to success during pharyngeal surgery. Conclusion: A correlation exists between tonsil grade and tonsil volume. A bigger tonsil volume is associated with a greater success rate of oropharyngeal surgery during treatment of OSA. Level of evidence: Level 3, non-randomized cohort study.

Med. UIS ; 35(3)dic. 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534823


Introducción: La hipocalcemia por hipoparatiroidismo es la complicación más frecuente tras tiroidectomía total. Un factor predictor importante de hipocalcemia es la parathormona postoperatoria, pero el momento en el que otorga mejores resultados predictivos aún se discute. Objetivo: El objetivo es analizar el valor pronóstico de la parathormona postoperatoria a las 24 horas como indicador de hipocalcemia, en comparación con la seriación de los niveles de calcio. Metodología: Estudio observacional retrospectivo y descriptivo de 297 pacientes intervenidos de tiroidectomía total durante ocho años. Los pacientes fueron clasificados en tres grupos de riesgo según la parathormona postoperatoria (alto, medio y bajo riesgo). Para comparar la parathormona frente al calcio postoperatorio como predictor de hipocalcemia, se obtuvieron curvas ROC y áreas debajo de la curva. Resultados: El riesgo relativo de tener hipocalcemia con parathormona ≤15 pg/mL es de 353,4 (p = 0,00). La prueba de parathormona postoperatoria (≤15 pg/mL a las 24 h) obtuvo una sensibilidad del 96,25 % para la detección de hipocalcemia, especificidad del 94,06 % y precisión global del 95,03 %. El grupo de alto riesgo (parathormona ≤15 pg/mL) concentra la mayoría de los pacientes con hipocalcemia, y abarca la totalidad de los casos permanentes. Conclusiones: La parathormona postoperatoria a las 24 horas de la tiroidectomía total es un test con un valor pronóstico considerable, capaz de predecir el riesgo de hipocalcemia postquirúrgica. Se encontró que los pacientes con parathormona >15 pg/mL pueden ser dados de alta de manera segura.

Introduction: Hypocalcemia due to hypoparathyroidism is the most frequent complication after total thyroidectomy. An important predictive factor of hypocalcaemia is postoperative parathormone (PTH), but the optimal time for testing PTH levels is under discussion. Objectives: The objective is to analyze the prognostic value of postoperative PTH at 24 hours as an indicator of hypocalcaemia, compared to serum calcium levels. Methodology: Descriptive retrospective observational study of 297 patients who underwent total thyroidectomy over an 8-year period. The patients were classified into 3 risk groups according to postoperative parathormone (high, medium and low risk). To compare parathormone versus postoperative calcium as a predictor of hypocalcemia, ROC curves and areas under the curve (AUC) were obtained. Results: The relative risk of having hypocalcemia with parathormone ≤ 15 pg/mL is 353.4 (p = 0.00). The postoperative parathormone test (≤ 15 pg / mL at 24h) obtained a sensitivity of 96.25% for the detection of hypocalcemia, specificity of 94.06% and global precision of 95.03%. The high-risk group (parathormone ≤ 15 pg/mL) accounts for the vast majority of patients with hypocalcemia and covers all permanent cases. Conclusions: Postoperative levels 24 hours after total thyroidectomy is a test with considerable prognostic value, capable of predicting the risk of postsurgical hypocalcemia. Patients with levels over > 15 pg/mL can be safely discharged.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Tiroidectomía , Hormona Paratiroidea , Complicaciones Posoperatorias , Hipocalcemia , Hipoparatiroidismo , Tiempo de Internación
Acta otorrinolaringol. esp ; 73(6): 376-383, noviembre 2022.
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-212355


Introducción y metodología: La parálisis unilateral de cuerda vocal sin lesión laríngea asociada es una entidad relativamente frecuente. Puede ser la manifestación de numerosas enfermedades con origen en tórax, cuello, cráneo o sistémicas. El objetivo es estudiar la etiología extralaríngea de la parálisis unilateral de cuerda vocal, su pronóstico y la relación de ambas con distintas variables clínicas. Estudio retrospectivo de 116 pacientes con parálisis unilateral completa de cuerda vocal sin lesión laríngea asociada. Los pacientes fueron sometidos a tomografía computarizada (TC) cérvico-torácico +/– valoración por Servicio de Neurología con resonancia magnética (RM) cerebral para establecer la etiología y seguimiento de al menos 1 año.ResultadosLa causa extralaríngea más común de parálisis de cuerda vocal fue la yatrogénica tras cirugía cervical (46,5%), seguida de la tumoral (24,1%). Las parálisis idiopáticas resultaron el 15,5%. Se obtuvo relación entre el sexo y la etiología (p < 0,01), los varones en relación con la patología maligna y las mujeres con la yatrogénica. En los pacientes de edades avanzadas predomina la etiología cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, tumoral e idiopática; mientras que en los pacientes más jóvenes la quirúrgica (p < 0,01). El 18,1% recuperaron la movilidad de la cuerda vocal. El sexo femenino se relacionó con su recuperación (p < 0,01). El tabaco y la etiología maligna se relacionó con su persistencia (p < 0,01).ConclusionesLa primera causa extralaríngea de parálisis unilateral de CV es la quirúrgica seguido de las neoplasias de pulmón y tiroides. Existe gran diversidad de lesiones que pueden ocasionarla, en muchos casos supone el diagnóstico de tumores malignos. Su recuperación es más frecuente entre pacientes de sexo femenino, no fumadores y con patología de etiología benigna. (AU)

