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Am J Med Genet A ; : e63836, 2024 Aug 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39149840


Holoprosencephaly (HPE) results from a lack of cleavage of the prosencephalon. It has a complex etiology, resulting from chromosome abnormalities or single gene variants in the Sonic hedgehog signaling pathway. A single variant, p.Arg535Cys in CNOT1, has been described in HPE in association with pancreatic agenesis and neonatal diabetes. Here, we report on a case of HPE and p.Arg535Cys in CNOT1 without pancreatic agenesis where the patient presented with diabetes mellitus in adolescence. This case reinforces the role of CNOT1 in pancreatic development. We suggest that individuals with p.Arg535Cys in CNOT1 with no pancreas abnormalities observed at birth should be screened for diabetes during follow-up.

Cleft Palate Craniofac J ; : 10556656241264710, 2024 Jul 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39051575


OBJECTIVE: To describe the findings of children with Robin Sequence (RS) who received sensory-motor-oral stimulation combined with early sucking during mandibular distraction osteogenesis (MDO), compared with children who did not receive the intervention. DESIGN: A quasi-experimental study. Setting: A tertiary public hospital. Patients: Children with RS referred to MDO. A historical group from the same population but managed according to the institution's standard protocol (no sucking) served as a control group. Interventions: Sensory-motor-oral stimulation, including sucking, starting 24 h after MDO (intervention group). Main Outcome Measure: Our hypothesis is that sensory-motor-oral stimulation, including sucking during the DOM process, do not negatively affect surgical outcomes. RESULTS: Twenty-nine children were included. Eight (72.7%) of the 11 patients in the intervention group and 13 (72.2%) of the 18 controls had MDO complications, with no significant difference between the groups (p = 1.000). The most common surgical outcome was antibiotic therapy for surgical site infection (76.2%). Six months after MDO, 22 (75.9%) children attained full oral feeding or associated with alternative feeding methods. CONCLUSION: The intervention group did not have higher complication rates, from a surgical point of view, than control group. The protocol adopted by some centers that contraindicates sucking during MDO should be revised to consider the benefits of such stimulation. Keywords: Pierre Robin Syndrome, deglutition, therapeutics, child development.

Cleft Palate Craniofac J ; 60(10): 1189-1198, 2023 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35532040


OBJECTIVE: Describe the first hybrid global simulation-based comprehensive cleft care workshop, evaluate impact on participants, and compare experiences based on in-person versus virtual attendance. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey-based evaluation. SETTING: International comprehensive cleft care workshop. PARTICIPANTS: Total of 489 participants. INTERVENTIONS: Three-day simulation-based hybrid comprehensive cleft care workshop. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Participant demographic data, perceived barriers and interventions needed for global comprehensive cleft care delivery, participant workshop satisfaction, and perceived short-term impact on practice stratified by in-person versus virtual attendance. RESULTS: The workshop included 489 participants from 5 continents. The response rate was 39.9%. Participants perceived financial factors (30.3%) the most significant barrier and improvement in training (39.8%) as the most important intervention to overcome barriers facing cleft care delivery in low to middle-income countries. All participants reported a high level of satisfaction with the workshop and a strong positive perceived short-term impact on their practice. Importantly, while this was true for both in-person and virtual attendees, in-person attendees reported a significantly higher satisfaction with the workshop (28.63 ± 3.08 vs 27.63 ± 3.93; P = .04) and perceived impact on their clinical practice (22.37 ± 3.42 vs 21.02 ± 3.45 P = .01). CONCLUSION: Hybrid simulation-based educational comprehensive cleft care workshops are overall well received by participants and have a positive perceived impact on their clinical practices. In-person attendance is associated with significantly higher satisfaction and perceived impact on practice. Considering that financial and health constraints may limit live meeting attendance, future efforts will focus on making in-person and virtual attendance more comparable.

