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J Complement Integr Med ; 20(1): 278-283, 2023 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33977680


OBJECTIVES: Gout is an inflammatory response to the Monosodium urate crystals formed secondary to hyperuricaemia. The prevalence of gout has increased in recent years. The current conventional medical management aims at symptomatic management. In Ayurveda, gouty arthritis has similarity to Vata-Pittadhika Vatarakta, owing to its comparable aetiology and clinical features and treatment was planned accordingly. The present study is designed to evaluate the combined effect of Ayurvedic formulations and therapy in reducing the signs and symptoms and uric acid level in Gouty Arthritis. METHODS: The study was a single group pre-post test design. The patients diagnosed on the basis of ACR EULAR Gout classification 2015 criteria. They were given Guduchi Siddha Ksheeravasthi (Therapeutic enema), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) Kashaya (diluted decoction) and Punarnava Guggulu. Assessment of pain was done by Visual Analogue Scale and serum uric acid level was assessed on day 1 and on 31st day. Also, the change in symptoms were analyzed before and after the treatment. This study has been registered in the clinical trial registry-India. RESULTS: The obtained data were evaluated using paired t-test and Wilcoxon signed rank test. A significant improvement (p=0.0001) was observed in VAS scale (98.77%), serum uric acid levels (57.81%), subjective parameters. Moreover, erythrocyte sedimentation rate was observed to be normal level as compared to baseline of the therapy also with an enhancement of hemoglobin (Hb) levels. CONCLUSIONS: Thus, the present study revealed that Ayurvedic therapeutic interventions can play a major role in the management of gouty arthritis.

J Ayurveda Integr Med ; 10(1): 41-44, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30606464


Psoriasis is one among the wide-spreading, chronic, frequently recurring diseases of the skin. Its world prevalence varies between 0.09% and 11.4% in 2013 which reported in 2006 as in between 0.5% and 4.6%. In Ayurveda, the description of Kushta-roga viz. Vata-Kaphaja kushta finds similarity with psoriasis. The common sites of occurrence of psoriasis are scalp, elbow, knee, earlobes and sole which are also considered as the location of Vata and Kapha. The science of Ayurveda has anecdotal accounts of success in the management of psoriasis in the actual clinical practice even though it lacks the evidence-based medical dermatology research data. It observed that the physicians adopt several treatment protocols for the cure of this disease in clinical practice, which was not rigorously evaluating in research settings. This paper/report is one of on the 'Thuvaraka rasayana' is one such component that could improve treatment outcomes in Psoriasis. A pre and post test case report selected of a 36-year-old lady patient who diagnosed as having stable psoriasis vulgaris for last seven years. She was administered with internal and external therapies along with Shodhana therapies (bio-cleansing procedures) and then followed by intake of Thuvaraka rasayana. The total duration of the treatment was 43 days, and the Study subject assessed before treatment, after treatment and on follow-up for improvement using PASI scoring, and histo-pathological study. All the symptoms observed in the beginning were found considerably reduced, and the severity also found mild. On the follow-up, it concluded that the lesions disappeared completely and the skin set back to its normal texture. Even though psoriasis is an autoimmune disease where recurrence rate found more Shodhana therapy and Thuvaraka rasayana have a definite role.

J Ayurveda Integr Med ; 9(2): 126-130, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29269119


The present study is a comparison of the data of spectral analysis of heart rate variability with clinical evaluation of pathological state of doshas. The calculated cardiointervalography values are combined into three integral indexes, which according to the authors' opinion reflect the influence on heart rhythm of vata, pitta and kapha, the regulation systems of the body known as doshas in Ayurveda. Seven gross dosha imbalances were assessed to test the agreement between the two methods in this study. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) spectral data was collected from 42 participants to make the comparison with the clinical assessment of dosha imbalance. Clinical method of dosha assessment and method of calculating integral indexes by cardiointervalography data showed substantial agreement by Kappa coefficient statistic (k = 0.78) in assessment of gross dosha imbalance. The results of the data generated from this pilot study warrant further studies to rigorously validate the algorithms of HRV analysis in understanding dosha imbalance in Ayurvedic clinical practice and research settings.

J Oral Biol Craniofac Res ; 2(3): 210-2, 2012.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25737868


Even though variety of foreign bodies has been reported in a various locations in the craniofacial region, wooden foreign bodies are uncommon. Appropriate management of wooden foreign bodies is considered essential because of their infectious complications and difficulty in radiographic localization. Even though literature is replete with articles on management of foreign bodies in the craniofacial region, specific management of wooden foreign bodies are rarely reported. The purpose of this article is to report two cases of deeply placed wooden foreign body and a protocol for managing them in the maxillofacial region.