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J Chem Phys ; 138(8): 084301, 2013 Feb 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23464145


We investigate the interaction of ground and excited states of a silver atom with noble gases (NG), including helium. Born-Oppenheimer potential energy curves are calculated with quantum chemistry methods and spin-orbit effects in the excited states are included by assuming a spin-orbit splitting independent of the internuclear distance. We compare our results with experimentally available spectroscopic data, as well as with previous calculations. Because of strong spin-orbit interactions, excited Ag-NG potential energy curves cannot be fitted to Morse-like potentials. We find that the labeling of the observed vibrational levels has to be shifted by one unit.

J Phys Chem A ; 117(39): 9486-92, 2013 Oct 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23437906


We investigate the photodissociation of HeH(+) in the metastable triplet state as well as its formation through the inverse process, radiative association. In models of astrophysical plasmas, HeH(+) is assumed to be present only in the ground state, and the influence of the triplet state has not been explored. It may be formed by radiative association during collisions between a proton and metastable helium, which are present in significant concentrations in nebulae. The triplet state can also be formed by association of He(+) and H, although this process is less likely to occur. We compute the cross sections and rate coefficients corresponding to the photodissociation of the triplet state by UV photons from a central star using a wave packet method. We show that the photodissociation cross sections depend strongly on the initial vibrational state and that the effects of excited electronic states and nonadiabatic couplings cannot be neglected. We then calculate the cross section and rate coefficient for the radiative association of HeH(+) in the metastable triplet state.

J Chem Phys ; 137(10): 104302, 2012 Sep 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22979854


We develop a rigorous quantum mechanical theory for collisions of polyatomic molecular radicals with S-state atoms in the presence of an external magnetic field. The theory is based on a fully uncoupled space-fixed basis set representation of the multichannel scattering wave function. Explicit expressions are presented for the matrix elements of the scattering Hamiltonian for spin-1/2 and spin-1 polyatomic molecular radicals interacting with structureless targets. The theory is applied to calculate the cross sections and thermal rate constants for spin relaxation in low-temperature collisions of the prototypical organic molecule methylene [CH(2)(X(3)B(1))] with He atoms. To this end, two accurate three-dimensional potential energy surfaces (PESs) of the He-CH(2)(X(3)B(1)) complex are developed using the state-of-the-art coupled-cluster method including single and double excitations along with a perturbative correction for triple excitations and large basis sets. Both PESs exhibit shallow minima and are weakly anisotropic. Our calculations show that spin relaxation in collisions of CH(2), CHD, and CD(2) molecules with He atoms occurs at a much slower rate than elastic scattering over a large range of temperatures (1 µK-1 K) and magnetic fields (0.01-1 T), suggesting excellent prospects for cryogenic helium buffer-gas cooling of ground-state ortho-CH(2)(X(3)B(1)) molecules in a magnetic trap. Furthermore, we find that ortho-CH(2) undergoes collision-induced spin relaxation much more slowly than para-CH(2), which indicates that magnetic trapping can be used to separate nuclear spin isomers of open-shell polyatomic molecules.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 13(42): 19125-41, 2011 Nov 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21808786


We show that weakly bound He-containing van der Waals molecules can be produced and magnetically trapped in buffer-gas cooling experiments, and provide a general model for the formation and dynamics of these molecules. Our analysis shows that, at typical experimental parameters, thermodynamics favors the formation of van der Waals complexes composed of a helium atom bound to most open-shell atoms and molecules, and that complex formation occurs quickly enough to ensure chemical equilibrium. For molecular pairs composed of a He atom and an S-state atom, the molecular spin is stable during formation, dissociation, and collisions, and thus these molecules can be magnetically trapped. Collisional spin relaxation is too slow to affect trap lifetimes. However, (3)He-containing complexes can change spin due to adiabatic crossings between trapped and untrapped Zeeman states, mediated by the anisotropic hyperfine interaction, causing trap loss. We provide a detailed model for Ag(3)He molecules, using ab initio calculation of Ag-He interaction potentials and spin interactions, quantum scattering theory, and direct Monte Carlo simulations to describe formation and spin relaxation in this system. The calculated rate of spin-change agrees quantitatively with experimental observations, providing indirect evidence for molecular formation in buffer-gas-cooled magnetic traps. Finally, we discuss the possibilities for spectroscopic detection of these complexes, including a calculation of expected spectra for Ag(3)He, and report on our spectroscopic search for Ag(3)He, which produced a null result.

