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Small ; 20(16): e2300935, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38009504


The optical properties of lead halide perovskite semiconductors in vicinity of the bandgap are controlled by excitons, so that investigation of their fundamental properties is of critical importance. The exciton Landé or g-factor gX is the key parameter, determining the exciton Zeeman spin splitting in magnetic fields. The exciton, electron, and hole carrier g-factors provide information on the band structure, including its anisotropy, and the parameters contributing to the electron and hole effective masses. Here, gX is measured by reflectivity in magnetic fields up to 60 T for lead halide perovskite crystals. The materials band gap energies at a liquid helium temperature vary widely across the visible spectral range from 1.520 up to 3.213 eV in hybrid organic-inorganic and fully inorganic perovskites with different cations and halogens: FA0.9Cs0.1PbI2.8Br0.2, MAPbI3, FAPbBr3, CsPbBr3, and MAPb(Br0.05Cl0.95)3. The exciton g-factors are found to be nearly constant, ranging from +2.3 to +2.7. Thus, the strong dependences of the electron and hole g-factors on the bandgap roughly compensate each other when combining to the exciton g-factor. The same is true for the anisotropies of the carrier g-factors, resulting in a nearly isotropic exciton g-factor. The experimental data are compared favorably with model calculation results.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 120(43): e2310777120, 2023 Oct 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37851675


Direct detection of spontaneous spin fluctuations, or "magnetization noise," is emerging as a powerful means of revealing and studying magnetic excitations in both natural and artificial frustrated magnets. Depending on the lattice and nature of the frustration, these excitations can often be described as fractionalized quasiparticles possessing an effective magnetic charge. Here, by combining ultrasensitive optical detection of thermodynamic magnetization noise with Monte Carlo simulations, we reveal emergent regimes of magnetic excitations in artificial "tetris ice." A marked increase of the intrinsic noise at certain applied magnetic fields heralds the spontaneous proliferation of fractionalized excitations, which can diffuse independently, without cost in energy, along specific quasi-1D spin chains in the tetris ice lattice.

Nat Mater ; 22(11): 1311-1316, 2023 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37592028


Quantum light emitters capable of generating single photons with circular polarization and non-classical statistics could enable non-reciprocal single-photon devices and deterministic spin-photon interfaces for quantum networks. To date, the emission of such chiral quantum light relies on the application of intense external magnetic fields, electrical/optical injection of spin-polarized carriers/excitons or coupling with complex photonic metastructures. Here we report the creation of free-space chiral quantum light emitters via the nanoindentation of monolayer WSe2/NiPS3 heterostructures at zero external magnetic field. These quantum light emitters emit with a high degree of circular polarization (0.89) and single-photon purity (95%), independent of pump laser polarization. Scanning diamond nitrogen-vacancy microscopy and temperature-dependent magneto-photoluminescence studies reveal that the chiral quantum light emission arises from magnetic proximity interactions between localized excitons in the WSe2 monolayer and the out-of-plane magnetization of defects in the antiferromagnetic order of NiPS3, both of which are co-localized by strain fields associated with the nanoscale indentations.

Nat Mater ; 22(3): 305-310, 2023 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36536140


Magnetic proximity interactions between atomically thin semiconductors and two-dimensional magnets provide a means to manipulate spin and valley degrees of freedom in non-magnetic monolayers, without using applied magnetic fields1-3. In such van der Waals heterostructures, magnetic proximity interactions originate in the nanometre-scale coupling between spin-dependent electronic wavefunctions in the two materials, and typically their overall effect is regarded as an effective magnetic field acting on the semiconductor monolayer4-8. Here we demonstrate that magnetic proximity interactions in van der Waals heterostructures can in fact be markedly asymmetric. Valley-resolved reflection spectroscopy of MoSe2/CrBr3 van der Waals structures reveals strikingly different energy shifts in the K and K' valleys of the MoSe2 due to ferromagnetism in the CrBr3 layer. Density functional calculations indicate that valley-asymmetric magnetic proximity interactions depend sensitively on the spin-dependent hybridization of overlapping bands and as such are likely a general feature of hybrid van der Waals structures. These studies suggest routes to control specific spin and valley states in monolayer semiconductors9,10.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(7): 076801, 2022 Aug 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36018693