Introduction and methodology: Unilateral vocal cord paralysis without laryngeal lesions is a relatively frequent entity. It can be the manifestation of numerous diseases from the thorax, neck, skull or systemic. The objective is to study the extralaryngeal etiology of unilateral vocal cord paralysis, its prognosis and the relationship of both with different clinical variables. Retrospective study of 116 patients with complete unilateral vocal cord paralysis without laryngeal lesions. The patients underwent cervical-thoracic CT +/– evaluation by Neurology with brain MRI to establish the etiology and follow-up for at least 1 year.ResultsThe most common extralaryngeal cause of vocal cord paralysis was cervical surgery (46.5%), followed by tumor (24.1%). Idiopathic paralysis were 15.5%. An association was obtained between sex and etiology (p <0.01), men in relation to malignant pathology and women to iatrogenic disease. Cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, tumor and idiopathic etiology predominate in elderly patients; while in younger patients the surgical one (p <0.01). 18.1% recovered vocal cord mobility. The female sex was related to its recovery (p <0.01). Tobacco and malignant etiology were related to its persistence (p <0.01).ConclusionsThe first extralaryngeal cause of unilateral CV paralysis is surgical followed by lung and thyroid neoplasms. There is a great diversity of lesions that can cause it, in many cases it involves the diagnosis of malignant tumors. Its recovery is more frequent in female patients, non-smokers and with benign pathology. (AU)

Humanos , Laringe , Pliegues Vocales , Neoplasias Pulmonares , Pronóstico , Estudios Retrospectivos
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36228989


INTRODUCTION AND METHODOLOGY: Unilateral vocal cord paralysis without laryngeal lesions is a relatively frequent entity. It can be the manifestation of numerous diseases of the thorax, neck, skull, or systemic disease. The objective is to study the extralaryngeal aetiology of unilateral vocal cord paralysis, its prognosis, and the relationship of both with different clinical variables. Retrospective study of 116 patients with complete unilateral vocal cord paralysis without laryngeal lesions. The patients underwent cervical-thoracic CT ±â€¯evaluation by Neurology with brain MRI to establish the aetiology and were followed-up for at least 1 year. RESULTS: The most common extralaryngeal cause of vocal cord paralysis was cervical surgery (46.5%), followed by tumour (24.1%). Idiopathic paralysis was the cause in 15.5%. An association was obtained between sex and aetiology (P < .01), men in relation to malignant pathology and women to iatrogenic disease. Cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, tumour and idiopathic aetiology predominated in elderly patients; while surgical aetiology predominated in younger patients (P < .01). A total of 18.1% recovered vocal cord mobility. The female sex was related to recovery (P < .01). Tobacco and malignant aetiology were related to persistence (P < .01). CONCLUSIONS: The first extralaryngeal cause of unilateral CV paralysis is surgical followed by lung and thyroid neoplasms. There is a great diversity of lesions that can cause the condition, in many cases involving a diagnosis of malignant tumours. Recovery is more frequent in female patients, non-smokers and with benign pathology.

Laringe , Parálisis de los Pliegues Vocales , Masculino , Femenino , Humanos , Anciano , Parálisis de los Pliegues Vocales/etiología , Estudios Retrospectivos , Pliegues Vocales , Pronóstico
Braz J Otorhinolaryngol ; 88 Suppl 5: S156-S161, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35184978


