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Plants (Basel) ; 13(5)2024 Feb 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38475423


The impact of Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) subsp. pauca on the environment and economy of Southern Italy has been devastating. To restore the landscape and support the local economy, introducing new crops is crucial for restoring destroyed olive groves, and the almond tree (Prunus dulcis Mill. D. A. Webb) could be a promising candidate. This work focused on the resistance of the cultivar "Filippo Ceo" to Xf and evaluated its physiological and molecular responses to individual stresses (drought or pathogen stress) and combined stress factors under field conditions over three seasons. Filippo Ceo showed a low pathogen concentration (≈103 CFU mL-1) and a lack of almond leaf scorch symptoms. Physiologically, an excellent plant water status was observed (RWC 82-89%) regardless of the stress conditions, which was associated with an increased proline content compared to that of the control plants, particularly in response to Xf stress (≈8-fold). The plant's response did not lead to a gene modulation that was specific to different stress factors but seemed more indistinct: upregulation of the LEA and DHN gene transcripts by Xf was observed, while the PR transcript was upregulated by drought stress. In addition, the genes encoding the transcription factors (TFs) were differentially induced by stress conditions. Filippo Ceo could be an excellent cultivar for coexistence with Xf subps. pauca, confirming its resistance to both water stress and the pathogen, although this similar health status was achieved differently due to transcriptional reprogramming that results in the modulation of genes directly or indirectly involved in defence strategies.

Pathogens ; 12(6)2023 Jun 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37375515


The maintenance of an intact water column in the xylem lumen several meters above the ground is essential for woody plant viability. In fact, abiotic and biotic factors can lead to the formation of emboli in the xylem, interrupting sap flow and causing consequences on the health status of the plant. Anyway, the tendency of plants to develop emboli depends on the intrinsic features of the xylem, while the cyto-histological structure of the xylem plays a role in resistance to vascular pathogens, as in the case of the pathogenic bacterium Xylella fastidiosa. Analysis of the scientific literature suggests that on grapevine and olive, some xylem features can determine plant tolerance to vascular pathogens. However, the same trend was not reported in citrus, indicating that X. fastidiosa interactions with host plants differ by species. Unfortunately, studies in this area are still limited, with few explaining inter-cultivar insights. Thus, in a global context seriously threatened by X. fastidiosa, a deeper understanding of the relationship between the physical and mechanical characteristics of the xylem and resistance to stresses can be useful for selecting cultivars that may be more resistant to environmental changes, such as drought and vascular pathogens, as a way to preserve agricultural productions and ecosystems.