Labio Leporino , Fisura del Paladar , Humanos , Fisura del Paladar/terapia , Labio Leporino/terapia , Estudios Transversales , Cabeza , Satisfacción Personal
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 37(1): 115-120, jan.mar.2022. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368275


Introdução: O neurinoma plexiforme gigante é um neuroectoderma e uma doença hereditária. É um tumor cutâneo incomum associado à NF1, caracterizado como um tumor benigno da bainha do nervo periférico envolvendo múltiplos fascículos nervosos. Os objetivos da reconstrução da cobertura do antebraço são proteger as estruturas que vão até o punho e a mão e evitar cicatrizes que levem à perda de movimento. Tanto o antebraço quanto a mão desempenham papéis funcionais e sociais. O manejo bem-sucedido de feridas complexas é necessário para a reabilitação funcional geral desses pacientes. Relato do Caso: Paciente do sexo feminino, 31 anos, apresentou-se na divisão de cirurgia plástica com neurofibroma plexiforme gigante no antebraço direito. Após ressecção cuidadosa, todos os tendões anteriores do antebraço foram expostos. O defeito foi coberto com Pelnac T enxertável (espessura de 3mm e tamanho 12 X 24cm2), fixados com pontos monocryl 4-0. Após 10 dias, a matriz dérmica acelular foi removida e um enxerto de malha de pele de espessura parcial foi colocado. No dia 7, a matriz dérmica acelular apresentou bons sinais de ingestão. No dia 17, observamos uma sobrevida do enxerto de 95%. No seguimento de 3 meses, a reconstrução estava estável, sem defeitos de contorno, a mão apresentava amplitude de movimento completa e o paciente não apresentava problemas nas atividades diárias. Conclusões: A matriz dérmica acelular parece ser uma opção útil na cobertura de defeitos complexos no antebraço, permitindo menor morbidade e rápida recuperação funcional.

Introduction: Giant plexiform neurinoma is a neuroectoderm and inherited disease. It is an uncommon skin tumor associated with NF1, characterized as a benign peripheral nerve sheath tumor surrounding multiple nervous fascicles. The goals of forearm coverage reconstruction are to protect the structures running to the wrist and hand and prevent scarring that leads to movement loss. Both forearm and hand play functional and social roles. Successful management of complex wounds is necessary for the overall functional rehabilitation of these patients. Case Report: A 31-year-old woman presented at the plastic surgery division with a giant plexiform neurofibroma in the right forearm. After careful resection, all anterior forearm tendons were exposed. The defect was covered with graftable Pelnac T (thickness of 3mm and sizing 12 X 24cm2), fixed with 4-0 monocryl sutures. After 10 days, the acellular dermal matrix silicone layer was removed, and a split-thickness skin meshed graft was placed. On day 7, the acellular dermal matrix showed good signs of intake. On day 17, we observed a 95% graft survival. At the 3-month follow-up, reconstruction was stable without contouring defects, the hand had full range of motion, and the patient had no problems in daily activities. Conclusions: Acellular dermal matrix appears to be a useful option in covering complex defects in the forearm, allowing for less morbidity and rapid functional recovery.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 36(4): 475-479, out.-dez. 2021. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365578


■ RESUMO Os defeitos na região palpebral são causados principalmente por excisões cirúrgicas de neoplasias cutâneas. Os objetivos da reconstrução palpebral estão fundamentados na restauração da funcionalidade desta unidade anatômica para manter a proteção ocular e a recuperação de uma aparência normal devido à importância crítica da região periocular na estética facial. O reparo dos defeitos palpebrais começa com uma cuidadosa avaliação dos componentes anatômicos que têm sido ressecados e precisam ser reconstruídos; a extensão e a localização do defeito guiarão a reconstrução. Grandes defeitos comprometendo a totalidade da espessura palpebral são um desafio para os cirurgiões plásticos. Milhares de técnicas cirúrgicas têm sido descritas para a reconstrução de defeitos palpebrais de espessura total; apresentamos neste artigo a descrição de um caso de reconstrução dinâmica da pálpebra com associação de um retalho frontal com transposição do músculo temporal após ressecção de um carcinoma basocelular infiltrativo recidivado.