In the archetypal monolayer semiconductor WSe_{2}, the distinct ordering of spin-polarized valleys (low-energy pockets) in the conduction band allows for studies of not only simple neutral excitons and charged excitons (i.e., trions), but also more complex many-body states that are predicted at higher electron densities. We discuss magneto-optical measurements of electron-rich WSe_{2} monolayers and interpret the spectral lines that emerge at high electron doping as optical transitions of six-body exciton states ("hexcitons") and eight-body exciton states ("oxcitons"). These many-body states emerge when a photoexcited electron-hole pair interacts simultaneously with multiple Fermi seas, each having distinguishable spin and valley quantum numbers. In addition, we explain the relations between dark trions and satellite optical transitions of hexcitons in the photoluminescence spectrum.

Adv Mater ; 34(17): e2200117, 2022 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35236008


Realizing van der Waals (vdW) epitaxy in the 1980s represents a breakthrough that circumvents the stringent lattice matching and processing compatibility requirements in conventional covalent heteroepitaxy. However, due to the weak vdW interactions, there is little control over film qualities by the substrate. Typically, discrete domains with a spread of misorientation angles are formed, limiting the applicability of vdW epitaxy. Here, the epitaxial growth of monocrystalline, covalent Cr5 Te8 2D crystals on monolayer vdW WSe2 by chemical vapor deposition is reported, driven by interfacial dative bond formation. The lattice of Cr5 Te8 , with a lateral dimension of a few tens of micrometers, is fully commensurate with that of WSe2 via 3 × 3 (Cr5 Te8 )/7 × 7 (WSe2 ) supercell matching, forming a single-crystalline moiré superlattice. This work establishes a conceptually distinct paradigm of thin-film epitaxy, termed "dative epitaxy", which takes full advantage of covalent epitaxy with chemical bonding for fixing the atomic registry and crystal orientation, while circumventing its stringent lattice matching and processing compatibility requirements; conversely, it ensures the full flexibility of vdW epitaxy, while avoiding its poor orientation control. Cr5 Te8 2D crystals grown by dative epitaxy exhibit square magnetic hysteresis, suggesting minimized interfacial defects that can serve as pinning sites.

Nano Lett ; 22(1): 426-432, 2022 Jan 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34918936


In monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenide semiconductors, many-body correlations can manifest in optical spectra when electron-hole pairs (excitons) are photoexcited into a 2D Fermi sea of mobile carriers. At low carrier densities, the formation of charged excitons (X±) is well documented. However, in WSe2 monolayers, an additional absorption resonance, often called X-', emerges at high electron density. Its origin is not understood. Here, we investigate the X-' state via polarized absorption spectroscopy of gated WSe2 monolayers in magnetic fields to 60T. Field-induced filling and emptying of the lowest optically active Landau level in the K' valley causes repeated quenching of the corresponding optical absorption. Surprisingly, these quenchings are accompanied by absorption changes to higher Landau levels in both K' and K valleys, which are unoccupied. These results cannot be reconciled within a single-particle picture, and demonstrate the many-body nature and intervalley correlations of the X-' quasiparticle state.

ACS Nano ; 15(9): 14444-14452, 2021 Sep 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34473467


Colloidal CdSe quantum dots (QDs) designed with a high degree of asymmetric internal strain have recently been shown to host a number of desirable optical properties including subthermal room-temperature line widths, suppressed spectral diffusion, and high photoluminescence (PL) quantum yields. It remains an open question, however, whether they are well-suited for applications requiring emission of identical single photons. Here we measure the low-temperature PL dynamics and the polarization-resolved fluorescence line narrowing spectra from ensembles of these strained QDs. Our spectroscopy reveals the radiative recombination rates of bright and dark excitons, the relaxation rate between the two, and the energy spectra of the quantized acoustic phonons in the QDs that can contribute to relaxation processes. In comparison to conventional colloidal CdSe/ZnS core/shell QDs, we find that in asymmetrically strained CdSe QDs over six times more light is emitted directly by the bright exciton. These results are therefore encouraging for the prospects of chemically synthesized colloidal QDs as emitters of single indistinguishable photons.

