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Plant Dis ; 2024 May 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38698519


Bacaba (Oenocarpus bacaba Mart.) is a native palm tree from Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado biomes. This tree produces a small, rounded fruit with dark skin and approximately 1.5 mm thick pulp, extensively utilized for palm heart extraction, juices, and jellies (De Cól et al. 2021). However, several diseases can adversely impact fruit yield and quality. During the 2021 growing season, anthracnose symptoms were observed in Bacaba fruits, with a disease incidence of 58% in fruits collected from the Abreulândia (9°37'15″ S, 49°9'3″ W) and Gurupi (12°25'46" S; 49°16'42" W) municipalities in Tocantins state, Brazil. A total of 198 fruits exhibiting anthracnose symptoms, characterized by deep necrotic spots, were collected. In the laboratory, symptomatic fruits had their external surfaces sterilized for 30 seconds in 70% ethanol, 1 min in 1.5% NaOCl, and then rinsed with sterile distilled water. Sterilized pieces of the fruit tissue were transferred to PDA medium and incubated for 7 days at 28 ºC with a 12 h photoperiod. After this period, two isolates were obtained from the colonies and were identified both macroscopically and microscopically as Colletotrichum sp. The colonies grown at PDA showed a white to grey cottony mycelia, with straight and fusiform conidia, ranging from 14.0 to 21.0 (mean value of 15.8 ± 1.8) µm in length and 4.0 to 7.0 (mean value of 5.5 ± 0.7) µm in width, (n = 50). For species identification, the intergenic spacer between DNA lyase, mating-type locus MAT1-2-1 (APN2/MAT-IGS), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), glutamine synthetase (GS), and ß-tubulin (TUB) loci were amplified and sequenced. Resulting sequences were deposited in GenBank (OR333843, OR333844, OR333845 and OR333846). BLAST analysis of the partial APN2/MAT-IGS (99%), GAPDH (99,48%), GS (99,32%) and TUB (99,48%) sequences showed highly similarity to C. siamense isolates (IIFT223 and CBS130147). Maximum likelihood multilocus analysis placed the isolate UFTC16 within the C. siamense clade with 98% bootstrap support, clearly assigning the isolate to this species. Morphological features were consistent with the description of C. siamense (Prihastuti et al., 2009). Inoculation of Bacaba fruits and seedlings was conducted to confirm pathogenicity. The surface of uninjured Bacaba fruits was inoculated with two drops (20 µL) of conidial suspension (106 conidia mL-1). The same methodology was adopted to placed healthy leaves of 35-day-old seedlings grown in plastic tubes. Two drops of sterile distilled water were inoculated on nonwounded healthy fruits and seedlings as a negative control. The fruits and seedlings were incubated for five days in a controlled chamber at 28 °C, 70-80% humidity and a "12-h photoperiod". The experiment was conducted with five replicates (five fruits and five seedlings inoculated per isolate) and repeated once. Typical symptoms of anthracnose were observed in the fruits and leaves of Bacaba seedlings five days after inoculation. No symptoms were observed in the negative control. The pathogen was reisolated from symptomatic fruits and leaves, showing similar morphological characteristics as the original isolate, fulfilling Koch's postulates. The identification of C. siamense as the causal agent of Bacaba anthracnose helps in the diagnosis and disease control strategies of the disease. Colletotrichum siamense is a cosmopolitan species and easily found in cultivated and non-cultivated species (Batista et al. 2023). However, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of C. siamense causing anthracnose on Bacaba.

Mycologia ; 115(5): 661-673, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37494636


Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum species is one of the most important diseases of torch ginger. The disease leads to loss of aesthetic and commercial value of torch ginger stems. This study aimed to characterize Colletotrichum species associated with torch ginger anthracnose in the production areas of Pernambuco and Ceará. A total of 48 Colletotrichum isolates were identified using molecular techniques. Pathogenicity tests were performed on torch ginger with representative isolates. Phylogenetic analyses based on seven loci-DNA lyase (APN2), intergenic spacer between DNA lyase and the mating-type locus MAT1-2-1 (APN2/MAT-IGS), calmodulin (CAL), intergenic spacer between glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and a hypothetical protein (GAP2-IGS), glutamine synthetase (GS), and ß-tubulin (TUB2)-revealed that they belong to five known Colletotrichum species, namely, C. chrysophilum, C. fructicola, C. siamense, C. theobromicola, and C. tropicale, and three newly discovered species, described here as C. atlanticum, C. floscerae, and C. zingibericola. Of these, C. atlanticum was the most dominant. Pathogenicity assays showed that all isolates were pathogenic to torch ginger bracts. All species are reported for the first time associated with torch ginger in Brazil. The present study contributes to the current understanding of the diversity of Colletotrichum species associated with anthracnose on torch ginger and demonstrates the importance of accurate species identification for effective disease management strategies.

