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PeerJ ; 12: e17647, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38948210


Background: Anthropogenic activities significantly impact natural ecosystems, leading to alterations in plant and pollinator diversity and abundance. These changes often result in shifts within interacting communities, potentially reshaping the structure of plant-pollinator interaction networks. Given the escalating human footprint on habitats, evaluating the response of these networks to anthropization is critical for devising effective conservation and management strategies. Methods: We conducted a comprehensive review of the plant-pollinator network literature to assess the impact of anthropization on network structure. We assessed network metrics such as nestedness measure based on overlap and decreasing fills (NODF), network specialization (H2'), connectance (C), and modularity (Q) to understand structural changes. Employing a meta-analytical approach, we examined how anthropization activities, such as deforestation, urbanization, habitat fragmentation, agriculture, intentional fires and livestock farming, affect both plant and pollinator richness. Results: We generated a dataset for various metrics of network structure and 36 effect sizes for the meta-analysis, from 38 articles published between 2010 and 2023. Studies assessing the impact of agriculture and fragmentation were well-represented, comprising 68.4% of all studies, with networks involving interacting insects being the most studied taxa. Agriculture and fragmentation reduce nestedness and increase specialization in plant-pollinator networks, while modularity and connectance are mostly not affected. Although our meta-analysis suggests that anthropization decreases richness for both plants and pollinators, there was substantial heterogeneity in this regard among the evaluated studies. The meta-regression analyses helped us determine that the habitat fragment size where the studies were conducted was the primary variable contributing to such heterogeneity. Conclusions: The analysis of human impacts on plant-pollinator networks showed varied effects worldwide. Responses differed among network metrics, signaling nuanced impacts on structure. Activities like agriculture and fragmentation significantly changed ecosystems, reducing species richness in both pollinators and plants, highlighting network vulnerability. Regional differences stressed the need for tailored conservation. Despite insights, more research is crucial for a complete understanding of these ecological relationships.

Efectos Antropogénicos , Ecosistema , Polinización , Animales , Agricultura , Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Insectos/fisiología , Plantas
PeerJ ; 11: e14953, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36874969


Background: By changing the circumstances in which animals make their behavioral decisions, weekly cycles of human activity might cause changes in wildlife behavior. For example, when there is more human activity in a location, animals may become more vigilant, which can decrease the time they spend foraging, or roam farther from home, leading to increased home range size. Overall, there has been little exploration of how animal species living in locations that have undergone land use change are affected by the temporal dynamics of human activity levels. In this study, we aimed to analyze the effect of the weekend on agricultural activities and hummingbird territorial activity. We examined differences between weekdays and weekends in factors previously shown to follow weekly cyclical patterns, such as pedestrian presence, traffic, and the presence of domestic animals. We hypothesized that territorial hummingbirds would respond to these weekly cycles of human activity by altering their behavior. Methods: We studied Broad-tailed hummingbird territories in forested areas that had been transformed to agriculture lands in central Mexico. We evaluated whether territorial individuals changed their behaviors (i.e., chases of intruders, foraging within their territory, number of intruders allowed to forage in the territory) in response to variation between weekdays and weekends in the number of pedestrians, cyclists, dogs, farm animals and vehicles. Results: We found that the level of agriculture-related human activities showed a weekly cycle at our study site. On weekdays there was higher traffic of pedestrians, cyclists, dogs, farm animals and vehicles, compared to the weekends. Hummingbirds responded to these weekday-weekends differences by changing their territorial behavior. Compared to weekends, on weekdays hummingbirds showed a decrease in defense (number of chases) as well as the use of their territory (number of flowers visited), which allowed increased access to intruders (number of visited flowers by intruders). Conclusions: Our findings suggest that variation in agriculture-related human activities between weekdays and weekends can alter the territorial behavior of hummingbirds. Behavioral shifts seem to be related to these human activity cycles, leading hummingbirds to reduce chases and feeding during weekdays when human activity is highest, but increasing both behaviors during times of minimal disturbance.

