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Insects ; 10(8)2019 Aug 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31390759


The recognition of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) involved in insect interactions with plants or other organisms is essential for constructing a holistic comprehension of their role in ecology, from which the implementation of new strategies for pest and disease vector control as well as the systematic exploitation of pollinators and natural enemies can be developed. In the present paper, some of the general methods employed in this field are examined, focusing on their available technologies. An important part of the investigations conducted in this context begin with VOC collection directly from host organisms, using classical extraction methods, by the employment of adsorption materials used in solid-phase micro extraction (SPME) and direct-contact sorptive extraction (DCSE) and, subsequently, analysis through instrumental analysis techniques such as gas chromatography (GC), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometry (MS), which provide crucial information for determining the chemical identity of volatile metabolites. Behavioral experiments, electroantennography (EAG), and biosensors are then carried out to define the semiochemicals with the best potential for performing relevant functions in ecological relationships. Chemical synthesis of biologically-active VOCs is alternatively performed to scale up the amount to be used in different purposes such as laboratory or field evaluations. Finally, the application of statistical analysis provides tools for drawing conclusions about the type of correlations existing between the diverse experimental variables and data matrices, thus generating models that simplify the interpretation of the biological roles of VOCs.

Acta biol. colomb ; 19(2): 175-184, mayo-ago. 2014. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-715198


El cogollero del tomate, Tuta absoluta, es considerado plaga principal del cultivo de tomate. Su control se realiza con químicos, aunque existen otros tipos de control como el biológico y etológico. En Colombia no existe ningún precedente que involucre la acción combinada de estrategias de control etológico incluyendo feromona sexual y biológico con Apanteles gelechiidivoris para el control de la plaga en cultivos de tomate. En este trabajo, se evaluaron cuatro tratamientos bajo condiciones de invernadero que incluyen control biológico con A. gelechiidivoris, etológico con trampas de feromona sexual, acción combinada de ambos controles y convencional (químico), con el objetivo de desarrollar una estrategia de control de T. absoluta a través de la acción combinada de control etológico con feromona sexual y biológico. Se realizó un muestreo sistemático, tomando una planta cada 2 m. En cada planta se tomó una hoja por estrato, semanalmente se registró el número de larvas totales, de tercer instar y parasitadas, y número de adultos capturados por trampa. El máximo parasitismo en la población de larvas susceptibles fue del 86,38 % y de la población de larvas totales 68,75 %. Se encontró que la acción combinada presenta una mayor efectividad y permanencia a través del tiempo para el control de larvas de T. absoluta.

The tomato budworm, Tuta absoluta, is considered main pest of tomato crops. Control of this pest is performed with hemicals, although, there are other strategies such as biological and ethological control. In Colombia there is not precedent that combines both strategies: ethological control with sexual pheromone and biological control with Apanteles gelechiidivoris, for the control of this pest in tomato crops. In this work four different treatments under greenhouse conditions were evaluated including biological control with A. gelechiidivoris, ethological control with sexual pheromone traps, combined action of both controls and traditional control (Chemicals). The experiments aimed to developing a control strategy to reduce populations of T. absoluta. This was done sampling a plant every to 2 meters. From each plant a sample composed by one leaf by stratum was taken and the variables number of total larvae of third instar and parasited and number of captured adults for trap. The maximum parasitism in the population of susceptible larvae was 86.38 % and for total population of larvae was 68.75 %. The combined action of pheromone traps and A. gelechiidivoris presented a greater efficiency and permanence on the control of larvae of T. absoluta.

Acta biol. colomb ; 18(2): 265-270, May-Aug. 2013. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-685938


La mosca blanca de los invernaderos, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, es una de las principales plagas de cultivos de tomate bajo invernadero y es controlada principalmente con insecticidas químicos. Sin embargo, existen estrategias alternativas de control como hongos entomopatógenos (Beauveria bassiana) y enemigos naturales como parasitoides (Encarsia formosa). En el presente estudio se evaluó la compatibilidad de productos comerciales con adultos y pupas de E. formosa bajo condiciones de laboratorio. Se evaluaron ocho tratamientos para pupas y adultos del parasitoide, incluyendo dos concentraciones del hongo entomopatógeno Beauveria bassiana (5 x 10(7) y 5 x 10(9) conidios/ml), dosis comerciales de cuatro productos comúnmente usados para el control de plagas en cultivos de tomate y dos controles. Estos tratamientos fueron aplicados directamente sobre los parasitoides y se registraron a diario mortalidades de pupas y adultos. No se presentaron diferencias significativas entre el control relativo con el producto con ingrediente activo Bacillus thuringiensis (p > 0,05), indicando que este es compatible con pupas del parasitoide bajo condiciones de laboratorio. Finalmente, se encontró que los productos con ingredientes activos de Tiocyclam hidrogenoxalato y B. thuringiensis son incompatibles con adultos de E. formosa bajo condiciones de laboratorio.

The greenhouse white fly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum one of the major pests of tomatoes under greenhouse conditions, but, It s mainly controlled with chemical insecticides. However, there are alternative control strategies as entomopathogens fungi and parasitoids (Encarsia formosa). In this study we evaluated the compatibility of commercial product with adults and pupae of E. formosa under laboratory conditions. Eight treatments were evaluated for adults and pupae of the parasitoid, including two concentrations of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (5 x 10(7) and 5 x 10(9) conidia/ml), commercial doses of four chemical products commonly used to control pests on tomato crops and two controls. These treatments were applied directly on parasitoids, and their mortality rate on adults and pupae were recorded daily. There was no difference in E. formosa pupae among relative with the Bacillus thuringiensis products (p > 0.05), indicating that it s compatible with the parasitoid pupae under laboratory conditions. Finally, it was found that products with active ingredients of Tiocyclam hidrogenoxalato and B. thuringiensis are incompatibles with E. formosa adults under laboratory conditions.

