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Int J Numer Methods Eng ; 114(3): 232-254, 2018 Apr 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29937579


In this work, a new strategy for solving multiscale topology optimization problems is presented. An alternate direction algorithm and a precomputed offline microstructure database (Computational Vademecum) are used to efficiently solve the problem. In addition, the influence of considering manufacturable constraints is examined. Then, the strategy is extended to solve the coupled problem of designing both the macroscopic and microscopic topologies. Full details of the algorithms and numerical examples to validate the methodology are provided.

Comput Mech ; 61(6): 639-655, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31007328


The Particle Finite Element Method, a lagrangian finite element method based on a continuous Delaunay re-triangulation of the domain, is used to study machining of Ti6Al4V. In this work the method is revised and applied to study the influence of the cutting speed on the cutting force and the chip formation process. A parametric methodology for the detection and treatment of the rigid tool contact is presented. The adaptive insertion and removal of particles are developed and employed in order to sidestep the difficulties associated with mesh distortion, shear localization as well as for resolving the fine-scale features of the solution. The performance of PFEM is studied with a set of different two-dimensional orthogonal cutting tests. It is shown that, despite its Lagrangian nature, the proposed combined finite element-particle method is well suited for large deformation metal cutting problems with continuous chip and serrated chip formation.

Adv Model Simul Eng Sci ; 3(1): 23, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32355636


The work deals on computational design of structural materials by resorting to computational homogenization and topological optimization techniques. The goal is then to minimize the structural (macro-scale) compliance by appropriately designing the material distribution (microstructure) at a lower scale (micro-scale), which, in turn, rules the mechanical properties of the material. The specific features of the proposed approach are: (1) The cost function to be optimized (structural stiffness) is defined at the macro-scale, whereas the design variables defining the micro-structural topology lie on the low scale. Therefore a coupled, two-scale (macro/micro), optimization problem is solved unlike the classical, single-scale, topological optimization problems. (2) To overcome the exorbitant computational cost stemming from the multiplicative character of the aforementioned multiscale approach, a specific strategy, based on the consultation of a discrete material catalog of micro-scale optimized topologies (Computational Vademecum) is used. The Computational Vademecum is computed in an offline process, which is performed only once for every constitutive-material, and it can be subsequently consulted as many times as desired in the online design process. This results into a large diminution of the resulting computational costs, which make affordable the proposed methodology for multiscale computational material design. Some representative examples assess the performance of the considered approach.