Ciclos de Actividad , Conducta Animal , Aves , Animales , Humanos , Agricultura , Bosques , Actividades Humanas
PeerJ ; 10: e13331, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35469196


A dominance hierarchy is the set of ranks occupied by species within an assemblage. Species with a high position within the dominance hierarchy tend to dominate subordinate species in contests for access to resources. In hummingbirds, greater weight and wing disc loading have been associated with highest ranks within the dominance hierarchy. Nevertheless, the limit to which the difference between the weight of contending species represents a competitive advantage has not yet been determined. Here, we determined the dominance hierarchy of a hummingbird assemblage exploiting the most abundant floral resource (Palicourea padifolia, Rubiaceae) in a cloud forest of central Veracruz, Mexico. Specifically, we tested whether species weight and wing disc loading influence the dominance hierarchy. Additionally, we tested whether the flowers visited per foraging bout increases with species weight and dominance. We further tested whether weight, wing disc loading, and the genetic relatedness between contenders influenced the dominance relationships in species-pair interactions. Our results indicate that the hierarchy is positively influenced by weight. Hummingbirds visited similar number of flowers regardless their weight or their dominance. Nevertheless, the probability that the heaviest contender won contests was positively associated with the differences of weight and genetic relatedness between contenders. Contrarily, the probability that the contender with greatest wing disc loading won contests was positively associated with differences of weight and negatively associated with the relatedness between contenders. However, these models only explained between 22% and 34% of the variation, respectively. Our results demonstrate that the weight was the major contributor to high dominance values. However, future studies should include (1) the temporal variability of the weight and (2) experimental predictor variables such the burst power of the hummingbirds to evaluate its effects on the dynamics of dominance hierarchies in hummingbird assemblages. All the hummingbird species present in the studied assemblage have developed wide behavioral mechanisms that compensate their morphological differences, which allow them to coexist, even when they compete for the access to the same resource.

Conducta Alimentaria , Flores , Animales , Aves/genética , Predominio Social , Bosques
Curr Zool ; 65(3): 261-268, 2019 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31263484


Intra and interspecific competition for nectar play an important role in hummingbird communities. Larger sized species usually exclude smaller species from the rich floral resources. However, it has been recently postulated that the competitive advantages of a large body size decline as the evolutionary distance between the contending species increases. In this study, we analyzed dominance hierarchy dynamics in a hummingbird assemblage in central Mexico. By monitoring hummingbird territories established in three plant species through 1 year, we assessed the effects of energy within territories and the territory owners identity in the frequency of inter and intraspecific encounters. We also evaluated if these factors affect the dominance of larger species when they compete against smaller distantly related contenders. Our results show that their frequency of intraspecific encounters was related with the identity of the territory's owner. On the contrary, the frequency of interspecific encounters was related with both the territory and the identity of the territory's owner. We did not find a significant difference between the number of encounters dominated by larger and smaller species and their contenders. However, the increase in genetic distance between contenders was positively associated with a higher frequency of encounters dominated by small hummingbirds. Our results showed that the ecological factors and evolutionary relationships among contenders play important roles in the dominance hierarchy dynamics.

PeerJ ; 4: e2588, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27781172


BACKGROUND: Territory owners usually defeat intruders. One explanation for this observation is the uncorrelated asymmetry hypothesis which argues that contests might be settled by an arbitrary convention such as "owners win." We studied the effect of territorial residency on contest asymmetries in the white-eared hummingbird (Hylocharis leucotis) in a fir forest from central Mexico. METHODS: Twenty white-eared male adult hummingbird territories were monitored during a winter season, recording the territorial behavior of the resident against intruding hummingbirds. The size and quality of the territory were related to the probability that the resident would allow the use of flowers by the intruder. Various generalized models (logistical models) were generated to describe the probabilities of victory for each individual resident depending on the different combinations of three predictor variables (territory size, territory quality, and intruder identity). RESULTS: In general, small and low quality territory owners tend to prevent conspecific intruders from foraging at a higher rate, while they frequently fail to exclude heterospecific intruders such as the magnificent hummingbird (Eugenes fulgens) or the green violetear hummingbird (Colibri thalassinus) on any territory size. Our results showed that the identity of the intruder and the size and quality of the territory determined the result of the contests, but not the intensity of defense. DISCUSSION: Initially, the rule that "the resident always wins" was supported, since no resident was expelled from its territory during the study. Nevertheless, the resident-intruder asymmetries during the course of a day depended on different factors, such as the size and quality of the territory and, mainly, the identity of the intruders. Our results showed that flexibility observed in contest tactics suggests that these tactics are not fixed but are socially plastic instead and they can be adjusted to specific circumstances.