J Chem Phys ; 135(2): 024304, 2011 Jul 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21766939


In this paper, we report our investigation of the translational energy relaxation of fast S((1)D) atoms in a Xe thermal bath. The interaction potential of Xe-S was constructed using ab initio methods. Total and differential cross sections were then calculated. The latter have been incorporated into the construction of the kernel of the Boltzmann equation describing the energy relaxation process. The solution of the Boltzmann equation was obtained and results were compared with those reported in experiments [G. Nan, and P. L. Houston, J. Chem. Phys. 97, 7865 (1992)]. Good agreement with the measured time-dependent relative velocity of fast S((1)D) atoms was obtained except at long relaxation times. The discrepancy may be due to the error accumulation caused by the use of hard sphere approximation and the Monte Carlo analysis of the experimental data. Our accurate description of the energy relaxation process led to an increase in the number of collisions required to achieve equilibrium by an order of magnitude compared to the number given by the hard-sphere approximation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 107(2): 023204, 2011 Jul 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21797604


We use accurate ab initio and quantum scattering calculations to demonstrate that the maximum ³He spin polarization that can be achieved in spin-exchange collisions with potassium (³9K) and silver (¹°7Ag) atoms is limited by the anisotropic hyperfine interaction. We find that spin exchange in Ag-He collisions occurs much faster than in K-He collisions over a wide range of temperatures (10-600 K). Our analysis indicates that measurements of trap loss rates of ²S atoms in the presence of cold ³He gas may be used to probe anisotropic spin-dependent interactions in atom-He collisions.

J Chem Phys ; 134(14): 144301, 2011 Apr 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21495749


We present an ab initio study of cold (4)He + ThO((1)Σ(+)) collisions based on an accurate potential energy surface (PES) evaluated by the coupled cluster method with single, double, and noniterative triple excitations using an extended basis set augmented by bond functions. Variational calculations of rovibrational energy levels show that the (4)He-ThO van der Waals complex has a binding energy of 10.9 cm(-1) in its ground J = 0 rotational state. The calculated energy levels are used to obtain the temperature dependence of the chemical equilibrium constant for the formation of the He-ThO complex. We find that complex formation is thermodynamically favored at temperatures below 1 K and predict the maximum abundance of free ground-state ThO(v = 0, j = 0) molecules between 2 and 3 K. The calculated cross sections for momentum transfer in elastic He + ThO collisions display a rich resonance structure below 5 cm(-1) and decline monotonically above this collision energy. The cross sections for rotational relaxation accompanied by momentum transfer decline abruptly to zero at low collision energies (<0.1 cm(-1)). We find that Stark relaxation in He + ThO collisions can be enhanced by applying an external dc electric field of less than 100 kV∕cm. Finally, we present calculations of thermally averaged diffusion cross sections for ThO in He gas, and find these to be insensitive to small variations of the PES at temperatures above 1 K.

Phys Rev Lett ; 106(7): 073201, 2011 Feb 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21405515


We present a rigorous theoretical study of low-temperature collisions of polyatomic molecular radicals with (1)S(0) atoms in the presence of an external magnetic field. Accurate quantum scattering calculations based on ab initio and scaled interaction potentials show that collision-induced spin relaxation of the prototypical organic molecule CH(2)(X(3)B(1)) (methylene) and nine other triatomic radicals in cold (3)He gas occurs at a slow rate, demonstrating that cryogenic buffer-gas cooling and magnetic trapping of these molecules is feasible with current technology. Our calculations further suggest that it may be possible to create ultracold gases of polyatomic molecules by sympathetic cooling with alkaline-earth atoms in a magnetic trap.

J Chem Phys ; 133(18): 184104, 2010 Nov 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21073210


An efficient method is presented for rigorous quantum calculations of atom-molecule and molecule-molecule collisions in a magnetic field. The method is based on the expansion of the wave function of the collision complex in basis functions with well-defined total angular momentum in the body-fixed coordinate frame. We outline the general theory of the method for collisions of diatomic molecules in the (2)Σ and (3)Σ electronic states with structureless atoms and with unlike (2)Σ and (3)Σ molecules. The cross sections for elastic scattering and Zeeman relaxation in low-temperature collisions of CaH((2)Σ(+)) and NH((3)Σ(-)) molecules with (3)He atoms converge quickly with respect to the number of total angular momentum states included in the basis set, leading to a dramatic (>10-fold) enhancement in computational efficiency compared to the previously used methods [A. Volpi and J. L. Bohn, Phys. Rev. A 65, 052712 (2002); R. V. Krems and A. Dalgarno, J. Chem. Phys. 120, 2296 (2004)]. Our approach is thus well suited for theoretical studies of strongly anisotropic molecular collisions in the presence of external electromagnetic fields.