Nano Lett ; 21(14): 6211-6219, 2021 Jul 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34260252


Controlled insertion of electronic states within the band gap of semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs) is a powerful tool for tuning their physical properties. One compelling example is II-VI NCs incorporating heterovalent coinage metals in which hole capture produces acceptor-bound excitons. To date, the opposite donor-bound exciton scheme has not been realized because of the unavailability of suitable donor dopants. Here, we produce a model system for donor-bound excitons in CdSeS NCs engineered with sulfur vacancies (VS) that introduce a donor state below the conduction band (CB), resulting in long-lived intragap luminescence. VS-localized electrons are almost unaffected by trapping, and suppression of thermal quenching boosts the emission efficiency to 85%. Magneto-optical measurements indicate that the VS are not magnetically coupled to the NC bands and that the polarization properties are determined by the spin of the valence-band photohole, whose spin flip is massively slowed down due to suppressed exchange interaction with the donor-localized electron.

J Am Chem Soc ; 142(42): 18160-18173, 2020 10 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32927952


The incorporation of manganese (Mn) ions into Cd(Zn)-chalcogenide QDs activates strong spin-exchange interactions between the magnetic ions and intrinsic QD excitons that have been exploited for color conversion, sunlight harvesting, electron photoemission, and advanced imaging and sensing. The ability to take full advantage of novel functionalities enabled by Mn dopants requires accurate control of doping levels over a wide range of Mn contents. This, however, still represents a considerable challenge. Specific problems include the difficulty in obtaining high Mn contents, considerable broadening of QD size dispersion during the doping procedure, and large batch-to-batch variations in the amount of incorporated Mn. Here, we show that these problems originate from the presence of unreacted cadmium (Cd) complexes whose abundance is linked to uncontrolled impurities participating in the QD synthesis. After identifying these impurities as secondary phosphines, we modify the synthesis by introducing controlled amounts of "functional" secondary phosphine species. This allows us to realize a regime of nearly ideal QD doping when incorporation of magnetic ions occurs solely via addition of Mn-Se units without uncontrolled deposition of Cd-Se species. Using this method, we achieve very high per-dot Mn contents (>30% of all cations) and thereby realize exceptionally strong exciton-Mn exchange coupling with g-factors of ∼600.

ACS Nano ; 14(2): 2212-2223, 2020 Feb 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31927981


Colloidal quantum dots (QDs) of I-III-VI ternary compounds such as copper indium sulfide (CIS) and copper indium selenide (CISe) have been under intense investigation due to both their unusual photophysical properties and considerable technological utility. These materials feature a toxic-element-free composition, a tunable bandgap that covers near-infrared and visible spectral energies, and a highly efficient photoluminescence (PL) whose spectrum is located in the reabsorption-free intragap region. These properties make them attractive for light-emission and light-harvesting applications including photovoltaics and luminescent solar concentrators. Despite a large body of literature on device-related studies of CISe(S) QDs, the understanding of their fundamental photophysical properties is surprisingly poor. Two particular subjects that are still heavily debated in the literature include the mechanism(s) for strong intragap emission and the reason(s) for a poorly defined (featureless) absorption edge, which often "tails" below the nominal bandgap. Here, we address these questions by conducting comprehensive spectroscopic studies of CIS QD samples with varied Cu-to-In ratios using resonant PL and PL excitation, femtosecond transient absorption, and magnetic circular dichroism measurements. These studies reveal a strong effect of stoichiometry on the concentration of Cu1+ vs Cu2+ defects (occurring as CuIn″ and CuCu• species, respectively), and their effects on QD optical properties. In particular, we demonstrate that the increase in the relative amount of Cu2+ vs Cu1+ centers suppresses intragap absorption associated with Cu1+ states and sharpens band-edge absorption. In addition, we show that both Cu1+ and Cu2+ centers are emissive but are characterized by distinct activation mechanisms and slightly different emission energies due to different crystal lattice environments. An important overall conclusion of this study is that the relative importance of the Cu2+ vs Cu1+ emission/absorption channels can be controlled by tuning the Cu-to-In ratio, suggesting that the control of sample stoichiometry represents a powerful tool for achieving functionalities (e.g., strong intragap emission) that are not accessible with ideal, defect-free materials.