■ ABSTRACT Surgical excisions of skin neoplasms mainly cause defects in the eyelid region. The objectives of eyelid reconstruction are based on the restoration of this anatomical unit's functionality to maintain eye protection and recovery from a normal appearance due to the critical importance of the periocular region in facial aesthetics. Repair of eyelid defects begins with a careful evaluation of the anatomical components that have been resected and need to be reconstructed; the extent and location of the defect will guide the reconstruction. Large defects compromising the entire body thickness are a challenge for plastic surgeons. Thousands of surgical techniques have been described for the reconstruction of total thickness eyelid defects; we present in this article the description of a case of dynamic eyelid reconstruction with an association of a frontal flap with temporal muscle transposition after resection of a recurrent infiltrative basal cell carcinoma.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 36(2): 203-209, abr.jun.2021. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368046


Introdução: O enxerto de gordura nano melhora a qualidade da pele nos danos secundários ao envelhecimento e nas sequelas cicatriciais. Apresentamos resultados iniciais do enxerto de gordura nano com o uso de um dispositivo descartável de baixo custo propondo uma padronização da sua utilização conforme a área a ser tratada. Métodos: Foi realizada uma coorte prospectiva de julho de 2019 a março de 2020. O critério de inclusão foi pacientes que realizaram enxerto de gordura nano para tratamento da pele. Já o critério de exclusão foi a realização prévia de algum tratamento invasivo da pele. Foram analisadas 20 pacientes consecutivas que preencheram os pré-requisitos. Os resultados foram avaliados no 6º mês de pós-operatório. As pacientes responderam um questionário, classificando de 1 - muito ruim a 10 - excelente, as alterações na qualidade da pele. Resultados: As vinte pacientes acompanhadas não apresentaram nenhuma complicação pós-operatória. O edema após aplicação reduziu entre três e sete dias. Não houve hematoma nem infecção. As pacientes que realizaram somente enxerto de gordura nano, sem outra cirurgia associada, conseguiram voltar às suas atividades após 24 horas. Os escores relatados pelas pacientes com 6 meses foram entre 7 e 10, com média de 8. Conclusão: A utilização do sistema Smartneedle™ para a enxertia de gordura nano apresenta resultados na satisfação das pacientes semelhante aos outros métodos de aplicação e permite uma distribuição uniforme e padronizada do enxerto conforme a região anatômica, além de otimizar o tempo cirúrgico.

Introduction: Nanofat graft improves skin quality in damage secondary to aging and scar sequelae. We present the initial results of the nanofat graft using a low-cost disposable device, proposing a standardization of its use according to the area to be treated. Methods: A prospective cohort was conducted from July 2019 to March 2020. The inclusion criterion was patients who underwent nanofat grafting for skin treatment. The exclusion criterion was the previous performance of some invasive treatment of the skin. Twenty consecutive patients who met the prerequisites were analyzed. The results were evaluated in the 6th postoperative month. The patients answered a questionnaire, classifying from 1 - very bad to 10 - excellent, changes in skin quality. Results: The twenty patients followed did not present any postoperative complications. Edema after the application was reduced between three and seven days. There was no hematoma or infection. Patients who underwent only nanofat grafting without another associated surgery could return to their activities after 24 hours. The scores reported by patients at 6 months were between 7 and 10, with a mean of 8. Conclusion: The use of the Smartneedle™ system for nanofat grafting presents patient satisfaction similar to other application methods and allows a uniform and standardized distribution of the graft according to the anatomical region and optimizing surgical time

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 36(2): 210-216, abr.jun.2021. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368051


Introdução: A abdominoplastia é um procedimento com índice considerável de complicações, ainda que, em sua maioria, de bom prognóstico. Algumas complicações, entretanto, podem ser catastróficas, como a necrose extensa de pele e as complicações infecciosas graves. Dentre as causas incomuns de perda extensa de pele no pós-operatório, podemos citar o pioderma gangrenoso (PG), doença de curso crônico, recidivante, com comportamento imprevisível e de etiologia ainda desconhecida. No âmbito da cirurgia plástica, essa doença pode mimetizar clinicamente complicações pós-operatórias isquêmicas ou infecciosas, cujos tratamentos diferem por completo do tratamento do PG. Relato de Caso: Paciente feminina, 41 anos, previamente hígida, foi submetida à abdominoplastia associada à lipoaspiração e mamoplastia de aumento com colocação de próteses mamárias. Evoluiu com edema, calor hiperemia e dor em incisão de abdominoplastia, além de comprometimento clínico sistêmico. Submetida a desbridamentos cirúrgicos e tratamento sistêmico, com piora progressiva das lesões. Diante do insucesso dos tratamentos propostos, aventada a hipótese diagnóstica de pioderma gangrenoso. Conclusão: O PG, apesar de raro, deve ser aventado como diagnóstico diferencial em casos de complicações pós-operatórias com perda e necrose de pele que não respondem às medidas iniciais de tratamento, além de quadros aparentemente infecciosos que não respondem às terapias antibióticas adotadas.