OBJECTIVES: Hypertrophic palatine tonsils play a role in the blockage of the upper airway, one of the known causes of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Therefore, it is possible that there is an association between tonsil size and the success of pharyngeal surgery during OSA treatment. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between tonsil grade and volume, as well as to establish whether a relationship exists between tonsil size and the success rate of pharyngeal surgery (tonsillectomy and pharyngoplasty with barbed sutures). METHODS: This retrospective study includes forty-four adult patients who underwent tonsillectomy and pharyngeal surgery with barbed sutures for the treatment of simple snoring and OSA between January 2016 and September 2019. Patients who had been previously tonsillectomized or those for whom tonsil volume measurement was lacking were excluded. All patients underwent a pre-operative physical exploration at the clinic exam room and a sleep study. Prior to surgery a Drug Induced Sleep Endoscopy (DISE) was performed. Tonsil volume was measured intraoperatively using the water displacement method. The same sleep study was repeated six months following surgery. RESULTS: A significant correlation was found between tonsil grade and volume and between such measurements and the blockage observed at the level of the oropharynx during the DISE. Moreover, an association was observed between tonsil volume, but not tonsil grade, and the success of tonsillectomy and pharyngoplasty with barbed sutures. A tonsil volume greater than 6.5 cm3 was linked to success during pharyngeal surgery. CONCLUSION: A correlation exists between tonsil grade and tonsil volume. A bigger tonsil volume is associated with a greater success rate of oropharyngeal surgery during treatment of OSA. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level 3, non-randomized cohort study.

Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño , Tonsilectomía , Humanos , Adulto , Tonsila Palatina/cirugía , Estudios Retrospectivos , Estudios de Cohortes , Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño/etiología , Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño/cirugía , Tonsilectomía/efectos adversos
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35190084


INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Tumour stage is an important prognostic factor in head and neck tumours. Many tumours are diagnosed in advanced stages despite almost universal healthcare and their being symptomatic. This paper seeks to determine the diagnostic delay in head and neck tumours in our health department, to analyse factors associated with delay and if it is associated with diagnosis in advanced stages. METHODS: Retrospective study of 137 patients with head and neck cancer diagnosed from 2016-2018. Patient delay, delay in primary health care, delay in secondary health care, diagnostic delay and possible associated factors (smoking, location, stage, …) were evaluated. RESULTS: Many patients (44.5%) were diagnosed in advanced stages. The median patient delay was 30 days. The median referral to otorhinolaryngology was 3.5 days. If the referral was made by another specialist (p = .008), the patients were under previous treatment (P=.000) and the tumours were in initial stages (P=.038) this delay was greater. The median from the first visit to otorhinolaryngology was 15 days, higher in regular referrals (43%) (P=.000). The median diagnostic delay was 12 days, higher in surgical biopsies (P=.000). The median professional delay was 58.5 days and total delay was 118.5 days. CONCLUSIONS: Many head and neck tumours are diagnosed in advanced stages. A relationship was not found between diagnosis in advanced stages and diagnostic delay. However, steps must be taken to reduce these excessive delays.

Diagnóstico Tardío , Neoplasias de Cabeza y Cuello , Neoplasias de Cabeza y Cuello/diagnóstico , Humanos , Derivación y Consulta , Estudios Retrospectivos , Fumar
Acta otorrinolaringol. esp ; 73(1): 19-26, feb 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-203217


Introducción y objetivos: El estadio tumoral al diagnóstico es clave en el pronóstico del cáncer de cabeza y cuello. Pese a un sistema sanitario casi universal y ser tumores generalmente sintomáticos, una gran proporción de tumores son diagnosticados en estadios avanzados. El objetivo es conocer el tiempo que se tarda en diagnosticar los tumores de cabeza y cuello en nuestro departamento de salud, analizar si existen factores asociados a su retraso y si este se asocia al diagnóstico en estadios avanzados. Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de 137 pacientes con cáncer de cabeza y cuello diagnosticados de 2016-2018. Se evaluó la demora del paciente en la búsqueda de atención médica, en la prestación de la atención y en la obtención del diagnóstico, así como la existencia de factores asociados (tabaquismo, localización, estadio, etc.). Resultados: El 44,5% de los pacientes se diagnosticaron en estadios avanzados. Los pacientes tardaron en consultar una mediana de 30 días desde el inicio de los síntomas. Se tardó en derivar a Otorrinolaringología una mediana de 3,5 días. Se evidenció mayor retraso cuando la derivación la hacía otro especialista (p=0,008), si recibieron tratamiento previo (antibiótico, antiinflamatorios no esteroideos, etc.) (p=0,000) y en tumores en estadios iniciales (p=0,038). En la consulta de Otorrinolaringología fueron valorados 15 días después de la derivación. Este tiempo fue mayor en el 43% de los tumores que fueron remitidos de forma ordinaria (p=0,000). Se obtuvo el diagnóstico en 12 días desde la primera visita a Otorrinolaringología, mayor cuando se tomó la biopsia en quirófano (p=0,000). La mediana de retraso médico fue de 58,5 días y el retraso total 118,5 días. Conclusiones: Muchos tumores de cabeza y cuello siguen diagnosticándose en estadios avanzados. No se ha encontrado relación entre el diagnóstico en estadios avanzados y la demora en el diagnóstico. Aun así, es necesario adoptar medidas para disminuir estas excesivas demoras. (AU)