Colletotrichum , Liasas , Zingiber officinale , Colletotrichum/genética , Filogenia , Zingiber officinale/genética , Enfermedades de las Plantas , ADN de Hongos/genética , Liasas/genética
Plant Dis ; 2023 May 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37172973


Vitis vinifera cv. BRS Vitória is a seedless black table grape cultivar with an extremely pleasant flavor and is adapted to cultivation in all Brazilian regions. Between November and December 2021, grape berries presenting typical ripe rot symptoms were found in three vineyards located in Petrolina, Pernambuco Brazil. The first symptoms are small and depressed lesions on ripe berries, presenting tiny black acervuli. As the disease progress, lesions enlarge and affect the whole fruit, and abundant orange masses of conidia can be observed. Finally, berries become completely mummified. Symptoms were observed in the three vineyards visited, and disease incidence was above 90%. Some producers are considering eradicating the plantations due to the losses caused by the disease. Control measures used so far are costly and ineffective. Fungal isolation was performed by transferring conidial masses from 10 diseased fruit to plates containing potato dextrose agar medium. Cultures were incubated at 25 °C under continuous light. Seven days after inoculation, three fungal isolates (LM1543-1545) were obtained and subcultivated in pure culture for species identification and pathogenicity test. Isolates presented white to grey cottony mycelia, and hyaline conidia with cylindrical with rounded ends, which resemble the genus Colletotrichum (Sutton 1980). Partial sequences of APN2-MAT/IGS, CAL, and GAPDH loci were amplified, sequenced, and deposited on GenBank (OP643865-OP643872). Isolates from V. vinifera were placed within the clade including the ex-type and representative isolates of C. siamense. The clade was strongly supported (99.8% bootstrap support) in the maximum likelihood multilocus tree of the three loci combined, which confidently assign the isolates to this species. Inoculation on grape bunches was performed to confirm pathogenicity. Grape bunches were surface sterilized for 30 s in 70% ethanol, 1 min in 1.5% NaOCl, rinsed two times with sterile distilled water, and air-dried. Fungal conidial suspensions (106 conidia mL-1) were sprayed to the point of run-off. The negative control was represented by grape bunches sprayed with sterile distilled water. Grape bunches were kept in a humid chamber for 48 h at 25 °C and a light period of 12 h. The experiment was conducted with four replicates (four inoculated bunches per isolate) and repeated once. Typical ripe rot symptoms were observed on grape berries 7 days after inoculation. No symptoms were observed on the negative control. The fungal isolates recovered from inoculated berries were morphologically identical to the C. siamense isolates originally recovered from symptomatic berries collected in the field, fulfilling Koch's postulates. Colletotrichum siamense was reported in association with grape leaves in USA (Weir et al. 2012) and causing grape ripe rot in North America (Cosseboom & Hu 2022). Only C. fructicola, C. kahawae, C. karsti, C. limetticola, C. nymphaeae and C. viniferum were reported causing grape ripe rot in Brazil (Echeverrigaray et al. 2020). To our knowledge, this is the first report of C. siamense causing grape ripe rot in Brazil. This finding is important for disease management because C. siamense has a high phytopathogenic potential due to its wide distribution and host range.

Fungal Biol ; 126(10): 623-630, 2022 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36116894


Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is among the most important tropical fruits produced in Brazil and is grown in nearly every state. However, several diseases can affect papaya production. Anthracnose stands out among these diseases due to high postharvest yield losses. Previous studies identified Colletotrichum magna (invalid name) and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides causing anthracnose of papaya in Brazil, but species identification was inadequate due to reliance on nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed space (nrITS) and glutamine synthetase (GS) sequences. Thus, the diversity of Colletotrichum spp. causing papaya anthracnose in Brazil may be underestimated. The present study aims to identify the Colletotrichum species associated with papaya anthracnose in Brazil based on broad geographical sampling and multilocus phylogenetic analysis, as well as to assess the prevalence and aggressiveness of the species found. Here, we report C. chrysophilum, C. fructicola, C. gloeosporioides, C. karsti, C. okinawense, C. plurivorum, C. queenslandicum, C. siamense, C. theobromicola, Colletotrichum truncatum causing papaya anthracnose in Brazil. We are also synonymizing Colletotrichum corchorum-capsularis under C. truncatum. Colletotrichum okinawense was the most prevalent species in general and in most sampled locations, and with C. truncatum represents the most aggressive species.