Magnetismo , Teoría Cuántica , Modelos Químicos
Phys Rev Lett ; 105(3): 033001, 2010 Jul 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20867761


We predict that a large class of helium-containing cold polar molecules form readily in a cryogenic buffer gas, achieving densities as high as 10(12) cm(-3). We explore the spin relaxation of these molecules in buffer-gas-loaded magnetic traps and identify a loss mechanism based on Landau-Zener transitions arising from the anisotropic hyperfine interaction. Our results show that the recently observed strong T(-6) thermal dependence of the spin-change rate of silver (Ag) trapped in dense (3)He is accounted for by the formation and spin change of Ag(3)He van der Waals molecules, thus providing indirect evidence for molecular formation in a buffer-gas trap.

J Chem Phys ; 133(4): 044306, 2010 Jul 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20687649


Multireference configuration interaction and coupled cluster calculations have been carried out to determine the potential energy curves for the ground and low-lying excited states of the LiYb molecule. The scalar relativistic effects have been included by means of the Douglas-Kroll Hamiltonian and effective core potential and the spin-orbit couplings have been evaluated by the full microscopic Breit-Pauli operator. The LiYb permanent dipole moment, static dipole polarizability, and Franck-Condon factors have been determined. Perturbations of the vibrational spectrum due to nonadiabatic interactions are discussed.

J Chem Phys ; 131(5): 054302, 2009 Aug 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19673557


Hydrogen is of critical importance in atomic and molecular physics and the development of a simple and efficient technique for trapping cold and ultracold hydrogen atoms would be a significant advance. In this study we simulate a recently proposed trap-loading mechanism for trapping hydrogen atoms released from a neon matrix. Accurate ab initio quantum calculations are reported of the neon-hydrogen interaction potential and the energy- and angular-dependent elastic scattering cross sections that control the energy transfer of initially cold atoms are obtained. They are then used to construct the Boltzmann kinetic equation, describing the energy relaxation process. Numerical solutions of the Boltzmann equation predict the time evolution of the hydrogen energy distribution function. Based on the simulations we discuss the prospects of the technique.

J Phys Chem A ; 113(52): 14670-80, 2009 Dec 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19711929


We present rigorous quantum calculations for low-temperature collisions of OH((2)Pi) molecules with He atoms in the presence of external electric and magnetic fields. We show that electric fields of less than 15 kV/cm can be used to enhance the probability for Stark relaxation in collisions of OH (F(1), J = 3/2, M = 3/2, f) molecules by 3 orders of magnitude. The inelastic cross sections display a pronounced resonance structure as a function of the electric field strength. We find that collisions of rotationally excited OH molecules become less sensitive to electric fields with increasing rotational excitation. The calculated total cross sections for (4)He-OH are dominated by elastic scattering, increase monotonically with decreasing collision energy, and show no rapid variations near thresholds, at variance with recent experimental observations (Sawyer et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2008, 101, 203203).

Phys Rev Lett ; 100(10): 103001, 2008 Mar 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18352180


The energy relaxation of fast atoms moving in a thermal bath gas is explored experimentally and theoretically. Two time scales characterize the equilibration, one a short time, in which the isotropic energy distribution profile relaxes to a Maxwellian shape at some intermediate effective temperature, and the second, a longer time in which the relaxation preserves a Maxwellian distribution and its effective temperature decreases continuously to the bath gas temperature. The formation and preservation of a Maxwellian distribution does not depend on the projectile to bath gas atom mass ratio. This two-stage behavior arises due to the dominance of small angle scattering and small energy transfer in the collisions of neutral particles. Measurements of the evolving Doppler profiles of emission from excited initially energetic nitrogen atoms traversing bath gases of helium and argon confirm the theoretical predictions.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 103(33): 12269-73, 2006 Aug 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16894166


The chemistry that occurs in the interstellar medium in response to cosmic ray ionization is summarized, and a review of the ionization rates that have been derived from measurements of molecular abundances is presented. The successful detection of large abundances of H(3)(+) in diffuse clouds and the recognition that dissociative recombination of H(3)(+) is fast has led to an upward revision of the derived ionization rates. In dense clouds the molecular abundances are sensitive to the depletion of carbon monoxide, atomic oxygen, nitrogen, water, and metals and the presence of large molecules and grains. Measurements of the relative abundances of deuterated species provide information about the ion removal mechanisms, but uncertainties remain. The models, both of dense and diffuse clouds, that are used to interpret the observations may be seriously inadequate. Nevertheless, it appears that the ionization rates differ in dense and diffuse clouds and in the intercloud medium.