Introduction and objectives: Tumour stage is an important prognostic factor in head and neck tumours. Many tumours are diagnosed in advanced stages despite almost universal healthcare and their being symptomatic. This paper seeks to determine the diagnostic delay in head and neck tumours in our health department, to analyse factors associated with delay and if it is associated with diagnosis in advanced stages. Methods: Retrospective study of 137 patients with head and neck cancer diagnosed from 2016-2018. Patient delay, delay in primary health care, delay in secondary health care, diagnostic delay and possible associated factors (smoking, location, stage, …) were evaluated. Results: Many patients (44.5%) were diagnosed in advanced stages. The median patient delay was 30 days. The median referral to otorhinolaryngology was 3.5 days. If the referral was made by another specialist (p=.008), the patients were under previous treatment (P=.000) and the tumours were in initial stages (P=.038) this delay was greater. The median from the first visit to otorhinolaryngology was 15 days, higher in regular referrals (43%) (P=.000). The median diagnostic delay was 12 days, higher in surgical biopsies (P=.000). The median professional delay was 58.5 days and total delay was 118.5 days. Conclusions: Many head and neck tumours are diagnosed in advanced stages. A relationship was not found between diagnosis in advanced stages and diagnostic delay. However, steps must be taken to reduce these excessive delays. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Ciencias de la Salud , Neoplasias de Cabeza y Cuello/diagnóstico , Tiempo de Tratamiento , Administración Sanitaria , Estudios de Tiempo y Movimiento , Atención Médica , Otolaringología
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol ; 279(1): 373-380, 2022 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33797601


PURPOSE: Although upper airway surgery in selected patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has been shown to be beneficial, its long-term effects have been questioned. The main objective was to evaluate whether results following surgery remain stable over time, both in objective and subjective terms. As a secondary aim, such stability was also measured in relation with the type of surgery performed. METHODS: This work constitutes a retrospective study of OSA adult patients subjected to the following surgical procedures: different types of pharyngoplasties, tongue-base surgery, partial epiglottectomy or hyoid suspension. Those who exclusively underwent tonsillectomy or nasal surgery were excluded. Before surgery, a sleep study, and an assessment of the patients' sleepiness and quality of life were performed, which were repeated at 8, 34, and 48 months after surgery. A total of 153 patients was included. RESULTS: Following surgery, the apnea-hypopnea index decreased from 34.84/h to 14.54/h and did not vary more than one point in subsequent controls (p = 0.01). The oxygen desaturation index changed from 31.02/h to 14.0/h and remained stable in the second (15.34/h) and third (11.43/h) controls (p = 0.01). Parameters measuring sleepiness and well-being demonstrated the maintenance of long-term benefits. New pharyngoplasties were observed to be more stable than classic pharyngoplasties in the long term (p = 0.04). Single-level surgeries were found to be more stable than multilevel surgeries, although a statistically significant difference was not observed (p = 0.07). CONCLUSION: The benefits obtained remained stable in the long term. In our sample, modern pharyngoplasty techniques showed superiority over the classic ones regarding long-term stability.

Calidad de Vida , Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño , Adulto , Humanos , Polisomnografía , Estudios Retrospectivos , Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño/cirugía , Resultado del Tratamiento
Med. UIS ; 34(2): 19-28, mayo-ago. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375816


