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mSystems ; 5(1)2020 Feb 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32071160


Here, the role of the dairy-processing chain as a reservoir of antimicrobial resistance (AR) determinants and a source of novel biocontrol quorum-sensing inhibitors is assessed through a functional metagenomics approach. A metagenomic library comprising ∼22,000 recombinant clones was built from DNA isolated from raw milk, raw milk cheeses, and cheese-processing environment swab samples. The high-throughput sequencing of 9,216 recombinant clones showed that lactic acid bacteria (LAB) dominated the microbial communities of raw milk cheese, while Gram-negative microorganisms of animal or soil origin dominated the microbiota of raw milk and cheese-processing environments. Although functional screening of the metagenomic library did not recover potential quorum-sensing inhibitors, in silico analysis using an in-house database built specifically for this study identified homologues to several genes encoding proteins with predicted quorum-quenching activity, among which, the QsdH hydrolase was the most abundant. In silico screening of the library identified LAB, and especially Lactococcus lactis, as a relevant reservoir of AR determinants in cheese. Functional screening of the library allowed the isolation of 13 recombinant clones showing an increased resistance toward ampicillin, which in all cases was accompanied by a reduced susceptibility to a wide range of ß-lactam antibiotics. This study shows that the dairy-processing environment is a rich reservoir of AR determinants, which vary by sample source, and suggests that combining next-generation sequencing with functional metagenomics can be of use in overcoming the limitations of both approaches.IMPORTANCE The study shows the potential of functional metagenomics analyses to uncover the diversity of functions in microbial communities prevailing in dairy products and their processing environments, evidencing that lactic acid bacteria (LAB) dominate the cheese microbiota, whereas Gram-negative microorganisms of animal or soil origin dominate the microbiota of milk and cheese-processing environments. The functional and in silico screening of the library allowed the identification of LAB, and especially Lactococcus lactis, as a relevant reservoir of antimicrobial resistance (AR) determinants in cheese. Quorum-quenching (QQ) determinants were not recovered through the execution of wet-lab function-based screenings but were detected through in silico sequencing-based analyses.

Annu Rev Food Sci Technol ; 10: 173-195, 2019 03 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30653351


This review examines the impact of microbial communities colonizing food processing environments in the form of biofilms on food safety and food quality. The focus is both on biofilms formed by pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms and on those formed by harmless or beneficial microbes, which are of particular relevance in the processing of fermented foods. Information is presented on intraspecies variability in biofilm formation, interspecies relationships of cooperativism or competition within biofilms, the factors influencing biofilm ecology and architecture, and how these factors may influence removal. The effect on the biofilm formation ability of particular food components and different environmental conditions that commonly prevail during food processing is discussed. Available tools for the in situ monitoring and characterization of wild microbial biofilms in food processing facilities are explored. Finally, research on novel agents or strategies for the control of biofilm formation or removal is summarized.

Biopelículas , Manipulación de Alimentos , Microbiología de Alimentos , Alimentos Fermentados
Front Microbiol ; 7: 1641, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27803696


Biofilms are microbial communities characterized by their adhesion to solid surfaces and the production of a matrix of exopolymeric substances, consisting of polysaccharides, proteins, DNA and lipids, which surround the microorganisms lending structural integrity and a unique biochemical profile to the biofilm. Biofilm formation enhances the ability of the producer/s to persist in a given environment. Pathogenic and spoilage bacterial species capable of forming biofilms are a significant problem for the healthcare and food industries, as their biofilm-forming ability protects them from common cleaning processes and allows them to remain in the environment post-sanitation. In the food industry, persistent bacteria colonize the inside of mixing tanks, vats and tubing, compromising food safety and quality. Strategies to overcome bacterial persistence through inhibition of biofilm formation or removal of mature biofilms are therefore necessary. Current biofilm control strategies employed in the food industry (cleaning and disinfection, material selection and surface preconditioning, plasma treatment, ultrasonication, etc.), although effective to a certain point, fall short of biofilm control. Efforts have been explored, mainly with a view to their application in pharmaceutical and healthcare settings, which focus on targeting molecular determinants regulating biofilm formation. Their application to the food industry would greatly aid efforts to eradicate undesirable bacteria from food processing environments and, ultimately, from food products. These approaches, in contrast to bactericidal approaches, exert less selective pressure which in turn would reduce the likelihood of resistance development. A particularly interesting strategy targets quorum sensing systems, which regulate gene expression in response to fluctuations in cell-population density governing essential cellular processes including biofilm formation. This review article discusses the problems associated with bacterial biofilms in the food industry and summarizes the recent strategies explored to inhibit biofilm formation, with special focus on those targeting quorum sensing.

Front Microbiol ; 6: 672, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26175729


Microorganisms are found throughout nature, thriving in a vast range of environmental conditions. The majority of them are unculturable or difficult to culture by traditional methods. Metagenomics enables the study of all microorganisms, regardless of whether they can be cultured or not, through the analysis of genomic data obtained directly from an environmental sample, providing knowledge of the species present, and allowing the extraction of information regarding the functionality of microbial communities in their natural habitat. Function-based screenings, following the cloning and expression of metagenomic DNA in a heterologous host, can be applied to the discovery of novel proteins of industrial interest encoded by the genes of previously inaccessible microorganisms. Functional metagenomics has considerable potential in the food and pharmaceutical industries, where it can, for instance, aid (i) the identification of enzymes with desirable technological properties, capable of catalyzing novel reactions or replacing existing chemically synthesized catalysts which may be difficult or expensive to produce, and able to work under a wide range of environmental conditions encountered in food and pharmaceutical processing cycles including extreme conditions of temperature, pH, osmolarity, etc; (ii) the discovery of novel bioactives including antimicrobials active against microorganisms of concern both in food and medical settings; (iii) the investigation of industrial and societal issues such as antibiotic resistance development. This review article summarizes the state-of-the-art functional metagenomic methods available and discusses the potential of functional metagenomic approaches to mine as yet unexplored environments to discover novel genes with biotechnological application in the food and pharmaceutical industries.