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Phys Rev E ; 109(1-2): 015104, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38366430


The lifting Hele-Shaw cell flow commonly involves the stretching of a viscous oil droplet surrounded by air, in the confined space between two parallel plates. As the upper plate is lifted, viscous fingering instabilities emerge at the air-oil interface. Such an interfacial instability phenomenon is widely observed in numerous technological and industrial applications, being quite difficult to control. Motivated by the recent interest in controlling and stabilizing the Saffman-Taylor instability in lifting Hele-Shaw flows, we propose an alternative way to restrain the development of interfacial disturbances in this gap-variable system. Our method modifies the traditional plate-lifting flow arrangement by introducing a finite fluid annulus layer encircling the central oil droplet, and separating it from the air. A second-order, perturbative mode-coupling approach is employed to analyze morphological and stability behaviors in this three-fluid, two-interface, doubly connected system. Our findings indicate that the intermediate fluid ring can significantly stabilize the interface of the central oil droplet. We show that the effectiveness of this stabilization protocol relies on the appropriate choice of the ring's viscosity and thickness. Furthermore, we calculate the adhesion force required to detach the plates, and find that it does not change significantly with the addition of the fluid envelope as long as it is sufficiently thin. Finally, we detect no distinction in the adhesion force computed for stable or unstable annular interfaces, indicating that the presence of fingering at the ring's boundaries has a negligible effect on the adhesion force.

Phys Rev E ; 108(2-2): 025104, 2023 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37723719


The lifting Hele-Shaw cell setup is a popular modification of the classic, fixed-gap, radial viscous fingering problem. In the lifting cell configuration, the upper cell plate is lifted such that a more viscous inner fluid is invaded by an inward-moving outer fluid. As the fluid-fluid interface contracts, one observes the rising of distinctive patterns in which penetrating fingers having rounded tips compete among themselves, reaching different lengths. Despite the scholarly and practical relevance of this confined lifting flow problem, the impact of interfacial rheology effects on its pattern-forming dynamics has been overlooked. Authors of recent studies on the traditional injection-induced radial Hele-Shaw flow and its centrifugally driven variant have shown that, if the fluid-fluid interface is structured (i.e., laden with surfactants, particles, proteins, or other surface-active entities), surface rheological stresses start to act, influencing the development of the viscous fingering patterns. In this paper, we investigate how interfacial rheology affects the stability as well as the shape of the emerging fingered structures in lifting Hele-Shaw flows, at linear and early nonlinear dynamic stages. We tackle the problem by utilizing the Boussinesq-Scriven model to describe the interface and by employing a perturbative mode-coupling scheme. Our linear stability results show that interfacial rheology effects destabilize the interface. Furthermore, our second-order findings indicate that interfacial rheology significantly alters intrinsically nonlinear morphological features of the shrinking interface, inducing the formation of narrow sharp-tip penetrating fingers and favoring enhanced competition among them.

Phys Rev E ; 107(2-2): 025105, 2023 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36932566


In rotating Hele-Shaw flows, centrifugal force acts, and the interface separating two viscous fluids becomes unstable, driven by the density difference between them. Complex interfacial structures develop where fingers of various shapes and sizes grow, and compete. These patterns have been well studied over the last few decades, analytically, numerically, and experimentally. However, one feature of the pattern-forming dynamics of much current interest has been underappreciated: the role of surface rheological stresses in the deformation, and time evolution of the fluid-fluid interface. In this paper, we employ a perturbative, second-order mode-coupling analysis to investigate how interfacial rheology effects influence centrifugally driven fingering phenomena, beyond the scope of linear stability theory. Describing the viscous Newtonian interface by using a Boussinesq-Scriven model, we derive a nonlinear differential equation that governs the early linear, and nonlinear time evolution of the system. In this framing, the most prevalent dynamical features of the patterns are described in terms of two dimensionless parameters: the viscosity contrast A (dimensionless viscosity difference between the fluids), and the Boussinesq number Bq which involves a ratio between interfacial and bulk viscosities. At the linear level, our results show that for a given A, surface rheological stresses dictated by Bq have a stabilizing role. Nevertheless, our weakly nonlinear findings reveal a more elaborate scenario in which the shape of the fingers, and their finger competition behavior result from the coupled influence of A and Bq. It is found that, although finger competition phenomena depend on the specific values of A and Bq, the fingers tend to widen as Bq is increased, regardless of the value of A.