Carica , Colletotrichum , Brasil , Colletotrichum/genética , ADN de Hongos , Glutamato-Amoníaco Ligasa , Filogenia , Enfermedades de las Plantas
Plant Dis ; 2022 Mar 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35263155


Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is one of the main food sources of energy in developing countries owing to its starch-rich roots (Pinweha et al., 2015). Anthracnose is considered the most destructive disease of the aerial part of this crop (Bragança et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2019), and it is caused by species such as Colletotrichum plurivorum, C. karstii, C. fructicola, C. siamense (Liu et al., 2019), and C. theobromicola (Oliveira et al, 2016). In 2019, leaves with irregular necrotic spots, typical symptoms of anthracnose, were collected in Pará, Brazil. Commercial sampled fields showed 20% of incidence of anthracnose. Colletotrichum strains were isolated and cultured on potato dextrose agar at 25 ºC with a 12-h light photoperiod from surface-disinfected (70% alcohol and 1% sodium hypochlorite) lesion transition area. Five of the obtained isolates exhibited brown colonies on the upper and lower surfaces. Conidia were hyaline, cylindrical and aseptate, 12.82-15.23 µm × 3.52-5.25 µm in size. These phenotypic characters were similar to those belonging to C. orchidearum sensu lato (Damm et al. 2019). Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), ß-tubulin (TUB2), chitin synthase 1(CHS-1), and histone HIS3 partial gene were amplified and sequenced for one representative isolate (UFT/Coll89). Sequences were deposited in GenBank [Accession numbers: MT396235 (GAPDH), MT800856 (TUB2), MT800870 (CHS-1), and MT856672 (HIS3)]. BLASTn searches of CHS-1 and HIS3 sequences showed 100% identity to C. musicola. Maximum Likelihood Phylogenetic analysis, including previously published sequences of closely related species, placed the isolate from Cassava in the C. musicola clade with 100% support, and confidently it assigned to this species. Pathogenicity was proven with inoculations by spraying a conidial suspension (106 conida mL-1) on 3-month-old cassava plants (three unwounded leaves per plant). The plants were placed in a humid chamber at 25 °C for 48h, and a 12-h photoperiod. The negative control was represented by plants inoculated with sterile distilled water. The experiment was repeated twice. The same symptoms observed in the field were reproduced only in inoculated leaves, from which the pathogen was reisolated lesions fulfilling Koch's postulates. No symptoms were observed on the negative control. To our knowledge, this is the first report of C. musicola joining a group of new and emergent species of Colletotrichum causing anthracnose in cassava producing regions around the world. The identification of this species causing cassava anthracnose is crucial to improve the disease control strategies and resistance breeding programs.

J Appl Microbiol ; 132(1): 547-561, 2022 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34331731


AIM: This study evaluated the inhibitory effects on mycelial growth and damage on membrane integrity and enzymatic activity caused by Conyza bonariensis essential oil (CBEO) on distinct pathogenic Colletotrichum musae isolates, as well as the preventive and curative effects of coatings with gum Arabic (GA) and CBEO to reduce anthracnose development in banana during room temperature storage. The effects of GA-CBEO coatings on some physicochemical parameters of banana were investigated during room temperature storage. METHOD AND RESULTS: CBEO (0.4-1 µl ml-1 ) inhibited the mycelial growth of C. musae isolates in laboratory media. The exposure of C. musae conidia to CBEO (0.6 µl ml-1 ) for 3 and 5 days resulted in high percentages of conidia with damaged cytoplasmic membrane and without enzymatic activity. Coatings with GA (0.1 mg ml-1 ) and CBEO (0.4-1 µl ml-1 ) reduced the anthracnose development in banana artificially contaminated with C. musae during storage. In most cases, the disease severity indexes found for GA-CBEO-coated banana were lower than or similar to those for banana treated with commercial fungicide. GA-CBEO-coated banana had reduced alterations in physicochemical parameters during storage, indicating more prolonged storability. CONCLUSION: The application of GA-CBEO coatings is effective to delay the anthracnose development in banana during storage, which should help to reduce the amount of fungicides used to control postharvest diseases in this fruit. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This is the first study showing the efficacy of coatings formulated with GA and CBEO to delay the development of anthracnose in banana, as well as to decrease alterations in physicochemical parameters indicative of postharvest quality of this fruit during storage. In a practical point of view, GA-CBEO coatings could be innovative strategies to delay the anthracnose development and postharvest losses in banana.

Colletotrichum , Conyza , Musa , Aceites Volátiles , Antifúngicos/farmacología , Goma Arábiga , Aceites Volátiles/farmacología
Plant Dis ; 2021 May 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34032491


Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) presents significant economic importance in Brazil and other developing countries due to its use in human and animal feeding. In 2019, cassava plants sampled in Pará state (Brazil) presented necrotic and irregular leaf spots, characteristic symptoms of cassava anthracnose. About 90% of the plants were symptomatic, and disease severity was higher during months with high temperature and humidity. Fragments of symptomatic tissues were removed from the lesion transition area, surface disinfested (45 s in 70% ethanol, 1 min in 1% NaOCl, and rinsed twice in sterile water), and plated on potato dextrose agar. Cultures were incubated at 25 °C under continuous light for 7 days. Among the obtained isolates, seven presented grey felt-like mycelium with white sectors, reverse greyish, and hyaline, aseptate, smooth-walled, falcate conidia with average size 20.7-30.7 (26.1 ± 2.1) × 2.4-4.8 (3.5 ± 0.5) µm. Phenotypical features were similar to C. truncatum (Damm et al. 2019). The representative isolate UFT/Coll87 was chosen for further assays. The identity of the isolate was determined by maximum likelihood analysis using sequences of actin (ACT, GenBank accession number MT321653), ß-tubulin (TUB2, MT856673) and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH, MT800857) partial regions. Colletotrichum isolate from cassava nested with C. truncatum isolates in a clade with 100% support, being confidently assigned to this species. Koch's postulates were fulfilled to confirm the pathogenicity of UFT/Coll87. Inoculation was carried out in three cassava plants by spraying a conidial suspension (106 conida mL-1) on unwounded leaves (three leaves per plant). Plants sprayed with sterile water represented negative control. Inoculated plants were kept in a humid chamber for 48 h, 25 °C, and a 12-h photoperiod. The experiment was repeated 2 times. Typical cassava anthracnose symptoms were observed 10 days after inoculation. No symptoms were observed in negative control. The pathogen was reisolated from symptomatic leaves and was phenotypically identical to the original isolate UFT/Coll87, fulfilling Koch's postulates. Colletotrichum fructicola, C. karstii, C. plurivorum, and C. siamense were reported causing cassava anthracnose in China (Liu et al. 2019). In Brazil, C. chrysophilum, C. fructicola, C. siamense and C. theobromicola were reported in association with cassava (Bragança et al. 2016; Oliveira et al. 2018; Machado et al. 2020). To our knowledge, this is the first report of C. truncatum causing cassava anthracnose worldwide. Our finding is important for disease management due to the high host range of C. truncatum. The pathogen can reduce the cassava yield, and the crop may serve as a potential inoculum source since it is commonly cultivated near to other crops that are also infected by C. truncatum.

Plant Dis ; 2020 Nov 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33206014


Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) has significant socioeconomic relevance in Brazil and other developing countries, as one of the main sources of carbohydrates for human and animal consumption (De Oliviera et al., 2011). Among the cassava crop diseases, anthracnose is one of the main limiting factors for production and may be caused by species like Colletotrichum plurivorum, C. karstii, C. fructicola, and C. siamense (Bragança et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2019; Oliveira et al., 2016; Sangpueak; Phansak; Buensanteai, 2018). Severity in the field is variable, depending on the resistance of the variety used and is also highly influenced by the climate, being the most severe disease under high humidity and high temperature. Under these conditions, it can cause losses of up to 100%. In 2019, cassava leaves presenting dark brown necrotic injuries of different sizes and irregular borders-typical anthracnose symptoms- were collected from commercial plantations in the states of Pará and Tocantins, Brazil. Symptomatic tissue fragments were superficially disinfected, placed in plates with potato dextrose agar (PDA), and incubated under 25 ± 2 °C for seven days. In the 56 isolates used in the morphological identification, the colonies were white and gray at the top and dark gray in the bottom with sector formation. The conidia were hyaline, cylindrical, and aseptic, 10.04 to 17.83 µm long × 3.29 to 5.75 µm wide. These phenotypical characteristics were similar to those of C. gloeosporioides lato sensu species (Weir et al., 2012). Genomic DNA was extracted from two representative isolates (UFT/Coll69, collected in the municipality of Casa de Tábua-PA; UFT/Coll82, collected in Pau Darco-PA) and the APN2 / MAT-IGS, DNA lyase (Apn2), and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase-IGS (GAP2-IG) intergenic spacers were amplified and sequenced. The nucleotide sequences were deposited in the GenBank (accession numbers: MT409462, MT396231, MT759633, MT396239, MT396232, MT800846). The BLASTn (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) showed a 99 to 100% similarity with Colletotrichum chrysophillum. The maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis grouped the isolates in the C. chrysophillum clade, with a high bootstrap value (98%). Based on morphocultural characteristics and the phylogenetic analysis, the isolates associated with M. esculenta anthracnose were identified as C. chrysophillum, with a frequency of 6.67% among Colletotrichum colonies isolated from cassava leaves. The inoculation of three isolates was carried out in three plants, three leaves for each plant, by spraying spore solution with a concentration of 1×106 conidia / ml, without wounding the leaves and placed in a humid chamber at 25 ° C for ten days. Control plants were inoculated with sterile distilled water. From the 2nd day after inoculation, small irregular necrotic lesions appeared that increased in size over time, while control plants remained asymptomatic. Both were pathogenic and the symptoms caused after inoculation were similar to each other and to those observed in the field. In Brazil, anthracnose by C. chrysophillum was reported in cashew (Veloso et al., 2018) and banana trees (Vieira et al., 2017). To our knowledge, this is the first report of cassava anthracnose disease by C. chrysophillum.