Introduction: Abdominoplasty is a procedure with a considerable rate of complications, even though, for the most part, it has a good prognosis. Some complications, however, can be catastrophic, such as extensive skin necrosis and serious infectious complications. Among the unusual causes of extensive skin loss in the postoperative period, we can mention gangrenous pyoderma (PG), a chronic, recurrent disease with unpredictable behavior and an unknown etiology. In the field of plastic surgery, this disease can clinically mimic ischemic or infectious postoperative complications, whose treatments differ completely from the treatment of PG. Case Report: A 41-year-old female patient, previously healthy, underwent abdominoplasty associated with liposuction and breast augmentation with the placement of breast implants. The patient evolved with edema, hyperemia and pain in an abdominoplasty incision, in addition to systemic clinical involvement. She was submitted to surgical debridement and systemic treatment, with progressive worsening of the lesions. In view of the failure of the proposed treatments, the diagnostic hypothesis of gangrenous pyoderma was raised. Conclusion: PG, although rare, should be considered as a differential diagnosis in cases of postoperative complications with skin loss and necrosis that do not respond to initial treatment measures, in addition to apparently infectious conditions that do not respond to adopted antibiotic therapies.

J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg ; 74(9): 2290-2295, 2021 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33583759


BACKGROUND: One of the most feared complications of rhytidectomy is the formation of hematoma and seroma, which may harm patients' health and compromise the surgical outcome. OBJECTIVE: To compare the efficacy of autologous fibrin glue/platelet-poor plasma versus suction drainage in preventing surgical complications such as hematoma and seroma following rhytidectomy procedures. METHODS: A prospective, randomized, double-blind, controlled study was conducted to compare the efficacy of the two interventions. Seventy-two patients were selected and divided into two groups of 36 (autologous fibrin glue versus suction drainage). Forty-eight hours after the procedures, all patients underwent ultrasound examination, always by the same radiologist, to measure the volume of exudate under the facial skin flaps. RESULTS: The mean total volume of exudate was 3.21 mL in the suction drainage group and 1.02 mL in the fibrin glue group, with effect size of 68.1% and confidence interval of 55.3 to 77.2 (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Results significantly favor the use of fibrin glue and show that it was 68.1% more effective than suction drainage in preventing hematoma or seroma in rhytidectomy procedures.

Drenaje/métodos , Adhesivo de Tejido de Fibrina/uso terapéutico , Hematoma/prevención & control , Plasma , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/prevención & control , Ritidoplastia/métodos , Seroma/prevención & control , Adulto , Anciano , Método Doble Ciego , Femenino , Humanos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Estudios Prospectivos , Succión
Acta Cir Bras ; 35(12): e351201, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33503214


PURPOSE: This study assessed the regeneration potential of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) from adipose tissue associated with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in bone regeneration. METHODS: Thirty Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus albinos) were divided into five groups (according to the grafting material and time to euthanasia): (1) autograft - 14 days (control), (2) autograft - 28 days (control), (3) MSC + PRP - 14 days, (4) MSC + PRP + papaverine - 14 days and (5) MSC + PRP + papaverine - 28 days. After euthanasia, the graft was removed and histological slides were prepared. They were assessed by a blinded pathologist using a previously published histological scale as parameter. RESULTS: There was some degree of neoformed bone trabeculae (NBT) in 93.3% of the samples, as well as osteoblastic activity (OA). The autograft groups (14 and 28 days) had higher levels in the formation of bone trabeculae. Nonparametric data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test and proved not to be statistically significant at p < 0.05. CONCLUSIONS: Experimental parietal bone reconstruction, combining MSC, PRP and papaverine presented regeneration in all groups with no significant difference among them.

