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Appl Opt ; 39(13): 2091-100, 2000 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18345112


We present a real-time holographic interferometer for which two reference waves of different phases are created by two-wave mixing with a stationary signal wave in a photorefractive crystal. These waves are reconstructions of the stationary signal wave and interfere with the momentary (changing) signal wave in the manner of a holographic real-time interferometer. A fast change (phase or intensity) of the signal wave leads to different intensity changes in both interferograms that are jointly used for evaluation. With an electric dc field applied to the crystal, a high sensitivity for measuring phase changes (down to lambda/50, lambda = 633 nm) is found, and the sign of the phase change can be determined.

Opt Lett ; 23(18): 1435-7, 1998 Sep 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18091808


We show theoretically and experimentally that switching an applied square-wave field produces strong and short pulses of the outgoing signal during two-wave mixing in sillenite crystals. These pulses originate from the strong effect of the field on the optical eigenmodes and can be used in new optical schemes based on time-separated recording and readout processes.

Appl Opt ; 34(32): 7532-7, 1995 Nov 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21060628


The optically generated joint Fourier transform (JFT) of a test image and a reference image is processed using a new method: the JFT is recorded twice. In the second recording the reference image is phase shifted by π with respect to the first recording. The two JFT's are subtracted and binarized with a threshold of zero. Strong correlation peaks are obtained, and correlations within the test image are suppressed. Some results of optical implementation are presented, using a ferroelectric liquid crystal display with 128 × 128 pixels for data input. The phase shift of the reference was implemented by the contrast-inverted reference input on the binary light-modulating device. Processing of the JFT is done by a CCD camera, a frame grabber, and a personal computer.