PeerJ ; 4: e2126, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27326382


We evaluated the seed dispersal of Bursera longipes by birds along a successional gradient of tropical dry forest (TDF) in southwestern Mexico. B. longipes is an endemic tree to the TDF in the Balsas basin. The relative abundance of frugivorous birds, their frequency of visits to B. longipes and the number of removed fruits were recorded at three study sites with different stages of forest succession (early, intermediate and mature) characterized by distinct floristic and structural elements. Flycatchers of the Myiarchus and Tyrannus genera removed the majority of fruits at each site. Overall, visits to B. longipes were less frequent at the early successional site. Birds that function as legitimate dispersers by consuming whole seeds and regurgitating or defecating intact seeds in the process also remove the pseudoaril from seeds, thereby facilitating the germination process. The highest germination percentages were recorded for seeds that passed through the digestive system of two migratory flycatchers: M. cinerascens and M. nutingii. Perch plants, mainly composed of legumes (e.g., Eysenhardtia polystachya, Acacia cochliacantha, Calliandra eryophylla, Mimosa polyantha), serve also as nurse plants since the number of young individuals recruited from B. longipes was higher under these than expected by chance. This study shows that Myiarchus flycatchers are the most efficient seed dispersers of B. longipes across all successional stages. This suggests a close mutualistic relationship derived from adaptive processes and local specializations throughout the distribution of both taxa, as supported by the geographic mosaic theory of coevolution.

Environ Entomol ; 45(2): 292-300, 2016 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26655094


Vegetation structure and floristics have a strong influence on the relative abundance of spider guilds and functional diversity of terrestrial arthropods. Human activities have transformed much of the temperate woodlands. The aim of this study was to test five predictions related to the guild distribution and functional diversity of the ground spider communities of Eucalyptus plantations and native pine woodlands in western Mexico. Spiders were collected every fortnight from September to November from 15 pitfalls positioned in each of the eight sites. We also assessed the cover of grasses, herbs, shrubs, and leaf litter in each site. We found that the abundances of ground hunters and sheet weavers between plantations and pine woodlands were different. Nevertheless, there was not a consistent difference between sites of each of the vegetation types. Most species of ground hunters, sheet web weavers, and many other hunters were associated with litter and the grass cover. Nonetheless, in some cases, species of different families belonging to the same guild responded to different variables. Wolf spiders were related to the grass Aristida stricta Micheaux, 1803, while the species of the other families of ground hunters were associated with leaf litter. One Eucalyptus plantation and one pine woodland had the highest functional diversity of all sites. These sites have a well developed litter and grass cover. Our study suggests that the abundance of litter and a high cover of grasses explain the occurrence of species with different traits, and these habitat components results in a high functional diversity.

Biodiversidad , Bosques , Arañas/fisiología , Animales , Eucalyptus/crecimiento & desarrollo , Especies Introducidas , México , Pinus/crecimiento & desarrollo
Environ Entomol ; 39(2): 320-7, 2010 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20388259