RESUMEN Introducción: La cirugía del implante coclear es un método efectivo para la rehabilitación auditiva de los pacientes con hipoacusia neurosensorial severo-profunda, en los que el rendimiento con los audífonos no es suficiente. Aunque la implantación coclear es una técnica segura, es importante conocer sus posibles complicaciones, entre ellas la infección del colgajo o la parálisis facial. Objetivo: Analizar las complicaciones de los pacientes con implante coclear intervenidos en un hospital universitario terciario: El Hospital Universitario Doctor Peset de Valencia, desde enero de 2001 a marzo de 2020. Metodología: Estudio observacional descriptivo de las complicaciones en una muestra de 134 pacientes con implantación coclear en el Hospital Universitario Doctor Peset de Valencia, en un periodo de 20 años. En el análisis estadístico se utilizó estadística descriptiva. Para demostrar diferencias significativas entre variables empleamos el programa R. Se utilizó el test χ2 para proporciones, considerando significativo un valor p < 0.05. Resultados: 134 pacientes fueron implantados. La frecuencia global de complicaciones fue del 17.9%, 4.5% fueron complicaciones mayores y 13.4% fueron complicaciones menores. La complicación más frecuente fue la desactivación o inserción incompleta de algunos electrodos. Discusión: Las proporciones de complicaciones del estudio entran dentro de los rangos encontrados en la literatura (14.9-18.3%). La frecuencia de complicaciones mayores es inferior al 5%, proporción similar a la obtenida en nuestra serie. Conclusiones: El implante coclear es una técnica quirúrgica segura para la rehabilitación de pacientes con hipoacusia severa, aunque no está exenta de riesgo, por lo que se debe conocer sus potenciales complicaciones. MÉD.UIS.2021;34(2):19-28.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Cochlear implantation is an effective method for hearing rehabilitation in patients with severe neurosensory hearing loss in which hearing aids do not provide good discrimination. Although cochlear implantation is a safe technique, adverse effects related to surgery have been described, including flap infection or facial paralysis. Objective: To analyze the complications of cochlear implanted patients in a tertiary university hospital: The Hospital Universitario Doctor Peset of Valencia, from January 2001 to March 2020. Methodology: This is a descriptive observational study of the complications in a sample of 134 patients with cochlear implant surgery in The Hospital Universitario Doctor Peset of Valencia in a period of 20 years. Descriptive statistics were used in the statistical analysis. To demonstrate significant differences between variables we used the R program. The χ2 test was used for proportions, considering significant a p value < 0.05. Results: 134 patients were implanted. The global frequency of complications was 17.9%, 4.5% were major complications and 13.4% were minor complications. The most frequent complication was inactivation or incomplete insertion of some electrodes. Discussion: Our complication rate is within the range published in the literature (14.9-18.3%). The major complication rate is 5% which is similar to our series. Conclusions: The cochlear implant is a safe surgical technique for the rehabilitation of patients with severe neurosensory hearing loss, although it is not riskless, therefore, one must know that complication are possible. MÉD.UIS.2021;34(2):19-28

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Complicaciones Posoperatorias , Implantes Cocleares , Implantación Coclear , Pérdida Auditiva
Acta otorrinolaringol. esp ; 72(3): 152-157, mayo 2021. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-207254


Introducción y objetivos: En los últimos 20años se ha descrito la relevancia de las paredes laterales faríngeas en el colapso de la vía aérea superior de pacientes con síndrome de apneas e hipopneas del sueño (SAHS). De ahí que hayan ido apareciendo nuevas técnicas quirúrgicas para mejorar este colapso. Nuestro objetivo es describir la técnica quirúrgica de la faringoplastia que realizamos y mostrar nuestros resultados iniciales.Material y métodosSe trata de un estudio retrospectivo en el que incluimos pacientes diagnosticados de SAHS que no toleran (o en los que no está indicado) el uso de CPAP. Los pacientes rellenaron un cuestionario previo a la cirugía en relación con sus hábitos de vida y con su roncopatía. Tras una exploración física completa tanto despierto como bajo somnoscopia, se procedió a esta intervención cuando observamos un colapso retropalatal y de paredes laterales faríngeas. En todos los pacientes se realizó un estudio de sueño preoperatorio así como entre los 3 y los 6meses tras la intervención, rellenando el mismo cuestionario en el postoperatorio a los 6meses. Calculamos la tasa de éxito según los criterios de Sher y, de una forma más restrictiva, según el criterio de índice de apnea-hipopnea (IAH) <10/h.ResultadosIncluimos un total de 26 pacientes, obteniendo un descenso significativo en el IAH de 29,1±18,3 a 12,3±12, sin cambios significativos en el IMC. Según criterios de Sher, en el 65,4% de los pacientes hubo un descenso del IAH a la mitad y <20/h, y el 42,3% del total consiguió un IAH <10/h. Obtuvimos resultados estadísticamente significativos en el resto de parámetros estudiados. La complicación más frecuente fue la extrusión parcial de la sutura.ConclusionesEsta cirugía obtiene resultados estadísticamente significativos tanto en los parámetros objetivos como subjetivos estudiados, sin complicaciones mayores asociadas. (AU)

