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Sports Health ; : 19417381241263342, 2024 Aug 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39101546


BACKGROUND: Women's artistic gymnastics (WAG) is a complex aesthetic sport in which athletes start at a young age and are exposed to high loads during their careers. Little is known about the external and internal training load characteristics among elite young gymnasts. HYPOTHESIS: High training loads, with variations over the weeks, are expected. There is a relationship between external and internal load variables. STUDY DESIGN: Cohort study. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level 3. METHODS: Seven elite-level Brazilian youth artistic gymnasts (age, 11.3 ± 0.4 years; mass, 33.0 ± 7.0 kg; height, 137.7 ± 10.6 cm; experience, 4.0 ± 1.2 years) participated in this study. Five nonconsecutive microcycles were monitored. Both external and internal training loads were quantified by counting the number of elements in video recordings of training sessions and by the session rating of perceived exertion method. RESULTS: A total of 168 individual training sessions were monitored. The microcycle that succeeded the main competition showed a significantly lower training load than ≥3 of the other 4 microcycles for all training load variables, except for vault elements, of which microcycle 4 was inferior only to the microcycle before the competition. Significant correlations were found between weekly internal training load and the total of elements and elements performed on uneven bars. CONCLUSION: Youth women's artistic gymnasts present fluctuations in external and internal training load variables over the weeks close to a major competition. Training load management in this sport must consider the specificity of each apparatus, as they have different demands and training load behaviors. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A better comprehension of external and internal training loads in youth WAG and its apparatuses can benefit coaches and support staff and provide more information to overcome the challenge of training load management in gymnastics.

Rev. bras. educ. fís. esp ; 24(3): 305-314, jul.-set. 2010. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-604580


Na ginástica artística é comum observarmos ginastas em tenra idade treinando, competindo e obtendo resultados expressivos no âmbito internacional. Assim, frequentemente, a modalidade recebe críticas severas sobre as suas práticas e a necessidade dos ginastas iniciarem o treinamento tão jovens. Mas, no Brasil, ainda há poucos dados sobre a realidade da iniciação e da especialização esportiva na ginástica artística. O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar, entre os técnicos da modalidade, sobre a idade que eles consideram a ideal para o início da prática e a especialização e os respectivos argumentos. Foram entrevistados 46 técnicos do Brasil que trabalham em todas as categorias de formação que visam ao alto nível. Utilizamos a técnica de análise de conteúdo proposta por BARDIN (2001) para o tratamento de dados. Os dados revelam que a prática e a especialização iniciam em tenra idade em ambos os gêneros. Os técnicos do setor masculino e do feminino citam que a especialização precoce ocorre devido à própria natureza da modalidade, à idade de participação em eventos oficiais e ao tempo de preparação necessário para que os ginastas apresentem condições para competir. No setor masculino, em particular, a necessidade dos ginastas de ingressar no mercado de trabalho pressiona os técnicos a obterem resultados antes que eles comecem a abandonar o esporte.

In Artistic Gymnastics we usually observe very young gymnasts committed to training and competition, and getting outstanding results in the international context. Therefore, this discipline has BEEn frequently targeted for the doubtfulness of its practices and the actual need to start systematic training at earlier ages. However, in Brazil, we could not find any data regarding initiation and specialization in Artistic Gymnastics so far. The purpose of this study was to investigate and to analyse the point of view of coaches regarding the ideal age to initiate and specialize in Artistic Gymnastics and their concerns. We interviewed 46 Brazilian coaches, who are coaching developing young competitive gymnasts at all levels of skills. The content analysis technique proposed by BARDIN (2001) was used for data treatment. The results showed that both boys and girls start to practice at early age. The women and men gymnasts' coaches revealed that the early specialization occurs due to the inherent nature of the Artistic Gymnastics, the age of participation in the official competition, and the required time to develop a gymnast until his/her readiness to compete. Particularly, regarding the male gymnasts, some of them need to start working, and coaches feel pressured to pursuit results before the period when dropout begins.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Aptitud , Gimnasia/educación , Gimnasia/psicología , Educación y Entrenamiento Físico
Motriz rev. educ. fís. (Impr.) ; 16(1): 95-102, jan.-mar. 2010. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-551538


O presente estudo é um recorte do projeto original intitulado “Diagnóstico do Processo de Formação Esportiva da Ginástica Artística no Brasil”. Entre os diversos temas abordados no projeto original, analisamos e discutimos os objetivos dos técnicos que orientam as categorias de base e que formam ginastas potenciais para compor as seleções nacionais. Entrevistamos 46 técnicos do setor masculino e do feminino de 29 instituições esportivas do Brasil. Para o tratamento dos dados optamos pela análise de conteúdo proposta por Bardin (2004). Constatamos que os objetivos de muitos técnicos estão estritamente associados às competições e ao alto nível, e os depoimentos dos mesmos revelam o foco das instituições sobre os resultados em todas as categorias competitivas.

The present study is a piece of the main project entitled “Diagnosis of the Artistic Gymnastics Developing Program in Brazil”. Among many issues included in the main study, we analyzed and discussed the coach’s objectives who are coaching incoming gymnasts who are potential to be representative at the national teams. We interviewed 46 coaches from 29 sports institutions in Brazil. As data collection we used a semi-structured interview, and as data treatment we used the content analysis proposed by Bardin (2004). We could evidence that many coaches’ objectives is focused on the competition and the highest level, and that the institutions` emphasis on the results in all levels of categories.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Objetivos , Gimnasia , Deportes
Motriz rev. educ. fís. (Impr.) ; 15(3): 503-514, jul.-set. 2009. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-535197


O presente estudo é um recorte do projeto original intitulado “Diagnóstico do Processo de Formação Esportiva da Ginástica Artística no Brasil”. O objetivo principal foi investigar, em campo, a realidade de quem faz e vive o cotidiano da Ginástica Artística nas categorias de base e que desenvolvem ginastas potenciais para comporem as seleções nacionais. Entre os demais temas de discussão, tratamos sobre o desenvolvimento dos ginastas. Entrevistamos 46 técnicos de 29 instituições esportivas no Brasil. Os procedimentos metodológicos envolveram a entrevista semi-estruturada e a análise de conteúdo proposta por Bardin (2004). Constatamos que os técnicos têm atenção para os diversos aspectos dodesenvolvimento das crianças e dos jovens. Da mesma forma, estes procuraram conciliar as demandas doesporte competitivo e as características e necessidades dos ginastas.

The current study is a piece from the original project entitled “Diagnosis of the Developing Program of Artistic Gymnastics in Brazil”. Among other issues discussed in this main project, our objective was to investigate the development of the gymnast who are entering the intensive training and are potential to be representative to national teams. We interviewed 46 coaches from 29 sports institutions in Brazil. Regarding methodology, we used a semi-structured interview and for data treatment we adopted the content analysis proposed by Bardin (2004). We could evidence that coaches have concern regarding many aspects of the children development, and have been trying to equate sports` demands with gymnasts` characteristics and needs.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Ejercicio Físico , Gimnasia , Brasil