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PLoS One ; 19(6): e0295098, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38837957


Artificial light at night (ALAN) is negatively impacting numerous species of nocturnally active birds. Nocturnal positive phototaxis, the movement towards ALAN, is exhibited by many marine birds and can result in stranding on land. Seabird species facing major population declines may be most at risk. Leach's Storm-Petrels (Hydrobates leucorhous) are small, threatened seabirds with an extensive breeding range in the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans. The Atlantic population, which represents approximately 40-48% of the global population, is declining sharply. Nocturnal positive phototaxis is considered to be a key contributing factor. The Leach's Storm-Petrel is the seabird species most often found stranded around ALAN in the North Atlantic, though there is little experimental evidence that reduction of ALAN decreases the occurrence of stranded storm-petrels. During a two-year study at a large, brightly illuminated seafood processing plant adjacent to the Leach's Storm-Petrel's largest colony, we compared the number of birds that stranded when the lights at the plant were on versus significantly reduced. We recorded survival, counted carcasses of adults and juveniles, and released any rescued individuals. Daily morning surveys revealed that reducing ALAN decreased strandings by 57.11% (95% CI: 39.29% - 83.01%) per night and night surveys revealed that reducing ALAN decreased stranding of adult birds by 11.94% (95% CI: 3.47% - 41.13%) per night. The peak stranding period occurred from 25 September to 28 October, and 94.9% of the birds found during this period were fledglings. These results provide evidence to support the implementation of widespread reduction and modification of coastal artificial light as a conservation strategy, especially during avian fledging and migration periods.

Aves , Iluminación , Animales , Aves/fisiología , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Fototaxis , Luz , Migración Animal/fisiología , Océano Atlántico
Biol Lett ; 19(12): 20230290, 2023 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38053366


Many seabirds are attracted to anthropogenic light, and the risk is greater for recent fledglings. Moon phase predicts the probability of stranding (fewer birds strand on the full moon), but it remains uncertain whether moon phase is associated with when young seabirds fledge. Fledging behaviour of nocturnal, burrowing seabirds can be difficult to monitor using traditional methods but can provide insight into environmental factors that influence the risk of stranding. We used passive integrated transponder tags to monitor the fledging dates and times of Leach's storm-petrel (Hydrobates leucorhous) chicks across four breeding seasons (2017, 2018, 2021, 2022) at a major colony in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. We also assessed whether moon phase and incident illumination related to fledging date and time. The median fledge time was 1.6 h after sunset (0.6-11.7 h). The median fledge date was 10 October, and fledging dates ranged from 13 September to 13 November. Most importantly, moon phase was not associated with the time and date that Leach's storm-petrel chicks fledged. These results suggest that recently fledged storm-petrels are less attracted to anthropogenic light during high levels of natural illumination, which could indicate periods of higher stranding risk and help concentrate conservation efforts.

Aves , Luna , Animales
Conserv Biol ; 37(2): e14021, 2023 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36285603


Consistent individual differences in behavior, commonly termed animal personality, are a widespread phenomenon across taxa that have important consequences for fitness, natural selection, and trophic interactions. Animal personality research may prove useful in several conservation contexts, but which contexts remains to be determined. We conducted a structured literature review of 654 studies identified by combining search terms for animal personality and various conservation subfields. We scored the relevance of personality and conservation issues for each study to identify which studies meaningfully integrated the 2 fields as opposed to surface-level connections or vague allusions. We found a taxonomic bias toward mammals (29% of all studies). Very few amphibian or reptile studies applied personality research to conservation issues (6% each). Climate change (21%), invasive species (15%), and captive breeding and reintroduction (13%) were the most abundant conservation subfields that occurred in our search, though a substantial proportion of these papers weakly integrated conservation and animal personality (climate change 54%, invasive species 51%, captive breeding and reintroduction 40%). Based on our results, we recommend that researchers strive for consistent and broadly applicable terminology when describing consistent behavioral differences to minimize confusion and improve the searchability of research. We identify several gaps in the literature that appear to be promising and fruitful avenues for future research, such as disease transmission as a function of sociability or exploration as a driver of space use in protected areas. Practitioners can begin informing future conservation efforts with knowledge gained from animal personality research.

Investigación bibliométrica sobre la integración de la personalidad animal a los contextos de conservación Resumen Las diferencias individuales y constantes en el comportamiento, comúnmente llamadas personalidad animal, son un fenómeno generalizado en los taxones con consecuencias importantes para la aptitud, selección natural e interacciones tróficas. Las investigaciones sobre la personalidad animal pueden ser útiles en varios contextos de conservación, aunque falta determinar cuáles son estos contextos. Realizamos una revisión literaria estructurada de 654 estudios identificados mediante la combinación de los términos de búsqueda para la personalidad animal y varios subcampos de la conservación. Puntuamos la relevancia de la personalidad y los temas de conservación en cada estudio para identificar cuáles de estos integraron significativamente a ambos campos, contrario a las conexiones a nivel superficial o alusiones vagas. Descubrimos un sesgo taxonómico por los mamíferos (29% de todos los estudios). Pocos estudios enfocados en anfibios o reptiles aplicaron un estudio de personalidad a los temas de conservación (6% para cada uno). El cambio climático (21%), las especies invasoras (15%) y la reproducción en cautiverio y las reintroducciones (13%) fueron los subcampos de conservación más abundantes que aparecieron en nuestra búsqueda, aunque una proporción significativa de estos artículos integraron muy poco a la conservación y la personalidad animal (cambio climático 54%, especies invasoras 51%, reproducción en cautiverio y reintroducciones 40%). Con base en nuestros resultados, recomendamos que los investigadores procuren tener terminologías consistentes y de aplicación generalizada cuando describan las diferencias conductuales para así minimizar las confusiones y facilitar la búsqueda durante la investigación. Identificamos varios vacíos en la literatura que prometen ser vías fructíferas para las investigaciones en el futuro, como la transmisión de enfermedades como una función sociable o la exploración como un impulsor del uso del espacio en las áreas protegidas. Los practicantes pueden comenzar por guiar los siguientes esfuerzos de conservación con el conocimiento obtenido de las investigaciones sobre la personalidad animal.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Personalidad , Animales , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos , Anfibios , Especies Introducidas , Cambio Climático , Mamíferos