Introduction and purposes: The relevance of the lateral pharyngeal walls in the collapse of the upper airway in obstructive sleep apnea patients has been revealed in the last 20years. New surgical techniques that address this collapse have been published. The aim of this study is to show the technique that we are currently using to treat the collapse and its results.Materials and methodsThis is a retrospective study of surgically treated OSAS patients who did not tolerate conventional positive airway pressure (CPAP) or for whom it was not indicated. After a complete physical examination either awake or under drug-induced sleep endoscopy, tonsillectomy with reposition pharyngoplasty was performed using barbed bidirectional suture and removing the supratonsillar fat. Three to 6months after surgery the subjective parameters were evaluated and a sleep study was performed.ResultsTwenty-six patients were enrolled with a significative decrease in the AHI and also significative improvement in all the rest parameters studied. In 65.4% of the patients the AHI decreased 50% and was lower than 20/h, in 42.3% postoperative AHI was lower than 10/h. The most frequent complication was the partial extrusion of the suture.ConclusionsThis surgical procedure obtains statistically significant results in objective and subjective parameters of sleep apnoea without major associated complications. (AU)

Humanos , Cirugía General , Somnolencia , Calidad de Vida , Pacientes
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33714451


INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Tumour stage is an important prognostic factor in head and neck tumours. Many tumours are diagnosed in advanced stages despite almost universal healthcare and their being symptomatic. This paper seeks to determine the diagnostic delay in head and neck tumours in our health department, to analyse factors associated with delay and if it is associated with diagnosis in advanced stages. METHODS: Retrospective study of 137 patients with head and neck cancer diagnosed from 2016-2018. Patient delay, delay in primary health care, delay in secondary health care, diagnostic delay and possible associated factors (smoking, location, stage, …) were evaluated. RESULTS: Many patients (44.5%) were diagnosed in advanced stages. The median patient delay was 30 days. The median referral to otorhinolaryngology was 3.5 days. If the referral was made by another specialist (p=.008), the patients were under previous treatment (P=.000) and the tumours were in initial stages (P=.038) this delay was greater. The median from the first visit to otorhinolaryngology was 15 days, higher in regular referrals (43%) (P=.000). The median diagnostic delay was 12 days, higher in surgical biopsies (P=.000). The median professional delay was 58.5 days and total delay was 118.5 days. CONCLUSIONS: Many head and neck tumours are diagnosed in advanced stages. A relationship was not found between diagnosis in advanced stages and diagnostic delay. However, steps must be taken to reduce these excessive delays.

Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32854928


INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSES: The relevance of the lateral pharyngeal walls in the collapse of the upper airway in obstructive sleep apnea patients has been revealed in the last 20years. New surgical techniques that address this collapse have been published. The aim of this study is to show the technique that we are currently using to treat the collapse and its results. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a retrospective study of surgically treated OSAS patients who did not tolerate conventional positive airway pressure (CPAP) or for whom it was not indicated. After a complete physical examination either awake or under drug-induced sleep endoscopy, tonsillectomy with reposition pharyngoplasty was performed using barbed bidirectional suture and removing the supratonsillar fat. Three to 6months after surgery the subjective parameters were evaluated and a sleep study was performed. RESULTS: Twenty-six patients were enrolled with a significative decrease in the AHI and also significative improvement in all the rest parameters studied. In 65.4% of the patients the AHI decreased 50% and was lower than 20/h, in 42.3% postoperative AHI was lower than 10/h. The most frequent complication was the partial extrusion of the suture. CONCLUSIONS: This surgical procedure obtains statistically significant results in objective and subjective parameters of sleep apnoea without major associated complications.

Acta otorrinolaringol. esp ; 71(4): 197-203, jul.-ago. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-194983


ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO: Las técnicas quirúrgicas para tratar el colapso velofaríngeo de los pacientes con síndrome de apnea-hipopnea del sueño han evolucionado en los últimos años. Nuestro objetivo era conocer si estas nuevas técnicas proporcionan mejores resultados quirúrgicos. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Es un estudio retrospectivo de los pacientes con síndrome de apnea-hipopnea del sueño moderado-severo tratados quirúrgicamente del 2006 al 2018. Solo los pacientes adultos sin adherencia a la CPAP y en los que no se practicó cirugía multinivel simultánea fueron incluidos. Durante este período se practicaron 4 técnicas diferentes: resección parcial del paladar, faringoplastia lateral, faringoplastia de expansión y faringoplastia de reposición con sutura barbada. La tasa de éxito se calcula según los criterios de Sher, según el criterio de IAH < 10/h y mediante la reducción relativa media del IAH (RRM). RESULTADOS: Ochenta y dos pacientes fueron incluidos. El IAH se redujo significativamente de 43,4 ± 24/h a 15,6 ± 18,6/h. No se observaron cambios significativos en el índice de masa corporal. Los valores de Tc 90, el índice de desaturación y la somnolencia según la escala de Epworth mejoraron tras la cirugía. La mayor tasa de éxito se obtuvo mediante la realización de la faringoplastia de reposición con sutura barbada (78,26% según criterios Sher, 65,22% para IAH < 10/h y 74,1% en RRM). Las diferencias observadas fueron estadísticamente significativas. CONCLUSIONES: La faringoplastia de reposición con sutura barbada es una técnica de reciente introducción que mostró superioridad sobre el resto de faringoplastias en esta cohorte