Células Madre Mesenquimatosas , Plasma Rico en Plaquetas , Animales , Regeneración Ósea , Hueso Parietal/cirugía , Ratas , Ratas Wistar
Aesthetic Plast Surg ; 45(2): 521-527, 2021 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33123781


BACKGROUND: Up to 25% of otoplasties can lead to complications, indicating the need for technical refinement. Stenström's anterior auricular cartilage scoring is used in combination with Mustardé's technique to treat the antihelix deformity in several series, with good results. Both can be performed with different instruments such as rasps or puncture needles. OBJECTIVES: This study aims to compare the use of puncture needles and rasps for anterior cartilage scoring in otoplasty. The association of Stenström and Mustardé were the basic technique. Anatomical and aesthetic endpoints were assessed. We also reviewed postoperative complications. METHODS: Forty-two patients with prominent ears and no previous surgery were randomly assigned needle or rasps technique. They were operated on by the first-year plastic surgery resident in the years of 2014 and 2019. The patients were followed up and reviewed at days 2 and 15, as well as 1, 3 and 6 months postoperatively. The endpoints were evaluated through pre- and postoperative photographs by four experienced plastic surgeons unaware of the techniques used in each case. Patient satisfaction was searched by a "yes" or "no" question. Surgical time and postoperative edema were evaluated in 20 patients (2014 group). RESULTS: There were no statistical differences between the groups in terms of overall results, symmetry, antihelix shape or cartilage fracture. Ninety-five percent of the patients were satisfied with the outcome. The needle technique resulted in less postoperative edema and shorter surgical time. CONCLUSION: Anterior cartilage scoring used in combination with posterior mattress sutures to treat poorly formed antihelical fold has good and similar results when performed with rasps or puncture needles, even in unexperienced hands. The needle has the advantage of leading to a comparable surgical time and less postoperative edema, while not requiring any special surgical instrument. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE IV: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these evidence-based medicine ratings, please refer to the table of contents or the online instructions to authors .

Pabellón Auricular , Procedimientos de Cirugía Plástica , Pabellón Auricular/cirugía , Cartílago Auricular/cirugía , Oído Externo/cirugía , Humanos , Agujas , Punciones , Resultado del Tratamiento
Aesthetic Plast Surg ; 45(1): 27-34, 2021 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32959128


INTRODUCTION: Breast implants follow-up with any type of examination is often neglected; this may cause an error or delay in the diagnosis of complications prosthesis-related such as BIA-ALCL. This study aims to better understand adequate follow-up criteria. METHOD: All female patients undergoing aesthetic breast augmentation and breast MRI in its follow-up conducted from April 2006 to December 2019 were included in this study. The variables analyzed were age, breast implant surgery date, time with the implant, reason for the examination, and the final examination report. A logistic regression analysis was conducted to search for the predictors of positive findings in MRI. A Cox Regression analysis and cumulative risk curves, controlled by age, was performed to investigate the relationship between time with implants and the risk of positive findings in MRI. RESULTS: The patients submitted to MRI had complaints in 29.6% of cases, with pain being the most common, 13.9% of cases. In logistic regression analysis, time with the implant was associated with a higher risk of positive findings in univariate analysis (OR = 1.07, p = 0.036), but not in multivariate analysis. Both pain and breast form changes were independent predictors for positive findings in MRI, OR = 2.79, p = 0.04, and OR = 16.98, p < 0.001, respectively. The cumulative risk of positive findings in MRI increased considerably only after 10 years of implantation. CONCLUSIONS: Time with breast implants may be associated with a higher risk of changes in breast MRI examinations, although this relationship was not significant in multivariate logistic regression analysis. The cumulative risk for positive findings seems to increase considerably only after 10 years of implantation. This study draws attention to the paramount importance of follow-up with a clinical breast examination. Despite time with implants or patients' age, both pain and breast form changes were the most important predictors for MRI alterations. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE IV: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors .

Implantación de Mama , Implantes de Mama , Linfoma Anaplásico de Células Grandes , Mamoplastia , Implantación de Mama/efectos adversos , Implantes de Mama/efectos adversos , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Estudios de Seguimiento , Humanos , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética , Resultado del Tratamiento
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 35(4): 479-482, out.dez.2020. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1367943


Introdução: A prevalência de malformações da orelha chega a 5% quando considerada toda a população mundial. Primariamente descrita em 1975 a orelha constricta representa um grupo de deformidades envolvendo o terço superior da cartilagem auricular com características em comum. O impacto estético e o estigma social dessas deformidades podem levar a danos psicológicos ao paciente quando não corrigidos. Métodos: Descrevemos a seguir a técnica utilizada no serviço de cirurgia plástica do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Resultados: O resultado pode ser evidenciado com 30 dias de pós-operatório. Conclusão: O método descrito, de reacomodação da cartilagem, é uma opção para o tratamento dessa deformidade com adequado resultado estético.

Introduction: The prevalence of ear malformations reaches 5% when considering the entire world population. Primarily presented in 1975, the constricted ear represents a group of deformities of the upper third of the auricular cartilage with common features. The aesthetic impact and social stigma of these deformities can cause psychological harm to the patient when not corrected. Methods: We describe below the technique used in the plastic surgery department of the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Results: Result can be evidenced with 30 days postoperatively. Conclusion: The described method, cartilage resettlement, is an option for treatment of this deformity with adequate aesthetic result.

Cleft Palate Craniofac J ; 57(10): 1238-1246, 2020 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32729337


OBJECTIVE: Evaluate simulation-based comprehensive cleft care workshops as a reproducible model for education with sustained impact. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey-based evaluation. SETTING: Simulation-based comprehensive cleft care workshop. PARTICIPANTS: Total of 180 participants. INTERVENTIONS: Three-day simulation-based comprehensive cleft care workshop. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Number of workshop participants stratified by specialty, satisfaction with the workshop, satisfaction with simulation-based workshops as educational tools, impact on cleft surgery procedural confidence, short-term impact on clinical practice, medium-term impact on clinical practice. RESULTS: The workshop included 180 participants from 5 continents. The response rate was 54.5%, with participants reporting high satisfaction with all aspects of the workshop and with simulation-based workshops as educational tools. Participants reported a significant improvement in cleft lip (33.3 ± 5.7 vs 25.7 ± 7.6; P < .001) and palate (32.4 ± 7.1 vs 23.7 ± 6.6; P < .001) surgery procedural confidence following the simulation sessions. Participants also reported a positive short-term and medium-term impact on their clinical practices. CONCLUSION: Simulation-based comprehensive cleft care workshops are well received by participants, lead to improved cleft surgery procedural confidence, and have a sustained positive impact on participants' clinical practices. Future efforts should focus on evaluating and quantifying this perceived positive impact, as well reproducing these efforts in other areas of need.

Labio Leporino , Fisura del Paladar , Labio Leporino/cirugía , Fisura del Paladar/cirugía , Simulación por Computador , Estudios Transversales , Humanos
Acta cir. bras ; 35(12): e351201, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1152685


Abstract Purpose: This study assessed the regeneration potential of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) from adipose tissue associated with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in bone regeneration. Methods: Thirty Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus albinos) were divided into five groups (according to the grafting material and time to euthanasia): (1) autograft - 14 days (control), (2) autograft - 28 days (control), (3) MSC + PRP - 14 days, (4) MSC + PRP + papaverine - 14 days and (5) MSC + PRP + papaverine - 28 days. After euthanasia, the graft was removed and histological slides were prepared. They were assessed by a blinded pathologist using a previously published histological scale as parameter. Results: There was some degree of neoformed bone trabeculae (NBT) in 93.3% of the samples, as well as osteoblastic activity (OA). The autograft groups (14 and 28 days) had higher levels in the formation of bone trabeculae. Nonparametric data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test and proved not to be statistically significant at p < 0.05. Conclusions: Experimental parietal bone reconstruction, combining MSC, PRP and papaverine presented regeneration in all groups with no significant difference among them.