Braz J Microbiol ; 51(4): 2057-2065, 2020 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32915438


This study evaluated the efficacy of combined chitosan (Chi) and Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf. essential oil (CCEO) to inhibit the fungal phytopathogen Paramyrothecium roridum L. Lombard & Crous and control crater rot in melon (Cucumis melo L.). Effects of several Chi and CCEO concentrations to inhibit the growth of four P. roridum isolates in vitro, as well as the type of interaction of some combined concentrations of Chi and CCEO was evaluated. Effects of coatings with combined concentrations of Chi and CCEO on development of crater rot lesions in melon artificially inoculated with P. roridum during storage (15 days, 25 °C) were measured. Chi (2.5, 3.75, 5, and 6.75 mg/mL) and CCEO (0.3 and 0.6 µL/mL) led to growth inhibition of the four examined P. roridum isolates. Combinations of Chi (5 mg/mL) and CCEO (0.15 and 0.3 µL/mL) had additive interaction to inhibit P. roridum. Coatings with additive combined concentrations of Chi and CCEO decreased the development and severity of carter rot lesions in melon during room storage regardless of the inoculated P. roridum isolate. Therefore, application of coatings formulated with combined concentrations of Chi and CCEO could be alternative strategies to control crater rot caused by P. roridum in melon and decrease synthetic fungicide use in this fruit.

Quitosano/farmacología , Cucumis melo/microbiología , Fungicidas Industriales/farmacología , Hypocreales/efectos de los fármacos , Aceites Volátiles/farmacología , Extractos Vegetales/farmacología , Cymbopogon/química , Microbiología de Alimentos , Almacenamiento de Alimentos , Hypocreales/patogenicidad , Pruebas de Sensibilidad Microbiana
Int J Food Microbiol ; 331: 108694, 2020 Oct 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32521373


This study evaluated if coatings with chitosan (Chi) and phenolic-rich extract from acerola (Malpighia emarginata D.C., PEA) or jabuticaba (Plinia jaboticaba (Vell.) Berg, PEJ) processing by-products are effective to control the development of rot caused by Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae, L. viticola, L. euphorbicola, L. theobromae and L. hormozganensis in papaya (Carica papaya L.) fruit. Effects of formulated coatings on some physicochemical parameters indicative of postharvest quality of papaya were investigated. Twenty-six different phenolics were found in PEA and PEJ, including flavonoids, stilbenes, tannins and phenolic acids. Chi (1-5 mg/mL), PEA and PEJ (25-100 mg/mL) separately caused mycelial growth inhibition on all isolates. Combinations of Chi (3 and 4 mg/mL) and PEA (50 and 75 mg/mL) or PEJ (75 and 100 mg/mL) had additive interactions. Coatings with Chi (4 mg/mL) and PEA (50 or 75 mg/mL) or PEA (75 or 100 mg/mL) inhibited rot development in papaya fruit infected with Lasiodiplodia isolates during 8 days of room temperature storage. Coatings with 4 mg/mL Chi and 75 mg/mL PEA or 100 mg/mL PEJ were the most effective to control rot development. These coatings did not affect negatively physicochemical parameters indicative of postharvest quality of papaya fruit during storage. Coatings with combined Chi and PEA or PEJ could be novel strategies to control postharvest rot caused by Lasiodiplodia in papaya fruit.

Carica/microbiología , Manipulación de Alimentos/métodos , Microbiología de Alimentos , Frutas/microbiología , Malpighiaceae/química , Myrtaceae/química , Extractos Vegetales/farmacología , Ascomicetos/efectos de los fármacos , Quitosano/farmacología , Fenoles/farmacología
Pest Manag Sci ; 76(4): 1344-1352, 2020 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31605502


BACKGROUND: Stem-end rot caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae is one of the most important diseases of papaya in northeastern Brazil. It can be controlled effectively by demethylation inhibitor (DMI) fungicides, but the occurrence of DMI resistance may decrease fungicide efficacy. RESULTS: Detached fruit studies revealed that isolates with EC50 values of 6.07 and 6.28 µg mL-1 were not controlled effectively, but reduced virulence and ability to grow at temperatures ranging from 12 to 32 °C suggesting fitness penalties were observed. Cross-resistance was observed only between difenoconazole and propiconazole. The entire cytochrome P450 sterol 14α-demethylase (LtCYP51) gene and its flanking regions were cloned. The gene was 1746 bp in length and contained three introns. The predicted protein contained 525 amino acids. Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that the LtCYP51 belongs to the CYP51B clade. No amino acid variation was found between sensitive and resistant isolates; however, the gene was constitutively more highly expressed in resistant isolates. CONCLUSION: Resistance to DMI fungicides in L. theobromae is based on LtCYP51 gene overexpression and fitness penalties may be present in difenoconazole-resistant isolates. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry.

