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Opt Express ; 31(10): 15316-15325, 2023 May 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37157635


We report on the development of all-fiber stand-alone iodine-filled photonic microcells demonstrating record absorption contrast at room temperature. The microcell's fiber is made of inhibited coupling guiding hollow-core photonic crystal fibers. The fiber-core loading with iodine was undertaken at 10-1-10-2mbar vapor pressure using what, to the best of our knowledge, is a novel gas-manifold based on metallic vacuum parts with ceramic coated inner surfaces for corrosion resistance. The fiber is then sealed on the tips and mounted on FC/APC connectors for better integration with standard fiber components. The stand-alone microcells display Doppler lines with contrasts up to 73% in the 633 nm wavelength range, and an off-resonance insertion loss between 3 to 4 dB. Sub-Doppler spectroscopy based on saturable absorption has been carried out to resolve the hyperfine structure of the P(33)6-3 lines at room temperature with a full-width at half maximum of 24 MHz on the b4 component with the help of lock-in amplification. Also, we demonstrate distinguishable hyperfine components on the R(39)6-3 line at room temperature without any recourse to signal-to-noise ratio amplification techniques.

Opt Lett ; 46(3): 456-459, 2021 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33528383


We report on the development of an acetylene-filled photonic microcell based on an assembly process that is contaminant free and requires no helium buffer gas nor gluing procedure. The microcell consists of a 7-m-long and 30 µm core-diameter inhibited-coupling guiding hollow-core photonic crystal fiber filled with acetylene gas at a pressure in the range of 80 µbar, sealed by capping its ends with fusion-collapsing a glass-tube sleeve, and mounted on FC connectors for integration. The microcell shows a robust single-mode behavior and a total insertion loss of ∼1.5dB. The spectroscopic merit of the formed microcell is tested by generating electromagnetic induced transparency and saturated absorption on R13 and P9 absorption lines, respectively. The sub-Doppler transparencies show a close to transit time limited linewidth of 17±3MHz. The latter was monitored for over 3 months. As a demonstration, the microcell was used to frequency stabilize a laser with fractional frequency instability improvement by a factor 50 at 100 s integration time compared to free running laser operation.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 1376, 2019 Feb 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30718764


Understanding cladding properties is crucial for designing microstructured optical fibers. This is particularly acute for Inhibited-Coupling guiding fibers because of the reliance of their core guidance on the core and cladding mode-field overlap integral. Consequently, careful planning of the fiber cladding parameters allows obtaining fibers with optimized characteristics such as low loss and broad transmission bandwidth. In this manuscript, we report on how one can tailor the modal properties of hollow-core photonic crystal fibers by adequately modifying the fiber cladding. We show that the alteration of the position of the tubular fibers cladding tubes can alter the loss hierarchy of the modes in these fibers, and exhibit salient polarization propriety. In this context, we present two fibers with different cladding structures which favor propagation of higher order core modes - namely LP11 and LP21 modes. Additionally, we provide discussions on mode transformations in these fibers and show that one can obtain uncommon intensity and polarization profiles at the fiber output. This allows the fiber to act as a mode intensity and polarization shaper. We envisage this novel concept can be useful for a variety of applications such as hollow core fiber based atom optics, atom-surface physics, sensing and nonlinear optics.

Opt Lett ; 43(7): 1598-1601, 2018 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29601039


We report on the development of hypocycloid core-contour inhibited-coupling (IC) Kagome hollow-core photonic crystal fibers (HC-PCFs) with record transmission loss and spectral coverage that include the common industrial laser wavelengths. Using the scaling of the confinement loss with the core-contour negative curvature and the silica strut thickness, we fabricated an IC Kagome HC-PCF for Yb and Nd:Yag laser guidance with record loss level of 8.5 dB/km associated with a 225-nm-wide 3-dB bandwidth. A second HC-PCF is fabricated with reduced silica strut thickness while keeping the hypocycloid core contour. It exhibits a fundamental transmission window spanning down to the Ti:Sa spectral range and a loss figure of 30 dB/km at 750 nm. The fibers' modal properties and bending sensitivity show these HC-PCFs to be ideal for ultralow-loss, flexible, and robust laser beam delivery.

Opt Express ; 25(12): 13351-13358, 2017 Jun 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28788872


We investigate the mid-IR laser beam characteristics from an acetylene-filled hollow-core optical fiber gas laser (HOFGLAS) system. The laser exhibits near-diffraction limited beam quality in the 3 µm region with M2 = 1.15 ± 0.02 measured at high pulse energy, and the highest mid-IR pulse energy from a HOFGLAS system of 1.4 µJ is reported. Furthermore, the effects of output saturation with pump pulse energy are reduced through the use of longer fibers with low loss. Finally, the slope efficiency is shown to be nearly independent of gas pressure over a wide range, which is encouraging for further output power increase.