Animales , Ratas , Plasma Rico en Plaquetas , Células Madre Mesenquimatosas , Hueso Parietal/cirugía , Regeneración Ósea , Ratas Wistar
Acta Cir Bras ; 34(6): e201900605, 2019 Aug 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31432996


PURPOSE: To evaluate the use of adipose-derived stem cells (ADSC) in reducing the necrosis area in an experimental model of cutaneous ischemic flap in rats submitted to subcutaneous nicotine injection to simulate a smoker patient. METHODS: In an experimental study, 30 rats were enrolled and divided into two experimental groups of 15 animals all submitted to a subcutaneous nicotine injection to create ischemic cutaneous flaps on their backs. Other 10 animals were used only to obtain adipose tissue derived stem cells (ADSC). The first group (n=15) received ADSC treatment at the end of surgery while the other group, the control (n=15), received no other interventions. After euthanasia, a decal was performed on the whole area of the flap, accurately defining the transition from necrosis to healthy region. Photos of all animals were collected and evaluated by scales standardized by Paint-Autocad- 2015 software to define the area of flap necrosis in each rat. Student T test was performed to compare the groups, considering a p< 0.05 significant. Data were analyzed using SPSS IBM® 18 version. RESULTS: Through the analysis of the images by the program Paint-Autocad-2015 and the area of decal obtained by the transparent sheet, we obtained a mean of 46% necrosis of the total area of the flap in the treatment group and 69.4% in the control group. In the descriptive analysis, a mean of 3.7 cm of necrosis CI 95% (3.2 - 4.2) was evident in the treatment group whereas a mean value of 5.56 CI 95% (5.2 - 5.9) was found in control group, with p value <0.001 for this comparison. CONCLUSION: The application of adipose-derived stem cells reduces the percentage of necrosis in an experimental model of randomized cutaneous flap in rats submitted to subcutaneous nicotine injection.

Adipocitos/trasplante , Tejido Adiposo/trasplante , Cicatriz/terapia , Necrosis/prevención & control , Nicotina/efectos adversos , Animales , Modelos Animales de Enfermedad , Supervivencia de Injerto , Masculino , Necrosis/inducido químicamente , Nicotina/administración & dosificación , Ratas
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 34(1): 15-22, jan.-mar. 2019. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-994537


Introdução: Abdominoplastia é um dos procedimentos cirúrgicos estéticos mais realizados. Seroma é a complicação local mais comum associada com abdominoplastia, com uma incidência média de 10%. A maior incidência de seroma pós-operatório (PO) ocorre no décimo primeiro dia PO. Ecografia abdominal é o método de escolha para o diagnóstico de seroma após abdominoplastia. Novas técnicas surgiram ao longo dos anos na tentativa de trazer melhores resultados estéticos com menos complicações, como lipoabdominoplastia descrita por Saldanha. Porém, estudos anatômicos recentes questionam a necessidade da manutenção da fáscia de Scarpa descrita na técnica de lipoabdominoplastia, descrevendo que em torno de 90% do sistema linfático abdominal está no plano subdérmico e 10% em um sistema linfático profundo justa-aponeurose abdominal. O objetivo é comparar a incidência de seroma na lipoabdominoplastia sem preservação da fáscia de Scarpa com a abdominoplastia clássica. Métodos: Coorte prospectiva, cega na qual serão analisados 40 pacientes consecutivos que realizaram abdominoplastia sem lipoaspiração associada (n = 20) ou lipoabdominoplastia (n = 20) no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre entre abril de 2016 e maio de 2017. Todos foram submetidos à ecografia de parede abdominal no 10o dia PO. Resultados: A incidência de seroma foi de 5% (n = 1) no grupo de abdominoplastia clássica e de 10% (n = 2) no grupo de lipoabdominoplastia, sem diferença estatística. Conclusão: Estes resultados, neste grupo de pacientes, mostram que não houve diferença estatística entre os dois grupos.