Phys Rev E ; 106(2-2): 025105, 2022 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36109920


We investigate the behavior of a magnetorheological (MR) fluid annulus, bounded by a nonmagnetic fluid and confined in a Hele-Shaw cell, under the simultaneous effect of in-plane, external radial and azimuthal magnetic fields. A second-order mode-coupling theory is used to study the early nonlinear stage of the pattern-forming dynamics. We examine changes in the morphology of the MR fluid annular structure as a function of its magnetic-field-tunable rheological properties, as well as the combined magnetic field's intensities, and thickness of the ring. Our weakly nonlinear perturbative results show that, depending on the system control parameters, the MR fluid annulus adopts various stationary shapes. These equilibrium annular structures present slightly bent, asymmetric fingered protrusions which may emerge on the inner, outer, or even on both boundaries of the magnetic fluid ring. On top of these morphological changes, we find that the resulting permanent shape patterns rotate with a well defined angular velocity. We focus on analyzing how the overall shape of the fingered patterns, in particular their sharpness and asymmetric form, as well as the number of resulting fingers are impacted by the magnetic-field-dependent yield stress of the MR fluid annulus. The influence of the magnetically controlled rheological properties of the MR fluid on the angular velocity of the rotating annulus is also scrutinized.

Phys Rev E ; 104(4-2): 045106, 2021 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34781440


Viscous fingering in radial Hele-Shaw cells is markedly characterized by the occurrence of fingertip splitting, where growing fingered structures bifurcate at their tips, via a tip-doubling process. A much less studied pattern-forming phenomenon, which is also detected in experiments, is the development of fingertip tripling, where a finger divides into three. We investigate the problem theoretically, and employ a third-order perturbative mode-coupling scheme seeking to detect the onset of tip-tripling instabilities. Contrary to most existing theoretical studies of the viscous fingering instability, our theoretical description accounts for the effects of viscous normal stresses at the fluid-fluid interface. We show that accounting for such stresses allows one to capture the emergence of tip-tripling events at weakly nonlinear stages of the flow. Sensitivity of fingertip-tripling events to changes in the capillary number and in the viscosity contrast is also examined.

Phys Rev E ; 104(6-2): 065113, 2021 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35030845


We analyze the morphology and dynamic behavior of the interface separating a ferrofluid and a nonmagnetic fluid in a Hele-Shaw cell, when crossed radial and azimuthal magnetic fields are applied. In addition to inducing the formation of a variety of eye-catching, complex interfacial structures, the action of the crossed fields makes the deformed ferrofluid droplet to rotate. Numerical simulations and perturbative mode-coupling theory are employed to look into early linear, intermediate weakly nonlinear, and fully nonlinear dynamic regimes of the pattern-forming process. We investigate how the system responds to variations in the viscosity difference between the fluids, the magnetic susceptibility of the ferrofluid, the effects of surface tension, and in the relative strength between radial and azimuthal applied magnetic fields. The role played by random perturbations at the initial conditions in determining the ultimate shape and dynamic stability of the spinning ferrofluid patterns is also studied.

Phys Rev E ; 102(6-1): 063102, 2020 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33466051


During the past few years, researchers have been proposing time-dependent injection strategies for stabilizing or manipulating the development of viscous fingering instabilities in radial Hele-Shaw cells. Most of these studies investigate the displacement of Newtonian fluids and are entirely based on linear stability analyses. In this work, linear stability theory and variational calculus are used to determine closed-form expressions for the proper time-dependent injection rates Q(t) required to either minimize the interface disturbances or to control the number of emerging fingers. However, this is done by considering that the displacing fluid is non-Newtonian and has a time-varying viscosity. Moreover, a perturbative third-order mode-coupling approach is employed to examine the validity and effectiveness of the controlling protocols dictated by these Q(t) beyond the linear regime and at the onset of nonlinearities.