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Salud ment ; 45(5): 243-251, Sep.-Oct. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432199


Abstract Introduction The mother and child attachment could have an important and long-lasting impact. An insecure attachment could lead to emotional development difficulties. It has been suggested that maternal care in infants is associated with personality. However, more studies in adults are needed. Objective To determine if attachment styles in subjects with affective or anxiety disorders are associated with the expression of personality traits, and if this effect can be modulated by the presence of the short allele of the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism. Method Our sample included 87 patients with mood or anxiety disorders. The NEO-PI-R questionnaire and the Adult Attachment questionnaire by Melero were used. Results Insecure attachment styles were associated with a higher expression of neuroticism, and a lower expression of extraversion, conscientiousness, and agreeableness, especially in individuals with the most insecure attachment. An interaction was identified between the attachment style and the 5-HTTLPR genotype on the expression of agreeableness. Higher neuroticism, and lower extraversion and conscientiousness tended to be present in carriers of the S allele. Discussion and conclusion There was a significant association between the attachment styles and the expression of neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness-responsibility according to the Big Five Model. The short allele may be associated with the modulation of certain aspects of personality. Prevention strategies should be established to promote adequate attachments between infants and caregivers to avoid a possible risk factor for future maladaptive personality traits.

Resumen Introducción El apego entre la madre y el hijo puede tener un impacto importante. Un apego inseguro podría afectar el desarrollo emocional. Se ha sugerido que los cuidados de la madre en la infancia temprana se asocian a la personalidad. Sin embargo, se requieren más estudios en adultos. Objetivo Determinar si los estilos de apego en personas con trastornos del afecto o ansiedad se asocian a la expresión de rasgos de personalidad y si esta expresión es modulada por la presencia del alelo corto del polimorfismo 5-HTTLPR. Método Se incluyeron 87 pacientes. Se emplearon los cuestionarios NEO-PI-R y el de Apego en el Adulto de Melero. Resultados Los estilos de apego inseguro se asociaron con una expresión mayor de neuroticismo y menor de extroversión, conciencia y amabilidad, especialmente en los individuos con el estilo de apego más inseguro. Se identificó una interacción entre el estilo de apego y el genotipo del 5-HTTLPR en la expresión de amabilidad. En los portadores del alelo corto hubo una tendencia hacia mayores valores de neuroticismo y menores niveles de extroversión y conciencia. Discusión y conclusión Los estilos de apego se asocian con la expresión de neuroticismo, extroversión, amabilidad y conciencia/responsabilidad. El alelo corto del 5-HTTLPR podría asociarse con la modulación de algunos aspectos de la personalidad. Los resultados sugieren la importancia de promover un apego adecuado entre los niños y sus cuidadores primarios para evitar posibles riesgos que se asocien con rasgos desadaptativos de la personalidad.

Salud ment ; 38(2): 123-128, mar.-abr. 2015. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-761475


Antecedentes La fibromialgia (FM) se caracteriza por dolor crónico generalizado, fatiga, alteraciones del sueño, depresión, ansiedad y disautonomía (hiperactividad simpática). Objetivo Comparar la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca (VFC) en mujeres: 20 pacientes con FM vs. 20 controles, mediante Holter de 24 hrs. Método La medición consistió en segmentos de cinco minutos. El dominio de la frecuencia se determinó por logaritmo natural de la razón LF/HF (Low/High Frecuencies). Se utilizó ANOVA simple para dos grupos de variables dimensionales. Resultados El rango de edad fue de 30 a 60 años. Nueve mujeres presentaron comorbilidad psiquiátrica: depresión (77.7%) y ansiedad (22.3%). Hubo diferencias (F=24.45, p<0.0001) en LF/HF entre los grupos en la fase nocturna del registro (22 hrs a 2 am), mostrándose mayor activación simpática en las pacientes. En el índice SDNN (desviación estándar de intervalos entre latidos) existieron diferencias significativas en 9 de 12 periodos del registro. En el índice pNN50 (porcentaje de intervalos que difieren en más de 50 milisegundos), el grupo control mostró valores más altos de 6 a 12 hrs. La variación nocturna se observó de 22 hrs. (F=22.37, p=0.0001) hasta las 6 am (F=30.27, p=0.0001). El indicador rMSSD (raíz cuadrada de la media de las diferencias de la frecuencia cardiaca) mostró valores más altos para el grupo control desde las 22 hrs. (F=67.71, p=0.0001) hasta las 6am (F=80.35, p=0.0001). Discusión y conclusión Los resultados reflejan la disminución del influjo parasimpático en las pacientes con FM. Esto confirma la participación del sistema nervioso parasimpático en la fisiopatología de la FM.

