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Somatosens Mot Res ; : 1-10, 2023 Mar 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36921090


PURPOSE: Event-related desynchronisation (ERD) and event-related synchronisation (ERS) reflect pain perception and integration of the nociceptive sensory inputs. This may contribute to the understanding of how neurophysiological markers of Knee Osteoarthritis (KOA) patients can differ from control individuals, which would improve aspects such as prediction and prognosis. We performed a cross-sectional analysis of our cohort study (DEFINE cohort), KOA arm, with 71 patients, compared with 65 control participants. The study aimed to examine possible differences between ERD and ERS in control participants compared to Knee Osteoarthritis (KOA) patients when adjusting for important covariates. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We performed independent multivariate regression models considering as dependent variables the power value related to ERD and ERS for four different sensorimotor tasks (Motor Execution, Motor Imagery, Active Observation and Passive Observation) and four sensorimotor oscillations (Alpha, Beta, Low Beta, and High Beta), each model, controlled by age and sex. RESULTS: We demonstrate that the differences between KOA and healthy subjects are frequency specific, as most differences are in the beta bandwidth range. Also, we observed that subjects in the KOA group had significantly higher ERD and ERS. This may be correlated to the amount of lack of brain organisation and a subsequent attempt at compensation induced by KOA. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings strengthen the notion that subjects with KOA have a higher degree of brain plasticity changes that are also likely correlated to the degree of compensation and behavioural dysfunction.

Acta sci., Health sci ; 27(2): 137-143, jul.-dez. 2005. graf, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-485563


O controle de qualidade realizado nas farmácias de manipulação e homeopáticas é de suma importância para assegurar a qualidade microbiológica e físico-química das matérias-primas e produtos acabados, garantindo eficácia, segurança e credibilidade dos medicamentos dispensados à população. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos realizar uma pesquisa sobre o número de farmácias de manipulação e homeopáticas da cidade de Maringá, Estado do Paraná, que estão realizando o controle de qualidade de acordo com o estabelecido pela Vigilância Sanitária na Resolução de Diretoria Colegiada (RDC33); diagnosticar quais os testes mínimos realizados; observar a adequação das técnicas empregadas e quais as maiores dificuldades encontradas pelas farmácias para implantar o controle de qualidade. Com base nas diretrizes da RDC33 foi formulado um questionário, o qual foi utilizado como suporte para a realização da pesquisa direta em 25 farmácias de manipulação e homeopáticas, que aceitaram participar do estudo, de um total de 30 farmácias da cidade de Maringá. A partir das análises realizadas, concluiu-se que a maioria das farmácias de manipulação e homeopáticas da cidade de Maringá está se adequando às exigências estabelecidas pela Anvisa. Porém, encontram dificuldades como recursos financeiros e humanos para realizarem o controle de qualidade mínimo necess??rio para a manutenção da eficácia, estabilidade e segurança dos medicamentos manipulados e matérias-primas utilizadas.

The quality control in compounding and homeopathic pharmacies is of highest importance to assure the microbiological and physical-chemical quality of drugs and compounding preparations, guaranteeing effectiveness, safety and credibility of the released medicines to the population. The objective of the present work was to verify the number of compounding and homeopathic pharmacies of the city of Maringá, Paraná State, which are doing the quality control in agreement with the determinations of the Sanitary Surveillance in RDC33. It was observed which minimum tests, were realized and if they were adequate as well the largest difficulties found by the drugstores to implant the quality control. Using as guideline the RDC33 a questionnaire was formulated, which was used as support for the accomplishment of the direct research in 25 compounding and homeopathic pharmacies from a total of 30 drugstores of the city of Maringá. Based analyses of the results it was concluded that most of the compounding and homeopathic pharmacies of the city of Maringá are trying to adaptate to the established demands of ANVISA. However they have difficulties such as financial and human resources to do the minimum quality control necessary for the maintenance of the effectiveness, stability and safety of the manipulated medicines and raw materials used.

Buenas Prácticas de Manipulación , Farmacias Homeopáticas , Farmacopeas Homeopáticas como Asunto , Control de Calidad