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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38913526


With the increasing use of black-box Machine Learning (ML) techniques in critical applications, there is a growing demand for methods that can provide transparency and accountability for model predictions. As a result, a large number of local explainability methods for black-box models have been developed and popularized. However, machine learning explanations are still hard to evaluate and compare due to the high dimensionality, heterogeneous representations, varying scales, and stochastic nature of some of these methods. Topological Data Analysis (TDA) can be an effective method in this domain since it can be used to transform attributions into uniform graph representations, providing a common ground for comparison across different explanation methods. We present a novel topology-driven visual analytics tool, Mountaineer, that allows ML practitioners to interactively analyze and compare these representations by linking the topological graphs back to the original data distribution, model predictions, and feature attributions. Mountaineer facilitates rapid and iterative exploration of ML explanations, enabling experts to gain deeper insights into the explanation techniques, understand the underlying data distributions, and thus reach well-founded conclusions about model behavior. Furthermore, we demonstrate the utility of Mountaineer through two case studies using real-world data. In the first, we show how Mountaineer enabled us to compare black-box ML explanations and discern regions of and causes of disagreements between different explanations. In the second, we demonstrate how the tool can be used to compare and understand ML models themselves. Finally, we conducted interviews with three industry experts to help us evaluate our work.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 30(1): 131-141, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37922178


Visual data stories can effectively convey insights from data, yet their creation often necessitates intricate data exploration, insight discovery, narrative organization, and customization to meet the communication objectives of the storyteller. Existing automated data storytelling techniques, however, tend to overlook the importance of user customization during the data story authoring process, limiting the system's ability to create tailored narratives that reflect the user's intentions. We present a novel data story generation workflow that leverages adaptive machine-guided elicitation of user feedback to customize the story. Our approach employs an adaptive plug-in module for existing story generation systems, which incorporates user feedback through interactive questioning based on the conversation history and dataset. This adaptability refines the system's understanding of the user's intentions, ensuring the final narrative aligns with their goals. We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach through the implementation of an interactive prototype: Socrates. Through a quantitative user study with 18 participants that compares our method to a state-of-the-art data story generation algorithm, we show that Socrates produces more relevant stories with a larger overlap of insights compared to human-generated stories. We also demonstrate the usability of Socrates via interviews with three data analysts and highlight areas of future work.

IEEE Comput Graph Appl ; 42(6): 24-36, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37015716


Understanding the interpretation of machine learning (ML) models has been of paramount importance when making decisions with societal impacts, such as transport control, financial activities, and medical diagnosis. While local explanation techniques are popular methods to interpret ML models on a single instance, they do not scale to the understanding of a model's behavior on the whole dataset. In this article, we outline the challenges and needs of visually analyzing local explanations and propose SUBPLEX, a visual analytics approach to help users understand local explanations with subpopulation visual analysis. SUBPLEX provides steerable clustering and projection visualization techniques that allow users to derive interpretable subpopulations of local explanations with users' expertise. We evaluate our approach through two use cases and experts' feedback.

Aprendizaje Automático , Análisis por Conglomerados
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31449022


The brachial plexus is a complex network of peripheral nerves that enables sensing from and control of the movements of the arms and hand. Nowadays, the coordination between the muscles to generate simple movements is still not well understood, hindering the knowledge of how to best treat patients with this type of peripheral nerve injury. To acquire enough information for medical data analysis, physicians conduct motion analysis assessments with patients to produce a rich dataset of electromyographic signals from multiple muscles recorded with joint movements during real-world tasks. However, tools for the analysis and visualization of the data in a succinct and interpretable manner are currently not available. Without the ability to integrate, compare, and compute multiple data sources in one platform, physicians can only compute simple statistical values to describe patient's behavior vaguely, which limits the possibility to answer clinical questions and generate hypotheses for research. To address this challenge, we have developed MOTION BROWSER, an interactive visual analytics system which provides an efficient framework to extract and compare muscle activity patterns from the patient's limbs and coordinated views to help users analyze muscle signals, motion data, and video information to address different tasks. The system was developed as a result of a collaborative endeavor between computer scientists and orthopedic surgery and rehabilitation physicians. We present case studies showing physicians can utilize the information displayed to understand how individuals coordinate their muscles to initiate appropriate treatment and generate new hypotheses for future research.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30130217


Bipartite graphs model the key relations in many large scale real-world data: customers purchasing items, legislators voting for bills, people's affiliation with different social groups, faults occurring in vehicles, etc. However, it is challenging to visualize large scale bipartite graphs with tens of thousands or even more nodes or edges. In this paper, we propose a novel visual summarization technique for bipartite graphs based on the minimum description length (MDL) principle. The method simultaneously groups the two different set of nodes and constructs aggregated bipartite relations with balanced granularity and precision. It addresses the key trade-off that often occurs for visualizing large scale and noisy data: acquiring a clear and uncluttered overview while maximizing the information content in it. We formulate the visual summarization task as a co-clustering problem and propose an efficient algorithm based on locality sensitive hashing (LSH) that can easily scale to large graphs under reasonable interactive time constraints that previous related methods cannot satisfy. The method leads to the opportunity of introducing a visual analytics framework with multiple levels-of-detail to facilitate interactive data exploration. In the framework, we also introduce a compact visual design inspired by adjacency list representation of graphs as the building block for a small multiples display to compare the bipartite relations for different subsets of data. We showcase the applicability and effectiveness of our approach by applying it on synthetic data with ground truth and performing case studies on real-world datasets from two application domains including roll-call vote record analysis and vehicle fault pattern analysis. Interviews with experts in the political science community and the automotive industry further highlight the benefits of our approach.