Introduction: Abdominoplasty is among the most commonly performed surgical procedures. Seroma is the most common local complication associated with abdominoplasty, with an average incidence of 10%. The highest incidence of postoperative (PO) seroma occurs on the eleventh postoperative day (POD). Abdominal ultrasound is the method of choice for diagnosing seroma after abdominoplasty. New techniques have emerged aiming to improve aesthetic results with fewer complications, such as lipoabdominoplasty described by Saldanha. However, recent anatomical studies have questioned the need for Scarpa fascia preservation recommended in the lipoabdominoplasty technique, describing that around 90% of the abdominal lymphatic system is in the subdermal plane, while the other 10% is in a deep lymphatic system near the abdominal aponeurosis. The objective is to compare the incidence of seroma in lipoabdominoplasty without Scarpa fascia preservation to that in classic abdominoplasty. Methods: Prospective blinded cohort in which 40 consecutive patients who underwent abdominoplasty without associated liposuction (n = 20) or lipoabdominoplasty (n = 20) at the Hospital de Clínicas of Porto Alegre between April 2016 and May 2017 were analyzed. All patients underwent abdominal wall ultrasonography on the tenth POD. Results: The incidence of seroma was 5% (n = 1) in the classic abdominoplasty group and 10% (n = 2) in the lipoabdominoplasty group, with no statistical difference. Conclusion: These results showed no statistically significant intergroup difference in seroma development.

Humanos , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Lipectomía/efectos adversos , Lipectomía/métodos , Ultrasonografía/efectos adversos , Ultrasonografía/métodos , Seroma/cirugía , Seroma/complicaciones , Abdominoplastia/efectos adversos , Abdominoplastia/métodos , Contorneado Corporal/efectos adversos , Contorneado Corporal/métodos , Lipodistrofia/complicaciones , Lipodistrofia/metabolismo
J Craniomaxillofac Surg ; 47(5): 715-719, 2019 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30803855


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the quality of life in patients with moderate or large cranial bone defects before and after late cranioplasty. METHODS: Authors performed a prospective clinical trial including all consecutive patients that filled inclusion criteria during a period of 1 year. All patients answered the quality of life SF-36 questionnaire in 5 different times. Besides authors gathered information about the primary trauma and demographic characteristics. RESULTS: A total of 70 consecutive patients were admitted to the hospital during the study period, and 62 were included in the project. Cranioplasty statistically improved patients' quality of life in all 8 domains after a 24 months follow-up. CONCLUSION: Cranioplasty has a significant impact over the quality of life in brain trauma victims who survived the primary trauma and harbor a large cranial bone defect.

Calidad de Vida , Humanos , Pacientes , Estudios Prospectivos , Procedimientos de Cirugía Plástica , Estudios Retrospectivos , Cráneo
Acta cir. bras ; 34(6): e201900605, 2019. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019262


Abstract Purpose To evaluate the use of adipose-derived stem cells (ADSC) in reducing the necrosis area in an experimental model of cutaneous ischemic flap in rats submitted to subcutaneous nicotine injection to simulate a smoker patient. Methods In an experimental study, 30 rats were enrolled and divided into two experimental groups of 15 animals all submitted to a subcutaneous nicotine injection to create ischemic cutaneous flaps on their backs. Other 10 animals were used only to obtain adipose tissue derived stem cells (ADSC). The first group (n=15) received ADSC treatment at the end of surgery while the other group, the control (n=15), received no other interventions. After euthanasia, a decal was performed on the whole area of the flap, accurately defining the transition from necrosis to healthy region. Photos of all animals were collected and evaluated by scales standardized by Paint-Autocad- 2015 software to define the area of flap necrosis in each rat. Student T test was performed to compare the groups, considering a p< 0.05 significant. Data were analyzed using SPSS IBM® 18 version. Results Through the analysis of the images by the program Paint-Autocad-2015 and the area of decal obtained by the transparent sheet, we obtained a mean of 46% necrosis of the total area of the flap in the treatment group and 69.4% in the control group. In the descriptive analysis, a mean of 3.7 cm of necrosis CI 95% (3.2 - 4.2) was evident in the treatment group whereas a mean value of 5.56 CI 95% (5.2 - 5.9) was found in control group, with p value <0.001 for this comparison. Conclusion The application of adipose-derived stem cells reduces the percentage of necrosis in an experimental model of randomized cutaneous flap in rats submitted to subcutaneous nicotine injection.

Animales , Masculino , Ratas , Tejido Adiposo/trasplante , Cicatriz/terapia , Adipocitos/trasplante , Necrosis/prevención & control , Nicotina/efectos adversos , Modelos Animales de Enfermedad , Supervivencia de Injerto , Necrosis/inducido químicamente , Nicotina/administración & dosificación