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ACS Nano ; 15(1): 563-574, 2021 Jan 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33347271


The specific heat behavior in bulk nanomaterials (NMs) obtained by adding nanoparticles to pure suspending media has attracted a lot interest in recent years. Controversial results about NMs specific heat (cp) have been reported in the literature, where nanoparticles (NPs) of different sizes and materials were suspended in solid and liquid salts at different concentrations and temperatures. However, a unified picture explaining the cp enhancements and diminutions by adding NPs to pure salts is still missing. In this work, we present a general theoretical thermostatic model aimed at describing the cp behavior in two-component ionic bulk nanomaterials containing NPs. The model, designed to work in the dilute regime, divides the NM in three regions: bulk suspending medium (SM), nanoparticles, and interface regions. It includes the effects of temperature, NP size, and NP concentration (mass fraction), allowing us to calculate cp variations with respect to the pure SM and the ideal NM (where NP and SM are assumed to not interact). We then use the model to interpret results of our classical molecular dynamics simulations, which we perform in the solid and liquid phases of NMs representative of three different classes, defined according to the atomic interactions at the interface. The analysis reveals nontrivial and competing effects influencing cp, such as system-dependent atomic rearrangements at the interface, vibrations of the NP as a whole and cp variations coming from the individual NP and SM specific heats. Our study contributes to the interpretation of past controversial results and helps in designing NMs with improved thermal properties, which is highly relevant for industrial applications in thermal energy storage and renewable energy production.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 10485, 2018 Jul 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29992980


Nitrate molten salts are extensively used for sensible heat storage in Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants and thermal energy storage (TES) systems. They are the most promising materials for latent heat storage applications. By combining classical molecular dynamics and differential scanning calorimetry experiments, we present a systematic study of all thermostatic, high temperature properties of pure KNO3 and NaNO3 salts and their eutectic and "solar salt" mixtures, technologically relevant. We first study, in solid and liquid regimes, their mass densities, enthalpies, thermal expansion coefficients and isothermal compressibilities. We then analyze the cP and cV specific heats of the pure salts and of the liquid phase of the mixtures. Our theoretical results allow to resolve a long-standing experimental uncertainty about the cP(T) thermal behaviour of these systems. In particular, they revisit empirical laws on the cP(T) behaviour, extensively used at industrial level in the design of TES components employing the "solar salt" as main storage material. Our findings, numerically precise and internally consistent, can be used as a reference for the development of innovative nanomaterials based on nitrate molten salts, crucial in technologies as CSP, waste heat recovery, and advanced adiabatic compressed air energy storage.

J Chem Phys ; 134(20): 204506, 2011 May 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21639455


Classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are employed as a tool to investigate structural properties of ice crystals under several temperature and pressure conditions. All ice crystal phases are analyzed by means of a computational protocol based on a clustering approach following standard MD simulations. The MD simulations are performed by using a recently published classical interaction potential for oxygen and hydrogen in bulk water, derived from neutron scattering data, able to successfully describe complex phenomena such as proton hopping and bond formation/breaking. The present study demonstrates the ability of the interaction potential model to well describe most ice structures found in the phase diagram of water and to estimate the relative stability of 16 known phases through a cluster analysis of simulated powder diagrams of polymorphs obtained from MD simulations. The proposed computational protocol is suited for automated crystal structure identification.

Phys Rev A ; 46(12): 7652-7656, 1992 Dec 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9908117