Polvo Cósmico , Radiación Cósmica , Medio Ambiente Extraterrestre/química , Iones/química , Fenómenos Astronómicos , Astronomía , Sistema Solar
J Chem Phys ; 122(9): 094307, 2005 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15836128


A detailed analysis of the He-NH((3)Sigma(-)) van der Waals complex is presented. We discuss ab initio calculations of the potential energy surface and fitting procedures with relevance to cold collisions, and we present accurate calculations of bound energy levels of the triatomic complex as well as collisional properties of NH molecules in a buffer gas of (3)He. The influence of the external magnetic field used to trap the NH molecules and the effect of the atom-molecule interaction potential on the collisionally induced Zeeman relaxation are explored. It is shown that minute variations of the interaction potential due to different fitting procedures may alter the Zeeman relaxation rate at ultralow temperatures by as much as 50%.

Phys Rev Lett ; 94(1): 013202, 2005 Jan 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15698078


Angular momentum transfer is expected to occur rapidly in collisions of atoms in states of nonzero angular momenta due to the large torque of angular forces. We show that despite the presence of internal angular momenta transition metal atoms interact in collisions with helium effectively as spherical atoms and angular momentum transfer is slow. Thus, magnetic trapping and sympathetic cooling of transition metal atoms to ultracold temperatures should be readily achievable. Our results open up new avenues of research with a broad class of ultracold atoms.

J Chem Phys ; 122(2): 024307, 2005 Jan 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15638586


The two most recently published potential energy surfaces (PESs) for the HeH2 complex, the so-called MR (Muchnick and Russek) and BMP (Boothroyd, Martin, and Peterson) surfaces, are quantitatively evaluated and compared through the investigation of atom-diatom collision processes. The BMP surface is expected to be an improvement, approaching chemical accuracy, over all conformations of the PES compared to that of the MR surface. We found significant differences in inelastic rovibrational cross sections computed on the two surfaces for processes dominated by large changes in target rotational angular momentum. In particular, the H2(nu=1,j=0) total quenching cross section computed using the BMP potential was found to be a factor of 1000 larger than that obtained with the MR surface. A lesser discrepancy persists over a large range of energies from the ultracold to thermal and occurs for other low-lying initial rovibrational levels. The MR surface was used in previous calculations of the H2(nu=1,j=0) quenching rate coefficient and gave results in close agreement with the experimental data of Audibert et al. which were obtained for temperatures between 50 and 300 K. Examination of the rovibronic coupling matrix elements, which are obtained following a Legendre expansion of the PES, suggests that the magnitude of the anisotropy of the BMP potential is too large in the interaction region. However, cross sections for elastic and pure rotational processes obtained from the two PESs differ typically by less than a factor of 2. The small differences may be ascribed to the long-range and anharmonic components of the PESs. Exceptions occur for (nu=10,j=0) and (nu=11,j=1) where significant enhancements have been found for the low-energy quenching and elastic cross sections due to zero-energy resonances in the BMP PES which are not present in the MR potential.

J Chem Phys ; 121(9): 4083-8, 2004 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15332953


A linear response time-dependent density functional theory is described and used to calculate the dynamic polarizabilities and van der Waals C(6) coefficients of complex atom pairs. We present values of C(6) for dimers of main group atoms and the first row of transition metal atoms.

J Chem Phys ; 120(5): 2296-307, 2004 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15268368


A theory for quantum-mechanical calculations of cross sections for atom-molecule and molecular collisions in a magnetic field is presented. The formalism is based on the representation of the wave function as an expansion in a fully uncoupled space-fixed basis. The systems considered include 1S-atom-2Sigma-molecule, 1S-atom-3Sigma-molecule, 2Sigma-molecule-2Sigma-molecule, and 3Sigma-molecule-3Sigma-molecule. The theory is used to elucidate the mechanisms for collisionally induced spin depolarization.