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J Genet Couns ; 2023 Sep 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37665163


Parents use several coping strategies to deal with the challenges of caring for children with disabilities. This qualitative study explored the spiritual/religious coping strategies adopted by Brazilian mothers of children with severe or profound intellectual disabilities who were attending the medical genetics clinic for genetic counseling. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 participants, selected by convenience. Thematic content analysis was used to investigate the data. Five major themes were recognized: (1) spirituality/religion as a source of resilience; (2) surrender to God's plan; (3) a feeling of predestination; (4) children with a disability perceived/conceived as a blessing; and (5) pleading for divine intervention. Participants highlighted the ability to recover and adapt to bad circumstances and stressful events with God's support using spiritual/religious resources and practices. They attributed the cause and control of events in their lives to an external and transcendental source, showing themselves to be resigned to the condition of their child with a disability and his/her demands. The feeling of predestination appeared as a form of divine intervention as well as a way of attributing meaning to the situation. Their child with a disability was compared constantly to an "angel," a celestial being created by God to be a messenger and fulfill divine purposes. From the participants' perspective, these coping mechanisms appeared to have helped them adjust to the situation. Spirituality and religiousness have become crucial in cultures such as Brazil, where religious practices, often highly syncretic, are common. A more detailed and comprehensive understanding of how spiritual/religious coping strategies are mobilized during the genetic counseling process can improve the cultural competence of genetic counselors and help guide proposals for more effective clinical interventions.

Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 28: e53970, 2023. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1514635


RESUMO Objetivou-se investigar estratégias de enfrentamento relatadas por uma amostra de mães brasileiras de filhos com deficiência intelectual grave ou profunda. Os poucos estudos brasileiros sobre este objeto justificaram a exploração qualitativa do tema. Participaram quinze mães recrutadas por conveniência em serviços de saúde de um município do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram feitas entrevistas semiestruturadas individuais e uma análise temática de conteúdo. Os resultados compreendem quinze temas, induzidos diretamente do corpus e alocados em três pré-categorias baseadas em estudos teóricos sobre coping. Houve um predomínio de menções a estratégias de enfrentamento centradas no problema e nas relações interpessoais, mescladas com estratégias centradas na emoção. Nossas entrevistadas não pareceram considerar-se alvos das políticas indutoras da atenção integral às pessoas com deficiência do Sistema Único de Saúde brasileiro, vigentes há cerca de duas décadas, e cuja efetiva implementação poderia ajudar a extrapolar o cuidado baseado preponderantemente na responsabilidade parental, em suas visões. Em suas falas, há demandas de maior efetividade também dos setores de serviço social, educação e transporte. Apontaram necessidades de maior interação e apoio sociocomunitário, expressando expectativas de um progressivo redesenho cultural da ética do cuidado que fomente ações no âmbito extrafamiliar, diminuindo suas sobrecargas. Esses aspectos das falas das entrevistadas podem ser abordados no manejo clínico dos filhos. Um enfrentamento progressivamente mais saudável da condição por que passam traria benefícios diretos também aos indivíduos com deficiência.

RESUMEN El objetivo fue investigar las estrategias de afrontamiento reportadas por una muestra de madres brasileñas de niños con discapacidades intelectuales severas o profundas. Los pocos estudios brasileños sobre este objeto justificaron la exploración cualitativa del tema. Quince madres participaron, reclutadas por conveniencia en los servicios de salud de un municipio del estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas individuales y un análisis de contenido temático. Los resultados comprenden quince temas, inducidos directamente del corpus; fueron asignados en tres categorías previas teóricamente basadas. Las menciones predominantes de estrategias de afrontamiento se referían a aquellos centrados en problemas y relaciones interpersonales, que se mezclaron con estrategias centradas en la emoción. Nuestras entrevistadas no parecían considerarse objetivos de políticas inductoras de una atención integral para las personas con deficiencia en el Sistema Único de Salud de Brasil, en vigor durante aproximadamente dos décadas, y cuya implementación efectiva podría ayudar a extrapolar la atención basada principalmente sobre responsabilidad parental, en sus opiniones. Expresaron demandas de una mayor efectividad de los sectores de servicio social, educación y transporte. Señalaron la necesidad de una mayor interacción social y apoyo sociocomunitario, y parecían expresar las expectativas de un rediseño cultural progresivo de una ética de la atención que fomente acciones en el ámbito extrafamiliar, reduciendo sus sobrecargas. Estos aspectos de las declaraciones de los entrevistados pueden abordarse en el manejo clínico de sus hijos. Un afrontamiento más saludable de la condición que están experimentando también beneficiaría a las personas con discapacidades.

ABSTRACT. The objective was to investigate coping strategies reported by a sample of Brazilian mothers of children with severe or profound intellectual disabilities. The few Brazilian studies on this object justified the present qualitative exploration of the theme. Fifteen mothers participated, recruited by convenience in health services from a municipality in the interior of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Individual semi-structured interviews and a thematic content analysis were carried out. The results comprise fifteen themes, induced directly from the corpus; they were allocated into three pre-categories based on theoretical studies on coping. Predominant mentions of coping strategies concerned those centered on problem and interpersonal relationships, which were mixed with strategies focused on emotion. Our interviewees did not seem to consider themselves targets of policies that induce a comprehensive care for people with disability in the Brazilian Unified Health System, in force for about two decades, and whose effective implementation could help extrapolate care based predominantly, on parental responsibility in the views of the participants. They expressed demands for a greater effectiveness also from the sectors of social service, education and transport. They pointed out the need for greater social interaction and socio-community support, seeming to express expectations of a progressive cultural redesign of an ethics of care that fosters actions in the extra-family sphere, reducing their overloads. These aspects of the interviewees' statements can be addressed in the clinical management of their children. A progressively healthier coping with the condition they are experiencing would also benefit individuals with disabilities.

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adaptación Psicológica , Niños con Discapacidad/psicología , Madres/psicología , Emociones/fisiología , Relaciones Interpersonales , Discapacidad Intelectual/psicología
Psicol. educ ; (29): 217-223, dez. 2009.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-591773