Neotrop Entomol ; 38(5): 653-9, 2009.
Artículo en Portugués | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19943015


A rearing technique was standardized to produce Tetranychus urticae Koch on Phaseolus vulgaris (ICA Cerinza variety) as a prey of the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot. Two assays were conducted to assess the following variables: 1. the most suitable plant age for mite infestation, 2. the best time to harvest the mites and reinfest the plants. In the first experiment, four-, five-, six-, and seven-week-old plants of P. vulgaris were infested with six T. urticae per foliole. The lower plant stratum exhibited the largest number of mites regardless of plant age. However, four-week-old plants had the larger average number of individuals. In the second experiment four-week-old plants were infested with 0.5 female mite/cm(2) of leaf. The number of individuals per instar of T. urticae was recorded weekly. The highest mite production occurred between four and five weeks after infestation, indicating this to be the most suitable for mite harvesting and for plant reinfestation.

Control Biológico de Vectores/métodos , Control Biológico de Vectores/normas , Tetranychidae/crecimiento & desarrollo , Animales , Femenino , Ácaros/fisiología , Phaseolus/parasitología , Factores de Tiempo
Neotrop. entomol ; 38(5): 653-659, Sept.-Oct. 2009. tab, ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-532058


Visando padronizar método de criação de Tetranychus urticae Koch em Phaseolus vulgaris (var. ICA Cerinza) para alimentação do ácaro predador Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot, foram conduzidos experimentos para identificar: a idade mais apropriada da planta para infestação com T. urticae e o momento após infestação inicial em que se deve recomeçar o ciclo de produção. Para o primeiro experimento, foram utilizados feijoeiros de quatro, cinco, seis e sete semanas de idade, infestadas com seis fêmeas de T. urticae por folíolo. Em todas as idades foi encontrado maior número de indivíduos de T. urticae no terço inferior das plantas, constituído principalmente por folhas cotiledonares. No entanto, o maior número de novos indivíduos de cada idade de T. urticae foi obtido em plantas de quatro semanas. No segundo experimento foram infestadas feijoeiros de quatro semanas de idade com 0,5 fêmea/cm² de folha. Semanalmente, foi registrado o número de estágios biológicos presentes de T. urticae. A produção máxima de T. urticae foi obtida entre a quarta e quinta semanas após a infestação, sendo esse o momento ideal para a colheita e recomeço do ciclo de produção.

A rearing technique was standardized to produce Tetranychus urticae Koch on Phaseolus vulgaris (ICA Cerinza variety) as a prey of the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot. Two assays were conducted to assess the following variables: 1. the most suitable plant age for mite infestation, 2. the best time to harvest the mites and reinfest the plants. In the first experiment, four-, five-, six-, and seven-week-old plants of P. vulgaris were infested with six T. urticae per foliole. The lower plant stratum exhibited the largest number of mites regardless of plant age. However, four-week-old plants had the larger average number of individuals. In the second experiment four-week-old plants were infested with 0.5 female mite/cm² of leaf. The number of individuals per instar of T. urticae was recorded weekly. The highest mite production occurred between four and five weeks after infestation, indicating this to be the most suitable for mite harvesting and for plant reinfestation.

Animales , Femenino , Control Biológico de Vectores/métodos , Control Biológico de Vectores/normas , Tetranychidae/crecimiento & desarrollo , Ácaros/fisiología , Phaseolus/parasitología , Factores de Tiempo
Neotrop. entomol ; 32(1): 85-89, Jan.-Mar. 2003. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-513436


Diglyphus begini (Ashm.) é considerado um agente de controle biológico da mosca minadora Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanch.), apresentando dois efeitos no controle da praga: predação e parasitismo. Foi estudado o efeito proporcional desses dois efeitos em casas-de-vegetação comerciais, com cultivos de Gypsophila paniculata L., tipo exportação. O efeito de predação é o primeiro a ser observado em campo, seguido pelo efeito de parasitismo. Ao final do ciclo vegetativo do cultivo, ambos os fatores de mortalidade apresentaram o efeito combinado de 70 por cento de controle da mosca minadora. Após a floração, o controle pode atingir até 90 por cento sem necessidade de inseticidas. Faz-se ênfase que a mortalidade de larvas de L. huidobrensis devida à predação por D. begini tem sido desconsiderada nas amostragens, e por tanto, que a ação do parasitóide é subestimada.

Diglyphus begini (Ashm.), a biological control agent of the leaf miner Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanch.), has a two-fold effect on pest control: host-feeding and parasitism. The proportional effect of the two actions was studied in a commercial greenhouse facility with Gypsophila paniculata L. plants, export quality. Effects of host feeding were observed before the parasitism effects. By the end of the vegetative cycle of the crop, both mortality factors had a combined effect of 70 percent control of the leaf miner. After flowering, this control may reach 90 percent without the need of insecticides. It is emphasized that the predation effect is usually neglected in evaluations of monitoring and that the parasitoid actions is frequently underestimed.