Background Fibromyalgia (FM) is characterized by chronic widespread pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, depression, anxiety and dysautonomia (sympathetic hyperactivity). Objective To compare the heart rate variability (HRV) in women: 20 patients with FM vs. 20 controls by Holter 24 hrs. Method The measurement consisted of segments of five minutes. The frequency domain is determined by the natural logarithm of the LF/HF (Low/ High Frecuencies) reason. Simple ANOVA was used for two groups of dimensional variables. Results The age range was 30-60 years. Nine presented psychiatric comorbidity: depression (77.7%) and anxiety (22.3%). There were differences (F = 24.45, p <0.0001) in LF/HF between groups in the nocturnal phase of registration (22 pm to 2 am) showing increased sympathetic activation in patients. In the SDNN index (standard deviation of intervals between heartbeats) there were significant differences on December 9 periods of record. In pNN50 index (percentage of intervals which differ by more than 50 milliseconds), the control group showed higher values of 6 to 12 hrs. Nocturnal variation was observed in 22 hrs (F = 22.37, p = 0.0001) until 6am (F = 30.27, p = 0.0001). The rMSSD indicator (square root of the mean of the differences in heart rate) showed higher values for the control group from 22 hrs (F = 67.71, p = 0.0001) until 6am (F = 80.35, p = 0.0001). Discussion and conclusion The results reflect the decreased parasympathetic influence in patients with FM. This confirms the participation of parasympathetic nervous system in the pathophysiology of FM.

Salud ment ; 28(6): 41-50, nov.-dic. 2005.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-985925


