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Phys Rev Lett ; 117(26): 263001, 2016 Dec 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28059541


We experimentally study 2p photoionization of neon dimers (Ne_{2}) at a photon energy of hν=36.56 eV. By postselection of ionization events which lead to a dissociation into Ne^{+}+Ne we obtain the photoelectron angular emission distribution in the molecular frame. This distribution is symmetric with respect to the direction of the charged vs neutral fragment. It shows an inverted Cohen-Fano double slit interference pattern of two spherical waves emitted coherently but with opposite phases from the two atoms of the dimer.

J Chem Phys ; 134(13): 134301, 2011 Apr 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21476749


A general equation for the three-dimensional angular distribution of photoelectrons ejected from fixed-in-space molecules of any symmetry by light of arbitrary polarization is derived. The state of the light polarization is described by the Stokes parameters. The equation is also valid for photoionization of polarized atoms and aligned or oriented rotating molecules. In the particular case of linear molecules the three-dimensional angular distribution of photoelectrons is fully characterized by five two-dimensional angular distributions. Simple ways to determine experimentally these two-dimensional functions are mentioned. The application of general equations is illustrated by a numerical example of photoionization of the C K-shell of CO molecule in the region of the σ∗ shape resonance.

Science ; 320(5878): 920-3, 2008 May 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18487190


Although valence electrons are clearly delocalized in molecular bonding frameworks, chemists and physicists have long debated the question of whether the core vacancy created in a homonuclear diatomic molecule by absorption of a single x-ray photon is localized on one atom or delocalized over both. We have been able to clarify this question with an experiment that uses Auger electron angular emission patterns from molecular nitrogen after inner-shell ionization as an ultrafast probe of hole localization. The experiment, along with the accompanying theory, shows that observation of symmetry breaking (localization) or preservation (delocalization) depends on how the quantum entangled Bell state created by Auger decay is detected by the measurement.

Science ; 318(5852): 949-52, 2007 Nov 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17991857


The wave nature of particles is rarely observed, in part because of their very short de Broglie wavelengths in most situations. However, even with wavelengths close to the size of their surroundings, the particles couple to their environment (for example, by gravity, Coulomb interaction, or thermal radiation). These couplings shift the wave phases, often in an uncontrolled way, and the resulting decoherence, or loss of phase integrity, is thought to be a main cause of the transition from quantum to classical behavior. How much interaction is needed to induce this transition? Here we show that a photoelectron and two protons form a minimum particle/slit system and that a single additional electron constitutes a minimum environment. Interference fringes observed in the angular distribution of a single electron are lost through its Coulomb interaction with a second electron, though the correlated momenta of the entangled electron pair continue to exhibit quantum interference.

Phys Rev Lett ; 93(8): 083002, 2004 Aug 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15447180


Diffraction of a low energy (<4 eV) carbon-K-photoelectron wave that is created inside a CO molecule by absorption of a circularly polarized photon is investigated. The measurements resolve the vibrational states of the K-shell ionized CO+ molecule and display the photoelectron diffraction patterns in the molecular frame. These show significant variation for the different vibrational states. This effect is stronger than predicted by state-of-the-art theory. As this study is performed close to C-K-threshold and, therefore, far below the molecule's sigma-shape resonance, this surprisingly strong effect is not related to that resonance phenomenon.

Phys Rev Lett ; 91(16): 163001, 2003 Oct 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14611399


Angular distributions of C 1s photoelectrons from fixed-in-space CO molecules have been measured with vibrational resolution. A strong dependence of the angular distributions on the vibrational states of the residual molecular ion has been found for the first time in the region of the shape resonance. Calculations in the relaxed core Hartree-Fock approximation have reproduced the angular distributions fairly well in the general shapes of the angular distributions due to the correct description of nuclear motion as an average of the internuclear-distance-dependent dipole amplitudes.

Phys Rev Lett ; 88(6): 063003, 2002 Feb 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11863804


Angular distributions of photoelectrons from a 2sigma(g) shell of fixed-in-space N2 molecules have been measured for left- and right-elliptically polarized and for linearly polarized light at several photon energies in the region of sigma(*) shape resonance. That allowed the determination of a set of dipole matrix elements and phase shift differences characterizing the process. These data clearly show the enhancement of the fsigma(u) partial cross section in the resonance simultaneously with an abrupt increase of the corresponding phase shift by pi, which is the first experimental demonstration of the nature of the sigma(*) shape resonance in homonuclear diatomic molecules.

Phys Rev Lett ; 88(7): 073002, 2002 Feb 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11863892


We have measured the angular distributions of 1s photoelectrons excited by circularly and linearly polarized light from fixed-in-space CO and N2 molecules, in the vicinity of their shape resonances. A strong circular dichroism, i.e., a strong dependence on the sense of rotation of the polarization vector of the photons, is found for both molecules. State-of-the-art one-electron multiple scattering and partially correlated random phase approximation calculations are in good agreement with many, but not all, aspects of the experimental data.