Ascomicetos , Carica , Brasil , Dioxolanos , Farmacorresistencia Fúngica , Fungicidas Industriales , Filogenia , Triazoles
Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 143: 106694, 2020 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31786239


Colletotrichum is among the most important genera of fungal plant pathogens. Molecular phylogenetic studies over the last decade have resulted in a much better understanding of the evolutionary relationships and species boundaries within the genus. There are now approximately 200 species accepted, most of which are distributed among 13 species complexes. Given their prominence on agricultural crops around the world, rapid identification of a large collection of Colletotrichum isolates is routinely needed by plant pathologists, regulatory officials, and fungal biologists. However, there is no agreement on the best molecular markers to discriminate species in each species complex. Here we calculate the barcode gap distance and intra/inter-specific distance overlap to evaluate each of the most commonly applied molecular markers for their utility as a barcode for species identification. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), histone-3 (HIS3), DNA lyase (APN2), intergenic spacer between DNA lyase and the mating-type locus MAT1-2-1 (APN2/MAT-IGS), and intergenic spacer between GAPDH and a hypothetical protein (GAP2-IGS) have the properties of good barcodes, whereas sequences of actin (ACT), chitin synthase (CHS-1) and nuclear rDNA internal transcribed spacers (nrITS) are not able to distinguish most species. Finally, we assessed the utility of these markers for phylogenetic studies using phylogenetic informativeness profiling, the genealogical sorting index (GSI), and Bayesian concordance analyses (BCA). Although GAPDH, HIS3 and ß-tubulin (TUB2) were frequently among the best markers, there was not a single set of markers that were best for all species complexes. Eliminating markers with low phylogenetic signal tends to decrease uncertainty in the topology, regardless of species complex, and leads to a larger proportion of markers that support each lineage in the Bayesian concordance analyses. Finally, we reconstruct the phylogeny of each species complex using a minimal set of phylogenetic markers with the strongest phylogenetic signal and find the majority of species are strongly supported as monophyletic.

Proteínas Algáceas/genética , Colletotrichum/genética , Teorema de Bayes , Colletotrichum/clasificación , Código de Barras del ADN Taxonómico , ADN de Hongos/química , ADN de Hongos/genética , ADN-(Sitio Apurínico o Apirimidínico) Liasa/genética , Gliceraldehído-3-Fosfato Deshidrogenasa (Fosforilante)/genética , Histonas/genética , Filogenia , Alineación de Secuencia
Pestic Biochem Physiol ; 162: 60-68, 2020 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31836056


Stem-end rot caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae is one of the most devastating diseases of papaya in northeastern Brazil. It is most effectively controlled by applications of fungicides, including site-specific fungicides at risk for resistance development. This study investigated the molecular mechanisms of reduced sensitivity to the QoI fungicide azoxystrobin and resistance to the MBC fungicide thiophanate-methyl in L. theobromae from Brazilian orchards. The EC50 values for azoxystrobin in sixty-four isolates ranged from 0.36 µg/ml to 364.24 µg/ml and the frequency distribution of EC50 values formed a multimodal curve, indicating reduced sensitivity to azoxystrobin. In detached fruit assays reduced sensitive isolates were not controlled as effectively as sensitive isolates at lowest label rate. Partial fragments were obtained from target genes ß-tubulin (751 bp) and Cytb (687 bp) of isolates resistant to thiophanate-methyl and reduced sensitivity to azoxystrobin. Sequence analysis of the ß-tubulin fragment revealed a mutation corresponding to E198K in all thiophanate-methyl-resistant isolates, while reduced sensitivity to axoxystrobin was not attributable to Cytb gene alterations. The target gene-based mechanism conferring resistance to thiophanate-methyl will likely be stable even if selection pressure subsides. However, the mechanism conferring reduced sensitivity to azoxystrobin is not based on target gene modifications and thus may not be as stable as other genotypes with mutations in Cytb gene.

Ascomicetos , Carica , Fungicidas Industriales , Brasil , Farmacorresistencia Fúngica , Pirimidinas , Estrobilurinas , Tiofanato
Int J Biol Macromol ; 139: 631-639, 2019 Oct 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31381924