resumen está disponible en el texto completo

Summary During the decade of 1880, Paul Briquet made a well detailed description of a syndrome named after him, characterized by a series of unexplainable medical symptoms that appeared in a hideous way, with clinical curse and without the paroxysmal seizures mentioned by Charcot in his description of hysteria. Nevertheless, all the patients that showed these symptoms were diagnosed as hysteric. Nowadays, the clinical scenery is substituting the term of hysteria in favour of its components and giving it different names such as dissociative disorder, conversive disorder, and disorder caused by somatic symptoms of somatoform. Other terms such as "functional somatic syndrome" or "medically unexplainable symptoms" have been added to the list. In spite of these denominations no explanation has been given to the etiology of hysteria. Each medical specialty has to contend with some functional somatic syndrome: gastroenterology presents irritable colon; cardiology, precordial pain; neurology, tensional cephalalgia; stomatology presents tempomandibular dysfunction, and ginecology, chronic pelvic pain. Lumbar pain is present in orthopedia, chronic fatigue in cases of infectiousness, and finally, in rheumatology, there is fibromyalgia. In spite of their differences, these symptoms have some likenesses: they are associated to depression and anxiety, and have a high comorbidity with personality disorders; patients show major emotional distress, they share stories of either psychological, physical or sexual abuse during childhool, and suffer from some type of chronic pain. Although having visited several specialists in their search for explanations and treatment, results have been poor and patients have been labelled, in a pejorative way, as hysteric or hypochondriac. When diagnosed with any of these syndromes, patients' stress is reduced while having to face the invisible, uncontrollable and unpredictable fact implied by suffering from the symptoms that are typical. In particular, fibromyalgia assembles all the characteristics mentioned above. Turk and Cathébras proposed that establishment and exacerbation of the main symptoms of fibromyalgia (pain and fatigue) still constitute and model of respondent conditioning and that repeated exposure to certain stimulus generalizes learning. Also, they affirm that the same symptoms create later a cycle that perpetuates fibromyalgia. Once that symptom have been installed and strengthened, patients avoid all kind of activities, they get involved in legal procedures to obtain leave or else, they look for labour prerogatives. Besides, patients with fibromyalgia show the classic behaviour described for hysteria: "belle indifference", secondary advantages, dramatizing, blaming for their sufferings events which are out of their daily routine, and scarce tolerance. The purpose of this study is to present quantitatively, in patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia, the following agents: symptoms severity, prevalent personality, comorbidity with personality disorders, and degree of severity of depression and anxiety. Qualitatively, we wish to demonstrate the presence of the cycle that sustains the given symptoms. Participants: Ten patients with fibromyalgia participated in our study, 9 women and 1 man, diagnosed according to the criteria of the American College of Rheumatology, aged 37.9 ± 8.8 and with a medium time of evolution of 3 (2-23) years. Quantitative variables: Physical status and syndrome's severity were assessed using the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ); for personality, disorders were evaluated with the Revised Personality Diagnose Questionnaire (PDQ-R); depression, with Beck's Inventory, and anxiety with Spielberger's Trait State Inventory. Qualitative theoretical focus: Life experiences narrated by patients in their daily record of events, emotions and thoughts associated with pain, are presented. Procedure: All patients were evaluated individually at the beginning of a cognitive behavioural intervention. Qualitative data was obtained from daily records kept during at least three weeks or a maximum of 12. Texts were transcribed and the words most mentioned were identified, as well as those scarcely reported, thus propitiating descriptive categories. Results: The American College of Rheumatology established as one of the diagnose criteria for fibromyalgia, the presence of al least 11 of a total of 18 hypersensitive sites. Patients presented in average 16.3 ± 2.5 painful sites. Incapability was measured by patients in 2.3 ± 2.2 in a scale of 0 to 3 points; they reported to have felt well 1.1 ± 1.2 days per week; they didn't work 1.0 ± 1.1 days per week. The following measures are reported in scale from 1 to 10 points. Laboural interference was calculated in 7.3 ± 2.3; intensity of pain was 8.1 ± 1.4, day long fatigue, 8.4 ± 1.9, morning fatigue was 8.5 ± 2.3. Rigidity was 7.5 ± 3.0; anxiety perceived, 7.5 ± 2.6 (FIQ), and anxiety state along 12 weeks was 38.5 ± 10.3. Anxiety trait during the same period was 50.9 ± 9.7; perceived depression, 6.9 ± 3.4 (FIQ), and cognitive depression 14.7 ± .5. In the scale of personality it was found that six patients reached punctuations higher than T60 in neuroticism, and two other punctuated below T40 in extroversion. Regarding personality disorders it was found an average for 1.8 ± 1.1 disorders per patient; those more frequent were the following: histrionic (4), borderline (3), passive aggressive (2) and schizoid (2). Qualitative data support the existence of the typical symptoms described for hysteria. Conclusions: According to the results obtained from the quantitative analysis of this group of patients with fibromyalgia, we can conclude that they suffer from a disorder that generates major incapability accompanied of pain and fatigue. Nevertheless, their personality characteristics show that they have high levels of neuroticism with presence of personality disorders and at the same time important levels of depression and anxiety, predominating in the former, anxiety as a trait. Manifestations described by patients in their daily record of events, emotions and thoughts associated with pain and fatigue, confirm the presence of the classic symptoms that typified the construct of hysteria. These patients are vulnerable to their surroundings, have a story of childhood sufferings, and assumed an adult role from a very early age. Symptoms appear to be the only mechanism which at a given moment in life allowed them to get rid of the responsibilities that burdened them from childhood. Unfortunately, this symptom was associated to their environment, according to the laws of learning. It is concluded that fibromyalgia, as nosologic entity accomplishes the characteristics of hysteria, although as etiology it is established by learning.