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Animals (Basel) ; 13(4)2023 Feb 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36830474


Annual monitoring of leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) nesting grounds in Grenada, West Indies has identified relatively low hatch rates compared to worldwide trends. This study investigated the impact of selected environmental variables on leatherback sea turtle embryonic development and hatching success rates on Levera Beach in Grenada between 2015-2019. The mean number of nests per year and eggs per nest were 667.6 ± 361.6 and 80.7 ± 23.0 sd, respectively. Within excavated nests, 35.6% ± 22.0 sd of eggs successfully developed embryos and 30.6% ± 22.6 sd of eggs successfully hatched. The number of eggs per nest, along with embryo and hatching success rates, differed by nesting year. Embryo development success rate was associated with nest location, and both embryo development and hatching success rates were positively associated with nest depth and negatively associated with the percentage of eggs exhibiting microbial growth and with the presence of inspissated yolk. There was no embryo development or hatchling success association with month of the nesting season, distance from the high-water mark, distance from vegetation, nor maternal carapace length. The mean nest temperature was 31.7 °C ± 1.64 sd and mean temperatures during the middle third of egg incubation suggest clutches are highly skewed towards a preponderance of female hatchlings. Histopathologic findings in hatchling mortalities included severe, acute, multifocal, heterophilic bronchopneumonia with intralesional bacteria in 4/50 (8%) hatchlings. Data from this study guide conservation strategies by identifying risk factors and further avenues of research needed to support reproductive success of leatherback sea turtles in Grenada and the greater Caribbean region.