This study investigated the efficacy of coatings formed by chitosan (Chi) and Mentha piperita L. (MPEO) or M. × villosa Huds (MVEO) essential oil to control the development of antrachnnose in papaya fruit caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and C. brevisporum. Chi (2.5-10 mg/mL), MPEO and MVEO (0.15-1.25 µL/mL) alone effectively inhibited the growth of C. gloeosporioides and C. brevisporum isolates in laboratory media. Combinations of Chi (5 and 7.5 mg/mL) and MPEO or MVEO (0.15-1.25 mL/mL) inhibited the growth of Colletotrichum isolates and mostly presented additive or synergistic interactions. Development of anthracnose lesions caused by C. gloeosporioides and C. brevisporum isolates was reduced by coatings formed by Chi (5 mg/mL) and MPEO or MVEO (0.3-1.25 µL/mL) combinations during storage (10 days, 25 ±â€¯0.5 °C). Decreases in anthracnose lesion development in papaya coated with Chi (5 mg/mL) and MPEO or MVEO (0.6 and 1.25 µL/mL) were similar or higher than those caused by a comercial fungicides formulation. The application of coatings formed by combinations of selected Chi and MPEO or MVEO concentrations could be considered an alternative strategy to control papaya anthracnose caused by C. gloeosporioides and C. brevisporum.

Carica/microbiología , Quitosano/química , Colletotrichum/patogenicidad , Películas Comestibles , Mentha/química , Aceites Volátiles/química , Enfermedades de las Plantas/prevención & control , Carica/efectos de los fármacos , Contaminación de Alimentos/prevención & control , Conservación de Alimentos/métodos , Enfermedades de las Plantas/microbiología , Especificidad de la Especie
Data Brief ; 17: 256-260, 2018 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29387740


Colletotrichum musae is an important cosmopolitan pathogenic fungus that causes anthracnose in banana fruit. The entire genome of C. musae isolate GM20 (CMM 4420), originally isolated from infected banana fruit from Alagoas State, Brazil, was sequenced and annotated. The pathogen genomic DNA was sequenced on HiSeq Illumina platform. The C. musae GM20 genome has 50,635,197 bp with G + C content of 53.74% and in its present assembly has 2763 scaffolds, harboring 13,451 putative genes with an average length of 1626 bp. Gene prediction and annotation was performed by Funannotate pipeline, using a pattern for gene identification based on BUSCO.

Int J Food Microbiol ; 266: 87-94, 2018 Feb 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29182924


This study assessed the efficacy of chitosan (Chi) and Cymbopogon citratus (D.C. ex Nees) Stapf. essential oil (CCEO) combinations to control the mycelial growth of five pathogenic Colletotrichum species (C. asianum, C. siamense, C. fructicola, C. tropicale and C. karstii) in vitro, as well as the anthracnose development in guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv. Paluma, mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Tommy Atkins and papaya (Carica papaya L.) cv. Papaya artificially inoculated with these species. Combinations of Chi (2.5, 5 or 7.5mg/mL) and CCEO (0.15, 0.3, 0.6 or 1.25µL/mL) inhibited the mycelial growth of all tested fungal species in vitro. Examined Chi-CCEO combinations showed additive or synergistic interactions to inhibit the target Colletotrichum species based on the Abbott index. Coatings formed by synergistic Chi (5mg/mL) and CCEO (0.15, 0.3 or 0.6µL/mL) combinations decreased anthracnose lesion development in guava, mango and papaya inoculated with any of the tested Colleotrichum species during storage. Overall, anthracnose lesion development inhibition in fruit coated with synergistic Chi-CCEO combinations was higher than that observed in fruit treated with synthetic fungicides. These results show that the application of coatings formed by Chi-CCEO synergistic combinations could be effective to control postharvest anthracnose development in fruit.

Quitosano/farmacología , Colletotrichum/efectos de los fármacos , Cymbopogon/química , Microbiología de Alimentos/métodos , Frutas/microbiología , Micelio/efectos de los fármacos , Aceites Volátiles/farmacología , Carica/microbiología , Fungicidas Industriales/farmacología , Mangifera/microbiología , Psidium/microbiología
Food Microbiol ; 66: 96-103, 2017 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28576378


This study assessed the efficacy of chitosan (CHI) and Mentha piperita L. essential oil (MPEO) alone or in combination to control the mycelial growth of five different Colletotrichum species, C. asianum, C. dianesei, C. fructicola, C. tropicale and C. karstii, identified as potential anthracnose-causing agents in mango (Mangifera indica L.). The efficacy of coatings of CHI and MPEO mixtures in controlling the development of anthracnose in mango cultivar Tommy Atkins was evaluated. CHI (2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10 mg/mL) and MPEO (0.3, 0.6, 1.25, 2.5 and 5 µL/mL) alone effectively inhibited mycelial growth of all tested Colletotrichum strains in synthetic media. Mixtures of CHI (5 or 7.5 mg/mL) and MPEO (0.3, 0.6 or 1.25 µL/mL) strongly inhibited mycelial growth and showed additive or synergistic inhibitory effects on the tested Colletotrichum strains based on the Abbott index. The application of coatings of CHI (5 or 7.5 mg/mL) and MPEO (0.6 or 1.25 µL/mL) mixtures that presented synergistic interactions decreased anthracnose lesion severity in mango artificially contaminated with either of the tested Colletotrichum strains over 15 days of storage at 25 °C. The anthracnose lesion severity in mango coated with the mixtures of CHI and MPEO was similar or lower than those observed in mango treated with the synthetic fungicides thiophanate-methyl (10 µg a.i./mL) and difenoconazole (0.5 µg a.i./mL). The application of coatings containing low doses of CHI and MPEO may be an effective alternative for controlling the postharvest development of anthracnose in mango cultivar Tommy Atkins.