Peucetia viridans (Hentz) lives almost exclusively on Croton ciliatoglandulifer (Ortega) in the dry forests of western Mexico. This spider is usually found on pubescent shrubs. Within their host plants, P. viridans has been associated with plant height and cover, as well as with number of flowers or inflorescences in anthesis. Flowers can be used as cues of good habitat conditions or because they attract prey detected by the spider. In this study, we assessed the importance of flowers, plant cover, and plant exposure (sun/shade) on the spider distribution in five 50-plant transects. In a field experiment, we also compared the number of spiders between controls, plants from which inflorescences were removed, and plants with artificial inflorescences. The results from the transects indicate that, when the number of flowers per spider is high, spiders were more abundant in exposed locations, which presumably offer better microclimatic conditions; when flowers become scarce, food may be more difficult to find and the spider distribution become strongly associated with the number of flowers, where they are more likely to find prey. Spider abundances on the experimental plot decreased on plants from which flowers were removed in comparison to control plants. Spider abundance increased on those in which artificial inflorescences were added. The similarity between plants with natural and artificial inflorescences suggests that spiders use flowers as cues of good microhabitats instead of prey visitors, which are significantly less abundant on artificial inflorescences.

Croton , Arañas , Animales , Ecosistema , Flores , México
Rev. biol. trop ; 54(2): 657-672, jun. 2006. graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-492036


The bird species distribution along a dry forest-oak woodland vegetation gradient was studied in autumn and spring in two consecutive years. Intra-seasonal comparisons showed that bird species had similar distributions in each of the two years. Inter-seasonal changes were mainly due to compositional differences even though resident species generally used similar habitats in both seasons. Ordination analyses, based on the first year bird species abundances, showed a clearly segregated distribution between forest and woodland birds. Within these two vegetation types, the distribution tended to be more individualistic. Nevertheless further habitats could be identified according to groups of birds having similar distributions. These habitats did not correspond to the plant associations which resulted from a previous classification of the vegetation. Observations of the plant use by the birds during the study period showed that, in most cases, the plant variables associated with ordination analyses are unlikely to be very important for the bird species life cycles.

Se estudió la distribución de especies de aves a lo largo de un gradiente de vegetación bosque seco – bosque de encino en el otoño y primavera de dos años consecutivos. Las comparaciones intra-estacionales mostraron distribuciones similares de las especies de aves en ambos años. Los cambios inter-estacionales se debieron principalmente a diferencias en la composición, aunque las especies residentes normalmente usan hábitats similares en ambas estaciones. Los análisis de ordenación, basados en las abundancias de las aves en el primer año de muestreo, mostraron una distribución claramente segregada entre aves del bosque seco y del bosque de encino. Aunque la distribución de las especies fue más azarosa dentro de cada tipo de vegetación, se pudieron identificar ciertos hábitats en base a grupos de aves con distribuciones similares. Estos hábitats no correspondieron con las asociaciones vegetales identificadas. Las observaciones del uso de las plantas durante el período de estudio sugieren, en la mayoría de los casos, que las variables vegetales asociadas con los ejes de ordenación no serían muy importantes para el ciclo de vida de las especies de aves. Sin embargo, se requiere investigación adicional para comprender su verdadera función.

Animales , Aves/fisiología , Biodiversidad , Conducta Animal/fisiología , Ecosistema , Quercus , Árboles , Aves/clasificación , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Densidad de Población , Especificidad de la Especie , Estaciones del Año , Modelos Lineales , México
Rev Biol Trop ; 54(2): 657-72, 2006 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18494332


The bird species distribution along a dry forest-oak woodland vegetation gradient was studied in autumn and spring in two consecutive years. Intra-seasonal comparisons showed that bird species had similar distributions in each of the two years. Inter-seasonal changes were mainly due to compositional differences even though resident species generally used similar habitats in both seasons. Ordination analyses, based on the first year bird species abundances, showed a clearly segregated distribution between forest and woodland birds. Within these two vegetation types, the distribution tended to be more individualistic. Nevertheless further habitats could be identified according to groups of birds having similar distributions. These habitats did not correspond to the plant associations which resulted from a previous classification of the vegetation. Observations of the plant use by the birds during the study period showed that, in most cases, the plant variables associated with ordination analyses are unlikely to be very important for the bird species life cycles.