Nano Lett ; 20(2): 1370-1377, 2020 Feb 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31960677


The low-temperature emission spectrum of CdSe colloidal nanoplatelets (NPLs) consists of two narrow lines. The high-energy line stems from the recombination of neutral excitons. The origin of the low-energy line is currently debated. We experimentally study the spectral shift, emission dynamics, and spin polarization of both lines at low temperatures down to 1.5 K and in high magnetic fields up to 60 T and show that the low-energy line originates from the recombination of negatively charged excitons (trions). This assignment is confirmed by the NPL photocharging dynamics and associated variations in the spectrum. We show that the negatively charged excitons are considerably less sensitive to the presence of surface spins than the neutral excitons. The trion binding energy in three-monolayer-thick NPLs is as large as 30 meV, which is 4 times larger than its value in the two-dimensional limit of a conventional CdSe quantum well confined between semiconductor barriers. A considerable part of this enhancement is gained by the dielectric enhancement effect, which is due to the small dielectric constant of the environment surrounding the NPLs.

Nano Lett ; 19(12): 8846-8854, 2019 12 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31651177


Colloidal CdSe nanocrystals (NCs) overcoated with an ultrathick CdS shell, also known as dot-in-bulk (DiB) structures, can support two types of excitons, one of which is core-localized and the other, shell-localized. In the case of weak "sub-single-exciton" pumping, emission alternates between the core- and shell-related channels, which leads to two-color light. This property makes these structures uniquely suited for a variety of photonic applications as well as ideal model systems for realizing complex excitonic quasi-particles that do not occur in conventional core/shell NCs. Here, we show that the DiB design can enable an unusual regime in which the same long-lived resident electron can endow trionlike characteristics to either of the two excitons of the DiB NC (core- or shell-based). These two spectrally distinct trion states are apparent in the measured photoluminescence (PL) and spin dynamics of core and shell excitons conducted over a wide range of temperatures and applied magnetic fields. Low-temperature PL measurements indicate that core- and shell-based trions are characterized by a nearly ideal (∼100%) emission quantum yield, suggesting the strong suppression of Auger recombination for both types of excitations. Polarization-resolved PL experiments in magnetic fields of up to 60 T reveal that the core- and the shell-localized trions exhibit remarkably similar spin dynamics, which in both cases are controlled by spin-flip processes involving a heavy hole.

ACS Nano ; 13(8): 8589-8596, 2019 Aug 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31251582


Colloidal, two-dimensional semiconductor nanoplatelets (NPLs) exhibit quantum confinement in only one dimension, which results in an electronic structure that is significantly altered compared to that of other quantum-confined nanomaterials. Whereas it is often assumed that the lack of quantum confinement in the lateral plane yields a spatially extended exciton, reduced dielectric screening potentially challenges this picture. Here, we implement absorption spectroscopy in pulsed magnetic fields up to 60 T for three different CdSe NPL thicknesses and lateral areas. Based on diamagnetic shifts, we find that the exciton lateral extent is comparable to NPL thickness, indicating that the quantum confinement and reduced screening concomitant with few-monolayer thickness strongly reduces the exciton lateral extent. Atomistic electronic structure calculations of the exciton size for varying lengths, widths, and thicknesses support the substantially smaller in-plane exciton extent.