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The surgical techniques used to treat velopharyngeal collapse in obstructive sleep apnoea patients have evolved over recent years. Our aim was to determine whether these new techniques have better surgical results. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a retrospective study of moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnoea patients surgically treated from 2006 to 2018. Only adult patients with no compliance to positive airway pressure and without simultaneous multilevel surgery were included. During this period, 4 different techniques were performed: uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, lateral pharyngoplasty, expansion pharyngoplasty and barbed reposition pharyngoplasty. Success rates as defined by Sher, as well as postoperative AHI < 10/h and mean relative AHI reduction (MRR) were compared. RESULTS: 82 patients were included. AHI was significantly reduced from 43.4 ± 24/h to 15.6 ± 18.6/h. No significant changes in body mass index were observed. Hypoxaemia time, oxygen desaturation index, and Epworth sleepiness scale values improved after surgery. The best success rates were obtained performing barbed reposition pharyngoplasty (78.26% measured by Sher's criteria, 65.22% by AHI < 10/h criteria and 74.1% by the MRR). The differences observed were statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Barbed reposition pharyngoplasty is a recently introduced technique that showed superiority over the other palatal surgery techniques in this cohort

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño/cirugía , Enfermedades Faríngeas/cirugía , Faringe/cirugía , Estudios Retrospectivos , Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño/fisiopatología , Enfermedades Faríngeas/fisiopatología , Resultado del Tratamiento , Estadísticas no Paramétricas , Índice de Severidad de la Enfermedad , Periodo Posoperatorio
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31514960


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The surgical techniques used to treat velopharyngeal collapse in obstructive sleep apnoea patients have evolved over recent years. Our aim was to determine whether these new techniques have better surgical results. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a retrospective study of moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnoea patients surgically treated from 2006 to 2018. Only adult patients with no compliance to positive airway pressure and without simultaneous multilevel surgery were included. During this period, 4 different techniques were performed: uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, lateral pharyngoplasty, expansion pharyngoplasty and barbed reposition pharyngoplasty. Success rates as defined by Sher, as well as postoperative AHI<10/h and mean relative AHI reduction (MRR) were compared. RESULTS: 82 patients were included. AHI was significantly reduced from 43.4±24/h to 15.6±18.6/h. No significant changes in body mass index were observed. Hypoxaemia time, oxygen desaturation index, and Epworth sleepiness scale values improved after surgery. The best success rates were obtained performing barbed reposition pharyngoplasty (78.26% measured by Sher's criteria, 65.22% by AHI<10/h criteria and 74.1% by the MRR). The differences observed were statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Barbed reposition pharyngoplasty is a recently introduced technique that showed superiority over the other palatal surgery techniques in this cohort.

Paladar Blando/cirugía , Faringe/cirugía , Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño/cirugía , Úvula/cirugía , Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Otorrinolaringológicos/métodos , Estudios Retrospectivos , Índice de Severidad de la Enfermedad , Factores de Tiempo , Resultado del Tratamiento
Sleep Breath ; 24(3): 849-856, 2020 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31410807


PURPOSE: Positional therapy (PT) has become more reliable for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients with the use of new devices. The objectives of this study were to determine the preoperative prevalence of positional OSA (POSA) in our population of surgically treated patients and the proportion of patients who developed POSA after surgery and might improve with additional positional therapy. METHODS: This was a retrospective study of surgically treated OSA patients from 1999 to 2017. The Cartwright definition was used to define POSA. All patients completed a sleep study before and 6 months after surgery and a complete upper airway (UA) exploration (awake ± DISE). A total of 125 patients were included. RESULTS: The global prevalence of POSA before surgery was 31.2%. In those who were cured by surgery, the preoperative prevalence of POSA was 38.3%. Having POSA was not related with surgical success outcome. For patients not cured by surgery, the proportion of POSA significantly increased from 25.64 to 53.85% after surgery. Eighteen patients of them (23.1%) achieved AHI < 5/h in a lateral position. In those patients, PT with Night-Shift™ was suggested, 50% of them accepted it and 88.9% of them experienced excellent satisfaction. Lateral velum collapse and the absence of concentric collapse at the tongue base had statistical relationships with the development of POSA. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of POSA is increased after surgery in patients with persistent OSA after surgery. In these patients, the development of POSA gives an extra therapeutic chance as 23.1% of these cases can be successfully treated by using PT.