Conducta Animal/fisiología , Biodiversidad , Aves/fisiología , Ecosistema , Quercus , Árboles , Animales , Aves/clasificación , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Modelos Lineales , México , Densidad de Población , Estaciones del Año , Especificidad de la Especie
Perinatol. reprod. hum ; 9(4): 191-9, oct.-dic. 1995. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-180655


Antecedentes. La anovulación o esterilidad por factor endócrino ovárico representa del 20 al 30 por ciento de todas las parejas estériles y aunque en la actualidad existen diversos fármacos capaces de inducir ovulación , siguen siendo el citrato de clomifeno y las gonadotropinas menopáusicas humanas los medicamentos de primera línea para el tratamiento de la esterilidad por factor anovulatorio, como hace 30 años que se inició su uso. Objetivo. En el presente trabajo se analiza el marco teórico para la selección de las pacientes candidatas a uno u otro medicamento, así como los esquemas terapéuticos utilizados, efectos secundarios y resultados tanto de ovulación como de embarazos. Método. Se compararon los resultados promedio de la literatura, con la experiencia institucional de los autores. Resultados. Con el citrato de clomifeno en casos bien seleccionados se obtiene ovulación en aproximadamente 80 por ciento de los casos y embarazo en el 40-50 por ciento; en el INPer se obtuvo en un análisis de 200 casos ovulación en el 72 por ciento y embarazo en el 58 por ciento. Con las gonadotropinas menopáusicas humanas los resultados son mas variables encontrando un promedio en la literatura de ovulación del 70 al 90 por ciento y de embarazo del 25 al 55 por ciento. En el INPer de 128 ciclos de tratamiento se obtuvo ovulación el 75.7 por ciento y embarazo en el 36 por ciento de un grupo de 100 mujeres anovulatorias tratadas

Humanos , Femenino , Anovulación/tratamiento farmacológico , Moco del Cuello Uterino , Clomifeno/administración & dosificación , Clomifeno/farmacología , Infertilidad Femenina/inducido químicamente , Inducción de la Ovulación
Perinatol. reprod. hum ; 9(4): 200-7, oct.-dic. 1995. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-180656


Objetivo. Evaluar la efectividad del tratamiento de la endometriosis con análogos de GnRH. Material y método. Se estudió a 100 mujeres divididas aleatoriamente en dos grupos: uno tratado con danazol (testigo) y uno con GnRH (experimental). Todas las mujeres contaban con un estudio laparoscópico y al término del tratamiento fueron sometidas a una segunda intervención. Resultados: La remisión de los síntomas y las lesiones endometriósicas fueron similares en ambos grupos, al igual que la tasa de embarazos, con la ventaja de que los efectos secundarios fueron menores en el grupo experimental. Conclusión. Los análogos de GnRH son una buena alternativa en las mujeres con intolerancia al danazol

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Danazol/administración & dosificación , Endometriosis/clasificación , Endometriosis/terapia , Hormona Liberadora de Gonadotropina/agonistas , Infertilidad Femenina/etiología , Leuprolida/administración & dosificación , Leuprolida/uso terapéutico
Perinatol. reprod. hum ; 9(4): 216-20, oct.-dic. 1995. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-180658


Objetivo. Señalar la presencia de adenomiosis significativa en mujeres nuligestas. Material y método. Se revisaron los archivos del departamento de Patología del INPer entre 1987 y 1994, analizando todas las histerectomías ginecológicas y sus diagnósticos anatomopatológicos. Se estudian los casos de adenomiosis encontrados, seleccionando aquellos con repercusiones clínico-patológicas relevantes. Resultados. Aunque la adenomiosis se relaciona a eventos obstétricos múltiples, se encontraron cinco casos de mujeres nulíparas estériles en la que la severidad de su alteración obligó a efectuarles histerectomía. Se enfatiza la necesidad de establecer diagnóstico de adenomiosis, recurriendo a procedimientos auxiliares. Se plantea en las pacientes que deseen embarazarse, la utilidad del uso de agonistas GnRH como modalidad terapéutica útil

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Endometriosis/epidemiología , Endometriosis/cirugía , Histerectomía , Infertilidad Femenina , Paridad