Quitosano/farmacología , Colletotrichum/efectos de los fármacos , Fungicidas Industriales/farmacología , Mangifera/microbiología , Enfermedades de las Plantas/microbiología , Aceites de Plantas/farmacología , Antracosis , Colletotrichum/crecimiento & desarrollo , Frutas/crecimiento & desarrollo , Frutas/microbiología , Mangifera/crecimiento & desarrollo , Mentha piperita/química , Enfermedades de las Plantas/prevención & control
Plant Dis ; 101(9): 1659-1665, 2017 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30677331


Anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum musae, is the most important postharvest disease of banana and is widely distributed among the banana production regions in Brazil. Although thiophanate-methyl is a fungicide frequently used in Brazilian banana orchards to control Sigatoka leaf spot, Collettotrichum populations are also exposed, resulting in the evolution of fungicide resistance and the inability to manage banana anthracnose. We investigated 139 Brazilian isolates of C. musae for thiophanate-methyl sensitivity in vitro. The 50% mycelial growth inhibition (EC50) values varied between 0.003 and 48.73 µg/ml. One-hundred and thirty isolates were classified as sensitive, with EC50 values ranging from 0.003 to 4.84 µg/ml, while the remaining nine isolates were considered moderately resistant, with EC50 values ranging between 10.43 and 48.73 µg/ml. Resistant or highly resistant isolates (EC50 > 100 µg/ml) were not found. A substitution of TAC for TTC at codon 200 in a coding region of the ß-tubulin gene was associated with the moderately resistant phenotype. Applications of thiophanate-methyl formulation to detached banana fruit at the label rate (500 µg/ml) showed low efficacy in controlling the moderately resistant isolates on banana fruits. However, there is no indication of a reduction in fitness associated with fungicide resistance as sensitive and moderately resistant isolates do not differ with respect to mycelial growth rate (P = 0.098), spore production (P = 0.066), spore germination (P = 0.366), osmotic sensitivity (P = 0.051), and virulence (P = 0.057). Our results revealed absence of adaptability cost for the moderately resistant isolates, suggesting that they can be dominant in population if the fungicide continue to be applied.

Colletotrichum , Farmacorresistencia Fúngica , Musa , Tiofanato , Brasil , Colletotrichum/efectos de los fármacos , Colletotrichum/fisiología , Fungicidas Industriales/farmacología , Musa/microbiología , Tiofanato/farmacología
Ciênc. rural ; 41(1): 1-4, 2011. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-571468


A antracnose, causada por Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, é uma importante doença da pinha (Annona squamosa) no Brasil e em nível mundial. Devido à inexistência de métodos padronizados para quantificação dessa doença, foi desenvolvida uma escala diagramática com níveis de 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 e 40 por cento de área foliar lesionada. A escala diagramática foi validada por 10 avaliadores, baseado em 48 folhas de pinha com diferentes níveis de severidade da antracnose, mensurados previamente com o programa Assess®. A acurácia, a precisão e a reprodutibilidade das estimativas de cada avaliador foi determinada por regressão linear simples entre a severidade real e a estimada, com e sem o auxílio da escala. Com a escala, os avaliadores obtiveram melhores níveis de acurácia e precisão das estimativas, com os erros absolutos concentrando-se na faixa de 10 por cento. Os avaliadores apresentaram elevada repetibilidade (91 por cento) e reprodutibilidade (³90 por cento em 94,5 por cento dos casos) das estimativas com a utilização da escala. Portanto, a escala diagramática proposta é adequada para avaliação da severidade da antranose da pinha.

Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides is an important disease of custard apple (Annona squamosa) in Brazil and worldwide. Due to the inexistence of standard methods for the assessment of that disease, a diagrammatic scale was developed with 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 40 percent of diseased leaf area. The diagrammatic scale was validated by 10 raters using 48 custard apple leaves with different levels of anthracnose severity previously measured by the software Assess®. The accuracy, precision and reproducibility estimative of each rater were determined by simple linear regression between actual and estimated severity, with and without the use of the scale. With the scale, the raters obtained better levels of accuracy and precision, with absolute errors concentrating around 10 percent. Raters showed high repeatability (91 percent) and reproducibility (³90 percent in 94.5 percent of the cases) of the estimates by using the scale. The proposed diagrammatic scale is suitable for the evaluation of anthracnose severity in custard apple.