Nano Lett ; 19(2): 1307-1317, 2019 02 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30663314


"Charge engineering" of semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs) through so-called electronic impurity doping is a long-standing challenge in colloidal chemistry and holds promise for ground-breaking advancements in many optoelectronic, photonic, and spin-based nanotechnologies. To date, our knowledge is limited to a few paradigmatic studies on a small number of model compounds and doping conditions, with important electronic dopants still unexplored in nanoscale systems. Equally importantly, fine-tuning of charge engineered NCs is hampered by the statistical limitations of traditional approaches. The resulting intrinsic doping inhomogeneity restricts fundamental studies to statistically averaged behaviors and complicates the realization of advanced device concepts based on their advantageous functionalities. Here we aim to address these issues by realizing the first example of II-VI NCs electronically doped with an exact number of heterovalent gold atoms, a known p-type acceptor impurity in bulk chalcogenides. Single-dopant accuracy across entire NC ensembles is obtained through a novel non-injection synthesis employing ligand-exchanged gold clusters as "quantized" dopant sources to seed the nucleation of CdSe NCs in organic media. Structural, spectroscopic, and magneto-optical investigations trace a comprehensive picture of the physical processes resulting from the exact doping level of the NCs. Gold atoms, doped here for the first time into II-VI NCs, are found to incorporate as nonmagnetic Au+ species activating intense size-tunable intragap photoluminescence and artificially offsetting the hole occupancy of valence band states. Fundamentally, the transient conversion of Au+ to paramagnetic Au2+ (5d9 configuration) under optical excitation results in strong photoinduced magnetism and diluted magnetic semiconductor behavior revealing the contribution of individual paramagnetic impurities to the macroscopic magnetism of the NCs. Altogether, our results demonstrate a new chemical approach toward NCs with physical functionalities tailored to the single impurity level and offer a versatile platform for future investigations and device exploitation of individual and collective impurity processes in quantum confined structures.

Nano Lett ; 18(11): 6948-6953, 2018 11 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30244582


Excimers, a portmanteau of "excited dimer", are transient species that are formed from the electronic interaction of a fluorophore in the excited state with a neighbor in the ground state, which have found extensive use as laser gain media. Although common in molecular fluorophores, this work presents evidence for the formation of excimers in a new class of materials: atomically precise two-dimensional semiconductor nanoplatelets. Colloidal nanoplatelets of CdSe display two-color photoluminescence resolved at low temperatures with one band attributed to band-edge fluorescence and a second, red band attributed to excimer fluorescence. Previously reasonable explanations for two-color fluorescence, such as charging, are shown to be inconsistent with additional evidence. As with excimers in other materials systems, excimer emission is increased by increasing nanoplatelet concentration and the degree of cofacial stacking. Consistent with their promise as low-threshold gain media, amplified spontaneous emission emerges from the excimer emission line.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 115(32): 8119-8124, 2018 08 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30037994


The interaction between light and matter has been long explored, leading to insights based on the modulation and control of electrons and/or photons within a material. An opportunity exists in optomechanics, where the conversion of radiation into material strain and actuation is currently induced at the molecular level in liquid crystal systems, or at the microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) device scale, producing limited potential strain energy (or force) in light-driven systems. We present here flexible material composites that, when illuminated, are capable of macroscale motion, through the interplay of optically absorptive elements and low Curie temperature magnetic materials. These composites can be formed into films, sponges, monoliths, and hydrogels, and can be actuated with light at desired locations. Light-actuated elastomeric composites for gripping and releasing, heliotactic motion, light-driven propulsion, and rotation are demonstrated as examples of the versatility of this approach.

Nat Nanotechnol ; 13(2): 145-151, 2018 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29255289


Electronic doping of colloidal semiconductor nanostructures holds promise for future device concepts in optoelectronic and spin-based technologies. Ag+ is an emerging electronic dopant in III-V and II-VI nanostructures, introducing intragap electronic states optically coupled to the host conduction band. With its full 4d shell Ag+ is nonmagnetic, and the dopant-related luminescence is ascribed to decay of the conduction-band electron following transfer of the photoexcited hole to Ag+. This optical activation process and the associated modification of the electronic configuration of Ag+ remain unclear. Here, we trace a comprehensive picture of the excitonic process in Ag-doped CdSe nanocrystals and demonstrate that, in contrast to expectations, capture of the photohole leads to conversion of Ag+ to paramagnetic Ag2+. The process of exciton recombination is thus inextricably tied to photoinduced magnetism. Accordingly, we observe strong optically activated magnetism and diluted magnetic semiconductor behaviour, demonstrating that optically switchable magnetic nanomaterials can be obtained by exploiting excitonic processes involving nonmagnetic impurities.