Cirugía Endoscópica por Orificios Naturales/efectos adversos , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/etiología , Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño/cirugía , Posición Supina/fisiología , Adulto , Obstrucción de las Vías Aéreas , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Polisomnografía , Estudios Retrospectivos , Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño/complicaciones
Clin Otolaryngol ; 44(6): 983-988, 2019 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31461789


BACKGROUND: Tonsils are first-line host defence organs against pathogenic agents and participate in local and systemic immunity. Persistent increases in systemic inflammatory responses may contribute to associated morbidity. The aim of this study was to verify the short- and long-term impact of adenotonsillectomy on the evolution of inflammatory markers in 3- to 9-year-old children. METHODS: A prospective and longitudinal study was conducted over 1 year in 29 children who underwent tonsillectomy due to either chronic tonsillitis or adenotonsillar hypertrophy. Measurements of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) levels were taken. Levels of Th1-type cytokines [interleukin-1, interferon-γ, and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)] and anti-inflammatory Th2-type cytokines [interleukin-4, -5, -6, -10 and -13] were measured. Levels of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-ß) and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) were also determined. The results were compared to those of 29 control children. RESULTS: At baseline, children with surgery indications presented with higher levels of hs-CRP, interleukin-1 and -10, interferon-γ, TNF-α and ICAM-1, whereas values of interleukin-4 were significantly lower than in control children. Children with severe tonsillar obstruction had higher values of interleukin-1, -4, and -5 and lower values of interleukin-10 compared with children with recurrent tonsillitis. One year after surgery, the levels except IL-4 did not show a significant difference from those obtained in the control group. The levels of hs-CRP and TNF-α decreased significantly in the first month. CONCLUSION: Children with chronic tonsillitis and/or adenotonsillar hypertrophy have significantly elevated levels of proinflammatory cytokines. Adenotonsillectomy restores the normal values of these parameters 1 year after surgery.

Adenoidectomía/efectos adversos , Citocinas/sangre , Tonsilectomía/efectos adversos , Tonsilitis/cirugía , Biomarcadores/sangre , Proteína C-Reactiva/metabolismo , Niño , Preescolar , Enfermedad Crónica , Femenino , Humanos , Hipertrofia , Inflamación , Estudios Longitudinales , Masculino , Estudios Prospectivos , Factores de Tiempo , Tonsilitis/sangre , Tonsilitis/etiología
Sleep Breath ; 21(1): 173-179, 2017 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27807693


PURPOSE: Several studies have demonstrated the validity, reliability, and safety of drug-induced sedation endoscopy (DISE) in assessing the collapse of the upper airway (UA) in patients with obstructive sleep apnea hypoapnea syndrome (OSAHS). The aim of this study was to assess the interobserver agreement on DISE and on therapeutic decision between an expert observer and an observer in training. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study. Thirty-one DISE videos performed in our service were randomly selected. Videos belonged to patients with OSAHS who wanted alternative treatments to CPAP. The videos were reviewed by an ENT experienced on DISE and a second observer in formation. Each observer independently assessed the presence of collapse of the UA according to a modified VOTE classification and proposed an alternative treatment to CPAP. Interobserver agreement kappa values were calculated. RESULTS: In assessing the presence of collapse at different levels of the upper airway, the percentage of agreement was 80 % at the level of the soft palate (kappa = 0.1667), 89.29 % in the oropharynx (k = 0.7742), 80.65 % at the tongue base (k = 0.5571), and 74.17 % at the epiglottis (k = 0.4768). When degree and configuration of the collapse was evaluated, the interrater agreement was moderate to good, except at the level of the tongue base where the agreement was weak for both degree and configuration of collapse (k = 0.34 and 0.38, respectively). Interobserver agreement was moderate when the indication of alternative treatments to CPAP is valued based on the findings of DISE. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, DISE is a reliable technique even when assessing interobserver agreement between an experienced observer and one in training; however, tongue base is the level of the upper airway that presents the greatest difficulties when assessing the collapse with DISE. Therefore, it is important to develop learning curves for this technique in order to obtain more reliable results.

Sedación Consciente/efectos adversos , Endoscopía , Adulto , Resistencia de las Vías Respiratorias/fisiología , Estudios Transversales , Técnicas de Apoyo para la Decisión , Método Doble Ciego , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Variaciones Dependientes del Observador , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Factores de Riesgo , Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño/complicaciones , Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño/fisiopatología , Grabación en Video